The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 03, 1895, Image 7

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    Mandolin'* Popularity.
• the mandolin is stealing
^ c ^,Xrity enjoyed by the
1 former instru
At anv rate, the former instru
„ becoming a greater favorite in
■ind shop windows show them
e frequently now than here
.'onnerly all the mandolins
,|,is country were imported
. •■■nanv and Italy; now nearly
,,e 'used here-and a great
...'used—are made in this eoun
I,' tiie past year and a half or
' the mandolin has become
here, and its popularity
signs of diminishing. The de
fur mandolins comes from all
|K. oountry. and it is so great that
,1c dealers in musicai instru
ct, „ot alwavs able to keep up
promptly. It is said that we
n this country mandolins better
• he imported, and the same ia
American guitars. Guitars
„ this country are now used
,;„uit the land, and they are also
to all Spanish-American conn
l hiladephia Bulletin.
I,crying » Kentucky Audience.
, ,iel Kaintuck—Talking about
i of hand, the most mysterious
11 t!v(.r saw was in a little town
I in Kentnekv- The man wasn't
rVssional. either, but just a bright
,, ;,,|i,nv wlio has a genius for such
Ho tool; a glass of water and
;t up before us all, and then we
r a big tablecloth over him. In
minutes he threw off the cloth—
;ln re was the glass empty; yes, sir,
i drop in it.
lend - Perhaps he drank it.
onel Kaintuck—By Jove! Maybe
id. Never thought of it.—New
: Weekly.
Pino Iteward Bluff.
renders nf this paper will be pleased
in that there is nt least one dreaded
lethal science lias been able to euro
its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
>rh Cnro is tlie only positive euro
li to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
a constitutional disease, requires a
it nt ionai treatment. Hall's Catarrh
is taken internally, acting directly
i!:i- iijimil nitil mucous surfaces of the
in. thereby destroying the foundation
ie disease, and giving the patient
(>tli tiv building up the constitution
esistiiig imt lire in doing its work. The
•i. iors hare so much faith in its cura
[,oners, that they oiTer One Hundred
its for any case that it fails to djre.
for list of testimonials. tf
boss. K.J. CHENEY & CO., ToledJ, O.
•o;,i Iiv Druggists, 7oc. 1
it's iiiniily Tills line.
Hi* Needs. ,
;i inn's boy would do tiptop if hi
i string long enough,” said one
i.hor to another.
iion'1 know what use a business
can nut a string to,” said neigh
\uinlier Two.
'ell. if lie could tie up all the loose
that lie leaves dangling, tie hitn
liown to his work, tic his pocket
together, and then tie his tongue
wouldn’t wag so busy, he’d be as
nl a man as we have got in town.
1 doubt if it can be done. It would
considerable string.”
ie diamond is believed to be of re
geological formation, and a micro
■ examination often discloses in
id stance minute plants and vegeta
'fill spirits and the ability to fully
} life, come only with a healthy
man who suffers from nerv
ous debility, impaired mem
ory, low spirits, irrita
s->. I)le temper, and the
« \ thousand and one de
V \ rangeuients of mind
result from, un
natural, pernici
ous liabils usual
ly contracted in
youth, tlaough
ignorance, is
thereby incapac
itated to thor
oughly enjoy
life. He feels
tired, spiritless,
and drowsy ; his
deep isdisturbed
a ini does not re
I It
■ llle will power is weakened,
,m"nl him al>d mav result
, hypochondria, or'melan
•Vv (.'."r11 ^'"g of the brain,
lls )* paralysis, locomotor
‘ e\en m dread insanity.
