"it., of ,n TH*W.,,,:. Advertiser: In looking poltsbod floors of the Kameha Sd'ool for firlB one almost wl?hes ts founders s (ououcib had directed that shoi,iii be taught and practiced trit;,n by the student girla It cer ;vas a narrow and superficial lf the native life which held that child-like people who did not ,,0,-v books and couldn t go wild he old Catechism should have ienrived of one of their chief sour auiusement Though the native , n'cre objectionable in many they could have been greatly cl and made respectable. The ackers not only deprived them of amusement from the dictates nscience, but they failed to pro iit1 natives with any. It was the of the Puritan inheritance which lv gives way when the Puritan gels out into the world. OIIASS IS KING! a„s rllios. It is the most valuable of America, worth more than >r corn or wheat. Luxurious l,.n s are the farmers' delight. A [ive way to get them, and the only nc know, is to sow Salzer's Extra is Mixtures. Many of our farmer 'jrs praise them and say they get i, tons of magnificent hay per acre , Salzer's seeds. Over one hundred rent kinds of Grass, Clover and tor plant seeds are sold by Salzer. You Will Cut This Oat and Sand It , 7c postage to the John A. Salzer | Co..ha Crosse, Wis ,you will get a pic of <;ra»»£Clover Mixture and their 'moth seed catalogue free. wnu -,1s with bright plumage are seldom fat. err is no use in talking any higher than it wins where great gifts without it ,1 fall flat_ ue merit is like a river, the deeper it is e>s noise it makes, on the door for the penny, and the dol rill come in. KNOWLEDGE (rings comfort and improvement and ds to personal enjoyment when btly used. The many, who live bet than others and enjoy life more, with s expenditure, by more promptly iptin» the world’s best products to i needs of physical being, will attest i value to health of the pure liquid stive principles embraced in the nedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting the form most acceptable and pleaa t tn the taste, the refreshing and truly neficial properties of a perfect lax ve; effectually cleansing the system, wiling colds, headaches and fevers d permanently curiag constipation, has given satisfaction to millions and it with the approval of the medical ofession, because it acts on the Kid ys, Liver and Bowels without weak* ing them and it is perfectly free from ery objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all dru^ ‘ts in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man* aetured by the California Fig Syrup '■ (">ly, whose name is printed on every irkage, also the name, Syrup of Figs, id being well informed, you will not :eept any substitute if offered. J7>r «>• in Fertile Belt of Manitoba & Northwestern Railway to. at 12.50 per acre; easy terms; 10 ■ n U ■ I »arH’ # per cent interest. Ill 111 K*°*nt "ales, 50,000 acres. Ill .1 JJ s*let't®d 20'000 ^ the York ton !■: n-ii,,,. iJTT, ‘ , trk‘t’famous for mixed farming. '•"'('I liau ' * Apply K. MEK1IAS, —-ar»*4) udicatuig ciaimaT atty aiuca , . Irrigated lands cheap. I A gts. wan ted, good pay. * W. K, Alexander, Denver. 5£h"m£,7>^7mP»°n. Washington, Ulned. WritefoTlgyentor^iadfa Poor Indeed l Hie prospect of relief from drastio cathartics for persons troubled with constipation Is poor Indeed. True the; act upon the bowels,but this they do with violence,and their operation tends to weaken the Intestines, and Is prejudicial to the stomach. Hostetler's Stofnaoh Bitters Is an eOectual laxative, but it neither gripes nor en feebles. Furthermore, it promotes digestion and a regular action of the liver and kidneys. It Is an efficient barrier against remedy for ma larial oomplatnts and rheumatism, and Is of great benefit to the weak, nervous and aged. As a medical stimulant it ean not be surpassed. Physicians cordially recommend It, and Its professional Indorsement Is fully borne out by popular experience. Appetite and sleep am both Improved by this agreeable invlgorant and alterative. Too Smart for the Doctor. The daughter of a well known jockey was very ill, having caught a severe cold. A doctor was sent for and was buttonholed by the mother, who re quested him to favor her by advising her daughter not to wear low ankled shoes. The daughter was sent for, and, af ter her tongue had been given the usual out of door exercise, the man of medicine said; “Ah, you are suffering from what we medical men call a low shoe cold, and 1 must prohibit you from wearing such shoes in the future.” The young lady started, and, taking off one of the offending shoes, ex claimed: “Since you are so clever, doctor, as to look at my tongue and tell me what is amiss with my feet, will you be kind enough to look at my feet and tell me whether my fringe is properly ad justed?” He gavo up prescribing for smart girls.