WISDOM OP THE ELEPHANT. Hs ■■»«) When II* IIm llssn Swindled ■ nd Vliorog.lf IlMtnii It, One day, says a writer of English military experiences, a heavy pun stuck in tho mud at the Imttnm of a stream ami tho tandem elephant was unhooitod to shove behind, or lift tho muzzlo of tho pun with his trunk. Hut ho would not; ho only Iwllowod and swayed uneasily, shiftlnp from ono foot to another in tho sticky mud. At last, with piteous, shrill trumpet,inp, ho touched tho sharp point of tho iron rlpht on tho muzzle. "llo says ho is afraid of hurtlnp himself, sahib," ex plained tho mahout. "Well,"answorod tho officer in Jest, “tell him to spoke tho wheel.” ••Promise him baekshoosh, sahib, and ho will.” "Very well." Tho olophant very carefully found a socuror footlnp, curled his trunk around a lower spoke, and made his wheel rovolvo. Then the shaft elephant put in his pondoroua weight and tho pun slowly rose out of tho mud and rolled up tho opposite bank. Tho triumphant mahout demanded backsheesh for ills Hooshlar llatti (wise olophant). "You scamp! You wanted tho backsheesh for yourself.” "No, sahib, 1 dare not cheat him, and if you don’t give him baekshoosh ho will remember you arc no gentleman and never work for you again.” "All right," said tho officer, tossing the man a couplo of rupees in succession. "How shall I know you don’t cheat hlmP" "Come and boo him feed this evening, sahib,” That ovonlng by moonlight tho officer was aummonod to hoo Hooshiur Hatti oat hla supper. Tho elephant waa swaying to and fro. fanning hlm aelf with a branch, and round tho lira atood huge ohupattloa—Hat cakes of flour, buttor and sugar — purchased with tho buckshoosh for tho llooahlar'a aupper. Tho mahout took up ono of the oakoa and olTorod It to the ‘c came vindictive. Tho vanity of a “woman scorned" was too much af fected for her to suffer silently in soli tude, and so, in "(ireat Expectations,” Miss llavisham rears the beautiful Stella that, through her, she may lie able to rejoice in that doep, over whelming intoxicant—revengo. Sho even sends for the poor little l’lp, a blacksmith’s apprentice, that ho may love Stolla hopolessly. Tho devil could not shout more gleefully over a lost soul than did Miss llav isham intornally when sho saw that by separating l’lp and Stolla she had wrockod his life. It was only after years of unhappi ness that both wandered back to tho house whore they first mot, and I’ip was able to say, as ho did at the close of tho book: "I took her hand in mine and we wont out of the ruined place; and as th >;) feet and tho walls on all sides are so noarly smooth and per pendicular that no human being has ever been able to climb to tho top. Its diameter at tho base is 71*0 foot,, and at tho summit (estimated) 350 feet. — St. Louis Republic. CrlRln or the Word Doyley. The word doyley, now a familiar ono with tho ladies is derived from tho name of Robert D’Oyley. ono of tho followers of William tho Norman. IIo received a grant of valuable lands on the condition of tho yearly tender of a table cloth of 3 shillings valuo at the feast of St. Michael. Agree ably to the fushion of tho time tho Indies of the D’Oyley family wore ac customed to embroider and ornament tho quit rent table cloths: hence these cloths, becoming curiosities and ac cumulating in tho course of years, were at length brought into use as nupkins at the royal table and called doyloys. — New York Recorder. O.viIpim mid ( orn Itmid. A Bolgian living in Virginia com pluins thut his frionils at home cannot bo indncoil to cook the oysters ho sends over bocauso they have always boon accustomed to cat oysters raw. Tho Belgians exhibit a like conserva tism tonehiny Indian corn moal. In this, however, they have many'imita tors in tho I'nited Slates. Nothing surprises tho Southerner more than tho distaste of Noi'thernors for corn bread of all sorts. The Northern pal ate demands that corn meal shall bo adulterated with wheat Hour, a mix ture that tho real Southerner, brought up on corn broad, despises. !),. o 1:1 In' t. Little Williu — I wanted so much to peck through tho koyhoio last night while you were in the parlor with Mr. (.'astleton. Sister -lint, like a good little boy, you' didn't, did you? Willie —No; the servant girl got there lirst. —New York Herald. 1 ho I.uttMt Kat-Trait. A little bit of choose and an electric wire form the latest rat-trap. Tho illcoso is fixed to the wire and the in stant the rat touches the cheese he is shocked to death. There is no way of getting children to be good like showing ttiem how. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Nkii.l, Neb., | Decembers, 181)4. f Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on January it), I805. viz: DANIEL TOO HILL, oue of the heirs of Dan iel P. Toohilh deceased, II. E. No. 1410)5, For the SW NW and NW SW M, Sec. 3, Twp. 28 n Range llw. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Henry lloxie, John Wynn. James Wynn, Janies Gallagher, all of O’Neill, Neb. S2-t5 JOHN A. HARMON, Register. NOTICE. DelphosNational Bank. Paddock Hawley Iron Company, National Bank of Sioux City. Iowa, Quincy National Bank, and Michigan Stove Co , defendants, will take notice that Jane A. Dimock. pluiritiff. has tiled a pet’.tiou in the district court of Holt county. Nebras ka, against said defendants, impleaded with John J. McCatTerty. Mary A. McCatTerty, Timothy Dwyer, Mary A. Dwyer, The County of Holt. Bank of Valentine. The city of O,Neill, Lee Clarke Andresen Hardware Co., Blair State Bank, H. C. McEvony (real name unknown,) Cortelyou. Ege & Vunzante, John G. Cortelyou, A. A Ege (real name unknown,) and M. N. Vanzante (real name unknown.) the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a mortgage dated February 1, l&ss, for and interest and tax payments, on the west half of southwest quarter, and southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section two, township twenty-eight, range eleven, in said county, given by Patrick C. Murphy to Mira J. Abbott, and assigned to plaintiff, which mortgage was recorded in Book ;U), Page 413. of tho mortgage records of said county, and to have the same decreed to be a first lien, and said lands sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 28th day of January, 1505. Dated December 17. lsoi. „ Jane A. Dimock. Plaintiff. By M uuger & Court right, Attorneys. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants, lolln A. Proffitt, Louisa A. l’rofflt, Eliza Ann Bowen. T. K. Umven. Iier liusband. The Kiuiball Champ Investment Company, J. E. Kimhall, Louise G. Kimball. George 11. Champ. Alla D. Champ. George IV. Turner and Mrs. George W. Turner, first, name un known, defendants, will take notice that on the 2nd day of November. 1W)1. p. c. Lougee and Chailes Burr Towle, trustees, plaintiffs herein. Hied a petition In the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defend ants, the object and praver of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants John A. l’rottitt and Louisa A Proffitt, his wife, to The Kimball Champ In vestment Company, upon the east half of the northwest t|tiarter of section four, and the east Iiulf of the northeast ijuurter of section live, in township twenty-seven, north of lunge nine, west, in Holt county. Nebraska, to secure the payment of their promissory note dated August Is, lsss. f„r the sum of ifffnO and iuterest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum payable semi-annually and ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due upon said notes and mortgage ac cording to the terms thereof the sum of f'.lliO and interest at the rale of ten per cent, per annum from November 1. lsut. and plaintiffs pray that said premises may tie decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before the Ttli day of January. 1SPJ. Dated November 2;t, l'stlt. F. C. Loi'Okb ami Cdaki.es llnm Towi.e, Trustees, Plaintiffs. 21-4 By W. It. Butler, Attorney. Notice of Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between R. J. Hayes and J. L. Mack and doing business under the firm name and style of the O'Neill Flour and Feed Company, is this day terminated by mutual consent. If. J. Haves retains posses sion of all partnership property, will con tinue the business, collect all accounts due and pay all debts of the firm. Given under our hands this litli day of De cember, ltSSd. ]<. .1.'Haves, J. L. Mack. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. In tho District of Holt County, Nebraska. Farmers’ Doan & Trust Co., l’lnlntitr. Nelson Moore and tlie south J west uuarter of Bectlon 3U. ( township SI, ranee 0, west of I the «th p. in. In Ilolt county, Nebraska, Defendants. I Notice of Suit. State of Nebraska. Ilolt County: To Nel son Moore and the southwest quarter (sw'4] of section thirty (.10). townshsp twenty-nine <20>. runite nine Oh, west or tho sixth 11. in. In Ilolt county. Nebraska, and all persons inter ested In said real estate: You are hereby notified that you have been sued by the plaintiff in the above entitled action: and that in said suit, the petition of plaintiff is now on file In the office of the clerk of the district court In and for Holt county, Nebraska, claiming that It lias a lien on the real estate above mentioned, for. and on account of certain tax sales made of said property on the hist day of December, 18*8, and on thd 7th tluy of November, 1891, and the payment of subsequent taxes thereunder; the service of notice to redeem from such tax sales, and the execution of certain tax deeds pursuant thereto. That tho payment of taxes which plaintiff seuks to recover, and for which he claims u lien, were made as follows, to-wlt: December HI, 188x, twenty-one and BO-100 (IK 1.50) dollars. November s, 1881). twenty-one and 41-100 ($11.41) dollars. July 14, 1K!X), nineteen and 00-100 (*19.00) dollars. November 7, 1891, twenty-one and 10-100 ($11,10) dollars, May2, ISP!, fifteen and 04-100(*1.7 04)dollars. September '19, 1S9H. sixteen and 90-190 (*10.90) dollars; besldcs*ho sum of ten (*10.00) dollars paid by plaintiff and Its assignor as costs for serving notices to redeem: said claim of plaintiff amounted on November 15. 