The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 29, 1894, Image 7

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    AO Oiulltr In Timepiece*.
Th, iaWst among these curious time
SI IIIm'u* --J ,, »
constructed as follows: A
Aver of silver protrudes^ frorna
crystal vase, graceful in shape
‘.beflv decorated. The stock isof
ilt, the leaves green, the petals
nd the heart of the flower
,.,jv oxidized. Hour and minute
" ! ; ace engraved around the heart
V this sunflower, which faces the
, ers on. A ladybird of spotted red
'a uncled gold apparently rests on the
„ on the line dividing the heart
: ,,m tiie petals. This pretty insect,
which moves imperceptibly by means
■* a mechanism hidden within the
n-.ver. shows the time. By only aclose
..section can one detect the time di
Jmison this original dial, which is
miniated all over, and which is blu
l.'acic As to the hollow circular
oil whicli the ladybird travels, it is
•OMclv invisible. J
TeachlDC School In Spain*
liie ways of the schoolmaster in
llontillaua, Province of Granada, Spain,
.... hard. The school house in t his par
t ciiinr place is used as a granary dur
u.r the summer vacation. A few days
the schoolmaster wished to begin
''s instruction again anrl wrote letters
to the villagers who owned the grain
H the building, asking politely that
they remove it. The answer was un
expected. The peasants, angry at the
-assumption" of the fellow, stormed
his house, pulled him out into the street
and heat him badly. The excitement
MK,n extended to all the people in the
hamlet, and a large mob of howling
men. women and children gathered
about the house of the mayor. This
doughty ruler brought order out of
chaos by — ordering two of his servants
to chase the schoolmaster out of town!
lie will not teach the young idea how
•o shoot in Montillana this winter.
Very l.ittle Use.
-It really doesn't pay to invite ‘en
gaged* people to receptions or dances,”
saul a young society women recently,
• for. as a rule, they furnish very little
amusement or entertainment to the
guests in general unless it unconscious
' When he dances, he wants to dance
with her. and when she dances she
rushes to dance with him. If they
break this rule, they do it under pro
test. and her eyes are seeking his elo-.
queiit with love and this sort of apol-'
oey: I
• •Dearie. I don't want to waltz with
this man. I almost hate him, but I
suppose I must. Don't be broken
hearted, my darling. I'll be by your
side in five minutes,” etc.
-So much nicer wiien they get mar-1,
ried and become sensible,” remarked1
the giver of entertainments.—New
York lleeorder.
l-'atal Scratch of a Kosh Thorn.
Mrs. Mary Iiannon died recently at
the home of her son, John Iiannon,
about fourteen miles north of Nevada,
Mo., from the scratch of a rose thorn.
She was Of years and six months old,
and was up to last Friday morning1 in
(rood health. That morning she was
working in her rose bed and scratched
the back of the finger on her right
hand on a briar. The hand soon be
came swollen, which spread to the
shoulder, and the hand and arm be
came discolored. She lingered in great
agony from that time until her death.
•Mrs. Hannon lived out of any church
up to about a year ago, when she uni
ted with the Christian church. This
fact created such a sensation that the
neighbors for miles around turned out
.to witness the emersion in Tucker lake
near her home.
Winter Tourist Tickets Via the Wabash
Are now on sale to all the winter resorts of
the South, good returning until June 1st,
Also Harvest Exclusion Tickets to
all points south on excursion dates. In ad
(tttiou to above. Railroad and Steamship
tickets to all i oints in the United States
i r-t hope, at lowest rates. For rates,
tickets, excursion dates and full informa
i™ ('r n >o]iy of the Home Seekers Guide,
or write'ai a''e’ ’"Ml- Fa main street,
G. N. Ci.ayton,
-Y W. P. Agt. Omaha. Neb.
Hug is Not Had Eating.
New ^ ork Christian Advocate: There
s actually nothing. in the flesh of the
. ■ . mt is distasteful or repulsive.
“nd t-Tark, the explorers, who
“ e:lt it through compulsion,
• bully became fond of it in time. T*
kuown tllat it is Still a
U'orite article of diet among certain
iimmin u amon«* certan
iinp0* ^Iuta *rench paper says tha
abattoir^-' of,ti°-s slaughteredyat th
™ * ,n ?lunich ha» increase
taste'f 5. -'i ln. ’ ’,e Pa!ft *evv months Th
imported* °”iS, *vSh issai<l to have bee
recent K-d >-V lt:illan 1 a borers, who liav
havari'in*°'n^*1Il arffe numbers to th
on v ' s “n aiH al- The meat is n°t vise
h it,l a(t,",,ei'an* f°r sausages, bv
•S t aten openly, under its „„„
proiiuioii lpenlN. under its own name
r pJIC(1 111 various ways.