—London Tit-Bits. Worms In Horses. The only sure cure for pin worms in horses known is Steketee's Hog Cholera Cure. Never fails to destroy worms in horses, hogs, sheep, dogs or cats; an excellent remedy for sick fowls. Send sixty cents In United States post age stamps and I will send by mall Cut this out, take it to druggist ana pay him fifty cents. Three packages for 11.53 express paid. G. O. 8TEKETKE, Grand liaplds, Mich. Mention name of paper. Vines Indoors. A few vines among other plants and to train about the sides of the windows may be used to good advantage. The common English ivy and the moon flower are excellent for the purpose. They can be supported up the sides of the windows and festooned across the top, to form a green covered bower, and when in this shape their value is ap parent. It is as well to start with strong ivy plants, as they are somewhat Blow to grow at times. Two plants of part ly creeping habits are Panicum variega tum, a plant of angular growth, but of exceedingly pretty variegated foliage, and the wandering jew. The latter sends out runners as strawberries do, which hang over the pot, rooting when they touch soil, explains a Country Gentleman correspondent. Deafness Can Not Be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused bv an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. __ F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ISf Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hall’s Family Puls, 36c. Slept In the Bathtub. A good story is told of a lazy and loquacious farmer whose farm lies along the John Day river. He called at a neighbor’s house recently. “Sit down; sit down,” said the neighbor. “I don't know as I ought,” replied the farmer, but nevertheless he sat down. After some talk about the crops and the value of an adjoining piece of ground the farmer said, slowly: “I don’t know as I ought to be sitting here. I came over to see if I could get a ladder; our house is afire.” 1,000 BUS. POTATOES PER ACRE. Wonderful yields in potatoes, oats, corn, farm and vegetable seeds. Cut this out and send 5c postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., for their great seed book and sample of Giant Spurry. wnu Love never bestows a burden that is heavy. _ Love always weeps when it has to whip. MECCA COMPOUND should bo in every house. Stops t*ie pain of a buin tr.stantiy Prevents scar rinv. Heals all kinds of soies. Druggists tel it. Sent by mail on r c?i. t of price. Three ounce Jar 26 cent*. Send for pamphlet. THE FOSTKn MANUFACTURING CO, Council Bluffs, Iowa. There are no real strong people in the ! world but good people. OIL is tbe Perfect CURE for neuralgia --- RE1-APSE. CftLi iwyisHAP5 or PERHAPS* ’0 Ceijts i F0R A WHOLE YEAR. A *_. , ~ NewY orkTribune -AND The Weekly Bee weekly TB.«ables us 40 ofler the new York the United q* ' "’“UNE, the leading family weekly of foronly go cleS,.Wit^the OMAHA WEEKLY BEE other sins] '*en*s» *ess money than is charged for any W'eeki.y Bek ^eellly Paper in the country. The Omaha (nr) ^ leading paner in the western rmintrw ” f-LKI.Y BfU' ‘ *1, wuu *•* J* vsdia.ua and is too Bpih. 6 leadln2 paper in the western country THF Mru. .'D0wn t° need a special description. THE Mpui wnownt°needa special description. tional Fami^°BK WEE*»-T TRIBUNE i»Na the United Stat PaP®r and Sives the general news of ontsliell. its »»*? 14 Sires the events of foreign lands in a rior. itg t< |^_ Agricultural ” department has no supe h? SeParaJ!larket Reports ” are recognized author “Our YountPrtt?,ents for “The family Circle,” c*ianics.” ns^ aS8’” and Science and Me* eommand the adm- 4. ome and Society” columna eral Political ne atlon of wives a“d daughtera Its gen Btad bensive* brilliant anHdlt°riaU a“d discu88ioM are compre ad 90 Cent* /ad ex jaustiTe ntS ,or toth papers to THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE, OMAHA, JKTEB. WA8 TAKEN FOR A BURQLAR. The Fli or • Man Who Died an Old Lateh< key to Look Dp a Friend. Tlie bestowal of a latch-key is a sacred trust not always appreciated by tenants. It is tho commonest thing1 In the world for a boardor to walk off with his door key, thus retaining to himself the power to enter a former dwelling at any hour of tho day or night he pleases. Of course very fow tenants hold onto thoir keys with any such possibility in view, but for the safety of herself and the future tenants the landlady should be more particu lar than sho averages at present in redeeming the means of entry to her household. A couple of nights ago, says the Now York Herald, a young man arrived from the West about 11 p. m. and promptly betook himself to look up an old friend, whose room his own had adjoined in a house on Forty-eighth street. The house was closed up for the night, so the young man took out his erstwhile latchkey, and letting himself in, mounted to his churn's room. He was out, the