Fow Big Bboooomo. Having the needed merit to more than make good ell the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies hare reached a phenomenal eale. Dr. King’* New Discover? for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaran teed. Electric Bitters, the great remed? for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Buck len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, and Dr. King’s New Life rills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just what lsclaimod for them and the dealer whose name Is attached herewith will bo glad to tell you more of them. Sold at P. C. Corrigan’s Drug Store. Dr. Price's Cream Bakins Powder Awtrdtd Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. BIO THINGS IN CALIFORNIA. QllssHa mils, Flowara and Vegetable* Orewa ea the Parlflo Coaab ••We have some big things in Cali fornia," said L. Germain of Los An geles to the Chioago Times man. “Of course you have heard of the big grapevine at Santa Barbara, which oovers three acres. Then there is the monster rosebush at Santa Rosa. It grew to an enormous height and completely covered the house where It grew. During my lifetime hero in California I have handled squashos running all the way from 150 to 800 pounds each. Watermelons I have seen weighing all the way from thirty five to 100 pounds. Beets are fre quently known on this coast weighing all the wav from forty to seventy-five pounds. I remembor one beet raised at San Rafael whioh weighed about eighty pounds. Last fall I saw three onions the aggregate weight of which was nearly five pounds. In the Po mona valley I have known of onions weighing from one and three-quarters to two and one-half pounds. Tomato vines frequently grow ten or twelve feet across, and 1 have often seen rad ishes that looked like big turnips. “I have seen specimens of the Hum boldt county potato which weighed from two to three pounds. It is not ---—- —■ -V wvw nUIgU* ing from thirty-five to seventy-five pounds. Some years ago a Mr. Fox, who lived down In the Santa Cruz mountains raised a carrot of the white Belgian variety whioh weighed about twenty-eight pounds. It was the largest carrot on record. The largest pears that oome to the San Franclsoo market are what they call pound pears." At Kesley’s orchard, near Santa Bar bara,ls a remarkable plum tree,known as the Japan plum, which was planted In 1878. The fruit is heart shaped and of a rich yellow color. The plums are frequently from eight to ten inehes in olreumferenoe. In Los Angeles H. L. Baker displays a rosebush whioh has reaohed the height of sixteen feet. Grafted upon tys branches are twelve varieties of rosea The parent stalk *iaUyears of age. The stalk a few • Indies above the ground is five Inches in olreumferenoe. & H. Shaw of On tario recently discovered an apple blossom on one of the trees in his orchard which resembles a large-sized rose, measures nine and one-half lnohes in olreumferenoe, and is what may be called a second-crop blossom. An ordinary apple blossom contains live petals, while this one had thirty or forty. The big grapevine at Montecito, near Santa Barbara, is famous. The vine was planted about forty years ago. The grapes are of the Mission variety. The parent stalk is forty six inches in circumference one foot from the ground. Where it com mences to branch, three feet from the ground, its olreumferenoe is sixty three inches. The vine yielded four and a half tons of grapes in a single season. The vine covers an area of 100x90 feet. At the rooms of the state board of trade in San Franclsoo some remarka ble products of California soil are on exhibition. Last year, when the sea son was well advanced, pumpkins weighing 867 pounds were on exhibi tion there. There were also cabbages weighing ninety-five pounds, onions that tipped the scale at five pounds, and a huge sweet potato, raised near Santa Ana, that weighed twenty-five pounds. Apples weighing twenty ounoes are frequently on exhibition, and a five-gallon glass jar containing eight pears, the weight of which is thirty-three and a third pounds. These eight pears completely fill the jar. Florists say they have seen lilies in California fourteen feet high, while geraniums that look like trees are common. VlaClag Oat Via* War* Poor Fa y. A German paper says that one of tta contemporaries recently published the following1 advertisement: **A young lady of enormous wealth, who is prepared to pay off all the debts of her intended husband, desires to form the acquaintance of a respectable young gentleman, with a view to mat rimony. Biaoh reply to be accompa nied by a photo of the sender, and ad dressed to J. P., at the office of this paper.” The delicate hand which drew up the above lines and thereby secured a very large number of offers belonged to no less a person than Herr Itslg Schlauoheles, who had lately opened a clothing establishment in town. By means of the photos sent in he was enabled to ascertain which of his would be customers were in the habit of leaving their debts unpaid.