- ' ue Pertinent “
'«eently published by the
*>l the Illinois Centre!
;,a,!ier“ Home-Seekers Guide fur 1894."’
•ii'i v»|
r; suUfh'”*^ rr<>,n x°rtliern
— --^u^rr akvii
- ove Repair Work,. 1209 Dougla. st 0mlh
VZnftFZM't ***•■-Un
00 o
NEbRASKAeifKiSor °*W *
clothing GO
__ dr.
\ „*'n" IRtATS ALL
f " oak ness and Secret 9
k I>lsordei»of
<upe su* ran teed.
*• Tears’ experience.
■ 8 in Omaha.
■ , Book Free.
w OHiH*. DM.
hat are you thinking
of, pretty Florine,
As you go tripping
through parlor
and hall.
Trailing your autumn
leaves over the
Of the long mirror
across the gray
Notes like a bird’s from your rosy lips
Is it a song of thanksgiving and praise
From your young heart to the "ancient
Like a good fairy’s your deft fingers fly;
Pictures look out from their frames with
new grace;
But the glad glance that is lighting your
Is not because of the time, but your place
Fronting the mirror; you see your fair
Fairer than ever before in the frame
Of maple leaves, russet and brimson and
And you still warble your gay litttle song,
Frivilous words to rollicking tune—
Ah, you are young, the days are all long,
November, to you, is as pleasant as June;
You heed not the years that will wither
you soon.
And if a thought of thanksgiving and
Stirs in your heart, ’tis because you are
Listen! Not one single instaut is stilled
The song or the singer—he • Angel's and
Keep time with each other; the whole
house is filled
With‘‘Ave Maria,” and bright wreaths
are flung.
In lavish profusion, and ripe fruits are
Where warmest the rays of the morning
sun fall,
And Mary, the mother, smiles down from
the wall.
Your pardon, Florine, that I thought to
I know that your heart is as pure'as the
All beauty and grace by the Father are
And who but the Father bestowed them
on you?
(I see in your eyes the sweet soul looking
I'll thank Him with song, and I’ll thank
Him with prayer,
That He gave me Florine and made her so
—Margbet Holmes Bates.
It la Slade the Occasion for Kulunge
of Presents.
The French day of thanksgiving is
made the occasion of the exchange of
gifts between members of the family.
Parents bestow portions on their
children, brothers on their sisters and
husbands settle sums of money on
their wives. During the day the
streets are crowded with carriages
tilled with souvenirs, bonbons and
toys to delight the little ones. Sweet
meats are made in the most singular
forms one can imagine; bunches of
carrots, green peas, bools and shoes,
hats, books and musical instruments,
all made of sugar and colored to imi
tate reality, and hollow to hold bon
bons. In the morning social visits
are exchanged, and no one able to
give is e&empt from leaving a present
at every house he visits. This favor
is not expected from ladies.—Ex.
Tlie Football Game lias Become a Feat
ure of the Day.
The tendency of late years toward
making of Thanksgiving .day a date
for sporting events has not met with
the approval of church people. The
football players are pointed out as
the particular offenders. A year ago
the practice was vigorously denounced
from many pulpits, but more particu
larly on account of the large number
of fatilities which resulted. Six per
sons lost their lives during the' foot
ball games of last Thanksgiving day.
So vigorous was the denunciation of
the press and pulpit that the rules of
the game have since undergone a
sharp revision. It is hoped that the
new rules will accomplish the desired
We Have Many Holidays.
Besides the regular holidays, like
Thanksgiving, Christinas, New Year's
day and Independence day, there are
special legal holidays in many states
of the Union, such, for example, as
Decoration day, Arbor day and Labor
day. Others of them are Jackson’s
day in Louisiana, Mardi Gras in Ala
bama and Louisiana, Lincoln's birth
day in Illinois, Lee's birthday in Vir
ginia and Georgia, Davis' birthday in
Florida, Good Friday in five or six
states, Mecklenburg Decoration day
in North Carolina. Admission to the
Union day in California and Nevada,
Evacuation day in New York, Thanks
giving day in many of the states and
Washington's birthday in nearly all
of the states.
Every month of the year, with the
exception of August, has a statutory
holiday among its days for some one
or other of the states of the Union,
but a number of the days are hardly
ever celebrated in these times.
• Day of Family Reunions.
Thanksgiving dav is gradually sup
Clan ting Christmas day as regards
family reunions. In almost every
Christian household the day is now
made one of merriment, feasting and
family reunions.
All Churches Join.