gas was low ered, and without waiting to turn it up the traveler stretched himself out on the sofa to wait, and in doing so fell asleep. When he awoke it was to find himself face to face with the basilisk stare of a strange man, and with a re volver. The room had changed ten ants, that was pretty plain, but it wasn’t equally plain how he was to make clear that he was neither a burglar nor an assassin. “If you’ll lay down that thing,” he said, after a hurried explanation to the man with the revolver, “I’ll call up the landlady and prove my case.” With man and revolver in pursuit he did find the landlady’s door, only to be confronted by a strange woman, who immediately went into hysterics. Then every other woman in the house raised her voice in hysterics, and more men with revolvers gathered in the passageways, until things began to look pretty blue for the young man. At last the final man, armed to the teeth, joined the boarders, and as he did so the poor excited traveler gave a cry of relief. “Put down your firearms,” called the last comer, “and stop your shrieks. You were looking for Dick, weren’t you? He’s gone to Europe. The whole house here has changed hands. I’m the only one of tho old crowd left. Good Lord, it’s well I’m here! You’d have spent one night in jail, at least, if I’d not been.” “There,” shouted the besieged man, flinging the key at the scantily robed landlady, “there’s the key of this blank, blank, blankety blanked shanty, and may I never again see the key of this or any other boarding place shanty as long as I live.” Court- Hartlallng an Elephant. It is the business of a court-martial to try soldiers and sailors accused of offence, but sometimes strange prison ers come before it. At the battle of Sabraon, Feb. 10, 1846, the 9th Lan cers' were required to escort some twenty-four pounders, which were t* be dragged by elephants into position. One of them turning obstinate and re fusing to draw, the men in charge of the animals had it brought before them, under the guard of two other elephants, to be tried. The court sentenced it to twenty-five lashes, which were duly inflicted by a fellow elephant. Taking a big double chain on its trunk, at the word of command it gave the rebel elephant five-and twenty tremendous whacks. The cul prit was thoroughly cowed, and no longer declined to draw the gun. He Knew l. la Own Home. A Detroit young man with a fancy for horseflesh and a knowledge of the same not commensurate therewith, some time ago went horse hunting on his own responsibility, and picked up what he thought was a crackerjack. He was a Blue Grass hoss and was as lively as a cricket; so lively, in fact, that the young man was sure he had a 8-year-old. Several days after the purchase, and he had been showing the horse around and crowing over him, he met the colored man who had had charge of him. “By the way, Sam,” he said, “what’s the horse’s name?” “Lexin’ton, sah.” “Does he know it?” “I spec he do, sah,” said Sam inno cently; “he’s had it fer eighteen veahs, sah.” A Perfect Judgment. ‘•My father,” said the small boy to the woman who was calling1 on his mother, “is a great man. He knows what time it is without even looking at his watch.” “What do you mean, Tommy?” queried the visitor. “Oh, when I holler out and ask him what time it is in the morning, he says it’s time to get up. An’ when I ask him what time it is in the evenin’, he alius says, ‘time to go to bed, Tommy.’ Oh, I tell you my father is a great man!” —Waterbury. Big Expense Accounts. Though the salaries of all the French ambassadors are the same, $8,000 a year, they receive large sums in addition for their official expenses. At St. Petersburg the ambassador is allowed $84,000 a year, at London $32,000, at Vienna $26,000, at Berlin, $20,000, at Constantinople $18,000, at Madrid $16,000, and at Washington $10,000._ A Borne Product. Friend—The villain in your new play is a masterpiece. Where did you get the character? Dramatist—I imagined a man pos sessed of all the varieties of wicked ness which my wife ascribes to me when she gets angry.—Truth. Barts Trade. “I don’t like winter,” said one pick pocket to another; “everybody ' hae his hands in his poctaet” Betting Down to the Shin. Two Oklahomans, Urltt ICline, a fast horse man, who has a claim six miles west of Tokawa, and D. O. Brown, sec retary of the Tokawa Town Site com pany, engaged in a discussion as to the time required to prove a certain piece of land. Kach thought he was right, and the following is the way the wager was made on their opinions Brown bet Kline S25 he was right Kline met the bet and raised it a horse. They kept on betting in this way until Brown was naked and Kline hud only a shirt on. Kline borrowed a horse and rode home, six miles, to his claim, with nothing on but his shirt while Brown weut home naked. Kline won