y Fast Big Successes. Haying tbe needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coiigha and Colds, each bottle guaran teed. Electric Hitlers, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Jluck lon's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, nud Dr. King's New Life I'iils, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do Just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell yon more of them. Sold at P. C. Cornu oak's Drug Store. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awsrdsd Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, Ssa Francisco. A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed, aud not less than one million people have fouud just such .a friend in Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has won derful curative powers In all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle Is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at P. C. Cokhioan’s Drug Store. Large elzed bottles Sue. and 11.00. Bnoklsn's Arnica Salve. The best salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rboum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25c. per bo*. For sale by P. C. Cor rigan. _ _ 28-28 A severe rheumatic pain in tbe left shoulder bad troubled Mr. J. II. ILoper, a well-known druggist of Des Moines. Iowa, for ovor six months. At times the pain was so severe that he could not lift anything. With all be could do he could not get rid of it until be applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm. "I only made three applications of It,” he says, "and have since been free from all pain." He now recommends It to per sons similarly afflicted. For sale by P. C. Corbioan, Dtugglat. "remaps you would not tniDK so, but a very large proportion of the diseases in New York comes from carelessness about catching cold," says Dr. Cyrus Edson. "It is such a simple thnlg and so common that very few people, unless it was a case of pneumonia, pay any at tention to a cold. There are a great many cases of catarrh and consumption which have their origin In this neglet of, the simplest precaution of every day life. The most sensible advice is, when you havp one, get rid of it as soon as possible. By all means do not neglect it." Dr. Edson does not tell you how to cure a cold but we will. Take Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy. It will relieve the luugs, aid expectoration, open the secretions and soon effect a permanent cure. 35 and 50 oent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrrigan, Druggist. * A Question of Ink. ■ , Massachusetts is struggling with a ' novel question relating to the durabll *■-, ity of the ink recently furnished, the various state .departments. The best ink was contracted for, but the artl -v ole furnished is found to ferment in the inkstand and to evaporate rapidly, v.“ leaving a sediment. One report is ;; ; _ that the ink has been tampered with * by a disappointed firm of contractors. The state ohemist has been called on ^ to make an analysis, and the manu fY faoturers also have employed an an alyst, so a battle of the experts is the ■■ next thing in order. i ' LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. r‘ fiSy te"' *..• i,w ;V, 'V In the District Court r>[ Holt County, Ne braska. The American Investment Company, of Emmetsburg, Iowa, a corporation. Plain tiff, * * -1 , ‘ . vs. Ernest C. Gets and wife, Mary Getz, David Adams, David L. Darr and write, Ella Darr, Prank J. Toohlll and wife, llelle Toohtll, Ezekiel P. Hloks and wife. Charity Hicks. Jerry McCarthy and wife, Mrs. Jerry McCarthy, Patrick Hagerty, C. H. Toueray, C. W. Dement. Bounty of Holt. Joplin National Bank, of Joplin. Mo„ First National Bank, of Omaha, Nebraska; J. H. Henry, Helen T. Brownlee, Robert Brown lee, The State of Nebraska, and Grattan Township, of Holt county. Nebraska: The City of O’Neill, Nebraska; Elijah H. Thompson, administrator of the estate of John Earner. deceased; Phoenix Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut, and WlUlam H. Male, defendants. NOTICE To the plaintiff the American Investment Company, of Emmetsburg, Iowa, and the defendants Ernest C. Getz and wife, Mary Getz, David Adams, David L. Darr and wife, Ella Darr, C. 11. Toncray, Joplin National Bank, of Joplin. Missouri, J. H. Henry, Helen T. Brownlee and Hubert Brownlee and Plioenlx Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut. You will each and all take notice that on the 2nd day of March, HUS, the defendant William H. Male, was by an order of the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, made a defendant In the above cause and permitted to file In said oause on that day Ills answer and cross petition. The objeot and prayer of which u to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendant Ernest C. Getz and wife. Mary Getz, to E. 8. Ormsby, Trustee, for the plaintiff upon the following described real estate situated in the county of Holt, and state of Nebraska, to-wlt: Lot number fifteen (15) In block twenty-two in the city of O’Neill' Nebraska. Said mortgage being given to seoure the pay ment of u certain coupon bond for five hundred dollars. (*500.) dated March 18, 1887, and due December 1.1891, with Interest at eight (8) per cent, payable semi-annually, which mortgage and Dond defendant alleges that he is the owner