The Frontier. rVBUIIIBD BVBRY TIIItUDiT BT TH1 FRONTIER PRINT1NQ COMPANY KINO £ CHONIN. Editors, THE DEEP GIVES UP A SECRET. The body of llarrelt Hcott has been found and tbe circumstances surround ing it* discovery do not tend very strong ly to prove tbe oft-bcard end published expression tbet "bo is alive and well, toasting bi* sbln* by some friendly lire side." No indeed! Those who saw bis remains lying froxen upon the ice of tbe Niobrara river last Monday morning were easily convinced that be was dead. The rope tied about bis neck, almost burled In tbe flesh, the bruised bead and pinioned arms all bad a tendency to sat isfy their minds. But he was in tbe bands of bis frienda. Strong men sat under the over-banging bluff in tbe wav ering shadows of the campfire sobbing bitterly as they gazed upon tbe cold and silent figure below them. It was a sad sight, and the stillness of tbe early morn ing hours, the feeble light of tbe waning moon lent intensity, to Its solemnity. Deep and earnest were tbe curses that were pronounced upon the unhallowed bands that caused bis death and bore him at the midnight hour to that lonely spot for interment beneath tbe cheerless wave, in tbe hope that tbo eye of man might never again behold him. It was almost more than human feeling could endure. Our cltleens who hare worked io un remittingly In title search for the last three weeks are deserving of great praise, but the discovery of the body relieves them of but a small portion of their duly. They owe It to the public, to the family of the deceased and to themselves to continue the work with vigor until every guilty man has been embraced by the arm of the law and received his re* ward. While we feel that the indignation of Our cttlsene la not apt to result In any personal violence to the suspected guilty parties, there has been considerable talk and Thu Frontier desires to caution the people that nothing of the kind must be done. The murderers deserve hanging, and in many communities would have reoeived their deserts ere this, but the people of this community cannot afford any such luxury. We, as a people, have always advocated allow ing the law to take its course and now that must be tho guide to our actions In this case. While we admit that no man can view the remains of Barret Scott, and recall in the presence of his corpse the circumstances leading up to his death end the torture Intlloted upon him by the human devils, without feeling the blood boll la his veins, yet all deeds of murder must be left for the other fel lows. “The mills of the gods grind elowly but they grind exceeding fine" and in due time the death of Scott will be avenged at the bar of justice. We believe that the governor should offer a reward for the arrest and convic tion of the criminals. He Is authorized by statute to do this and should have done It long ago. We believe also that this is a matter for investigation by our supreme court whoso bands Scott was in at the time he was assassinated by the mob. Tea populists are beginning to deny the charge of murder before it has been directly made. The ghoat of Darrett Scott will ait on the atump beside their apeakera in next fall’a campaign and they will be called upon to explain the co-incidence. If perchance a republican aherilf had made the laughable mistake of blowing in the people’s good money on a spirit chasing tour to the Missouri river, would the Beacon Light have excused him without a coinmn wallow in the mire of its low English f Tni article in laat week’s Smudge pur porting to have been written by a woman at Leonia is strictly in accord with the principles of the sheet that gave it pub licity. Secret societies have withstood such attacks as that for years and no doubt they will mange to stand up under this latest onslaught. Kautxman may manage to prejudice the ignorant minds but in so doing he injures himself and the better element of society. Tas Omaha Bee is to be congratula ted upon having such a gentlemanly and shrewd reporter as Mr. Fowler in its em ploy. When he came into O’Neill to re port the Scott murder he was confronted with every obstacle. Our citizens bad not forgotten the false position the Bee took upon the Scott matter two years •go and they showed their resentment by taming n cold shoulder to Fowler. He. however, quietly pursued the even i tenor of bis way, got the now* a* beet he might, took the right elite of the ques tlon anil maintained it against all corn era. By ao doing he ha* made many warm personal friende for hlmaelf and incidentally a few for hie paper. Tiik Frontier congratulate* Mr. Fowler upon hia ability to dietingulah the right from the wrong, the faiae from the true and upon the courage with which be dc fenila hie convictions. Humming, the World-Herald man who wae present in O'Neill and reported the earlier happenings of the Hcott tragedy, succeeded admirably in making a high grade chump of himaelf last Sunday. He looaed the cobwebs of hit* fertile im agination and as they scattered in divers waye with the wavering breeze of public opinion he carefully drew them in an 1 indited over his own signature a two col umn article in which he undertakes to spread the belief that Hcott had been spirited away by his friends, lie not only did that but he most outrageously insulted Mrs. Hcott and Mise McWhor ter by an impotent attempt to impeach their testimony in regard to the capture mil events that followed. Tiir Fron her is astonished that Hemming should liave done this, lie knew better. The east that liu and his paper can now do in expiation of their libelous folly is to write a two column apology and public