All the Christian churches now cele
brate .Thanksgiving day, the Roman
tat holies having recognized the day
since l«gg
BT K. I.. niCKOK.
Go, man, to thy brother, noble and proud,
Now in ain't) dark polution and misery
Go speak to him kindly, though he grovel
in dust
Tde augelo will ainile o'er an action 'C just.
Thy hand may . unloosen ■ the letters that
Thy words may bring light fo his side
clouded mind:
There’s much to lie done in this vast world
of ours,
Then remember, oh, man, thou has God
given (towers.
Go, sister, and speuk to that sad erring one,
If repentant, forget all the wrong she has
Regard not her presence with silent dis
When a kind word may save her from sin
ning again.
'Tis but little to give, it is easily spoken,
And may soothe a heart by grief almost
Remember that charity suffereth long;
Then judge not, condemn not, lest ye be
Thanksgiving Day In Darkvlllo.
Parson Darkle? is going to malt* a
Thanksgiving Eve call pn his neigh<
bor, .Brother Simkins.
He was dun called. But on his way
home sees a wicked sight.
“Well, fo’ de Lawd's sake! If dar
ain’t Brother Brownly lifting Brother
White’s fowla
!/ I
“Didn’t I often tole you ‘bout keep
ing de fifth commandment? You
, must dun go an’ put dem dar fowls
j where you got ’em, or I 11 'pose you to
j dcr whole conversation to-morro—."
Ninth "of the Roman Calendar anti
Appropriate for ThaiikMj-Ivliij*.
November was nintli (novem) month
I to the Romans It has long been a
! notable month for signs and omens,
' as well as religious dates, though no
one can show why. The Saxons
called it “blood month.’’because they
slaughtered cattle and salted away
all their winter’s beef in this month.
I The old Romans had many import
ant religious observances in this
month, and the Christians have
adopted some of them. It closes most
appropriately for a general thanks
giving for the fruits of the season
past The tenth (decern) month in
the old Roman calendar, but now the
twelfth, is the month of holy memor
ies in all Christian lands. The yule
log and the Christinas tree, Kris
Kriugle and Manta Claus, the vaca
tion, the home coming, the gifts and
the holidays—these are of December.
Christmas has conquered all classes
The old Puritans fought against it in
vain So by the triumph of faith and
civilization combined the season of
cold and often of sleet and rain, the
time of shortest days and longest
nights, is turned into the season of I
greatest cheer and hilarity. j
Kneiinraglnc Settlers.
The British Columbian government's
new tcrrn^ tq settlers are briefly as fol
Not lc?s than thirty families shall
form a settlement, and each family
must possess at least $!>00 cash of arri
val here. The government leases to
each family 1(10 acres of surveyed land
free for the term of five yenrs, and on
the expiration of that period, if im
provements have been made to tiicvul
ue of *:> utt aere, issues a crown grant.
The government also engages to con
struct a wagon road to each settlement
and provide mail and marketing trans
port facilities. The settlers, on the
other hand, must become naturalized
citizens and do their Bhare toward de
veloping the resources of the province.
For a Sweet llrpnth.
Don’t expect to have clenn tooth or a
sweet breath while there is a tinge of
white on the tongue. It is an unmis
takable evidence of indigestion. Drink
sour lemonade, eat ripo fruit and green
vegetables for purgatives, exercise
freely, use plenty of water internally
and externally, and keep up the treat
ment until the mouth is clean, heullhy
and red. Various things are suggested
to counteract un unpleasant breath re
sulting from a bad tooth, wine, or gar
lic scented dishes. Cinnamon, mint,
creams, orris root, cloves, mnstic rosin,
and spruco gum will disguise some
odors. Ten drops of tincture of myrrh
in a glass of water will sweeten and
refresh the mouth. A teaspoonful of
spirits of camphor or peppermint in
the same gurgle is among tho best an
tiseptics. and a few drops of myrrh and
camphor in the water are recommend
in case of cold, throat trouble or any
slight-indisposition which muy affect
'.he breath. — Philadelphia Times.
Sympathetic. !
When Judge Buxton of North Caro
lina as a young lawyer made his first
appearance at the bar, the solicitor, us
is customary in that state, asked him
to take charge of a case for him. The
young lawyer did highest, nnd the jury
found the defendant, who wus accused
with some petty misdemeanor, guilty.
Soon after one of the jurors, coming
round the bar, tapped him on the
shoulder. “Buxton,” said he, “the
jury did not think that man guilty, but
we did not like to discourage a young
man.”—Breen Bag.
For Modern Conking.