^ >e;tch,
>rtnivitn« * 'u,,'i jcsiore SUCH
aim of u° hea, \!* aml happiness, is
publishers of a book of
written in plain Imt chaste
r||.,(J, . * IIIIL VI
[i.ii?,.: ? , 1,riture» symptoms and
' ,,v nmne-treatment, of such
;^r., l,c“tuiuu, Ol SUCI1
laiiVom. i,s x>° : *)e sent sealed,
'Vill. tonof >1,is no
sta,,,Ps* for post
Is^oci r*1' ^orld's Dispensary Med*
Buffalo, k. Y/
Brians'5,!a <l'lart.f‘r of a century
lratr-,1 j., '!'Pt'!ei1 with this widely
1=5, ' lo" have made the
r speebn H above hinted at
f'i i .7housajds have con
'"‘-•licinA whfia,,i‘1reCe*lVe‘1 a,lvice
*ment Cures. 1 T® resulted
'ferTilffi^K °M W
le book aijove\nentiojfcd| tatetea^
"ome a Bottle of
ung Balsam
Cfeat R°ck island Route
Playing Cards.
i^®-Gwi'A.Va?,P8 orco,n 10 JNO.
' h'-f. 11 Sbt_AK.ent, C.. R. I. & p.
Postpaid me
!;!lil i-teel enirruved ttvv^?ou ®ver handled.
"hist Rules aceom
'V * | ~ —— M
: —:i^»»alia_i. 1898
‘ttVu^JLo^Jtaj-oou MU
Iteterinlnoil to I.op Off Untie*. Decrease
, the Revenue anil Ke«|> oil llorruvrlux —
I'mleslralite Imiiilgriint* -- No Kscape
1 for llonnelly.
| Flnaiirlerliur l''xti'riorilliiary.
• Perhaps tho most curious tiling
j about tho present national adininis
: tration is. not. that it has tried to do
j molish the protective system although
tho mere menace of free trade par
alyzed industry and business, but that
I it lias at the same time plunged tho
government into debt and iupieriled
I the stability of tho currency without
any reasonable excuse whatever.
A slashing of protective duties was
promised by the Democratic national
convention of 1«92. The party was
pledged to enact "a tariff for rovonue
only” and to provide a revenue suffi
cient to meet tho needs of tho gov
ernment “economically administered.”
This meant, of course, the abrogation
of protective rates of duty and the
raising of necessary revenue from
other sources—from duties on non
competing articles, and also by direct
taxation—enough revenue to enable
the government to pay its obligations
when due and maintain the currency
on a sound basis.
[ .Congress and the president seemed
to totally lose sight of the vital mat
ter of revenue in their zeal for “tariff
reform,” says the Cincinnati Times
Star. Notwithstanding receipts were
rapidly decreasing and the demand
upon the treasury for gold was in
creasing and tho national finances
wore falling into chaos, the Fifty
third congress at its lirst regular ses
sion passed a tariff bill reducing the
rovenue, without cutting down expen
'J'ho Wilson bill would have brought
$50,000,000 less revenue than the
(Borman law provides. Yet that
measure was ardently championed by
President Cleveland in face of the fact
that he had been compelled to borrow
100,000,001) to cover a deficit! Wliat
would bo thought of a business man
who, dee]) in debt and getting deeper
in every day. needlessly sacrificed part
of his income just after borrowing
largely to avoid bankruptcy? That
was and is the Cleveland policy of
administering the government. The
(iorman law, much better than the
Wilson destroyer, failed to avert an
other crisis in the treasury, and a
second loan of 150,000,000 was ne
In his message President Cleveland
declared that he would borrow money
whenever it might be necessary to do so
to preserve the public credit. That is
u wise and patriotic resolution. But
it only heightens the general aston
ishment at the inconceivable folly of
preferring to borrow rather than to
take the practical, business-like
course of raising more revenue. The
message contained no suggestion on
this subject. It indicated no alarm,
but a stolid indifference as to the
Not only were now taxes or .new
duties net recommended, but the
president urged congress to lop off
some of the existing duties, which are
expected to yield at least $80,000,000
a year: this, despite the assurance of
treasury experts that there will be a
deficit at the end of the fiscal year,
June 30, 1895, of between $50,000,000
and $60,000,000. On the heels of a
lxmd issue, the president would fur
ther reduce the revenue from customs,
with the certainty confronting the
treasury that the revenue for the cur
rent fiscal year will fall far below re
If Mr. Cleveland pursues his present
policy, bond issues will follow one an
other at short intervals until he leaves
office. March 4, 1897, and his adminis
tration will increase the public, debf
more than President Harrison reduced
Tariff agitation in itself is injurious
to business. The Republican parti
therefore will not disturb tlio taritl
till it regains sufficient power to ac
complish something. When Cleve
land steps down and makes way for a
Republican president the Republican
congress then sitting will frame and
enact suitable tariff legislation. The
•congress recently elected is not pro
posing to change the existing law, foi
the very excellent reason that it b
powerless to do so. The Republican'
party is not recreant to the cause o!
protection. When the proper time
comes it will take prompt steps to re
store industrial prosperity by the en
actment of a vigorous protective
measure—a measure that will stimu
late the home market ana pro tee'
home labor as fully as the McKinlej
law did, and possibly more so.