and holder of and alleges that there is due and payable thereon the sum ot #500.00 and Interest at eight per cent, from December It. 1801, for which sum with Interest from this date, he prays for decree that his oo-defendants and the plain tiff be required to pay or that said premises .may be sold to satisfy said amount, also prays that his said mortgage may be decreed to be a first Hen on said premises and that bis Hen may be decreed to be prior to the lien of the plaintiff or the Interest If any of fa Is oo-defendants have iu and to said property. You are required to answer, the answer and cross petition of the defendant William H. Majjej' on or before the 22nd day of A*Dated this nth day of March, 1886. M-t H. li. Dicksok. Attorney for Defendant. W. H. Male, I NOTICE FOll I’ll BUCATTON. I Hand Orrica at O'Neiix, Neb., I Kuliruary, 23. 181*. I Notloo Is Imrrliy Blvim that the following iianii'd settlor Inis filed notlou of Ids Intention lo nmkf llinil proof In support of Ills clnl>n. nnd I lint snld proof will lie nmde lioforo the Keirlslor nnd Kocelver lit O'Neill, Nell., on April H. 181*. vim l.fcVI J. TIUJLMNGEH H. E. U I40IR for the NW. U Sec. 7. Two. JJU. N, llnngc 9. w. lie names the following witnesses to rrovo his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Hwan Aim, Anton Hwevemlson, Joseph M. Hunter. Charles W. Tull Is, all of Mineola, Neb. 84-0 JOHN A. HAUMON, Register. NOTICE. Jan© Keeler, the defendant, will take notice that on the 22nd day of March. 1894, the (loin morelal Investment Company, the plaintiff herein, filed its petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said de fendant. the object and prayer or which are to recover of and from you, lhe said de fendant, the sum of $474.18 upon an account for moneys paid out and expended by the *p)mnti(T for the defendant, and services done and performed by the plaintiff at the defendant's special instance and rcMjuest. upon which there is now due the sum of $474.18. with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the 15th day of March. 1894. You aro further notified that an order of Attachment was Untied in the said case, and the following described premises, were on thfe 27th day of March, 1891. taken thereunder, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section twelve (12) township twenty-nine ;29) north of range ten (10) west of the 0th Principal IMpredlan, In Holt county, Nebraska, and the said premises will ho subjected to the payment of the amount found due in said action. You aro required to answer said petition on or before Mouday, the 15th day of April, 1805. C. C. Flanhbuiwi, 515-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Charles Muff and Pierce Wright and com pany and Mrs. Charles Muff, whose first name Is unknown, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February 1805, Dlllwyn Parrish and James Hrown Potter, trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Louisa J. Hunter und Joseph K. Hunter her husband, to Dlllwyn Parrish and Janies Hrown Potter, trustees, upon the southeast quarter of section one (I) in township thlrty-tnree <5151) north, of range fifteen (15) west of the 0th P.M. In Nebraska, to secure the payment of one promissory note dated October 21, 1887. and becoming due Fovember 1, 1892, for the sura of $800 and In terest at the rate ot ten per cent, per annum payable annually and ten per cent, after ma turity; that there Is now due on said note and mortgage according to the terms there of the sum of $000 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annnnv from November 1, 1887, until paid and $512,16 taxes paid by the plaintiffs herein and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to bo sold to satisfy the amount duo thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1895. Dated February 28, 1895. Dii.lwyw Pa it hi ah and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 85-4 lly K. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. John T. M. Pierce. Anule W. Pleroe Ills wife T.C. Canuon and Winifred H. Cannon his wife and T. A. Thompson defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1806, Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown rotter, trustees, plaintiffs herein, tiled their petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by George L. Miller and Florence 8, Miller to Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, upon the northeast quarter of section twenty-oue (21) In township thirty-throe (118) north range fifteen (15) west of the fitn P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska. That said T. C. Canuon is holding a quit claim deed on said land frqtn said T. A. Thompson based upon a cer tain pretended tax deed issued to one T. A. Thompson by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plaintiff seeks to set aside said quit claim deed and said pretended tax deed on tHe grounds that said tax deed is null and void on the ground that said tax deed was not issued under the county treasurer’s official seal. To secure the paymeut of one promissory note dated August 6. 