The Frontier. rUBUSHBD BVKBY TIIUBinAT BY TUB FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KINO A CRONIN. Kiiitohs. TEE INSIDE OF IT. The Barrett Hcotl murder came before Iho senate yesterday In a new form. Thursday Senator Pope presented a res olution requesting the governor to im mediately oiler the atatulory reward for the arrest and conviction of each of the murderers of Scott. In reply to this res olutlon which was adopted by the sen ate Governor Holcomb yesterday submit ted to the senate a communication ex plaining why the reward had not been offered In this important criminal case, together with all correspondence be tween the executive department and Bolt county officers. The communlca tlon If a* follows: Chapter LI. Bee. 543.—Whenever It ■ball be brought to the knowledge of the coroner or the sheriff of any county In this state that a murder has been com mitted their respective countlee, and the person or persons committing such mur der are unknown, or, if known, have tied from justice. It shall be the duty of the coroner or the sheriff to make the same known to the governor of this state, together with such facts as may come to his knowledge, going to show by whom such murder was committed and the whereabouts of the murderers. Section 548. Upon receipt of the in formation as prescribed by the preced ing section, the governor of the state shall Issue his proclamation offering such reward not exceeding 1300 for each per son murdered, as he shall deem proper for the arrest of the person or persons committing said crime and the delivery of said person or persons to the sheriff or jailor of the county where said crime was committed. Upon the trial of any person for whom such reward has been offered, if the presiding Judge shall, un der bis hand and seal of the court, cer tlfy to the governor that the person ar rested and indicted committed the act charged In the indictment, the person or persons making the arrest shall be entit led to the reward. “As soon as this department was in possession of information that a murder had been committed In Holt county, I at once telegraphed to the sheriff of Holt county, Nebraska, tendering such assist ance ae was warranted under the law by this department for the apprehension of the murderers of said Scott. I also sent a similar telegram to the county at torney of that county, replies being re ceived In each Instance indicating that the persons implicated in the crime had been arrested and that no reward for their apprehension was required. “Under the Information thus received and the law as .construed by this depart ment, I deem it inadvisable to make pub llo proclamation offering a reward for the apprehension of any person or per sons shpposed to be guilty of commit ting this murder. "I transmit herewith copies of all cor respondence had between the executive and the couuty authorities of Holt county, Nebraska, regarding this sub ject. "I regret that under the law as I view It and my conception of official duty that l am unable to coincide with your honorable body In the views as taken In the resolution before quoted. Very res pectfully, Silas A. Holcomb, Governor. OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE. The official correspondence with Holt county officials began with the following letter from sheriff Hamilton: O’Neill, Neb., Jan. 0 1895.—Silas Holcomb, Governor—Dear Sir: In re Sard to the disappearance of Barrett cotV defaulting ex-treasurer of Holt county, would like to have you offer a reward for his body, living or dead, and also a suitable reward for the apprehen sion and conviction of all parties impli cated. Kindly give this your prompt at tention and oblige. Youts respectfully, C. W. Hamilton. The governor’s reply was as follows: Lincoln, Neb , Jan. IS, 1895.— C. W. Hamilton, Sheriff, O'Neill, Neb.—Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge receipt , of yours of the 9th inst. requesting that a suitable reward be offered by this office for the apprehension and conviction of all parties implicated in the disappear ance of Barrett Scott,late of your county. In response thereto, 1 have to say that I have consulted with the deputy attorney-, general and upon such investigation as could he made, the authority for offer inf such a reward by the executive is very doubtful, in fact, in fact I think I have no authority to offer a reward, ex it be made to appear that a homicide has been committed and the reward be of fered tor the person or persons commit ting the same. In the case mentioned it seems very uncertain as to whether or not a homicide has in fact been commit ted, and until there is some information tending to establish that fact, I am una ble to see my way clear to comply with vour reauest. In the meantime, I shell be glad to have all the information which you may be in possession of regarding the disap pearance of Mr. Scott, and at the first opportunity would be very glad to co operate with the authorities of your county in apprehending any person or persons guilty of committing murder, if one has been committed. I might add that your letter to Mr. Bartley, the state treasurer, has also been roferred to me by him, and I have con versed with him some regarding this sub ject. Yours truly, Silas A. Holcomb. Governor. THE SHERIFF ntACTIVU. January 91 the governor sent a tele gram to to the sheriff asking if the statt could be of any service in assisting it apprehending the murderers. To thii the sheriff replied: ONnix, Neb., J»n. 99, 1895.