—New York Tribune. Mrs. Dogood—You don't seem to realise that time is money. Dusty Rhodes—Yes, I do, mum; many times I have had occasion to notice that $10 was the equivalent of ten day* —New York World. World’s Fair Highest Award. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neill, Ned., I February, 2a. 1805. | Notice is hereby given that the following named settlor has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before t he Register and Receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on April H. 1805. viz: LKVI J. TKULLINORK H. E. *4 14615 for the NW. *4 Bee. 7, Two. ao. N. Range 9. w. He names the following witnesses to t rove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: 8wan Aim, Anton Hwevendson, Joseph M. Hunter, Charles W. Tullls, all of Mlneola, Neb. 34-6 JOHN A. HAHMON. Itegifltor. NOTICE. Jane Keeler, the defendant, will take notice that on the 22nd day of March, 18m, the Com mercial Investment Company, the plaintiff herein, filed Its petition In the district court of Holt countv, Nebraska, against said de fendant. the object and prayer of which are to recover of und from you, the said de fendant, the sum of $474.18 upon an account for mono vs paid out and expended by the Slaintlff for tho defendant, and services one and performed by the plaintiff at the defendant's special Instance and request, upon which there Is now duo the sum of $4<4.18. with Interest thereon at the rate* of ten per cent, per annum from the 15th day of March. 181*4. You are further notified that an order of attachment was Issued In the said case, and the following described premises, were on the 27th day of March, 18$M, taken thereunder, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section twelve (12) township twenty-nine (29) north of range ten (10) west of the 6th Principal Meredian, In llolt county, Nebraska, and tho said premises will be subjected to the payment of the amount found due In said action. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, tho 15th day of April, 1895. U. C. Flansihwo, 35-4 Attorney for Plaint!IT. LEGAL NOTICE. Charles MulT and Pierce Wright and com pany and Mrs. Charles MufT, whose first name is uuknown, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February 1895, Dlllwyn Parrish and James Ilrown Potter, trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Louisa J. Hunter and Joseph E. Hunter her husband, to Dlllwyn Parrish aud James Drown Potter, trustees, upon tlio southeast quarter of section one (1) In township thirty-three (83) north, of range fifteen (15) west of the «th P.M. In Nebraska, to secure the payment of one promissory note dated October 21, 1887. and becoming due Fovember 1, 1892, for tho sum of $000 and in terest at the rate ot ten per cent, per annum payable annually and ten per cent, after nm-1 turlty; that there is now due on suid note and mortgage according to the terms there of the sum of WOO and interest |at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from November 1, 1887, until paid and 1512,16 taxes paid by the plaintiffs heroin and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to bo sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before tne 15th day of April, 1895. Dated February 28, 1895. DlLLWYN PAHItlSH AND JAMES BROWN Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 05-4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney, j LfcUAL NOTICE. i John T. M. Pierce. Annie W. Pleroe hie wife T.O. Gannon and Winifred H. Cannon his wife and T. A. Thompson defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1895, Dlllwyn Parrish and Janies llrown Potter, trustees, plaintiffs boreln. Hied their petition In the districtcourtof Holt county, Nebraska against said defendants, the object ami prayer of whloh are to foreclose a certain mortgage exeouted by Georgo L. Miller and Florence S, Miller to Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, upon the northeast quarter of section twenty-one (21) In township thirty-three (33) north range fifteen (15) west of the (1th P. M. In Holt county, Nebraska. That said T. 0. Cannon Is bolding a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A. Thompson bused upon a cer tain pretended tax deed Issued to one T. A. Thompson by the county troaBuror of Holt county. Plaintiff seeks to set aside sold quit claim deed and said protended tax deed on tlio grounds that said tux deed Is null and void on the ground that said tax deed was not Issued under the county treasurer’s olllolal seal. To secure the payment of one promissory note dated August 6. 