The Frontier. rCnUHlIKD KVKKY TIIIRSDAY RY THU KHONTIKR PRINTING COMPANY KINO A CHON IN. EniTim*. POOR SCOTTY. Wei!, deer reader, the Hcott trouble bu reached an end *o far na be la materially concerned. The spirit of malice, hatred and malovolence that marked hi* earlier persecution by the board of supervisors has followed down the rears with Increasing Intensity end finally culminated in cold-blooded murder by an organised band of outlaws and red-handed villains. This effect is not without a cause, and the cause is self-evident. Those of us who have sat nervously by the wayside and heard contumely cast upon him from the stump during two political campaigns, and read anarchy as preached by the populist press of tho county can readily place the blame whore It properly be longs. We can see that these speakers and editors with ends to be gained have wrought up the Ignorant and embold ened the lawless into believing that Bcott was a monster of frightful mein In league with the courts and that the only way of securing what they termed Justice was to take the law into their own hands and wreak summary vengeance for fan cied wrongs. They have succeeded and let us hope that their conscience—if suoh a thing is felt within their breast— Justifies them in ruthlessly tearing a man from the bosom of his family, shooting Innocent men, women and children, and bearing him away into the wildness and loneliness of the dark prairie, there to be tortured and butch ered like a wild animal or a venomous make of the Jungle. Thie la the cauae of the heartleaa deed, and no man need take time to deny It. The (tump speak Ing waa done by a man who already haa blood upon h!a bands, the result of the leadership of a mob In O’Neill some years ago. The anarchy as promulgated by the populist press may be seen in back numbers of the Beacon Light and no matter what its villainous and cow ardly author may now say in lamenta tion as he views the result and natural outcome of his socialistic teaching the crimson finger of Cain muat surely haunt his waking moments and fill his sleep with fearful dreams and dread alarms. We do not aoouse him of mur der in the first degree nor do we aoouse him of being an accessory, as we could not successfully sustain the accusation before a Holt county jury at the present time, but the facts and surrounding cir cumstances are embossed and emblaz oned upon the minds of our readers and words from us are more than vain and uaelees. We do not like to say that the Independent party is in sympathy with the brutal assassination, and we will not •ay it—although there can be no doubt but that every member of the mob was a populist—but we will say that they up hold the editor in his nefarious teach ings and the proof lies In the fact that they keep him in their employ and steal the public money in tax list deals to rec ompense him foi his knavish work. The crime that has been committed was not done without advice and the finger of scorn and ahame is pointed at the man who haa earned that reward. How thankful we are that there is a glowing hereafter. Justice may never be done on thie earth but the Lord has said that vengeance is his and according to the holy word of God he will claim his own in due season. i flew Year s day was perhaps the sad dest ever witnessed in O'Neill. “I wish you a happy New Year” was rarelv heard and even then it lacked the proper ring. The minds of our people dwelt tearfully upon a lonesome home, a wld dowed lady and an orphaned child, made so by man’s inhumanity. Ii seemed as though a funeral pall had been thrown over our little city and silenced the merry greetings of the aged and the joyous shout of the youthful None could be found hardy enough tc Justify the atrocious deed and only re grets were heard; even the breeze seemec laden with sadness. Although the re mains of poor Scotty probably lay bur led in some yawning canyon or sunk li the dismal depths of the Niobrara, tin sadness shown in O’Neill was an honoi and a worthy tribute to a man who wai more sinned against than sinning, and i rebuke to his murderers. The dead and the deep are always giv ing up their secrets and we sincerely hope that an eye for an eye and a tootl for a tooth may be exacted before thi .’