Ihft hnf lie Was. A dudisli looking youth was walking down tlio Bowery, looking in at the Bhop windows, says the New York Bun. A llowery sport, Intent on having fun with him, tapped him on the shoulder, and said: * “Say, young feller! Are you wld me or ag’in ine?” "I’m wid vou, an ag’in you, and to you!” replied the dudish looking youth, and when they picked up the Bowery sport and carried him away he looked as if ho had mistaken a cable for an \ll-night owl lunch wagon. How It May Happen. “Jeminy crickets, she’s got the rick ets,” whispered one beau to another in the company of a very pretty girl. Truly she was very beautiful, but there was a twitching about the nerves of the face which showed suffering. “No,” said the other, "it's neuralgia and she’s a martyr to it.” St. Jacobs Oil was suggested as the world-renowned cure for it Did she try it? Yes and was cured by it and—married "one of the fellows” afterwards The use of the great remedy for pain will not bring about a marriage, but in its cure of pain it will bring about conditions of health to make life more enjoyable. No man or woman ought to marry who is a sufferer from chronic pains. We should not wed woe to win only wretebednesa The furnace and the gold are good friends. liegeman's Camphor lee with Glycerine. Cur«» ChuniHHl Hami* and Face, T«nd«*r or Soro Feot, Chilblain*, Pile*. &e. C. Q. Clark Co., Now Ilavon, CU Giro because you Jove to give—as the flower pours forth its perfume. If the Baby Is Cutting' Teeth. Beanre and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Wins low’s Soothing Syrup for Children Teething Spare moments are the gold dust of time. GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., com pounded this medicine of vegetable ingredi ents which had an especial effect upon the stomach and liver, rousing the organs to healthful activity as well as purifying and enriching the blood. By-such means the stomach and the nerves are supplied with pure blood; they will not do duty without it any more than a locomotive can run with out coal. You can not get a lasting cure of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by taking arti ficially digested foods or pepsin—the stom ach must do its own work in its own way. Do not put your nerves to sleep with so called celery mixtures, it is belter to go to the seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness and Nervous Af fections, such as sleeplessness and weak, nervous feelings are completely cured by the “ Discovery.” It puts on healthy flesh, brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the whole system. Mrs. K. Hbnkk, of No. Sg6 North Hoisted St., Chicago. III., writes: “I regard my improve meat bi simply wonderful. Since taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery in connection with his * Pleasant Pellets ’ I have gain ed in every respect, particularly in flesh and strength. My liver was dreadfully enlarged and I suf fered greatly from dyspepsia. No phy sician could give relief. Now, after two months I am entire Mrs. Henke. disease. My appe tite is excellent; food well digested; bowels regular and sleep much improved.” Increasing Use of Fruit. I New York Press: Yesterday I met a gentleman who is engaged in the busi ness of raising fruit in Honduras. His steamers deliver freight at Mobile, and from this point his dates, bananas, co coanuts and oranges are distributed all over the country. He told me that the prices on fruit are now better than ever, and that the volume of trade is expanding enormously every year. He thinks much of this is due to a radical change in the national taBte. As a peo ple we eat less pastry and more fruit than ever before, and to our great ben efit, In spite of the tariff on oranges, these are the most popular. A develop ment of their medical properties in the minds of the public has perceptibly af fected their price. Orange eaters are long lived. Oranges are excellent for all internal organs and the best known remedy against an appetite for strong drink. Many men have been cured of the habit of drinking stimulants in the morning by eating plentifully of or anges before breakfast. All of which conduces to the profit of the fruit grow ers. I use Piso's Cure for Consumption both in my family and practice.—Dr. G. W. Patterson, Inkster, Mich., Nov. 5. 