Mast Be the City.
All Ohio paper lias a laudatory arti
cle on “Cleveland’s Growth in th<
' Humanities.” According to well-ac
cepted definitions the humanities meat
music, art and literature, and we inns:
therefore suppose that the reference
is to a city in Ohio by the name o:
Cleveland. Wo cannot possibly call t<
mind any person of the name who i:
growing in that way.
Ihs riaco for Willie.
If President Cleveland is so anxious
to find an oflioo worthy of being
adorned by William I.. Wilson, ht
i might name that gentleman for secre
tary of the exterior. That would just
about lit Wilson—X. Y. Tribune.
No Escape for IlOTinellj
Ignatius Donnelly's letter resigning
the presidency of the Farmers’ Alli
ance of Minnesota is a jut the tie bul
unconvincing document. It may be
true,as M«. Donnelly therein observes
| that he “has a brain busy wit!
| schemes for the welfare of men and a
heart full of benevolent impulses,"
but it is equally true that ho employed
most unwise methods to further his
ends. On the other hand, it is not
true that eorpornto inHuoncos alone
have built an Impassable, wall of lire
around him. The defeat of the Minne
sota Populists was duo to a general
distrust of their methods, not to any
single foree. When Donnelly allied
himself with them he invited tho fate
of all impractical reformers—failure—
und he cannot escape his own respon
sibility—now—Philadelphia Inquirer.
I’mlAftiruble InimiKrauh.
The old country is still trying to
empty its weak, helpless and poor into
the generous lap of America in spite
of immigration laws made by the
United .States in an attempt to put an
end to the practice. >
That was a queer lot of passengers
which arrived at. Philadelphia from
Liverpool on the steamship Ohio u
few days ago. Among them were one
violent case of insanity, a helpless
mute, a batch of weak-minded chil
dren and a number of assisted immi
grants, women and children whoso
way to America had l>eon paid by the
charitable societies of England. Still
another of the assisted passengers had
so little heart for encountering the
unknown life in the new world that
she preferred the bottom of the sea
and committed suicide on the voyage.
In all tiftoen passengers were re
turned from where they came from.
That assisted immigration should bo
attempted on so largo a scale would
seem to indicate that tho charity-lov
ing people of Europe, whoso charity
does not begin at homo, must succeed
in ridding their country even yet of a
great many people who are entirely
unworthy of being permitted to como
to this country.
The only present remedy is tho
strictest possible interpretation of the
laws restricting immigration and a
prompt return to Europe ot all persons
who should not bo permitted to land
here. But in tho near future tiie lax
laws themselves should bo made
stricter. Tho negligence of the coun
try's law-makers in respect to this
question has given birth to a number
of patriotic organizations whose votes
and agitation in favor of keeping
America for Americans, or for such
Europeans as are fit to become Ameri
cans, are at least beginning to make
an impression.—Kansas City Journal.
Kalina; Robbery.
IIow little justice there is in the in
discriminate clamor against railways
appears from tho fact that freight
rates in this country are lower than
in any other part of the world. Com
petition brought losses this year on
much of the business done. The inter
state commerce commission in its
annual report says that although
the traffic has largely decreased
during the year, the rates have
also declined. There has been sharp
bidding for the diminished business.
It is the opinion of tho commission
that “a largo amount of competitive
traffic has been handled at a loss to
the railways” and “had reasonable
rates been maintained the revenue
from the traffic would have been more
nearly adequate to meet the fixed
charges of the roads.-’ In this report
congress is urged to confer upon the
commission the power to prescribe
minimum as well as maximum rates.