1894, to the sum of two hundred one ami87-100(*101.85) dollars; and plaintiff prays in its petition, a foreclosure of its said lien against said de fondonts and said real estate and all persons Interested In sahl real estate, and prays that said property he sold to satisfy said claim, with Interest, attorney fees and costs of Huit. And you are further notified that unless y,.u appear thereto and answer the said petition of plaintiff, the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, on the list day of January, 1895, said petition will do taken as true, and judgment and decree rendered accordingly. Dated December 11, 1894. Kaumehn’ Loan & Tiiust Company, Plt’f., Hy M. J. Sweeley and E. II. Itenedlet, ^1-4 Its Attorneys. HOLIDAY RATES oil the PACIFIC SHORT LINE Tickets will lie sold between nil stations DEC. 24, 25, 31.-JAN. 1 good to return until Jan 3. APPLY TO ANY AGENT. Sioux City, O'Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHOUT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE UETWEEN SloUX GlTY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainvicw, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverging lines, lauding passengers ill NEW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. TIIE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, time tallies, or other Information call upon agents or address F. C. HILLS. W. n. MoNlDEIt, Receiver. Gen’l Pass. Agent. McClures MAGAZINE FOR 1895 Volume IV begins |f December, 1894. A splendidly' illustrated life of NAPOLEON, the great feature of which will be SEVENTY-FIVE PORTRAITS of Napoleon, showing him from youth to death ; also portraits of his family and contemporaries and pictures of famous battlefields ; in all nearly 200 PICTURES. « Begins in Nove'mberand runs through eight numbers. The Eight Napoleon Numbers, Si.oo TRUE DETECTIVE STORIES by authority from the archives of the PINKERTON DETECTIVE AGENCY. Lincoln and Pinkerton (Nov. 1894); thejMolly Maguire’s; Allan Pinker ton’s Life ; Stories of Capture of Train robbers, Forgers, Bank-robbers, etc.; each complete in one issue, 12 in all. SHORT STORIES BY W. D. Howells Bret Harte Conan Doyle Rudyard Kipling Robert Barr Clark Russell Joel Chandler Harris and many others. NOTED CONTRIBUTORS. Robert Louis Stevenson F. Marlon Crawford Archdeacon Farrar Air Robert Ball Prof. Drummond Archibald Forbes Thomas Hardy Send three 2-cent stamps for a sample copy to the publishers 15c. a Copy; $1.50 a Year. ' S. S. McCLURE, L’t’d, 4i Lafayette Place, New York Liberal commission paid to agents to get subscriptions. I SEE HERE! Lo°K at the**, ll)e holiday,,, Adam & Co. pr( Beginning Monday, December Continuing one wwk 18tt>8 granulated sugar. Cut loaf sugar per pound,.,, WorldVFair baked beaus pen B st brand tomatoes . Marrowfat peas. Evaporated apples per pound.. California prunes per pound,,. Best soda crackers per pound Best oyster crackers per pound, Best ginger snaas per pound... Hand picked beans. Mixed candy. Apples, Pears, Grapes, I Oranges, Lemons. Hit. Holiday Toys aSpei ADAM & CO LIPPINCOTI MAGAZINI 1895. Tlie special feature of LIPPING! A Complete Novi In each issue, in addition m Short Stories, Novelettes, Eat Poems, Etc. All combined, make it one of 1 desirable magazines now puli We avoid the objection held bj readers to a continued sw During the coming year novel! expected from Capt. King, Amelia Bit Gertrude Atherton, Mrs. Stickney, Mrs. ii Miss Train (Author of “The Autobiography ' esslonal Beauty." and other well-known wnti Price $3 per year. Single copy■ Send 5 2-cent stamps for sperimn UPPINCOTT’S rtAGAZlNE. Philadelphia, Pa Sqm §ad The tnnmo Of character. The dicates a strong and firmness. U«j SpatnlatedType.'fc" or advanced idc“ ability. Both of the* to the busy nan ® Demorest's Fam'iy pares especially I°r whole volume ot densed in a small i ^ record of the " , rrl for a month may l'e hour. The Conical refinement, coltor ’ljIt music, poetry, and“b with this type onghly enjoy the It™ of Demorest s tistic Type mdicat".. •yaud beauty anil pleasure in tbema. ure of roses,1W duccd from the o«Tstt, cost of this snpe =HSs, original. Besid r p]. al. ' nits lished in encu ]ti nine, and.thei ad fusely and .super! > the Magazine “ 0, folio of art * r # order. The a thumb of the of ideas, «!■»*',Uc )f ideas, vum "aevelci ■sted in tto?e > Demoreste ^ . n Demoreti» „ j me of its “JK'iciis™ vhich cover he ^ icientific field', i ientific ncm. f -•t, fancy, ““.apif lemorest s “ ^jS •owned end y°onoo%^’ >Bt only ini dozen ilarfDnf;ojC East iongh not a rfect fasluoaPSid family s^sO oi-nrrlSu’5- _<« famnj . e -as of super'? , Bt ssessiae the**1 ^.whichW^ gentler eex, erery.one °/ "0„V Bemoiest’sMsgazine. V its merits, send for s 1 ibes^ ‘ L you will admit the wboto family.