In IN PRISON |can sentenced ey ;H AUTHORITIES. I'oriurrly t'nltcd Klr.t*-* |,1V1. at Madagascar, t« •!' for Twenty Yearn— Ul>. Fnlrcsslons. Island of Mauritius. John O. Waller, former consul at Tama lave, has been sentenced by tin v,.„,.y years' Imprisonment s convicted at a court tnur atr been lit correspondent ,,vas. April 20, 18U1. Mr. M il a concession from the whole of the southern part ,! ,,f Madagascar, and this was obtained In spite of ,1 protests of the French res tin' French colony generally Is the chief port of entry in r. and India rubber Is among nil exports of that great ,-h also has extensive for rang much valuable timber furniture. France hither tod a protectorate over the ndagascar, and Great Rrlt ■..gnlzed it. But the native t nf Madagascar repudiates claim to a protectorate and mait of France Is now send lagascar a large expedition the Hovas. The concession Mr. Waller is admitted to aluable one, as It is in the : district of Fort Dauphin. It coast of the Island, and oiilcr which the ex-consul were very much more rea :i any previously granted ■nr. Moreover, the conees ,r the largest, and It Is said ■ y way the most important mission ever granted in It covers an area of 225 AND SELL WOMEN. it. iii Pennsylvania Exposed shocking Immorality. 1 March 25.—A startling :ir rality has been exposed I'Vrari brought suit against hinto for assault and battery imu. Near Dunbar, at the ).■ Anchor Coke works, there ...wont v-flve Italians em y live ill three houses and [ i ly three women in the col IVrari first came to the col j\ntonio Sannetti, who sold lor Italian. The woman was times. Guiseppi Santo was mvhaser. He gave three ■r f"r Rosa. A fight followed lrinking, and he threw the t of the house. She then en lt is said sales have been he other two women in the like manner, and a full in i into the immorality of the Mill be made. 33 BLOW UP A BANK. Interior With Dynamite but tired Off Without Plunder, run, O., March 25.—The Na k at Canfield, ten miles from broken Into last night and 'lynamited, causing the de the interior of the building, sttfe resisted the force of the Nothing was secured, and :1 is, becoming frightened, i'l ear and escaped. The bur t reed an entrance Into a i shop and secured a steel i they used to secure an en the bank. 'Ilia's Triumph Doubted. Ik. March 25.—The Herald’s k nt at Panama, Colombia, following: “Reports relative volution in the Interior con juring. The government, las Published no confirmation " I'ted surrender of the revo at Santander and Boyaca, timses some doubt that the 'its triumph has been com ;p"rts are Circulated of fresh th the Insurgents in Calland krtment of Cauca.” "»nre for Poisoners. Pa'. March 25.—Nearly “nils of beet-root sugar, min 'd1 there Is a quantity of 1 ‘o be sufficient to poison P-’Pulation of Philadelphia, ' to satisfy the govern e is to take place next 1 inS at a bonded warehouse 7u,ear' Part of the cargo of .' ,‘,,ai7ls*llp Remus, is stored. och has been abandoned -"ment, was damaged in the Atlantic, and was a quantity of arsenic in the “ " Needle Ki„, a Baby March 25.—Mrs. James vh,.n rlns °n her aewins r..\v needled Snapped- Sh« mm d'e. and continued hei her 2 ™ Ut,eS lat6r She "O. I-! . missed. j ■\i. Sinking of an American Not Credited, Washington, March 20.—The state de partment has had no Information from official sources touching the report that the Spanish cruiser Arcedo fired upon, and sank a small American schooner oft the Cuba coast, and the report flnds lit tle credence here. The naval register shows that the Arcedo Is a small, schooner-rigged Iron gunboat, built In. Spain in 1883 and of nine knots speed. It Is not known whether It Is In Cuban, waters. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MABKKT9 0* 19 ia 10 17 n M 4 00' a «5i <01 TO' Quotations from istsw York, Chicago* Bt. Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere. OMAHA Butler—Creamery separator.. 18 Butter—I*uir to good couutry. 11 Epps—Fresh. 9 Haney—i er lb. 10 Chickens—Live, per ft. 7 Lemons—Choice Menslnas. 8 50 Oranges—Floridan, per box.... 3 25 1 utatoes.. 03 _ Beans—Navy, hand-picked, bu 1 75 to Z 00 Huy—Upland, per ton. 9 Oil felO 50 Unions— Ber bbl... 1 60 to 1 60 Carrots—Bor bbl.. . 1 50 to 1 73. I arsnips—Ber bbl. 175 Be«ts--Ber bbl. 1 50 cranbcrrrles—Jerseys .11 50 Hogs— Mixed packing..,.4 40 Hogs—Heavy weights.4 4'» Beeves Mockers and feeders. 1 90 Beef steers. 8 <0 Bulls. 1 75 Stags. 1 65 caives. 10) Meers—Fair to good. 8 50 Cows. 1 25 Heifers.*.. 1 95 Westerns. 1 M3 fchecD Lambs. 2 73 aheep—Choico natives. 2 75 CHICAGO. Wheat— No.2, spring. f>«$ 60& Corn—Ber bu.-. 45 to 46^4 cuts— i cr bu. 82 to 83‘i. Fork.11 r» Lard. tt 50 to o 52 liogs—Backers and mixed. 4 10 & 4 13 i attle-Cora, steers to extra... 3 75. trj, 5 00 Sheep— Lambs. 8 30 fcheep—Inferior to choice. 1 L0 NEW YOBK. Wheat, No. 2, red winter. C8> Corn—No. 2.......... 52 Oats—No. 2. 33 Bork.U 75. Lard. 6 90 ST. LOUIS. Wheat—No 2red, cash. 54 Corn—Ber bu. 43 ; ■?£ - 'W *•* r ■ to 200 to 1 73 <612 0 ) to 4 50 to 4 m 8 75 J 4 90< to 4 oo to 2.75 to 5 00 to 4 33 to 3 75. 1 3 75 to 4 00 "<£4 50 4.20 4 10 to 4 65 to to Oats—Ber bu . 30 to 80*4 Hogs—Mixed packing. 4 3S Cattle—Native steers. 4 23 Sheep— Mixed natives.4 2> KANSAS CITY. Wheat—No. 2hard... 53 Corn—No. 2. 41 Oats—Ntt.2. 28 cattle—Mockers and feeders.. 2 40 Logs—Mixed packers. 4 23 4 ft» & i». 4 30 Pittsburg, Pa*. March 20. —The win dow-glass manufacturers are In ses - .U\ i £ -4 1 ® fl2* •• ass. 7 00 M* £3>i 41 <* 4 70. slon In this city to hear the report of a committee appointed to devise a plan for a combination of the window-glass makers of the country. A committee was recently appointed to take the val uations of the various plants which are to be merged into one mammoth concern and formulate an organiza tion, which It hopes will be considered equitable by all Interested. No infor matlon will be given out until the re* port has been disposed of. There Is • large attendance of manufacturers rep resenting nearly every factory, in tha country. - •