A more remarkablo contrast could
hardly be conceived than that pre
sented by the facts here stated and the
howls of the Populists in the West.—■
Mr. Cleveland'. Peril!
Undoubtedly congress should take
early cognizance of the sentry box
which Mr. Cleveland has had placed
on the lawn in front of the White
house. It was our impression
that General lament had made
no reference to this in his report to
congress, and a careful re-reading of
the document confirms this impression.
Not a line appears there about it. Is
some new danger threatened? The
American people, whoso president
Mr. Cleveland is, are entitled to all
the facts. Mr. Cleveland’s well known
indifference to peril may have led
him to underestimate the gravity of
the situation which confronts him.
If congress looks into the matter per
haps it will appear that the White
house should be further protected by
drawbridge and portcullis in order
that Mr. Cleveland’s consecrated per
son may lie absolutely secure from the
invader. Let us take no chances. If
need be let the secretary of war sloe))
on a cot in the hali.—New York
The Kuffalo Pocket and It* Stick.
Mr. Cleveland went up like a sky
rocket. Ilis rise was even more phe
nomenal than that of the great Napo
leon. But how he has come down!'
He is to-day utterly without influence.1
lie has no following but the men who
are hunting after offices, and when ho
has no more to give he will go out of
the office—the most unpopular man in
tho LTnited States.
.Jerry I* Right.
Jerry Simpson owns that if prosper
ous times should come the Populist
party would no longer have any rea
son tor existence. The Republican
party always has had a raison d'etre.
1 Sometimes it’s to restore good times;
j other times it’s only to keep them up.
! How Pennsylvania l>ld It.
The Republican majority in Penn
! sylvania this year is larger than ali
( the combined Republican majorities
i in that state for thirty-five years past,
j That's what tho Pennsylvania peoplo
! think of the Democratic tariff reform.
No suit in Democrat Land.
, Paul du Chaillu, the traveler, it
■ lecturing in Washington on •■The
Land of tho Midnight Sun.” It has
j no reference to the Democratic finan
ciers groping around in the dark for a
, treasury surplus.
You can make better food with
Lighter, sweeter, more wholesome.
How tti« Mlnkftkln Cost So
“That is a very fine mlukskin you
you have," said a citizen to Mr. t rank
Wotefnhr. “It ought to he a good one, "
was tho reply; “it cost mo enough.”
Further inquiry elicited the informa
tion that tho mink had been killed on
Mr. Uotcfuhr’s place, up on Cornell
mountain. Jthnd made way with four
teen of his prize chickens, valued at
#14, and was then caught in a trap set,
by a man iu charge. When it was
found that the animal was trapped, the
man took out a lino shotgun to kill it,
but. concluded it was not worth while
to waste the powder and shot on so
small a varmint, struck at it with the
butt of the (run. The mink dodged the
blow, and tho man. becoming excited,
whaled away at it again and smashed
tlic stock of the gun. ’The making good
of this damage cost Si:.’ more, so the
minkskin cost S:.ti net. Mr. Hotefuhr
is not anxious to pet enough skins at
tiie same price to line an overcoat.—
Portland Oregonian.
illnernnli'n Method of Writing.
It was Kmerson's practice to set
down in his journal his detached
thoughts as soon as they had taken
shape. Whenever he had a lecture to
prepare, he selected from his journal
those sentences which seemed to bear
on the subject of his discourse, adding
whatever other illustrations or anec
dotes suggested themselves to him at
the moment. "In writing my
thouglis," he declared, “I seek no ordel*
or harmony, or results. I nrn not care
ful to see how they comport with other
thoughts and other words: 1 trust them
for that. Any more than how any ono
minute of the year is related to any
other remote minute which yet I know
is so related. The thoughts and the
minutes obey their own magnetism,
and will certainly reveal themselves in
Tlie Unexpected Discharge of a Cannon
Close by would not have a more disturbing ef
feet upon nerves which lire vigorous titan an
ordinary noise upon those that are weak and
unstrung. As a nervine, Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters is unrivalled. By promoting digestion
and assimilation they overcome that gastric
disorder, which is the most prolific cause of
nervous debility, and which, so long us Itexists,
defeats in large measure the action of sedatives
and opiates. Such remedies, moreover, neces
sitate the use of increasing doses, and finally
cease to act altogether, except in dangerous
quantities. They never reach the fountain
head of the trouble, and quiet the nerves only
by senil-parulyaing them. Equully objection
able are ttery uuinedieated alcoholic stimulants.
