kENTENCES OF THE Chiefs commoted. VE YEARS AND $10,000. I il Sentenced to l ive Year* , and to Fay » Fine of . The Amor lean aud Kng* MlnisteN Decide They re no (.round for Iu rferluff—Late New* h an cisco, March 4.—The Australia, which arrived [0n days from Honolulu, ilrteen exiles from the Ila amls, put on board by an the republic just before , of the steamer. Only a von accused of actual com* ,he recent revolution. The mostly British and German (vho made themselves ob KI N' I.II.IUOKAI.ANI. 0 the republican govern* doing loo much talking, s exiles 00. Samuel Nowlein and •tleman, two of the leaders, red their liberty, they hav vuluable evidence for the it, without which convic uany cases, could not have ivd. Captain Davies, who e arms, was sentenced to and ordered to pay a fine of h the ex-queen's sentence n n made public, the Asso esx correspondent was in a cabinet officer that she sentenced to serve five Ji ison and to pay a fine of IS understood that the sen ' not be changed by the 1 -- twenty-one rebels were each to five years at hard Die fines were remitted by Dole. The punishment the minimum under the Of he have shown no fighting the TOO called out by military leader of the about 125 responded, was planned bv white ^e'vard and Rickard, r the guns was furnished ■M,1 San Francisco, the e \. brought them was w ute men and two half e ®bief commanders of Ction. saul before the vessel 'f was informed positively loyalist friends that if a {°i'ce of natives into 't «ns guard of 500 men ilare come out and the ,''0llld yield at once. Iiom* statements and ls- on*y .to discover that ■ne"i mrd mstantly turned i0° ‘“ore whites joined ^mission,,,. Hawes noti sh subjects involved ir 'vi is u„'Tld .not hell fc,> (lisrm’ , Amencan min ; imposed to aid the gov i,'oeec,v:dantcbe i\the &* U: a-u'n nfthat h? canno' ar_r(?j Witv,f.,the Americai si th3he c,'ime. bm m * Mh1"KS,tlons as t“ th« _ the military court Il,-end Monday ““ Exten<1 t CerTn ot ■lav Mr c*? *‘~ln t! t Coo!0 o’clock Mr. Gorman arose and withdrew his 9100,000,000 certifi cate amendment. The Mills amendment declaring that no more bonds should be issued was declared out of order without a vote. Mistaken for a Burglar. St. Joskph, Mo., Feb. 28.—Mrs. ftobert Craig was awakened early this morning and Bcreamod at the top of her voice, telling her hus band there were burglars in the house. Craig caught sight of a human figure in the hallway and fired. The person proved to be Mrs. Craig's sis ter, and is dangerously wounded. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS Quotations from New lork, Chicago* Louiit, Omaha and Elee where. OMAHA butter—Creamery separator., in to butter—1 air to good country. 12 to Eggs—Fresh. 24 to lic-ney—i cr tt». ltt to Chickens—pressed, per ft. 54to Lemons—Choice Messlnas. 3 50 *«<• 4 oranboh— Florida*! per box— !i 2.j © 4 lot aloes. 05 to Leans—Navy, hand-picked, bu 1 90 to 2 llay • Upland, per ton. 9 0u to 10 Onions—Per bbi. 2 75 •n 3 Carrots—I'cr bbl. 1 75 to 2 Parsnips-Per bbl. 1 75 to 2 Leets—Per bbl.. 1 50 (tf 1 Cranberrrles—Jerseys .11 00 (till Hogs—Mixed packing. 3 70 (lit 4 Hogs—Heavy weights . 4 do to 4 beeves Stockers and feeders. 1 75 to 3 bc*ef Moors. 3(0 to * buils. 1 50. (d» 3 fctrgs. 2 40 kit n t aives. 1 40 to 3 frteors—Fair to good. 3 30 to. 4 Cows... 1 00 to 3 Heifers. . 1 50 to 3 Westerns. 2 35 to* 3 Hieep - Lambs... 3 25 to 4 Mieep—Choice natives. 2 83 to 3 CHICAGO. '.0 13/4 25 I 17 | (1 ! 