OFFICIAL DIRECTORY V General."™.|u*ene Moo?* ['x-ENTSStItK UNIVERSITY, JUDICIARY. N _Samuel M&VNl) justice..• • pOBt andT. L.Noml ‘jKTKENTHJUmCI^DI^RICr J. J. King of C ...A. L. Bartow of Ob A. L. Warrick, of 0 "land offices. O’HUtla .John A. H* .. .Earner W« ..COUNTY. ....GeoMcCn* ,, the District Court.John 9Ur pjnai« .. .S&mHpwfura B.iilSitK* 1,;M0Hmn.° Kearney. M. J. Hofc. T. Mallalou CONGRESSIONAL. ■s—Cline- F- Manderson, \iu-n. of Madison of .Mike MoCarthy ..Cbas HwnUtoa. if Schools., ant. ChM.CEMeUl W. H. jiekm ni'Y • .H. ViKnS? SUPERVISORS. .Frank ..W U; .Oeotm fckl«7 .U B. Knhnn Valley. ire. 11. k. uitview.. IV*' XMJ . Haves IlMnatr h7 Murray :::£$S 'reek.. ...Boch O'MeUl BlopBln John Wwt» 3. Wine . h.o: ::i a. i v:..0AVj ..... A.O.Mohr CITY OF O’&SILL.Xm* ervisor, E. J. Mack; ^ J* liot and S. M. Wagor*; CouUbM, idc and Perkins Brook*. COUNCILMBN—K two years.—John Mo •Ben DeYarman. } Jv SECOND WABD. f two years—Jake Pfund. JPot dGatz. ■ i;. V'• ■ THIRD WABD. M, * ■twoyoars—Elmer MerrinMtti. . IWOM ■si.M. Wagers. i‘ CITY OETIOBBft. Jv. for, R, R. Dickson; Clerk, ltJfoKlas lurer, John McHugh; Qty^BnilHOOT llorrisky; Police Judgo^ H. lUkrtillt of Police.- Charlie H«U; AttonMJ, Benedict; weigh master, Jo* Miller. GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. lervisor, John Winn: TisaruMr, er; Clerk, 1). II. Cronin; Assessor, pbell; Justices, M. Castello ul ' 'oil; Justices, Perkins Bnobull_ kie: ltoad overseer dlst. M, Alim Brows Mu. 4, John Enright. M^JBSION. TIERS' RELIEF 00) ular meeting first Moadsy Jn Dsbra* lUach year, and at 8uchj>()UN[t£|H£MN med necessary. Itobt. niau; Wm, Bowen, O’ Clark Atkinson. l*ATItICK*8 CATHi__ ♦trices every Sabbath at Hev. Cassidy, Postor. Uiately following servli £XIIOBI8T - CHU»CH. cervices—Preaching 1MI A. K. Class No. 1 8:30 a. m. CUw MoT L League) 6:30 p. at. class No. • IL.lOp. m. Mind-week S6gTh> cr meeting Thursday i:Mr,L _ lade welcome, 08peciallgsg|»|[Si S A. It. POST, NO. 8 O'Neill Post, fto. 66, : ka 0. A. K., will meet i may evening of eaoh 0 Neill fut ta i - SANTA CLAD5. (§B) Bec&uje ii) tj?e pcii*e$ftb^f apd jtpp«pi(«T. / c-V/i! SANTA CLAUS SOAP m"°rm NHAIRBANK COMPANY'**' '/;/ •will In plain wimpuur.^Addrau 1 curuiu munoiiilrieo.lD: Checker ® B. A. Da Y ARM AN, ] Barn, nager, CHECKER ffWWWWIt Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. FRED C. GATZ BL— ■ B — I ■ Ml ■■■•! f Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all Kinds of Sausages. ejfstfssi, teams It— 1 Send wads!_ tloo. We sdstsa, I charge. Our leer* A Pamphlet, "HojrtaC cost of same In the U. S. I seat free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OM. PATENT OmCE. WASHINGTON, D. C. 1 r muiuub * CO., Drufcteta. P. D> A J. P. MIlLLIX, noratnou or caa GOOD TEAMS, NEW MSI Prices Reasonable. But ofMoCufferto'i. * f/J -. i' » i Purohaaa Tlokata and Consign fftt**’ Fralght via tha F. E.&M.V. and S. Oita, RAILROADS. I' , ^ ' TRAINS DEPART* OOIMO BASS. "'‘f-.S-IWf'-’i Passenger east, - gBs^.. M9l_. Freight east. • ' Freight east, « Mt> ooma wgife ’ Freight west. Ker In Combi] * By Special Arrangement! THIS JOURNAL Greatest of the Magazines, Ttie Cosmopoli Which was the Most Widely Circulated Illustrated Monthly Magazine in the World during 1894. oooo AT A MERELY NOMINAL PRICE. 1^0 HOME is complete without the local paper and one of the great illustrated monthlies rep resenting the thought and talent of the world. Dur ing one year the ablest authors, the cleverest artists, give vou in The Cosmopolitan 1536 pages, with over 1200 illustrations. Ami you can hart all. this, both your local pa ]>' r ami fits Cosaoroi- . ita», lor only Q a year—much IshS than you formerly paid tor* The done, wham it was net sj jpoda wngtri: >aVO“ v‘ ' *"* SStf'SQOSS