[is SPEAKERSHIP contest g IN REAL EARNEST. IELD against hr. lobdell.. |re Trylne to Comblno Agnlmt Hut Ho Seems to Have Too „ Sturt — Ho llepiin Very jjrly on a Still Hunt, ami >ow Looks Like the Win ner ot the Knee. tSA, Kan., .Ian. 7.—Last night tentative John beaton of Atchi „ttlie opposition candidates for «r together and after a long ence it was decided that S. S. jct, ,T H. Kemington and Alex lYaruer should withdraw, leav K. Cubbison and W. B. Sutton fieitl to oppose C. Ii. Lobdell. [1 attempts were made te com 11 the opposition forces in acau ut Lobdell hud secured pledges ,o many to him as their second that the plan would not work, itliing was left but to make the n the"party caucus. SuttoD is u.,l to hold the Sixth district eVs in line and, if he sees he ivin, be will throw his support ,lMMin, taking the speakership inpore for himself, result of tlie speakership con vill have no bearing whatever • senatorial contest. What little -t was manifested by the sena eamlidates a week ago soon dis red. and if Lobdell succeeds it iot be because of locality, but s,' of his tremendous energy and vork. commencing the day after November election. lie had U positive following and form cirgani/.ation weeks before the candidates began operations [liiis laid gained a good start the campaign opened in ;a. 'iv is talk of a peace conference 'mil'll, Cubbison and Sutton and Irli'iiils to bring about a settle* i t ili,> speakership in advance of dirty caucus. This proposition [iii'i"l by Seaton, Benedict and t'ul'bison men,and there is little in ml of a settlement outside of turns, which it is understood i.elil Monday forenoon, n >n the senatorial contest in c measure has been suspended tlie settlement of the house billion, although there is no v.tion of interest. Neither date has gained any accessions 'lay or two, and it is admitted lltirians that not so many mem lave been pledged as had been t i. The members are going "urns cautiously—some because lit to “pick the winners,” and ' localise they feel the growth in-alls sentiment and do not '"rommitt themselves against CIBBERS STEAL A SAFE, i iliMp of a 1'assanger Train In || , he strong Box Recovered. ^.—Representa five Reed of Maine, who is suffering from a sprained ankle, caused by a fall on the ice in New York on Wed nesday, is better to-day. He is con fined to his room, however, and de nies himself to callers. It may be several days before he is able to re sume his legislative duties. Still I'alliinK Finance. Washington, Jan. 5.—At the open ing of the session of the house to-day, the speaker presented the resignation of Mr. Painter of the Fifth Kentucky district, to take effect to-morrow, when he assumes his now duties as judge of the Kentucky court of ap peals. On motion of Mr. Herman of Oregon, | a bill was passed grantingan increi.se | of pension to Ilnsea Brown, aged, l 103. survivor of the war of 1S12. The debate on the currency bill was then resumed and Mr. Hendrix of New York, a banker took the lioor. latense Headaches " For four years I have born n constant suf« feror. My head ached from morning till night. After trying everything I could tlilulc of, the only thing that gave me any relief was to keep my hoad iiuuuii wiui a uioui to keep the air from striking It. Thu nasal passages of my head and my throat wero very sore and gave me Intense pain, ex pectorating ni u e li corriint niatler. f wno told that weight of my t h o liulr was tbo cnuRO of my trouble, niul l had It cut off; hut this gavo me no relief. Heeding about a lady similarly allllcted who was cured by Mood’s Sarsaparilla, I bey nil to take It. Ho fore I bad taken one bottle I felt greatly Im Hood’s?2®1 Cures proved, and at the end of three bullies mis en tirely well. I now weigh 310 pounds, which Is a gain of 10 pounds lu throe months.” Mhs. Makt A. WiiiTit, Franklin, Indluna. Hosd'l Pills do not weaken, but aid diges tion and tone the stomach. Try them. 2Bo. DIRECTIONS for ustuo CREAM BALM.