1887, and becoming due August t, 181)2, for the sum of IllOO.and Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable annually aud ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of #1,100 and Inter est at the rate of eight per cent, per annum f rom November 1.1880, to August 1, 1802, and ten percent, thereafter until paid, and taxes paid by the plaintiffs herein the sum of 920.78, and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thoreon. You are required to anawor said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1806. Dated February 28, 1895, Diuuwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 85-4 By K. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. O. Mosher and Mrs. O. Mosher (whose first name Is unknown) T. C. Cannon and Wini fred H. Cannon his wife and T. A. Thompson defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1805, Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, plulntiffs herein tiled their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Samuel K. Moore and Marla A. Moore to Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, upon the south half of the northeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter of section fif teen (15) in township thirty-two (82) north, range ten (10) west of the ttth P, M. in Nebras ka. That said T. O. Cannon is now holding a quit claim deed on said land from satd T. A. iuuiu^uii iiiiu uuM'u u|'imi iim uim pmuuu ed tax deed issued to said T. A. Khompson by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plain tiffs seek to set aside said quit claim deed and said1 pretended tax deed on tiie grounds that said tax deed is null and void and not being issued under the county treasurer’s official seal. To secure the payment of one promissory note dated August 12 1887, and becoming due August 1. 1KV2, for the sum of $550 and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of 1650, and inter est at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from August 12, 1887, to August 1,1802, and ten per cent, thereafter until paid and taxes paid by plaintiffs In the sum of 128.79, and plaintiffs pray that Baid premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the lath day of April, 1895. Dated February 28,1895. Dillwyn Pahrish and James Brow?? Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. LEUAL NOTICE. Anna L. Howard, Frank C. Howard her hus band, John T. M. Pierce, trhstee. T. C. Cannon and Winifred It. Cannon his wife, and T. A. Thompson, defendants, will take uotioe that on the 28th day of Feb ruary, 1885, Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the ob ject aud prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Anna L. Howard and Frank C. Howard, her husband, to DUlwyn Parrish and James llrown Potter, trustees, upon the southeast quarter (se*4) of section thirty-three (33) in township thirty (30) north of range sixteen (16) west of the 6th P. M. in Nebraska. That said T. C. Cannon Is holding a quit claim deed on said lund from T. A. Thompson, based upon a certain pretended tax deed issued to one T. A. Thompson by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plaintiff seeks to set aside such pretended tax deed and said 3ult claim deed on the grounds that said tax eed is null and void and not being issued under the county treasurers official seal. To secure the payment of one promissory note dated August 5th, 1887. and due August 1, 1892, for the sum of $10U0 and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of fcl.OUO and interest at the rate of eight per ceut. per annum from November 1,188'.). and ten j>er cent, from August 1, 1892, and taxes paid In the sum of *21.35, and plaintiffs pray tliat said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1885. Dated February 28,1895, Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 954 By K. A. Houston, Attorney. LEO A L NOTICE, Dwight M. Snow and Mrs. Dwight M. Snow, his wife, whose Urst name is unknown, Will iam D. tioodnow and Mrs. William D. Good now his wife, whose first name is unknown, and Maelagan & Pierce, T. C. Cannon and Winifred II. Cannon his wife,nnd T. A.Thomp son. defendants, will take notice that on the .fHthdayof February, 1HD5, Dillwyn Parrish and James Drown Potter, trustees, plaint!iTs herein. Hied their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants tIk; object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed hy defendants Phillip *E. Lesneranco and Louisa Lesperance his wife to Dillwyn Par rish and James Drown Potter trustees, upon I lie northwest, quarter of section numaer nineteen r before the 15th day of April, 1896. Dated February 28, 1895. Dillwyn Parrish ani> James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 85-4 By £. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Henry Stansberry, Lucy Stansberry, his wife, Pierce. Wright and Company, Charles jr. Houck. Mrs. Charles G. Houck, his wife whose first name is unknown, T. O. Cannon md Winifred H. Cannon, his wife, and T. A. lhompson. defendants, will take notice that >n the 28th day of February, 1895, Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition in the iistrlot cdurfc of Holt county, Nebraska, iguinst said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Henry Stansberry and Lucy Stansberry, his wife, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, rrustees, upon the south half of the north west quarter of section twenty-six (26) in township thirty-two (32) north range thirteen 13) west of the 6th Principal Meredtan in Nebraska. That said T. C. Cannon is hold ing a quit