—Gov ernor Holoomb. Lincoln, Neb: Don’i know of anything the state can' do. Ev erything is quiet here. Law and ordei prevail*. That I* tiic sentiment of tbe good people of Holt county. Will nak insistence If needed. C. W. Hamilton, Sheriff. It aeema that it never entered the head* of the officer* to offer a reward, even after the body of Scott bad been recovered, nnd the governor felt obliged to stop hinting that there ws* a duty on their part left unperformed, so he lent this unspoken message by wire: Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 22. ISOS.— C. W. Hamilton, Sheriff, O’Neill: The |pro posed assistance in my telegrAin referred to matter of reward for apprehension of murderers of llarrett Scott. If you deem it necessary that a reward he of fered, wiie me. Silas A. I1oi.comu, Governor. MURPHY SAID TltKY HAD ’EM. Falling to get the sheriff to formally apply for a reward proclamation, it ap pears from the correspondence 'that tbe governor then turned to the couuty at torney and sent this telegram: ijincui.n, nen,, jail. ej, in»;i.— u. r. Murphy. County Attorney, O’Neill, Neli. Please advise me immediately if the state can be of service in assisting you to apprehend murderers of Barrett Scott. Silas A. Uoi.comii, Governor. In reply. County Attorney Murphv, with considerable assurance and with the assumption that all the murderers were under arrest, sent the following i telegram: O'Nkill, Jan. Jan. 28, 1895.—Gov ernor Silas A. Holcomb. Lincoln, Neb.: 'AH persons chatged with the murder of Barrett Scott have been apprehended, brought before the bar of justice and Will be dealt with strictly according to law. 1 know of nothing the state can do more than It has done, to punish vio lators of law in Holt county. This course shall be pursued. Will ask assis tance iu the future if necessary. Law and justice shall prevail in Holt county! This is the sentiment of our citizens. II. E. Munriiy, County Attorney. No action was taken on the governor’s communication.—State Journal. Now we have the Inside history of the case. Hamilton and Murphy are to blame that no reward has been offered by the state. In this they have been guilty of great negligence. While it is true, as Murphy said, that all charged with the crime are under arrest, It is also true that others, not charged, were im plicated, and a reward should be offered for their apprehension. It has been thought all the time that the sheriff and county attorney were luke-warm in this prosecution, and their correspondence with the governor strengthens the belief. If these officers have no desire to do their duty in this matter they should resign and give some one else a chance to look after the pence and dignity of the state. -- The Sun says let Scott’s friends con tinue in their investigation of the mur" der. Why does the Sun say ‘’friends?’’ Why did it not say officers of the law and citizens of the county irrespective of previous conditions? Upon the Scott murder the Sun has made its position as clear as mud. It printed a pretty fair original editorial condemning the crime, and parrelied it with a "very ten ibk" editorial from the Sioux City Tribune which by inference said the murder waa justifiable. If McHugh don’t alight from his position astride the fence he will soon be split to the chin. Tub following resolution waa intro duced in the house last Thursday, re ferred to the committee on resolutions, and subsequently laid over indefinitely: Whereas: It is currently reported by the press and otherwise that Hon. J. A. ltobertson, a member of this house, is a member of the vigilant committee, which is responsible for the deplorable crime of the murder of one of our citizens, the late Barrett Scott; therefore, be it llesolved. That there be a committee of five appointed to investigate this mat ter, and if found to be true the same to be reported to this body for further and more definite action. Every once in awhile a pop is heard to say that if the Hill lynching had been investigated Scott never would have been hung. That may be a fact, but in this connection we desire -to ask why the Hill matter was not investigated. We have a pop sheriff and a pop county at torney and a pop county board. Why did they not get their heads together at the time and investigate? It would have been' no difficult matter to have arrested some guilty parties. Fact is if Scott's friends had not taken hold of the matter his murder would have been allowed to die out as quickly as that of the Hills. Wk do not Bee bow any man can accuse Barrett Scott—with all his faults —of "Earing wrecked the Holt county bank. The men who persist in making