y admit that they have made egregious uses of themselves. Monday's paper* said that Represcnt ttlve Burns, of Lancaster, would offer a 'csoltition Tuesday morning appropriat ng 95,000 with which to prosecute the nurderers of Barrett Scott. When this 'act was learned in O’Neill, the follow ng resolution was drawn up and tele graphed him. It was signed by a large lumber of our best citizens. The reso ution read as follows: Hon. Joseph Burns, House of Representatives. Greeting: In the matter of your an ticipated resolution appropriating $5,000 rrotn the funds of the state of Nebraska lor the arrest and conviction of the mur ilereis of Barrett Scott, we, the under signed residents of Holt and Boyd coun ties. irrespective of party affiliations, re garding our country as our family, hereby express our appreciation of your valuable services by the introduction of said resolution, which immures to the benefit and safety of our country by checking and restraining our young commonwealths from a tendency to law lessness and utter destruction by further acts of violence at the hand* of brutal murderers and more than brutal brigands who are evidently serving under some false god or gods. The appropriation was'not made, al though we believe it should have been. The following resolution, however, was introduced and passed: Whereas, It is apparent to all fair minded men that Barrett Scott, of Holt county, Nebraska, has been murdered, and Whereas, it is also apparent that the said murder of said Scott was the result of a deep-laid plan and a foul conspiracy; therefore bo it Resolved, That we, the members of the house of representatives, in regular ses sion assembled, do hereby denounce any and all persona who assisted In the con spiracy and participated in the murder of said Scott: and, be it further Resolved, To the end that speedv jus tice msy be done, that we favor the of fering of a liberal reward for the appre hension and conviction of all parties to said conspiracy, as well as all parties aid ing, abetting and committing said tr ir der. Tub following appeared in Monday’s World Herald: "Representative Robert son, of Holt, said shat he had,'from the Information received, been inclined to lean to the theory that Scott had been run out of the county by his friends or those who were intimately connected with him In business transactions. Since the finding of the body, lie is satisfied that those who did the deed rre people who were afraid of being implicated by the confession of Scott, and who felt that their only safety was in fixing him ao he could not talk. Representative Robertson does not believe that the vig unuce cumumire uau anytuing to uo with the Scott case, front what he knows of the friendly relations which existed between those composing the vigilantes and Scott. He thinks front what he knows of the condition of affairs that there was no motive to cause the politi cal enemies of Scott to do the deed. He calls attention to one point which he says seems suspicious to him, and bears out his theory, and this is that the search ers, after looking all over the country, all of a sudden and with one impulse, as it were, became convinced that the body would he found in the river." Nice man to represent anybody, this Robert son 1 The positive manner in which he speaks of the vigilance committee would lead one to believe that he is on very in timate terms with them; probably knows their oath of initiation. The people here know all about the “friendly rela tion’’ existing between Scott and this band of assassins. They need no infor mation from sympathizer Robertson. His constituents are ashamed of him. They deny that he represents them, or that they know him. The most ardent pops in Holt county have been forced to drop Robertson's theory. Our citizens were so indignant when they read the expressions of this upstart that they immediately circulated the following, which was freely signed; To John A. Robertson, House of Representatives, Lincoln, Neb —Sir: Whereas, as shown by your published interview in the World-Herald of the 31st Inst., you avow yourself acquainted with those comprising tue so-culled vig ilantes in this county, nnd, Whereas: We are reliably informed by the president of such committee or association that you are a member in good standing, and, Whereas: We are of the opinion that the principles and practices of such a« soeiation and its members are Inimlca ble to the best interests of the peace and well being of our community and that such association nnd influences totally untits any person to properly represent any constituency except it be such or ganization, in such a liody as that to which you have been exalted. Therefore, we, the undersigned elec tors of your representative district most earnestly and emphatically de mand your immediate resignation of the position wliicn you now have the honor to hold. O’NHI i/L BUSINESS DI RECTORY It. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. t C. SMOOT, tie • FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQARS, ETO. J)It. J. P. cm.I,It)AN, PIIYBICAN AND SURGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Offloe In Holt County Bank building. O'NEILL. NEB. E. n. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Offloe In the Judge Roberts building, north of 0. O. Snyder’s lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB. w. R. BUTIiKIl, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Agent for Union Trust Co’a land In Holt County. Will practice In all the oourta. Special at tentlon given to foreclosures and collections D U. B. T. TRUK BLOOD PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Diseases of the Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Office hours 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. in. Office first door west of llelnertkson's THE NEW DONAHOE’S is combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand each other better. THE NEW DONAHOE’S is brilliant without being super ficial, instructive without being heavy, popular without being trival. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only $2.00 a year. Write for sample copy. DONAHOE’S MAGAZINE CO. 611 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON MASS. Successors to R. R. DICKSON d. CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstrect Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for 'which we have given a 910,000 bond as required uuder the law. Correspondence Soliced O'NEILL. HOLT COUNTY NEB. HOTEL E VANS Enlarged Refurnished | Refitted | Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. OUffaWBUKMW NOW REALLY, DOESN’T THIS STRIKE YOU AS A Bie Bareaih? A BOY’S SUIT, consisting of a double breasted eoatj anil short pants All Wool, mind you, I lirst-clasa—good and strong, A PAIR OF EXTRA PANTS to match the suit. A PRETTY CAP made of tho same cloth as the coat ] ami-two pairs of pants are made from. AND A PAIR OF SHOES, of solid leather—neat, stylish, yet as strong as a brick. ALL FOR $5.00 We call them the HUB’S “HEM-TO-FOOT” BOY’S OUTFITS. You'll call them the greatest bar-) gain of your llfo when you soe them. * LET US SEND YOU ONE. i 95.751 will bring one, all charges] prepaid to any part of the U. 8., or I we 11 send you one C. O. T>. with prlv- j liege of examination before aecep-J lance, if you'll send us gl.00 on ac-l count to secure express charges. i OP CLOTH and W-page Illustrated Catalogue FKEEouap-S plication. ' THE HUB, N. W. Cor. State and Jackson SL,, CHICAGO, ILL., ( America’s Largest Retail Dealers in Men's! Clothing. Boys's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, j Hats, Shoes lor both Sexes, and Ladies’! Cloaks and Furs In the United States. | The Hub has no Branch Stores anywhere,! NMMhMMWMPMM MERCHANT TAILOR_ L>. II. Garliart baa opened up to do a general Mer chant tailoring business in O’Neill. He will be found in the Mack building 4 doors east of Hotel Evans, where he will be pleased to show you samples and take orders for new suits. Repairing and cleaning done neatly and promptly. D. H. GARUART. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honest Sport In America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED ST THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the JEW TOES UISTMTEP JEWS, 3 PARK PLACEI NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DEALERS IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drlnk.of good liquor do not fall to call on ua. iS2*EEDY and LASTING KBSUL.TS FATPEOPLEAl#r Na inconvenience. Simple, l sure. asc:l7tsl7 rssif from *r.y injurious substance. LASOZ ABUOIEITS BESUOST. '.’JARAAITEC a ft!RE c? refund >our money. X) p* r IjoV*!?. fcntl - L -—if: g?uansamsa Always Buy the Best. The Best is Cheapest The Finest and Largest stock of good in the Hardware and. .Implement Line in the Elkhorn Valley is found « Neil Brennan’s John Deere plows, Moline wagons, D Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivator! Riding and walking cultivators, ham Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinwi G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL,V. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE■STATE-BAN OB' O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collectio DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINEi Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for LUMBER, COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. 0.0. SNYDER & ^JUlUiUWUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUJU41iUiUiUtf EMIL SNI66S, PRACTICAL HORSESHOE And general blacksmithing carried on in connection. ( i iage work in either iron or wood executed in the most style possible. First-class plow and machine work that be relied upon. No new experience used in any brand work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALs.0 DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS—— Plano binders, mowers, rakes, $kandi plows, harrows I cultivators of all descriptions. Everything guaranty beat the best. o’neill. ni:b. 1' T*he Inter Ocean /«r^,2*ni?St Pi°??*ar Republican Newspaper of the west and h^2r largest circulation. lertns by mail: Daily (without Sunday weekly H#l3npJrvilarSUAtlay) *8 per year; semi-weekly, f i y n As a newspaper the Inter Ocean keep’ab*;, seci^pi^L^if th«a «respeAtfu t spares neither pains nor expeo* securing all the news and the best of current literature the Weekly Inter Ocean tof mai' nfth» u,;ws.u me worm condensed am Z'J-.Z Ill.erary features of tlie dally. As a family paper western journals. It oormiAta t\t ut»vt* a sun western journals colo jww u«uy. as a ramuy * "‘V3* H consists of eight pages with a supi n«ir^c an io G°l°rs* °f <*ight additional pages, makiDg in aP pages. This supplement, containing six pages of readiu? _er. and two full patre Illustrations 1» atone wSrtli the price of P*' ’.i# The Inter Ocean if Phi* aft2Un ^icaKo, the news and commercial cen**0 thimountuius and is oetter adapted to the n ,u *5?® fe*2f 1 ,at ?ection tha« any paper farther east. Ij ** cord with the people of the west both in politics and By special arrangement with the publishers of the Inter Ocean we are a*1*1 ..offer. The Weekly Inter Ocean and The Frontier The Frontier One Year and the Inter Ocean 6 Months, Now is the time to subscribe.