claim deed on said lund from said V. A. Thompson based upon a certain pre tended tax ueed issued to said T. A. Thomp son by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plaintiff seeks to set aside said quitclaim deed and said protended tax deed on the grounds that said tax deed is null and void and not being issued under the county treas urer’s official seal. To secure the payment r»f one promissory note dated October 18,1887, and becoming duo November 1, 1892, for the sum of $450 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum payable annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of $45(1 and interest at the rate of ten per of*nt. per untium from November 1, 1890, and $8.04 taxes paid by the plaintiffs herein and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be Bold to satisfy the amount due thereon. you are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1895. Dated February 28, 1895. Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-4 By B. A. Houston, Attorney. NOTICE. Hiram II. Taintor, defendant, will take notice that on the 2znd day of March. 1894, the Commercial Investment Company, the plaintiff herein, filed its petition In the dis trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to recover of and from you, the said defendant, the sum of $009.77 upon an account for moneys paid out and expended by the plaintiff tor the defendant. and j services done and performed by the plaintiff, | at the defendant s special instance and request, upon which there is now due the j sum of $909.77, with interest thereon at the rate of ten percent, per annum from the 15th day of March, 1894. You are further notified that on order of attachment was issued in the said case, and the following described premises, to-wit: The west half of the southwest quarter of section nlnoteen (19) and west half of north west quarter of section thirty (30) township tweuty-nino (29) range twelve (12) and the east half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-four (24 and the east half northeast quarter of section twenty-flve (25) township twenty-nine (29) range thirteen (13) west, in Holt county, Nebraska, wero on the 22nd day of March, 1894, taken thereunder, and will be subjected to the payment of said judgment against you upon said aocount for the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 15th day of April, 1895. O. C. Flaxsburo. 35-4 Attorney for Plaintiff; LEGAL NOTICE, William M. Calvert, Caroline Calvert his wife, Maclagan and Pierce, T. C. Cannon and Winifred ll.Cannon his wife,and T. A.Thomp son, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February. l»9o. Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the objeot and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants, William M. Calvert, and Caro line Calvert his wife, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter trustees,upou tho north east quarter of section number twenty-four (24) in township number thirty-three (33) uuiiiin.1 mu; went ui uin 6th P. M. In llolt county, Nebraska. That said T. 0. Cannon Is holding a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A. Thompson and based upon a certain pretended tax deed issued by the county treasurer of Holt county to said T. A. Thompson. Plaintiffs seeks to set uside said quit claim deed and said pre tended tax deed on the grounds tbut saidtax deed is null and void and not being Issued uuder the county treasurer's official seal. To secure the payment of a promissory note dated July 14,188", and becoming due July 1, 1802, for the sum of *800, and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable anuually and ten per ceut. after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof, the sum of *800 aud Interest at the raf - - ... rate of eight per cent, per annum from November I, 1880. to August^. 1802, aud *18.22 taxes paid by plaintiffs herein, and plaintiffs pray that sail premises may be deoreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the loth dav of April, 18057 Dated February 28; 1805. Dili.wyn Pauhish and James 11 nown Pottek, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-1 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. John U. Taylor and Ella M. Taylor,.Macla gan and Pierce T. C. Cnnuon and Winifred H. Cannon his wife aud T. A. Thompson, defend ants, will take notice that on the 28th day of lehruarv, 1895. Dlllwyu Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, plaintiffs herein, “led their petition In the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants John 11. Taylor and Ella W Tav lor his wife, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, upon the northwest quarter of section thirty-three i;ti) in town ship thirty-four(34) north, ranjre fourteen H4) west of the 6th P. M. In Nebraska. That said T. C. Caution is holding a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A. Thompson, bused upim a certain pretended tax deed issued to said T. A. Thompson bv the county treas ure'' or Holt county. Plaintiff seeks to set aside said quitclaim deed and said pretended tax deed on the ground that said tax deed 1s null aud void and not being issued uuder the county treasurer’s official seal. To secure the payment of one promissory note dated August 15, 1887, and becoming due August 1 1802, for the sum of $7UU, and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable annually and ten per cent, after maturity that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of *700 and Interest at t he rate of eight per cent, per annum from November 1, lsss to August 1, 1892, and ten percent, thereafter until paid and taxes paid by the plaintiff in the sum of *2U28, and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy tbe amount due t.hereou. You are required to answer said petition on or before the loth day of April. J895. Dated February S8.1883, Diu.wvn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-4 By & A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. W. E, Morrow. T. C. Cannon and Winifred II. Cannon. Ills wife, and William A. Gill and Eliza J. Gill, ills wife, and T. A. Thompson, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 189ft, Dlllr/yn Parrish and James Grown Potter. Trustees, plaintiff's herein. Hied their petition in the district court of Molt county. Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed l>y defendants William A. Gill and Eliza J, Gill, his wife, to Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter. Trustees, upon the northwest quarter (NWkl) of tsectlon fourteen (11) In township (thirty-three (33) north and range fifteen (15) west of the 6th Principal Meredlan In Nebraska. That said T. C. Cannon is holding a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A. Thompson based upon a certain pretended, tax deed issued to said T. A. Thompson by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plaintiffs seeks to set aside said quit claim deed and said pretended tax deed on the grounds that said tax deed is null and void and not being issued under the county treasurer's official seul. To secure the pay ment of one promissory note dated August 27, 1887, and becoming due August 1,1892, for the sum of 1900 and Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable annu ally and ten per cept. uftor maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mort gage occnrdlng to the terms thereof the sum of (000 and Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from November 1.1887, to August 1,1892,and taxes paid by the plaintiffs herein In the sum of (23.10. and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereou. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 189m Bated February 28,1895. Dim.wvn Pahuish and James Bhown Potted, Trustees, Plaintiff’s. 354 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. John T. M. Pierce, Annie W. Pierce, John Barrlth and Mrs. John Barrith, whose first name Is unknown. Pierce. Wright and Com pany, Herbert E. Goodrich and Kate E. Goodrich, his wife, and the Amerioan Mort gage Trust (Limited,) defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1895, Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed thelrpetttlon In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, agaiust said defendants, the objeot and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Isaac I. Peirce and Emma Peirce Ills wile to Dlllwyn Parrish and Janies Brown Potter, Trustees, upon northeast quarter of section twenty-eight township tfilrtv-one range sixteen west In Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of one promissory note dated August 6, 1887, for the sum of (900 and interest at the rate of eight percent, per annum pay able annually and ten per cent utter matur ity : that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of 8900 and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from August 6,1887, and taxes paid by plaintiff In the sum of (30.93 and plaintiffs pray that that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the lftth day of April, 189a Dated February 28,1895. DlLt.WYN PARRISH AND JAMES BROWN Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Thomas W. Hartley, Mary E. Bartley, his wife. The Newton Wagon Company, a cor poration. J H. Keith, trustee, T. C. Cannon and Winifred H. Cannon, his wife, and T. A. Thompson, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1895. Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees. plaintltTs herein, filed their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against «said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Thomas W. Bartley and Mary E, Bartley, his wito, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown P&rter, Trustees, upon the south half of the soath east quarter of section four (4) and the north half of the northeast quarter of section nine (9) all iu township thirty,two (32) north, range sixteen 06) west of the 6th Principal Meredian in Nebraska. That said P. C. Cannon is hold ing a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A.Thompson, based upon a certain pre tended tax deed issued to said T. A. Thomp son by the county Treasurer of said Holt county. Plaintiffs seeks to set aside said quit claim dee 1 and said pretended tax deed on the grounds that said tax deed is null and void and not being issued under the official seal of said county treasurer’s office. To secure the payment one one promissory note dated October 18, 1887, and becoming due November 1,1892, for the sum of *800 and interest at the rato of ten per cent, per annum payable semi-annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of $800 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per