-. - ... . \ '-y friend* of Justice nml fair play allow thla crime to become a reminiscence to be related upon winter evening* when Ibe coala glow upon the hearth. To Scott we say rest: to bl« murder* era we nay that we hope that there la something m the theory of spiritualism: that Hcotty may he able to materialize before them at the moat uncanny times and in the moat uncanny place* anil lay hare before them his gaping Wounds, remind them of the heartrending ap peal* of his little child for mercy and thus haunt them to perdition. Scott's murderers must lie run to earth. Thla is not only a duty, but an absolute necessity in order to check these outbursts of lawlessness. The people should not allow themselves to become terrorized and made to lie down In alienee. The men who compose this ring are known from ceuler to circum ference nud there is a way to uiuko them ipilt and protect our homes. This is what we tldnk of mob law as np plled in this instance. - -•* -—— "Pansy" Otri.Kii is now probably sorry the ever got lost. Trying to sell hooks to Indianapolis people opened his eyes, if it did not till bis pockets. — ... . - Title falsity of the adage, "figures do not lie," is shown every day by the dis covery that dishonest book-keepers have lioon making them lie for months, -- - President Lincoln wont through a groat war without finding it necessary to surround the white house with sentry boxes, but President Lincoln proved himself upon more than one oc caslon to be a fearless man. Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Pair, DR; BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD Hey diddle diddle! Our old cat can’t fiddie, Nor the cow jump over the moon, But our honest advice is, to come see our prices, And you hearts will be happy right soon. Tea sugar and candy (these goods are just dandy, They’re not dirty, not shop-worn, or old) Lheese butter and honey, for very small money, At Adam’s new store will be sold. Grapes apples and spices, nuts onions and rice is But a few things among a whole lot. Oil ginger and lard, Oh! It is very hard though To tell all the nice things we’ve got Jf you give us an order we’ll till up your larder With good things a thousand or more. 1 Good weight and full measure, is : ever our pleasure, \ And the goods left right at vour door. Yours truly, ADAM & CO. O’NEi LL BUSI NESS DI RECTORY n. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Rank O'NEILL. NEB. IC. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQARB, ETO. QU. J. 1*. Oil.LUJAN, PHY8ICAN AND SURGEON. Hay and nlglit calls promptly attended to, ORtoo In Holt County Lank building. O'NEILL NEB. |^1I. BENEDICT. LAWYER, OIBoe In the Judge Robert! building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, O NEILL NEB. yy It. IIUTLKlt, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Agent for Union Trust Co’s land In Holt county. Will practice In nil the courts. Special at touttuu given to foreclosures and oolleotlona I^IL B. T. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases of llio Eye and Ear and flttlnc glasses a specialty. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. and ~ toft p. in, Offioe flrst door west of Uelnerlkton's MERCHANT TAILOR_ D. II. Garbart bas opened up to do a general Mer chant tailoring business in O'Neill. lie will be found in tbe Mack building 4 doors east of Hotel Hvans, where be will be’pleased to show you samples and take orders for new suits, liepairing and cleaning done neatly and promptly. D. H. GARHAltT, DR. CORBETT, THE DENTIST, Wishes to call attention to tbe fact that bo is extracting teetli without pain by the use of "Odontunder,” the most successful ol all local antestbetics. No going to sleep. Also gas for those who wish it. The very best teeth at $8.00 per set. Special attention paid to the preservation of the natural teeth. Gold crowns, pivot teeth and bridge work a specialty. Also proprietor of the leading PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY of Northwest Nebraska. Photo graphs at hard time prices as follows: $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $2.0C per dozen. Larger sizes quoted upon application. V’iews, exterior or inleriot made at any time. All negatives pre served so that duplicates may be made as wanted. Picture of any size enlarged in crayon. 8cpia crayon, water colors or a combination of them all. Office and gallery No. 425 EastDouglusSt., O’Neill, Neb. Successors to R. R. DICKSON & CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstrect Books, Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a (10,000 bond at required under the law. Correspondence Soliced * O’NEILL. HOLT COUNTY NEB. Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. \V. T. EVANS, Prop, HOTEL VANS NOW REALLY, DOESN’T THIS STRIKE YOU AS A Big Bargain? A BOY’S SUIT, rnnnUtlng of a doublo breasted coa and short pants All Wool, mind you first-class- good and strong. A PAIR OF EXTRA PANTS to match the suit. A PRETTY CAP inado of the same cloth as the coa and two pairs of pants are made froru AND A PAIR OF SHOES, of solid leather—neat, stylish, y6t a strong as a brick. ALL FOR $5.00 We call them tho HUB’S “HEAD-TO-FOOT" SOY’S OUTFITS. You’ll cull them tho greatest bar golu of your life when you see them LET US SEND YOU ONE. •5.75 win bring one, all charge prepaid to any part of tho T!. 8., o wo 11 send you one (!. 0.1). with prlv Jlcgo of ('.lamination heforo accep tanro, If you'll send us |I.(K) on uc count, to secure express charges. MSIPLK8 OF CLOTH and W-pagi Illustratoa C’utaloguo KKEE on ap plication. THE HUB, N. W. Cor. fltnte and Jackson St. CHICAGO, I LG., America’s Largest Retail Dealers in Men’ Clothing, Boys’e Clothing, Furnishing Goods Hats, Shoes (or both Sexes, and Lsdiet • Cloaks ond Furs In the United States. Dio Hub has no Branch Stores anywhere. —< Vk ■UBIWWWWMNIN THE OMAHA.... WEEKLY BEE 12 pages a week—From now to Nov. 1C, covering the entire campaign, for. ^10 CENTS. Send Stamps or Silver to THE OMAHA BEE OMAHA. NEB. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ ot Honest 8oort In America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED SV THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, S2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the SSW nu OUlffUBD HITS, a PARK PLACE 1 NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DEALERS IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fail to call on ua. SPEEDY and EASTING RESEEXa “ FAT PEOPLE, No inconvenience. Simple, 1 sore. AB33L7?I1? FEES f fromonyini.moossuhstance. ' I.AE31 ASU’CEIJS EEDE.'ES. 3 NTSE a CITS cr •-!md jour money. • : :.(>3iierbaf:o. Scud < tor 1-eafiJO. COiTi IIZIDICAI. CJi, IZon.c.i, Class Too [cnatay] thin.. Always Buy the Best. The . . . Best is Cheapest The Finest and Largest stock of good in the Hardware and. .Implement Line in the Elkhorn Valley is found at iii; ill Neil Brennan’s John Deere plows, Moline wagons, Davi Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivators Riding and walking cultivators, harrows Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-P„ JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE ■ STATE - BAN! OF' O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collection! DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER, COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. Yards O’Neill, Page, Allen. 0.0. SNYDER & GO 1111 ill 111 ILL ILL lit 111 ill iti ti EMIL SNI66S, PRACTICAL HORSESHOE) nd general blacksmithing carried on in connection Cai ° carried on in connection, age work in either iron or wood executed in the most skiUfti y e possi j e. I1 list-class plow and machine work that ca be relied upon. No new experience used in any branch« work. All my men are skilled workmen. AL-0 DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS——• Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrows i beat th ^ ^ descriptions. Everything guarantee! _ ‘ o’neill, ni:h. The> Inter Ocean t and has the and ay) $** P®^ w-eSklyT*'i pir yea" UABaayn.» P<‘r se*r'aemi-w^kl>7*2 piryf of the times in a*?rejects TtP?,pcr t,le !nter Ocean keeps abre-1:* securing all the news Snd theterSJSliilS'uSStnw' ** ^ .v* me ucmoi current literature. The Weekly Inter Ocean T«S rwlilnJ _t « any other reason do not takp8» A u°' on account °f mail sen n1 be found the w'li'i newSf «ii daliy paper. In its columns art ■ of tlie ......8 ”'swa.'the world condensed and the cri.ii ■els'all of tlrn iiTerary features oSf°. S'",1,6 — a. western ioimWk1 (t ConsUt« n? m' i ^ 8 “ family paper it eNeeis-i 1unsists of eight uaire«4 with n snnDleiiu ni* °i eight additional mures.tnakinz in all six!®® western journals, it eonsists of niaVit > P^This” suppletnent^ "d?W>“* Pwi'makinK'in’aii s. .. ■ and two fun page niusirTtiC^^al^e^h^e^&Vpaper. The Inter Ocean Of the A11 tpfh e n V rimim'.i'C n‘'*sand commercial center of all**( the people of *t ha tseetinnVa Hnd 8 oettcr adapted to the n.eial9 cord Witli the Deonbw'f'Iu tl>an ai>.V paper farther east. It is "> •* ut people of the west both In polities and Literature. ta/