Kidney, bladder and liver trouble, malaria, con
stipation and rheumatism are relieved by the
Bitters, which also promotes appetite and
nightly repose.
Ineoinea In Country and City.
Five thousand dollars in a country
town is affluence, if the beucliciary is
content to stay there; but in a city the
family ntan with only that income,
provided he is ambitious, can only just
live, and might fairly be described as
the cousin german to a mendicant.
And yet there are some worthy citizens
still, who doubtless would be aghast at
these statements, and would wish to
know'how one is to spend 85,000 a year
without extravagance.
1 am entiroly cured of hemorrhage of
lungs liy Pino's Cure for Consumption.—
Lot ISA Ciniiaman. Bethany, Mo., Jan. S, 04.
Property flights Among lllrdfl.
Meehans’ Monthly: Birds anil other
creatures apportion the earth among
themselves just about as man does. A
bear has boundaries beyond which his
fellow' bear does not trespass with im
punity—the wild rabbit you see on
rour lawn is the same little innocent
•eature you have boon seeing every
eight all the summertime—and even
the robbin that gathers the early worm
for his breakfast from your garden will
show fight when another comes mar
auding on his preserve. Nor does this
last a year only, for there is good evi
dence that the same bird will come
back to the claim it staked off the year
Low Hate Excursions January 15, 1805.
On the above date, the Missouri Pacific
Railway and Iron Mountain Route will soli
tickets at half rates, (plus 12.00) Ironi Nt.
Louis, Cairo and Missouri river gate-ways
to all points on their lines in Arkansas,
Louisiana, including points on the K. t.\
W. G.; to all points in Texas, Reining. X.
M., and Pecos Valley i>oints in New Mexico.
Will aiso soil from and through St. Louis to
joints in Missouri South and West of Har.
risonvilJe; from and through St. Louis,
Kansas City, Leavenworth. Atchison, St.
Joseph and Omaha to points in Kansas, Ne
l raska and Colorado. For particulars re
garding imit. stop-over privileges, and fur
ther information, see nearest ticket agent.
1L C. Townsexd.
General Passenger Agent, St. Louis.
Awfully Embarrass lug.
Stic—Did j'ou hear about Blanche's
terrible embarrassing experience at the
theater the other night?
Nell—No: tell me about it.
**llcr hair came down.”
4*Ilowexcessively annoying.”
“Rut that wasn't the worst of it. It
rolled under the seats and was only re
covered after a good deal of trouble,
and then 3*011 can fancy what condition
it was in”—Pittsburgh Chronicle-Tele
1 Chinese Dentistry.
The Chinese dentist makes artificial
teeth from the femur of an ox. and in
serts them by passing a copper wire
through them and fastening them to
the adjoining teeth.
The fool thinks bis death would leave a
ho e in the wor d.
How a locomotive engineer ran make his
own boadlight—by drin' inj too much.
l’Hl'n Kiiltl, In tint Duct nr.
“One of tho most remarkable eases of
faith I have over seen,” said u well
known physician, “occurred when 1
was a student in Philadelphia. I had
a patient, un Irishman, who lind a
broken leg1. When tho plaster ban
dage was removed and a lighter one
put in its place, I noticed that one of
the pins went in with great difficulty,
and I could not understand it. A week
afterward, in removing this pin, 1
found it stuck hard and fast, and I was
forced to remove it with forceps. What
was my astonishment on making un
examination to find tiiat the pin hud
been run through the skin twieo in
stead of through tho cloth. ‘Why,
Pat,’ said i, ‘didn’t you know tiiat pin
was sticking in you?’ ‘To bo sure, 1
did,' replied Put, ‘but I thought yon
knowed your business, und so 1 hilt me
tongue.' ”
■VefTernniilau Simplicity 1‘uncl nretl.
