last words. Lrts whoso loro haslwea SO SWMt to 1,1 ,hl>i - back vard os I ro. J,., „ . nhi!*' I h iste. un 1 In taU rain t)f jnv am intnrltn • tears of pain a.'.m'wltb costly shrub or Irco, • tht! littlrt «nvc which sh-jltcM rao u iM winil'sown scoJi C**uw tip tin* ..n(j forth nil summer unaiarnnl, i * ttuv. butv ereituro< troop •s.\o.t* its lwt ye»rs tai jlo* n. re acjibaria ? mo, vou conn some !';i! there *po.ik no pniso but only sav. I ,vod u*‘ ’Twas tliit which made ■nHar:” i;r the words that I shall jcy to hoar — Helen Hunt Jackson. idy Latimer’s Escape. v CIIARI.WTTK M. IIIIAKME. ( 1 lAl’TKH iI—('ONTtNTED. . looked to me beautiful as the n I angels in the old r, at Norton's Cray. Yet .'the fare of a woman, not of an 1; and when I cume to look more lv into it, I saw uneasiness, lan . pride: at times unutterable a.', unutterable scorn, then some , like despair; the light died from ,naid eyes, and the lines deep round the beautiful lips. 1 a: once 1 started with amaze : for she was looking at our.pew, I saw a smile pass like a sunbeam 'a I- fare. I looked at the long nf children; they were all, out Iv. at least, docently behaved, ur two of them had their eyes months opened very wido, and fascinated by Lady Latimer, i her eyes mot mine, and I saw in i a tender light, a beautiful gleam, eld lord, looking very stern and . sat by her side—May and De >t, indeed. :>'v than once I caught the beauti ycs fixed on mine. I cannot tell it was, but a certain conviction t to me that she was not happy. iite her grand title of Lady Lati of Norton's Cray: despite her tv. which was greater than I had seen: despite her rich dress and ewels unu the magnificence that Minded her she was not happy. I ot tell how it happened, but it led to me her eyes were telling me nd that it was a secret known only ti'solf and me; but that must have fancy. was like a bird fascinated. I 1 not look away from her. I am much afraid that I thought of in? else. I saw her watch our ly procession down the church; .ys eccentric, it was this time s peculiar than ever, owing to the that Bob, whose expression of itenaneo was perfectly angelic, pinned Millie’s cape to Archie’s ct. and the wildest confusion en He had reached home before ided. Imperial justice was admin vd later on. ie next day Lord and Lady Lati ealled. The army of boys had sent to King’s Lorton, under the ext of purchasing a new cricket Our pretty vicarage looked its It was the month of May, the lilacs were all in tn; the beautiful syringa-trees all in flower; the house was a ect bower; the' birds were singing ■ trees all round it: shall never forget how the fair, !nl_v presence of that beautiful ian brightened even our cheerful ns. She was in the drawing-room a I w ent in, talking to my mother. Latimer was discussing a late ion of Virgil with my father. ■ 'otlffler held out her hand to me, in smile so bright and beautiful Juost dazzled me. I saw you in church yesterday, Uvel, she said, “and I have to ask if you will be my friends.” etnel°.UldTfde,SCri?,eJher *ra°e, her. Z88: If,8he had Mid to me, ^ from this moment you e my bond-slave, and attach to®e for life,” I should have 1 ]?ved her after the fashion peS1ovrn?girl81 Withafu11 Mrs- L°vei'” acted m*1’ i*OW much your face terday.” 1 wanted to see you td^8rcdetUy8wrtvoice’ ‘And i ?’ She we“t on: f 1 enfo86 ue i?htful of yours, enjoyed seeing them! I am ;;?,7 m™. “ ton's Cray.”^6 them a11 over at i *m raid, Lady Latimer ” she 'ireld? hardly Burvive it- A Us W10n0r a Cuban insur iU„,, t«^en0U"h; but the boy* ‘ even;” and 18thbeyrind imagina “ier t the deaV. gentle ;"vcrth^aSifhe.thou»ht of it shall hone to*’ HaiS?Zr ha» Arr. vou , ’ and then was gone. a>kf‘d . r 1 and lon°ly. Grace?” ^:r“2;,-You ■* :l silent thcn’h!U(teS be was m°ody m»th..r he turned suddenly to a h'-ar thauli^f greatost favor. f-enn„ du)1. J jatimer complains '* convenient n, Ia faet’ if il ‘ 118 ,l,)w? I. ... •' the nostrils. A fter a moment draw a strong breath through the note. 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The Passenger Department of the Big Four Route has issued a very convenient and attractive Pocket Guide to the City of Boston Which will be sent five of oharge to all members of the Yonng People's Society of Christian Endeavor who will send three two cent stamps to the undersigned. This Pocket Guide should be in the hands of every member of the Society who contem plates attending the 14th Annual Conven tion, as it shows the location of all Depots, Hotels, Churches, Institutions, Places of Amusement, Prominent Buildings, Street Oar Lines, etc., etc. Write soon, as thn edition is limited. E. O. McCoauica, Passenger Traffic Manager Big Pour Route, Cincinnati, Ohio. Patents. Trade-Marks. Examination and Advice nn to Pftlentahllity at Invention. Send for “ Inventor*1 Uuide, or Mow to Gaft i i’awnt." PATBICZ 0TA3&EI.Z., WASHXtfQTOK, S. & CONSUMPTION