1887, and becoming due August 1,for the sum of IllOO.and Interest at the rate of eight per cent por annum payable annually and ten per oent. after maturity; that tbero Is now duo upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of 81,100 and Inter est at the rate of eight per cent, per unnutn from November 1.1889, to August 1, 181W, aud ten per oent. thereafter until paid, aud taxes paid by the plaintiffs herein the sum of 120.78, and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 15th day of April, 1805. Dated February 28, 1805, Diixwyn Parrish and Jambs Brown POTTER, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 85-4 By K. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. 0. Mosher and Mrs. O. Mosher (whose first name Is unknown) T.O. Cannon and Wini fred H. Cannon his wife and T. A. Thompson defendants, will take notice that on the 2sth day of February, 1805, Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, plaintiffs herein filed their petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants the object and prayer of which are to foreeloae a certain mortgage exeouted by Samuel K. Moore and Marla A. Moore to Dlllwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, upon the south half of the northeast quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter of section fir teen (15) In township thirty-two (32) north, range ten <10> west of the 8th P. M. la Nebras ka. That said T. C. Cannon Is now holdtug a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A. Thompson and basud upon a certain pretend ed tax deed issued to said T. A. Ehompson by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plain tiffs seek to set aside said quit claim deed and said pretended tax deed on the grounds that said tax deed Is null and void and not being Issued under the county treasurer’s official seal. To secure the payment of one promissory note dated August 12 1887, and becoming due August 1.1892, for the sum of 1550 aud Interest at the rate of eight per oent. per annum payable annually and ten per oent. after maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum or8550, and Inter est at the rate of eight per oent. per annum from August 12, 1887. to August 1,1802, and ten per oent. thereafter until paid and taxes paid by plaintiffs In the sum of 123.79, and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1896. Dated February 28,1895. Diulwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees. Plaintiffs. 354 By K. A. Houston. Attorney. 1 T n 1 A I ' . Anna L. Howard, Frauk C. Howard her hus band. John T. M. Pierce, trustee, T. O. Oannon aud Winifred H. Cannon his wife, and T. A. Thompson, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of Feb ruary. 18t5,Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the ob ject and prayer of which are to foreclose a ,-ertain mortgage executod by defendants Anna L. Howard and Frank C. Howard, her husband, to Dlllwyn Parrish uud James Brown Potter, trustees, upon the southeast quarter (se!4) of section thirty-three (33) in township thirty (30) north of range sixteen 10) west of the 6th P. M. in Nebraska. That mid T. C. Cannon is holding a quit claim teed on said land from T. A. Thompson, based upon a certain pretended tax deed issued to one T. A. Thompson by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plaintiff seeks to let aside such pretended tax deed and said iult claim deed on the grounds that said tax feed is null and void and -not being issued under the oounty treasurers official seal, l'o secure the payment of one promissory note dated August 5th, 1887. and due August 1,1802, for the sum of *1000 and Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of *1.000 and Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from November 1,1889. and ten per cent, from August 1, 1892, and taxes paid in the sum of *21.35, and plaintiffs Kray that said premises may he decreed to o sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1895. Dated February 28,1895, Dillwtn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-4 By £■ A. Houston, Attorney. legal notice, Dwight M. Snow and Mrs. Dwight M. Snow, his wire, whoso first name Is unknown, Will iam J). Gooduow and Mrs. William D. Good now his wife, whose first name Is unknown, and Maclagan & Pleroe, T. O. Cannon ana Winifred H. Cannon his wife,and T. A.Thomp son, defendants, will take notice that on the ifHth day of February, 1895, Dlllwyn Parrish and .lames Drown Potter, trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition In tho. district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants the object and prayer of whlub are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Phillip E. Lcsuerunce nnd Louisa Lespcranoe his wife to Dlllwyn Par rish mid James lltown Potter trustees, upon the northwest quarter of section nuqiaer nineteen (ID) In township number thirty-one (•Hi north of range number fifteen (151 west of l he lith P. M. In llolt county, Nebraska. That said T. 0. Cannon Is holding a quit claim deed on said land bused upon a cer tain pretended tax deed Issued to one T. A. Thompson