As a matter of useful information it
may be stated that whenever a cook
ing receipt calls for a baking powder
the “Royal” should bo used. The re
ceipt will be found to work better and
surer, and the bread, biscuit, rolls,
cakes, dumplings, crusts, puddings,
crullers or whatever made, will be pro
duced sweeter, lighter, finer flavored,
more dainty, palatable and wholesome.
Besides the “Royal1’ will go further or
has greater leavening power, and is
therefore more economical than any
other powder.
Many receipts as published still call
for cream-of-tartar and soda, the old
fashioned way of raising. Modern
cooking and expert cooks do not sanc
tion this old way. In all such receipts
the Royal Baking l’owder should be
substituted without fail.
The greatest adepts in the culinary
art are particular to use the Royal only,
and the authors of the most popular
cook books and the teachers of the suc
cessful cooking schools, with whom the
best results are imperative, are careful
to impress their readers and pupils
with the importance of its exclusive
The Royal Baking Bowder is the
greatest help of modern times to per-1
feet cooking, and every receipt requir
ing a quick-raising ingredient should
embody it.
There h a Difference.
The difference between dining and
feeding is the difference between man
and brute. The grandest old man on
earth is credited with the statement
that “one secret of the vigor of age is
due to the habit of never allowing my
self less than an hour for the pleasant
business of dining.” To sit down to a
well cooked dinner, daintily served in
a bright, clean room, with a few con
genial spirits, and the loved ones about
the table, is one of the real pleasures
of life.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any ease of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
Wbst & Thcax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo. O. Wai.djno, Kjnnan & Mahviv,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Hall's Family Pills, 25c.
Washington Star: "Excuse me.’’
salt! Meandering Mike, as lie paused at
the kitchen door, "hut hev ye got ant
work ye want done in exchange for
cold vittles?” "Yes,'’ was Ihe prompt
reply. "All right.” was the reply, as
he turned away: "Good day.” ••What
made you ask the question?” "Well.!
sometimes I meet inen that want ter
work for cold vittles, in’ I'm so kind
hearted that I like ter be able ter tell
’em where they kin be accommer
Christmas Presents Free.
With ■ the first cold snap comes
thoughts of the holiday season, and
how to get the money to buy presents
for friends and relatives. Christinas
presents may be obtained entirely free
of cost by drinking Lion coffee and
then mail the large lion heads cut
from Lion coffee wrappers to the
Woolson Spice company. Toledo, Ohio
,nheir list of presents comprise a fine
assortment of pictures, books, a knife
game, etc., especially a tine picture
“Meditation." mailed in exchange for
eighteen large lion heads. Hesides
getting these presents you also get
the finest coffee in the world by using
Lion coffee, sold only in one pound
packages. If your dealer hasn't an
Illustrated Premium List, send your
address on a postal card to the firm
above named._
Ibe things that do the most to make us j
happy do not cost money.
J^itotv all women
that there is one rheumatic, neuralgic, sciatic, and all-pain
remedy, as harmless as water, and sure as taxes—It is
St* Jacobs Oil—used by everybody,—sold everywhere.
Higheit of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
Oat All Altai Night.
Detroit l'reo Press: A man, duly
•sober and in good shape generally, was
hurrying along the street shortly after
midnight, when he met a policeman.
“flood evening, Mr. Oflicor," he sal
uted politely; •‘it's u pleasant night to
be out”
"Quite so," replied the officer, eyeing
him suspiciously.
"I presume you are out every night,
aren't you'.’”
“livery night," and the officer got up
a little closer to him.
“All night?” aslced tho passenger.
"All night,”
"That's the difference between us,"
explained the suspect. "If 1 should be
out half the night I’d get 'hark' from
ray wife, and 1 suppose if I stayed out
all night I'd bo churched at the next
meeting. You ought to be thankful
that you are a policeman, (iood night,"
and the intruder hurried on, leaving
the policeman in a state of great uncer
The Time of Torment
Of bilious people is chiefly In the region of Iho
llvor, but with tho extreme discomfort loaned
thore arc associated sour stomach, yellowness
of tho skin and eyeballs, morn Ins nauHcn, an un
pleasunt breath, furred tonuuo, sick headache,
and Irregularity of the bowels. For each and
oil of these unpleasantnesses, Hostetler's Stom
ach Bitters Is a swift und agreeable remedy. K
Is srcutly preferable to any vegetable purputlve
or drastic mlnerul cathurtlc. Such pscudo-spe*
cities usually do more harm than rood. In mu
larlul complaints tho liver Is always Involved.
For such disorder, ns well os for rheumuticutid
kidney trouble, nervousness and debility, lies*
totter s Stomach Bitters Is a benlvn remedy.