1894. The lazier a man is the greater things be is going to do when tomorrow comes. “Kanson’s Xagio Corn Itlvs." Warranted to cure or money refunded. Ask your druggist for it. Price IS cents. The truth we hate the most is the truth that hitB us the hardest. Billiard Table, second-hand. For sale cheap. Apply to or address. H. C. Axis, 511 8. lath 8t„ Omaha, Neb. Law wears iron shoes, and don't care where it steps. You take something from the burden of sorrow when you give it something to do. One symptom of backsliding is a lack of thankfulness_ A man acquires more glory by defending than by abusing others. - ****»>(** VHft To the Younger Cooks, the beginners in the art of bread and cake making, there is no aid so great, no assistant so helpful, as the Royal Baking Powder. * It is the perfect leavening agent and makes perfect food. Do not make a mistake by experimenting with any other. •OVAL •AKIM POWDER CO., 1M WAlt ST., NIW-VORK. QioioxxoioxxoxioioioToioixoioioiororoioioTczoToTc Lanky Poultry Houae Roofa. A small hole in the roof will do incal culable damage to a flock by keeping the house damp and cold. Kvaporation of moisture is always at the expense of loss of warmth, and the failure to stop a crack may cause an expense tor more food, as the body of the fowl is kept warm by the food, and the more com fortable the quarters the less food is required. Dry cold, where the fowls are not exposed to the winds, will not cause as much sickness as dampness, and especially when the rain not only leaks down on the floor, but also on the flowls us well. Close the leaks beforo the weather becomes cold.—Farm and Fireside. Women and clocks can’t always be taken at their face value. Just Lika the Old Man. One morning a merchant, noted for his pcmiriousncRs, came into his office and effusively greeted his bookkeeper, who had entered his servloo just twen ty-five years before, at the same time handing him a closed envelope, with the remark: "This is to serve you as a memento of the present occasion." The grateful recipient did not venture to open the envelope until encouraged to do so by a nod und smile from his em ployer. When he found inside only the merchant's photograph ho was dumb founded. "Well, havo you nothing to say?” asked tho merchant- ".Sir,” re plied the bookkeeper, with a bow, “it is just like you. ” People who think wrong will be sure to live that way. WORD BUILDING CONTEST 1st Prize—A Kimball Piano, vamk $350.00 2d Prize—A Bridgeport Organ, 100.00 3d Prize—A Fine Bicycle, - 75.00 4th Prize—A Diamond Pin or Ring, - - - 60.00 5th Prize—A Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, 50.00 6th Prize—A Trip Ticket,Omaha to Denver and beturn> 25.00 7th Prize—Cash, - 10.00 8th Prize—Cash, - 7.00 9th Prize—Cash, - 6.00 10th Prize—Cash, - 3.00 10 Prizes-Total Value, - $685.00 The above prizes are offered to those who construct or form the largest number of words out of the letters found in the prize word EDUCATION UNDER THE FOLLOWING RHOULAUIONS AND CONDITIONS. First-The first prize will be won by tlio largest list, the second prize by the next largest list and so on to the tenth. Feeond—Each person must, send In his or her list before the end of February, 1893. Third—The list of words must be written In ink plainly, and must be signed by the contestant and witnessed by two neighbors or friends. Fourth—Any English word found in the dictionary can be used if It is comp' sed of letters that are contained in the word edu cation, but there musi be no duplicates, ab breviations, exclamations nor names of peo ple or places, Fifth—The same letter must not be used twice In one word, but of course may used in other words. Hixth—Each contestant must be or bo como a subscriber to the Omaha Weekly World-Herald for one year, and must send his dollar to pay for his subscription with, his list of words. Seventh—Every contestant whose list contains as many as ten correct words will receive a portfolio containing hand onto photo engraved copies of sixteen famous paintings—size of each picture 10x12 Inches with history of the painting. Eighth—In case two or more prize winning lists contain the samo number of words the one that is lirst received will be given prof* 1 erence. % The Omaha Weekly World-Herald is edited by Congressman W. J. Bryan, the leading advocate of free silver coinage in the west. It has an agricultural department, especially edited by O. W. Ilervey, and of great value to farmers. It is issued every week in two sections—eight pages every Tuesday and four more pages every Friday—thus giving the news twice a week, which is almost as good as good as a daily paper. The price is 91.00 per year. The contest doses February 38. Address. WORLD-HERALD, oh*h*. neb. Blood Diseases such as Scrofula and Anaemia, Skin Eruptions and Pale or Sallow Complexions, are speedily cured by Scott’s Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil. Eo other rem edy so quickly and effectively enriches and purifies the blood and gives nourishment to the whole system. It is pleasant to take and easy on the stomach. Thin, Emaciated Persons and all suffering from Wasting Diseases are re stored to health by Scott’s Emulsion. Be sure you get the bottlo with our TUBiMMk traae-mark on it. Ueluso cheap substitutes! Sendfor pamphlet on Scott’s Emulsion. FREE. Soott A Bowne, N. Y. All druggists. BO cents and SI.