—April/ a particle of Ihe Balm well up int i the nostrils. After a moment drum a strong breath through the twee. Use three times a (tag, af ter m«ils preferred, anil before retiring. CATARRH RLY'8 CREAM BALM «p«nn anil clmtiM's Mu Nasal I'ivmmik«,x. Alln.v* Pain uinl Inflammat ion. Ileal* tlio Sores. |irotni.*tN Um Membrane from Molds, |i«. stores lh»* Senses of Tust.o ami Kindi. Tho Halm is quickly absorbed and Riven relief at once. A partlcln Is applied Into eneli nostril and is affroo* able. Price 50 cents ut. PruKRlsts or by mail. ELY BB0TBEB8, 50 Warren St., New York “COLCHESTER” SPADING BOOT. BEST IN MARKET. WIST IN 1 1 1'. best in wearing QUALITY. Thn oulnrortuii nolo os* tend* tho wholo lunittli down to tbo Loti, pro. tcoiInjr Him Loot In dlflL frlnir nud In otb.T bnrd work. ASK YOUR PEALKR FOIt THEM nnd don't bo put olf wlfh 1nfMH.Tr Roo/Iu coLciiEBTicn nrniiKR to. W. L. Douclas S3 SHOE IS THE BEST. FIT rOR AKIN®. ». cordovan;', FRENCH ACNAMCLICD CALF, , ■’ |4.®3.sp Fine Calf&Kammriioi ♦3.W POLICE, 3 S0LE3. 50*2. WORKINGMEN , ** 'EXTRA FINE* *2.4|7® BOYS'SCHOOLS.HOEl -LADIES' Khssbsjsmsu. Over One Million People wear the W. L, Doug’as $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the beet value for the money. They equal cuatom ahoea In atyle and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,—stamped on sole. From $i to saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you wo can. WALTER BAKER & GO. PURE, HIGH CMOS 4 COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES lOd thlo Contiuent, have received 1 HIGHEST AWARDS from the great Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS 'In Europe and America. u*ed in nny of !h«*ir preparations. Their delicious BREAKFAST COCOA is ab«olut*l/ pure and soluble, and cotft leu than one cent a cup. SOLD BY GROCER3 EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER ft C07d0RCHESTER, MASS. Taken Ihtcshauy MO USED LOCALLY WITH Imnfllator. OR. SYKES' SURE CURE 00., IT. CARTON SLOO., CHICAGO .-old b/ nil I >rug.rl»is Patents. Trade-Marks, Examination and Advice m to Patentability of Invention. Mend for *• 1 uvao tors’ Guide, or How to Get • Faunt.” PAT8ICZ 0TA22ELL. WAOHXSOTffll, 5. 5. WE WILL TAKE YOU TO CALIFORNIA Cheaply, Quickly and Comfortably on the Philllns-Koek Island Tourist Kxcursions. CXKAF, because the rate in Sleeping Car is but I6.U0. QUICK, because you travel on the fastest trains that run. COMFORT, because you have a through Sleeper. Fourteen years’ record. Over 100.000 already carried, and all like the service. Car leaver Des Moines and Omaha every Friday via the famous Bcenie Route. A special manager goes each trip to care for the many wants of patrons en rout1?. We can t tell you half the benellts in this ad., but for your California trip you should post yourself. Address, J-.'O. SEBASTIAN. G P. A.. C., K. I. $ P. H y, Chicago. OMAHA' Business Houses. S!IOKT-!f.\M> AM) TVPK-WlUTl NG. Oldest and lies* Ilu-in;* s Colicg • i.i the Wo t. No Ctica’ioii ’ibou'iv ds o; gradual - a d *•*«*«tud.'M* tocupyiug pay iu posit! i»-. Wrte b-rcataio uj. F* F. hitO i h. C)m:«lit, Xcb. Heal Book dress V1AYI CO.. FREK to mothers ani d ■ turt le rs Tli.er u els. «.i-i‘a-,es, and ho »• to tre*t them. , 046 Bee Ultlff. Cm .hu. STOVE REPAIRS DON'T HU IN YOUR STOVES Write at once for Omaha Stovt Repair Works, 120> Douglas St Omaha