by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plaintiffs seek to set aside said quit claim deed and said pretended tax deed on tho grounds that said tux deed Is null and void and not being Issued under the county treasurer's official seal. To secure the pay ment of a promissory note dated August 8, 1SS7, for the sum or $1100, and Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that, there Is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thoreof the sum of WOO and Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from November 1, 1889, to August 1,1802, and ten per cent, thereafter until paid and $17.00 taxes paid by the plain tiffs herein, und plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount duo thereou. Von are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1805. Dated February 28, 1805. DIU.WTN PARKIBII AND JAMES BROWN Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-4By B. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Henry Stansberry, Lucy Stansberry, hts wife. Pierce. Wright and Company, Charles O. llouek, Mrs. Charles G. Houck, his wife whose first name is unknown, T. C. Cannon and Winifred H. Cannon, his wife, and T. A. Thompson, defendants, will take notice that on tho 28th day of February, 1805, Dlllwyn Parrish und Jamos Brown Potter, Trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against saul defendants, the object and prayer of whloh are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Henry StaiiBherry and Luoy Stansberry, Ills wife, to Dlllwyn Parrish and Jumes Brown Potter, Trustees, upon the south half of tho north west quarter of section twenty-six (20) In township thirty-two (1)2) north range thirteen (III) west of the 0th Principal Moredlan In Nebraska. That said T. C. Cannon Is hold ing a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A. Thompson bused upon a certain pre tended tax deed Issued to said T. A. Thomp son by tho county treasurer of Holt county. Plaintiff seeks to set aside said quitclaim deed and said pretended tax deed on the grounds that said tux deed Is null and void and not being Issued under the county treas urer's official seal. To secure the payment of one promissory note dated October 18,1887, and becoming due November 1, 1892, for the sum of $450 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum payable annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of $460 and Interest at the rate of ten ner cent. pur annum irom wove timer 1,1800. and *8.04 taxos paid by tlio plaintiffs herein and Slain tiffs pray that said premises may be ecreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the Ifith day of April, 1895. Dated February 28, IBM. _DtttwYX Paurish and Jambs Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 38-4 By B. A. Houston, Attorney. / NOTICE. Hiram H. Talntor, defendant, will take notice that on the 22nd day of March. 1894, the Commercial Investment Company, the plaintiff herein, filed its petition In the dis trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, against on 1H rlnfnnd,i.,4n ♦ l. „ 1 i _ i . u r . . *AW4»yuuuij, miunvBBit, ugaiOHC said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to recover of and from you, the w UlIU 1 11*111 J Oil, lllu said defendant, the sum of *009.7" upon an acoount for moueys paid out and expended by the plaintiff for tho defendant, and services done and performed by the plaint! ff, at tho defendant's special Instance and request, upon which there Is now due the sum of *009.77, with Interest tliereoh at the rate of ten percent, per'annum from the 15th day of March, 1894. You are further notified that on order of attachment was Issued in the said case, and the following described premises, to-wlt: The west half of the southwest quarter of section nineteen (19) and west half of north west quarter of section thirty (30) township twenty-nine (29) range twelve (12) and the east half of the southeast quarter of section twenty-four (24 and the east half northeast quarter of section tweuty-llvo (25) township twenty-nine (29) range thirteen (13) west, In Holt county, Nebraska, were on the 22nd oay of March, 1894, taken thereunder, and will be subjected to the payment of said Judgment, against you upon said acoount for tho amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 15th day of April, . O. C. Flansbcro. 35-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE, William M. Calvert, Caroline Calvert his wife, Maclagan and Pierce, T. C. Cannon and Winifred H.Cannon his wife.and T. A .Thomp son, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February. 