A pleasing story of .IcIVerson's inau
guration that lias long been current,
represents him as riding to the eapitol
and tying his horse to the fence, und
then entering almost unattended to
take the outh of olllce. Tills fable has
been dispersed. Current accounts re
late his ceremonial installation into of
fice surrounded by martial music, ban
ners and guns. Salvos of artillery an
nounced his arrival and departure from
the eapitol, und the militia paraded in
front of liis lodgings before lie left for
the ceremony.—Scribner's.
ltcttar Kvery VrtP.
Time was when the “glorious elf mate ot
('alifornia'1 did not attract tourists Hilt
ycnr after year the tide of travel sets in
strongor and stronger every fail and winter
toward this favored region. There is no
climate like it on thin rout incut for a win
ter resort, and the usual tine servire on the
Union Pacific Hystem lias this season lieen
! brought to a degree of | erfeetlou which
leaves nothing to he desired.
Uor further information call on your
nearest ticket agent or address
(General I’ass. and Ticket Agent,
Omaha, Xeb.
When to Sell.
A potato grower of long experience,
discussing the question of whether il
' was better to sell or hold the crop says:
! “My opinion is that it is undoubtedly
best to sell at 50 cents per bushel ut
digging time, even if one were assured
of double the price four months after
storing. Handling, shrinkage and de
cay in four months usually reduce the
amount stored about one-third, and I
have never found out when to market
a well-grown crop.
Winter Tourist Tickets Via the Wabash
Are now on sale to all the winter resorts of
the South, good returning until dune 1st,
’115. Al-SO HAH VEST liXCl'KSION Tkkki-s to
all points south on excursion dates. In ad
dition to above. Railroad and Steamship
tickets to all points in the Uxiteii States
and Ecnocr.. ut lowest rates. Kor rates,
tickets, excursion dutes uud full informa
tion or a copy of Iho Home Seekers Uuiile,
call at Wakash Uliice, 150it Fuinum street,
or write
N. W. P. Agt, Omaha. Xeb.
Untied the Embarrassment.
An old man in a Cheshire workhouse
lately admitted to the poor law guar
dians that he had i'5 in his possession
to provide for his being buried beside
his wife. The guardians decided that
as he was not destitute he hud no busi
ness in the workhouse, and ordered
him to be turned out. At dinner the
next day the poor man seized a knife,
! cut his throat anti so relieved the guar
j dians of their embarressinent.
| Victims of Wild Animals In India.
Ferocious as the rogue elephant ap
peurs to bo its record us a man killer is
fur below I but of other anlmuls in In
dia. Thus in India, in 1885, the tigers
killed Si’S persons anil 13,433 domestic
unimuls; wolves killed 1,001 persous;
leopards, 187 persons and 10,158 domes
tic animals; while the elephant is
charged with but sixty-one persons
killed and six domestic animals. Rogue
tigers, wolves unil leopards are far
more to be dreaded than rogue ele
liegemen's ('nntplior Ice wltli Qlyetrint,
t Hire* < 'immiotl HuiiU* <lml Khfh, Tender or Sorw
Chilblain*, |*lie**, C.U. Clark Co., Now Uav*n, Cl»
In Canton, China, 300,000 live In house
(Hass houses on wheels are now employed
by horticulturists for forcing plants.
It the Haby I* Cutting Teeth.
Jo mro ami utu tliutoM ami woll tried roniody, Id ft*.
VVinri-oWb Soothing Bvri p for Children Teething
If everybody was iierfect what would the
eosslps do for iuterestiug matorlull
“ llansnn'a Slagle Corn Melvo.n
Warniiticti to cure ,,r nmii.j refunded. A,k your
druggui fur II. Pni-H iscouu.
A good printer ran always tell how tho
ease stuuds.
Hilliard Tat>le, second-hand. For isle
cheap. Apply to or address, II. C. Akin,
oil H. 13th Bt., Omaha, Neb.
There may be plenty of room at tho top,
but happiness doesn't always get there.
It is better to fail in trying to do good
than it is not to try.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by rnoro promptly
adapting the world’s best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative; eflcctually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It lias given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
' ncys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
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