00 : z\ j 75 | 00 1 50 00 t0 00 73 50 00 05 00 85 00 50 00 50 50 • 0 Hi 00 25 Wheat—No. 2, spring. Corn—Per bu. Outs—t er bu. Pork. Lard..... Hogs—Packers and mixed. tattle-Com. steers to extra... Mieep— Lambs. fc beep—Inferior to choice. NEW YOKE. 51 43 28 10 00 U 50 4 10 to 51* to 43* to 1874 to 10 25 to 0 524 3 75 h£ 3 85 3 50 •' 5 00 2 61 to 4 CO Wheat, No.2, red winter..... Corn—No. 2. Oats—No. 2. l'ork. Lard. ST. LOUIi 58 to f8H 49 to 4974 33 to 33* 10 75 II 75 t> 00 to 7 50 Wheat—No 2 red, cash. Corn—Per bu. Oats—Per bu . Hogs—Mixed packing. Cattle—Native steers. fcbeep—Mixed natives. KANSAS CITY. Wheat—No. 2 hard. torn—No. 2. Oats—No. 2. t at tie—Stockers and feeders.. Hogs—Mixed puckers. 52 to 524 41 to 41* 39*4 to :;0J4 3 90 /& 4 10 3 50 to 4 25 3 75 to 4 25 514 to 52 40* (. 40* 27 to *74 2 00 to 4 10 3 05 to 3 95 The house committee on pensions has voted to report favorably the bill introduced by Representative Moore of Kansas to make the veterans of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth regi ments of Kansas volunteer cavalry pensionable under the act of June, 1890. An official statement of the United States geological survey shows that during the calendar year of 1894 the total product of zinc (spelter) was 75.328 short tons, a decrease of 3,504 tons from the previous year, due to industrial depression. Kansas shows a decrease of 2,338 ton* while all other states show smaller decreases. AN ALPENA MIRACLE. MRS. JAS. M. TODD OP LONG RA PIDS DI8CARDS CRUTCHES. la an Interview with a Reporter llw Review* Her Experience and Tell* tha Real t'auee of the Miracle. From Alpena, Michigan, Argun. We have long known Mrn. Jan, M. Todil of I^mg Rapids, Alpena County, Mich. She hus been a end cripple. Many of her frlrnda know the ntory of her recovery; for the benefit of thong who do not we publlnh It to-day. Right yearn ago she wan taken with nervoun prontrntlon. and In a few month* with munculnr and Inflamma tory rheumatlnm. It affected her heart, then her head. Her feet be* came no nwollen nhe could wear noth- .. Ing on them; her hunda were drawn all out of ahupe. Her eyen were nwollen nhut more than half the time, her knee jolntn terribly nwollen and for eighteen montha nhe had to be held up to be dressed. One limb became entirely helpleaa, and the nkln wan no dry and cracked that It would bleed. During these eight yearn nho had been treated by a score of physicians, and has also spent much time at Ann Arbor under bent medical advice. All said her trouble was brought on by hard work and that medicine would not cure, and that rent wan the only thing which would ease her. After going to live with her daughter she became entirely helpleaa and could not even raise her arms to cover herself at night. The Interesting part of the story follows In her own words; "I wan urged to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and at last did so. In three days after I com menced taking Pink Pills I could sit up and dress mynelf, and after using them six weeks I went home anil commenced working. I continued taking the pills, until now I begin to forget my crutches and cun go up und down steps without aid. I am truly a living wonder. “Now, If I can say anything to In duce thane who have suffered an I have to try Pink Pills, I shall gladly do so. If other like sufferers will try Pink Pills according to directions, they will have reason to thank God for creating men who are able to conquer that ter rible disease, rheumatism. I have In my own neighborhood recommended Pink Pills for the after effects of la grippe, and weak women with Impure blood, and with good results." Mrs. Todd Ib very Btrong In her faith In the curative powers of pink Pills, and says they have brought a poor, helpless cripple back to do her own milking, churning, washing, sewing, knitting and In fact about all of her household duties. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the dements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They arc for sale by all druggists, or may be had by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., for 60o per box; or six boxes for $11.50. •v.r; V pi ■ ■ ■ -v ’■If* ""2 Announcing the Engagement. An engagement should be announced first by the family of the bride-elect, writes Mrs. liurton Harrison in the March I,adieu’ Home Journal. This la done either verbally or informally to friends, or by note to thoso whom it is desired shall reccivo early informa tion. The man may at the same time writo to those of his friends whom h* desires to have share In his happiness and whom tho girl's family could not so woll reuch. Churlish, Indeed, would the spirit to withhold interest in a new engagement, and the telling of it by the principals ulinost alwuysin spires a kindly feeling for them in t those told. I,overs have, perhaps, the best-founded claim to thinking them selves of first interest to a community . of any class of people, and are quite entitled to assume ull the honors and privileges of the situation. -- Several articles which are an outcome of Julian Ralph's voyage to China, un dertaken in the interests of Harper's Magazine and Harper’s Weekly, will be published in the Magazine during the summer mont hs. Tho first of the series will be entitled “House-boating in Chi na, and will appear in the Jnne Har- t per's. In all there will be three arti-' * cles or more, amply and beautifully' illustrated from drawings by C. 1). Wel don, who accompanied Mr. Ralph tothe Interesting points in China which are ' described. An Axiom. “Fancy 'complishments Is all right In dah place," said Uncle Lben, “but folks ' hab moh need foh shoviin beautiful snow dan dey hab foh recitin ob it.”— Washington Star. ,. ■* Winter Tourist Tickets Via the WabaAk Kallroad Are now on sale to all the winter resorts ot the Mouth, good returning until June 1st, •93. Also Habvest Exclusion Tickets to all points south on excursion dates. In ad dition to above, Kallroad and Steamship tickets to all points In the Unitbd Btatjmi and Euboek, at lowest rates. For rates, . tickets, excursion dates and full informa tion or a copy of the Home Meekers Guide, call at Wabash Office, 1002 Furuam street, or write J 'p O. N, CiATTON, • N. W. P. Agt, Omaha. Neb. , Harper's liazar for February 23d contains a piquant little play, or rather a dialogue, called “The Oral Method,” in which a learned professor, who is absent-minded and deficient in small talk, receives some valuable instruction in the art of conversation. The l’nris letter, which tarried on the Gascogno last week, presents a double budget of the latest political and literary gossip, together with such fashions'as the off season affords. A front-page drawing by Sandcz from a Worth model of a demi-season gown is significant as an indication of what we may enpect when spring fashions are more fully decided than they are at present. Homes for the Homeless, The opening of two Indian Reservations in Northern Utah to settlers opens up over three and one-half million acres of flue ag ricultural and stock raising land for home seekers. The Uinta and Uncompahgre Reserva tions are reached by the only direct route, the Union Pacific System, via Echo and Park City. E. L. Lomax. G. P. & T. A., U. F. System, Omaha, Neb. Woman Is the Power. Men are only leaders from outward appearances; close scrutiny will almost invariably reveal a woman's power, a woman's encouragement, a woman’s love behind them. She is the power of the world to-da}-. As she points, so ' % events will tend—not ns a leader her- ,yi‘: self, but as a creator of leaders. Let ■her shape sentiment: men will see to it that her sentiment is known, adopted and recognized The literature, the ■ ■ f<|: dramatic art of the world is hers; in her ‘ ■ hands, too, rests the surest power to fly uplift man from moral degradation and, intemperate principlea / :