1895. Dillwyil Parrish and James Brown Potter, trusteesTplalntlffs herein, filed their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants. William M. Calvert, and Caro line Calvert his wife, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter trustces.upon tho north east q uarter of section number twenty-four (24) in township number thirty-three (33) north of range number sixteen (16) west of the 6th P. M. In Holt county, Nebraska. That said T. O. Cannon Is holding a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A. Thompson and based upon a certain pretended tax deed Issued by the county treasurer of Holt county t° said T. A. Thompson. Plaintiffs seeks to set aside said quit claim deed and said pre tended tax deed on the grounds that said tax deed Is null and void and not being issued under the county treasurer's offioial seal. To secure the payment of a promissory not ctled July 14, 1887, and becoming due July 1892, for the sum of *800, and interest at th rate of eight per cent, per annum payabii annually and ten per cent, after maturity that there is now due upon said note anc mortgage according to the terms thereof, tht sum of 8800 and Interest at the rate of eighl per cent, per annum from November I. 1888 to August 1, 1802, and *18.22 taxes paid b) plaintiffs herein, and plaintiffs pray that aal< premises may be decreed to be soldi to satlsfj the amount due thereon. J You are required to answer said netitloi on or before the loth day of April, I895T Dated February 28,1885. P Dili.wyn Parrish and Jambs Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 3»-4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. legal NOTICE. John H. Taylor and Ella M.TavIor Mnnln. £*“> and Pioroe T. C. Cannon and Winifred H. Cannon his wife and f. A. Thompson, defend ants. will take notice that on the 28th day of lebruurv, 1895. Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Pol ter. trustees, plaintiffs herein filed the.r petition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defend obJect »,;<1 Prayer of which are ?o foreclose a certain mortgage executed bv defendants John H. Taylor and EllaW.Ta/ Rrowtf Vnttn* Biliwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, trustees, upon the northwest quarter of section thirty-three (33) £ Swn shlp thirty-four (34) north, range fourteen (14) west of the 6tli P. M. in Nebraska That said T C. Cannon Is holding a quit claim deedSi said laud from satd T. A. Thompson hiuiid pretended tax deTSSuS^ tS said T. A. Thompson by the countv tmn« of !iolt ?ou.uty- Plaintiff seeks to set aside said quitclaim deed and said pretended tax deed on the ground that said tax deed is null and void and not being issued under the county treasurer’s official seal. To secure the payment of one promissory note dated August 15, 18S7, and becoming due Aumil i for the sum of KUO, and interelt gat the rate of eight per cent, per annii pJSabte annualiy and ten per cent, after maturity* that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of 9.00 and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from November l win to August 1.1892. and ten per cent/thereaf ter until paid and taxes paid by the plaintiff in the sun. of 82028. and plaintiffs pray that sa d premises may be decreed to be Sold to satisfy tbe amount due thereon. y You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April. 1896T Dated February 28.1895, Dillwyn Pakhisb ani> Jams Brown Potmr. Trustees, Plaintiffs. as-* By & A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. W. E, Morrow. T. C. Camion and Winifred H. Cannon, hla wife, and William A. Gill and Eliza J. Gill, hla wife, and T. A. Thompson, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1886, Dillwyn Parrish and James Drown Potter. Trustees, plaintiff’s herein, filed their petition in tho district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of whloh are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants William A. Gill and Eliza J, Gill, his wife, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Drown Potter. Trustees, upon the northwest quarter (NW>4) of isection fourteen (14) in township Ithlrty-three (33) north and range fifteen (15) west of the 6th Principal Meredian in Nebraska. That said T. C. Cannon is holding aqult claim deed on said laud from said T. A. Thompson based upon a certain pretended, tax deed Issued to said T. A. Thompson by the county treasurer of Holt county. Plaintiffs seeks to set aside said quit claim deed and said pretended tax deed on the grounds that said tax deed is null and void and not being Issued under the oounty treasurer’s official seal. To secure the pay ment of one promissory note dated August 27, 1887, and becoming due August 1,1892, for the sum of 1900 and Interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum payable annu ally and ten per ceDt. after maturity; that there is now due upon said note ana mort gage occordlng to the terms thereof the sum of 8000 and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from November 1,1887, to August 1,1892,and taxes paid by the plaintiffs herein in the sum of 820.10. and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 15th day of April, 1805. Dated February 28,1805. Dilewyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiff's. 85-4 Dy £. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. John T. M. Pierce, Annie W. Pierce, John Barrlth and Mrs. John Darrlth, whose first name is unknown. Pierce. Wright and Com pany, Herbert E. Goodrich and Kate E. Goodrich, his wife, and the American Mort gage Trust (Limited,) defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1805, Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed thelrpetition in the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Isaac I. Peirce and Emma Peirce ills wife to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, upon northeast quarter of section twenty-eight township thirty-one range sixteen west in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of one promissory note dated Auguste, 1887, for the sum of 8900 and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum pay able annually and ten per cent after matur ity ; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of 9900 and interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from August 0,1887, and taxes paid by plaintiff in the sum of 830.98 and plaintiffs pray that that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 15th day of April, 1895 Dated February 28,1895. Un,twvj Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 35-4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Thomas W. Bartley. Mary E. Bartley, hlg wife, The Newton Wagon Oompuny, a cor poratlon. 1 H. Keith, trustee. T. C. Cannon and Winifred H. Cannon, his wife, and T. A. Thompson, defendants, will take notice that on the 28th day of February. 1885. Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition In the district oourt of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Thomas W. Hartley and Mary E, Bartley, his wife, to Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustoes, upon the south half of the south east quarter of section four (4) and the north half of the northeast quarter of section nine (III all In township thirty,two (32) north, range sixteen (16) west of the 6th Principal Meredian in Nebraska. That said P. C. Cannon is hold ing a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A. Thompson, based upon a certain pre tended tax deed Issued to said T. A. Thomp son by the county Treasurer of said Holt county. Plaintiffs seeks to set aside said quit claim deed and saldipretended tax deed on the grounds that said tax deed Is null and void and not being issued under the official seal of said county treasurer's office. To secure the payment one one promissory note dated October 18, 1887, and becoming due November 1.1892, for the sum of *800 and Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum payable semi-annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there Is now duo upon said note and mortgage according to the terms thereof the sum of #800 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from October 18, 1887, and taxes paid by the plain tiffs In the sum of #18.20 and plaintiffs pray that said premises may be decred to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of April, 1895. Dated February 28,1805. Dillwyn Pahkish and .Taxis Brown Potter, Trustees. Plaintiffs. J5-4 By E. A. Houston, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Jacob A. Jaques and Ettle M. Jaques, John T. M. Pierce, trustee, John T. M. Pierce. Annie W. Pierce, his wife, Waclagan anc Pierce, T. C. Cannon, and Winifred H. Can non, his wife, and T. A. Thompson, defend ants. will take notice that on the 28th day of February, 1896, Dillwyn Parrish and James Brown Potter, Trustees, plaintiffs herein, filed their petition in the distriot court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Jacob A. Jaques and Ettle M. Jaques, his wife to Dillwyn Parrish and Janies Brown Potter, Trustees, upon the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section five (5) and the south half of the southeast quarter and the northeast qurter of the southeast quarter of section six <(i) all in township thirty-two (32) north, In range fifteen (15) west of the 6th Principal Meredian In Nebraska. That T. C. Cannon Is holding a quit claim deed on said land from said T. A. Thompson and based upon a certain pre tended tax deed Issued to said T. A. Thomp son by the county treasurer of said Holt county. Plaintiffs seeks to set aside Said quit claim deed and said pretended tax deed on the grounds that said tax deed Is null and void and not being Issued under the county treasurer’s official seal. To secure the pay Ken8’ ,1887: and becoming due S ,lll18BS’ ,for the sum of 81,000 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, ner centUSfPotyabl* 8®ml-annually and ten per 1m '"aiurltX: that there is now due JS?1BtJJ“d "pt® a“d mortgage according to fh® top108 thereof the sum of 81,000 and interest at the rate of ten per cent, per Sa{dUth.frnmi °,