antiHm from October 18,1887, and taxes paid by the plain tiffs in the sum of 118.29 and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decred to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1895. Dated February 28,1895. Dillwyn Parrish and Jambs Brown Potter, Trustees. Plaintiffs. J5-4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Jacob A. Jaques and Ettle M. Jaques, John T. M. Pierce, trustee, John T. M. Pierce, Annie W. Pierce, his wife, Waclagan ana Pierce, T. C. Cannon, and Winifred H. Can non. his wife, and T. A, Thompson, defend ants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1895, Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown rotter, Trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Jacob A. Jaques and Ettie M. Jaques, his wife to Dillwyn Parrish and ■louira uiuwh i uiicr. iruswes, upuil vm» northwest, quarter of the southwest quarter of section five (5) and the south half of the southeast quarter and the northeast qurter of the southeast quarter of section six (I*) all in township thirty-two (32) north, in range fifteen (15) west of the 6th Principal Meredlan in Nebraska. That T. C. Cannon is holding a quit claim deed on said land from said T, A. Thompson and based upon a certain pre teuded tax deed issued to said T. A. Thomp son by the county treasurer of said Holt ; county. Plaintiffs seeks to set aside said quit! claim deed and said pretended tax deed on I the grounds that said tax deed is null and I void aud not being issued under the comity treasurer’s official seal. To secure the pay ment of one promissory note dated August 20. 1887, and becoming due August 1, 1892, for the sum of 81.000 and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable semi- , annually and ten per cent after maturity: ■ that there is now due upon said note ana mortgage according to the terms thereof the j sum of 81,000 and interest at the rato of eight j per cent, per annum from November 1, 1890, 1 to August 1, 1892. and taxes paid bv the plain- ; tiffs herein in the sum of 816,69 and plaintiffs i pray that said premises may be decreed to I to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. ! You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1805. Dated Februai y 28, 1895. ' DlLLWYN PAKHISH AND JAMES BROWN ! Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-4 By E. A. Houston. Attorney. I LEGAL NOTICE. Herbert E. Goodrich, Kate E. Goodrich j his wife* James Byron and Pierce Wright and company, and Mrsj James Byron, whose first name is unknown, defendants, j will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1895, Dillwyn Parrish and James Browu Potter, trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by Charles Allman and Eliazbeth Allman Ills wife, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, upon the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter and lots two (2) three cb and four (4) all in section thirty (30) township thirty-three (33) north, range sixteen (16) west of the 6th P. M. in Nebraska; to secure the pay ment of one promissory note dated Septem ber 1, 1887. aud becoming due September 1, 1892. for the sum of 8700 and Interest at the rate of eight percent, per annum payable semi-annually and ten per cent, after mrtu rity; that there is now due on said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of 1700 and interest at the rate of eight percent, per annum from November 1, 1887, to September 1. 1H92. and ten per cent, there af^r until paid and 832.16 taxes paid by the plaintiffs herein and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be solu to satisfy the amount due thereou. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 18tt5. Dated February 28,1895. Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. A. 'J •< . V '• s’ •" >■ NOTICE TO NON-BESIDENT DEFENDANTS In the district court of Holt county,Nebraska. Nathaniel Annable, plaintiff, vs. George W. Blevins. Lucretla A. Blevins, his wife, Andrew J. Miller, Mary M. Miller, his wife. Donat Miller, - Miller his wife, whose first name is unknown, and Milton R. Whitney, Charles S. Fairchild, Harry E. Mooney. Sanford B. Ladd and Frank Hager inann receivers for the Lombard Invest ment Company, defondants. The defendants above named and each of them will take notice that on the 4th day of March, 1895, the plaintiff herein filed his petition In the office of the clerk of the dis trict court in and for Holt county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by the defendantsGeorgo W. Blevins and Lucretla A. Blevins, his wife, to the Lombard lnwest ment Company, on the fourteenth day of May. 1887, upon the following described real estate situated In Holt county, Nebraska, to-wlt: The northeast quarter of section twenty-two. In township thirty, north of range fourteen, west, of the 6th p. it., to secure the payment of a certain first mort gage coupon bond made by the defendants ieorge W. Blevins and Lucretla A. Blevins, his wife, on the 14tb day of May, 1887, for the sum of #900, with Interest thereon from date thereof until maturity, at the rate of six per cent, per annum and at the rate of ten per oent. per annum from maturity until paid, which said coupon bond by the terms thereof was due and payable on the first day of June, 1802, and which said bond and mortgage are now owned by this plaintiff. That there is now due and payable on said coupon bond and mortgage and for taxes paid by plaluttff to protect nls security in said premises, the sum of #1,148.28. with interest ot the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the first day of March, 1895, for which sum and interest plaintiff prays that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises be sold to sutlsfy the amount found due plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 189». Dated at O'Neill. Nebraska. March 4. 