The Frontier hished by the frontier printing CO. SUBSCRIPTION, SI.SO PER ANNUM. CLYDE KING AND D. H. CRONIN, EDITORS AND MANAGERS. )LUME XV. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 7, 1895. NUMBER 31. 'S SANSJHMERS of Interest Told As They Ah Told to Us. N AND HOW IT HAPPENED Happenings Portrayed For Genera] Edification and Amusement. irmy Utiley went down to Lincoln Itijrgs went down to Randolph ny morning._ i Allen and Lou Cliapman were from Atkinson Monday. kers is the popular game among miters of the Green Tree Club. supervisors met Tuesday to heat >ort of the settlement committee. cn & Selah have moved theit to rooms over Corrigan’s drug miration column is crowded out his week but will bob up serenely next. e were tbirty-three new subscrib ed to our subscription list during nth of January. ondbridge, special correspondent e World-Herald, returned home ursday afternoon. t Hatfield lias sold his lunch coun tlie rear of O'Connor & Galla suloon, to Mike and Phil Kerwin. office is in receipt of a letter ’mf. C. L. McGuire ordering The 't:it sent to his address at Ann Mich._ four yenr old daughter of Michael in, who lives about three miles ast of this city, waB buried last lay afternoon. of Mr. and Mrs. John Smoot’s [iris has been very sick with Bear er but is convalescing under the tl rare of Dr. Gilligan. Hint; woman writes to a New York describing her first love sensations sort of inward indeBcribableness outward all-overishness.” 'Kart Free Press: George Merritt ■ bailie Odell say they bagged ■six ducks last Thursday, while fliite and Balle came in second eventy-nine. e Mellor returned last Sunday from darkest Arkansas, where he 0 see the country and recreate. l)s. upon the surface, the country rs to be all right. Washington's birthday, Feb. 22, lencer Orchestra will give a grand