this statement are uninformed, to say the least. Barrett Scott did not wreck the Holt county bank, such reliable authority as the Sioux City Tribune and other lesser lights to the contrary not withstanding. The Holt county bank wrecked Barrett Scott. Scott kept the bang upon its feet for years and finally went into the vortex with it. The funds with which be proposed to carry on the business of the county were deposited in that bank and they are there yet. When the bank shut down Scott shut down. True, he should have bad more money, but then he didn't. That he had it [ loaned out over the county does not in any way effect this case. He did not 1 wreck the bank, unless it might be said that he wrecked it in that he did not ' furnish it with money enough to keep it open. This he was under no obligations > to do. O’NEILLBUSINESS DIRECTORY It. HICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Keferenoe First National Bank O'NCILL, NEB. O. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIOARB, ETO. J}R. J. P. GILI.1GAN, Pit Y8ICAN AND SURGEON. Day and night call* promptly attended to. Offloe In llolt County Bank building. O'NEILL. NEB. JI^H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Dffioe In the Judge Roberta building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, 0 NEILL. NEB. w. n. UUTLEIl, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Agent tor Union Trust Do's land In Holt county. ,Will praotloe In all the oourta. Special at tentlou given to foreclosures and collections j^n, B. T. TRUK BLOOD PHYSICIAN & BURGEON Diseases of the Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty, Ofiloe hours 9 to 13 a. m. and t toft p. in, Office first door west of Helnerlkson’s A, J HAMMOHD ABSRACT CO Successors to R. R. DICKSON A CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstract Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac eurcy guaranteed, for which we have given a 110,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Sollced O’NEILL. HOLT COUNTY NEB. HOTEL -JAVANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. THE NEW DONAHOE’S is combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand each other better. THE NEW DONAHOE’S is brilliant without being super ficial, instructive without being heavy, popular without being trival. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only $2.00 a year. Write for sample copy. DONAHOE’S MAGAZINE CO. 611 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON MASS. THE OMAHA.... WEEKLY SEE 13 pages a week—From now to 'Soy. 15, | covering the entire campaign, for. I ^10 CENTS. | Sand Stamp, or Silver to !THE OMAHA BEE OMAHA. NEB. The BEST * I Boys’ Outfits! in the World \ •re offered to the public by THE HUB — Chicago’s greatest clothing E9 store! Made of strictly all-wool n cloth—well fitting and strong—wo B can positively guarantee them tho B Beet Bargain* for the money ■ ever given by anybody- B The Hub’s Famous Head-To-Foot Outfits For Boys from 6 to 15 years old. consist of One Doable-Breasted j Coat, Two Pairs of Knee Pants, I a Stanley Cap, made to match tho I salt, and One Pair of Shoes, mado B of solid leather very neat, yet ns B strong as a brick, and the price of B the entire "Head-To-Foot" Outfit Is B Only $5 “ I Tens of thousands sold to every state of the Union, and everyone Is delighted with them. You'll be pleased, too, If you’ll let us send you one—all charges prepaid to any part of the U. 8. for So.76, or 0.0.1), with privilege of examination be fore payment—If a deposit of tl.OO Is sent with the order. Samples of Cloth and 80-page Illustrated Catalogue telling you all about the greatest line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnish lng Goods, Hats, Shoes for Men and Women, and Ladles' Cloaks and Furs, sent Tree and postage paid. THE HUBl N. W. Cor. State and Jackion Sts.. CHICAGO, ILL. Tht Hob has no Branch Stores Anywhere.I MERCHANT TAILOR_ I). H. Garhart has opened up to do a general Mer chant tailoring business in O’Neill. lie will be found in the Mack building 4 doors east of Hotel Evans, where be will be pleased to Bhow you samples and take orders for new suits. Repairing and cleaning done neatly and promptly. D. H. GARHART. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS Ths Organ of Honest Snort In Amsrlos ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTUnSD BV VMS FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breexy but Respectable. S4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the NEW ME ILLUSTRATED NEWS, 3 PARK PLACES NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink’of good liquor do not (all to call on ub. •■iHY and L&sma R'CSOIiXb. xrtt2r.r6BS0nt.?0 not take a daily paper. In Its colum”8*" „ nfthaliun1 "eek a news of all the world condensed an<) fjjfin of the literary features of the dally. As a family paper Itp* ii western Journals. It consists of eight pages with a supplf"‘f“,*o mi.!° colo7'’of eight additional pages, making 1“ ?" aud^wo^full8 page ni'HustraSon81*?*^one*worth the'prh**^ P*per The Inter Ocean Ir Pkf1»^!'e