1895. Nathaniel Annable, Plaintiff. By B. J. Hayes, his Attorney. 85-4 LEGAL NOTICE. L. M. Cleveland, Emma A. Cleveland, his wife, Henry L. Ottemelr, Bartley Blaln, John P. Spitler and H. A. Berry, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1895, Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Pot ter, Trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants L. M. Cleveland and Emma A. Cleveland, his wife, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, upon the southeast quarter of section twenty-eight (28) in township thirty three |83) north, range fifteen (15) west of the 6th Principal Meredian in Nebraska to secure the payment of one promissory note dated September 1, 1887, and becoming due Septem ber 1.1892, for the sum of #1,050.00 and Inter est at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable [annually and ten per cent alter maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage, according to the terms thereof, the sum of #1,050.00 and Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from November 1, 1887, Ito September l, 1892, and ten per cent, thereafter until paid, and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1895. Dated February 28,1895 Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Pot ter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35 4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney LEGAL NOTICE. t Hadley K-Brewer, May A. Brewer, big wife, J°hn T. M. Pierce, Annie W. Pierce, big wife, and Edward DeLand. defendants, will take notioe that on the 2Sth day of February, 1895, Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, plaintiffs herein. Hied their petition in the district Court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants the object ana prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Dudley K. Brewer and May A. Brewer, bis wife, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, upon the northwest quarter of section eight (8) in township tblrfy-two (32) range fourteen (H> west of I he «th Principal Meredian in Nebraska. That said Edward poband is holding a certain pretended tax deed on said land issued to him by the treasurer of said Holt county. Plaintiff seeks to set said tax deed aside on the grounds that said tax deed is null and void and not being issued under the county treas erer s ofttcial seal. To secure the payment of one promissory note dated August 1, 1887. aPnd interest tit th© rat© of eight per cent, per ^umJr*omNovemborl- 18*9- ^ August 1. 189£’iif?2ryten per cent thereafter until fpaid, and #U.87 taxes paid by the plaintiffs herein and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1895. Dated February 28,18t&. I^5'WVN Parrish and James brown Pot ser. Trustees, Plaintiffs. By E. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTIOE. ,Y1.UJCAJ9hl!son and Bell K. Johnson, bis "L. °- 9anl!01.'- and Winifred H. Cannon, his wife, and T. A. Thompson, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th dav of February, 1896, Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, pla’ntlffs herein, filed their '»*— * - court of Holt county. -. , , ’ «* pits Utl I1B petition in the distriot cou___ „„_ Nebraska, against said defendants, the .. - --, — uiuouuaiibs, ihw object and prayer of which are to foreclose ^°JtBaKe executed by defendants Will lv. Johnson and Beil K. Johnson, liis « vr %ul,lwJn rarri.sn und Janies Brown 1 otter. Trustees, upon the southeast quarter of section number twenty-five (25) in town ship number thirty-one Cl) north of range number sixteen (16) west) of the 6th p. m. in Holt county, Nebraskan that said P. C. Cannon is holding a quitclaim deed on said land from said T. A. Thctnpson based upon u certain pretended tax d«Jed Issued to said T. A. ihompson by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plaintiff seeks ‘o set aside said quit claim deed and said pretended tax deed on the grouuds that said tax deed is null and v°td and not being issued under the official seal ot Said county treasurer’s office. To secure the payment of a promissory note dated October 18, 1887, and becoming due November 1, 1802, for the sum of $1,000 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum payable semi-annually and ten per cent after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of $1,000 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per fro?\ °?i?ber tt. 1887, and for taxes Pontiff in the sura of $16.17, and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. \pu are required to answer said petition on °r before the 15th day of April, 1895. Dated February 28.1895. DlTXWYN PAURI8H AND JAMES BROWN Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. *>■4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. John W. West, Sarah E. West his wife, and James F. Toy and The Farmer’s Loan and trust company defendants, will take notice that on the SJ8txi day of February. 1895, Dill wyn Parrish and James Brown Potter trus tees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants John W West and Sarah E. West his wife, to DUlwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, upon the northeast quarter of section twenty-two (22) in township thirty-two (82) north.range thirteen (13) west of the 6th P. M. in Nebraska: That said Farmer’s Loan and Irust company and James F. Toy are holding . a Pretended tax deed on said land which the plaintiff seeks to have declared nub and void and set aside on the grounds that the same was not issued under the county treasurer,s offioial seal. To seoure the payment of one promisory note dated October 16,1S8«, and becoming due November 1, 1892.' tor the sum of $800 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum payable annually and ten percent, after maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of $800 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from October 18, 1887, and plain tiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, le gated February 28,1895, _ ^ w Diluwyn Pai£rish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 85-4 BjfE. A. Houston, Attorney. tteoraakv B MoKinley-L&nnlng Lo«n pany, plaintiff. * ^ B TownsenS and JoT^ *«M court taking fTth?B> «.^cteyb*iS'?7 ssss-saaSS WOTfa-agA monglu(jeaCUe°n th“* slh* ’* The southeast quartewJl*,m< I (2) township tlentyf^v^’/ nine (») west of the 1th „811,1 county, arising bv fijen by said Alexander s.0 ' McKinley, trustee for WmJ recorded In book 26, i ,H county records, now 0«2t L1 Townsend and upon whloh fS ^ and In default the ,u„c0Vbj| above amounts bearlnten5**l from February l, w t1*1 heretofore been obtaLdi!?' the unknown heirs ofj deceased, bv the nnhn«...:,n,13 fficea^bythea,^,* Above uescriDea Hens are hui~ ZtffiZ&V teFH ..Td°|catteSdofc^"!1a Monday, the 1st day ofil same will be taken as true and! as prayed therein. “" TIBBET8, Morbv A Firm.la TownsendT* f°r p,tt,ntlff *“dCiI LEGAL NOTICE, □Minnie B. Beaver, formerly uu tin, Lewis Qulnley ileaver, her» John R. Smith and Mrs Johl wife whose first name Is unknon Thompson, T. C. Cannon aril Cannon hjs wife, defendants.ill, that on the 28th day of Febrtm wyn Parrish and James limit [S tees, nla ntlffs herein, filed the? the district court of Holt count, against said defendants, the ' Prayer of| which are to fowl, ’ ">/ defenJut mortgage executed b, u. Dustin, now Minnie B. Helm Parrish and James Brown Putt* upon the southwest quarto number ten Lid] In township ms. three 1331 north of range mnulel west of the 6th p. m. in Holt* braska, to secure thepayiumu sory note dated Septembe and becoming due September!, sum of *220 and Interest at thet per cent, per annum payables ten per cent after maturity u now due upon said note ut according to the terms therm! (220 and Interest at the rtltn cent per annum from Norenh September 1,1892, and ten pet * after until paid; and plaint* said premises may be deemed satisfy the amount due thereon. That said T. C. Cannon It, certain pretended tax deed Issuet C. Cannon by the county tree county. Plaintiff seeks to M pretended tax deed on the pot tax deed is nail and void u Issued under, the county tnu seal. You are required toanssna on or before the 22nd day of April Dated February 28, 1895. Dillwyn Pakkish iso Jo Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 38-4 By E. A. Hoiutaa. Dr. Price’s Cream Baklofl Wsrtd's Pair IHfhmt Mril IN THE DISTRICT COURT ( COUNTY, NBBEASU Coonectiout General Lire lnsnn pany. a corporation, plaintiff. vs. Melville D. Barnes and wife.Hirg Bennett Parner and wife, Faruer, Annie B. Kingsbury m Mr. Kingsbury, first nameuuu Bowden, Mary J. Holcombs W Mr. Holcombs, first name unnj Cramer and wife, Mrs Fbibpil fendanta. NOTICE. To the above named defendufc Sou will tako notice that on tbei larch, 1895, the plaintiff tew petition in the district court of w Nebraska, against you and each* object and prayer of said peuw foreclose a certain mortgage defendants Melville D. Harnesia garet Barnes to E, S. Ormsby, tr" American Investment company gage has been assigned to th< was given on the following WHS glVUIl . J estate situated In tlie count, a state of Nebraska, to-wlt: quarter of the southeast Qua™, seventeen and west halt ots* fourth and northwest quarter g east quarter of section tww ship thirty, range fifteen »«tot said mortgage being Elve” “w Sayment of a certain coupon ated May 27. 1887. and dueJ* __ . . . _. * cnl'O OCT' drawing interest at «i'el1 annum payable senii-anM'itUK alleges that lliere is due It on tV SKn mnwAnuna irivPtl tD SfiCUf® lk* J the mortgage given to secure fifteen hundred dollars the further sum of one mo lui iuri in v-y - - . dollars (1125) taxes paid by tnu tho terms of said mortgage, with interest from this day-, * for a decree that the defendaB to pay the same or that “, (M be sold to satisfy the amou"J‘^J that plaintiff may be decreed . lien on said Premises ■■n't PJ? terest of all of tiio defendants w land. ._a onewersatt WHAT rEFFB'S IlWBl *It»ct* powerfully 8nd Other* fffijrpuni men men reeoTWrTOoihti.iju; either iei,.™""« j>er, 91 per box. rur?*£ {fir/KKSfEmoXuW^ *WAT»AJ 0‘*5SSf t»i. '•■"5; ih< sanest liur« ^£7*^ ^•t5£/»ftT£l*ASM«BS^