Physicians stronitly commend It for Its promp
titude and thorouKhnesH. und professional ap
proval Is fully justllled by public experience
duritiK more thun a third of a century.
Weigh With Their Eyes.
The dealers in livo slock who buy
and sell the thousands of cattle, hogs
and sheep which are daily handled at
the llourbon stockyards must be expert
in guessing the weight of a livo animal
at a glance. In conversation with a
well known stockman a few days ago
he explained why this is necessary:
“It would be impossible to weigh the
cattle in many eases because of the
immense labor involved and the length
of time it would take, while the mar
ket price, which is subject to constant
fluctuations, might easily vary from its
hightest to its lowest limit while we
were weighing the animals in one of
our big sales. For instance, today,
which has been the biggest day of the
yeur thus far, there have been received
at the llourbon yards over 'J.4UU head
of cattle and about <1,000 hogs. Sup
pose we had to drive all of those upon
the scales to ascertain their weight?
There are a dozen of old stock men who
can inspect a herd of animals and form
an estimate of their average weight
which will bo readily accepted by pur
chasers as the basis of a trade.
“In a test case which was made some
time since a man who has had a life
long experience in buying and selling a
herd of cattle, after inspecting a herd
of S00 animals, guessed their average
weight within one-third of a pound of
the actual figure ascertained by weigh
ing the cattle individually. "The feat
wus accomplished by Hen I). Offutt of
this county and is not so extraordinary
as it appears, because similar instances
of expert ‘guessing’ occur here every
day.”—Louisville Courier-Journal.
Dyed whiskers are like hypocrisy. They
never fool but one person.
Great honor is due those women who
have the courage to be old maids rather
than heartbroken wives.
It is always hard times with the man who
drinks up his wages.
Sixty-seven Pennsylvania towns begin
with "Her' or “He 1” or "Belle.”
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world’s best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure, liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
anti permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if oflered.
Tin. Soldier's III bis, , j
New York Sun: A fac simile «f the
“.Soldier's Pocket Itil.le,” compiled to
Kdniuud (illnmy in KVI.I and ased to
Cromwell's lioundheuds, of which smite1
two eoples, one in tliu lirltish Mssnmt
and one In ilia Unltrd Staten, are kanm
to exist, has just been published her
Klliot Stock in London. II waa ksw
suspected that the edition used hr the.
army of the Commonwealth waa a me
small Hible printed by .lohn Field, haft
us that was hist issued in 1603, altar
i lie civil war was ovci\ it oasast hiva
been the book. The credit for th*dte
eovery belongs to (icorgo Livarmnrw «•'
Cambridge, Mass.
Coe’s Cough liaison*
the ohli.Nt sud bc.t, It will break
rribsu oimiiliiK Slav. Il la always
Broadcloth frequently eovera m
uel shirt mid a Cbeup-John lieart.
a sud Cam
“ Hanson's Slagle Corn Salvo,**
Warrant™! to cum or imnicy rufuad««L Akk
drugglhi for It. I'l kt* 13 cciith.
Law wears iron shoes, and dost smear.
where it ste|».
If (ho Ashy is Cutting Tsoi I*.
I" sure sntl u«s tlmtulil nml s oil trial is
WiKNMiw'a Soothing svsur for children T
Orowth in grueo is never pronstsd |w
watching for faults in others.
Billiard 'J'ablo, second-hand. Far seim
(heap. Apply to or nddrern, H. C. Ana,
611 S. l'.'tb Ht., Omaha, Kola
Milton, blind, saw more than others with,
both eyes 0|>en.
Plso'a Cure for Consumption canid a rssreC
Pneumonia nflertlie family iloetor gave upaHL
hope.—M. F. McUuwes, Couowlugo, MUL
We cannot do any man a greater smug
than to misjudge him.
N Society
women often feet
the effect off tan
much tajretf—
balls, theatres, nst
teas in rani#
succession fiat
them won on*. or
"run-down" try
the end afthei
son. They
> from nrrrnn—i wy
anew ana .
I steeples_
irreirulnriticn. Tire
aiuiio (VUV
spirits take flight It is time to scoeht
the help offered in Doctor Pierce’* 1%.
vorite Prescription. It’s a mcdiciar^wltich
was discovered and used by a nraoinest
physician for many years tu all case* of
female complaint" and the nervan dis
orders which arise from it The “ Pre
scription ” is a powerful uterine toaitc mg
nervine, especially adapted to wnsnssTh
delicate wants for it regulates andpruautes.
all the natural functions, builds sp, sn^|
orates and cures.
Many women suffer from nervosa p**s~
t ration, or exhaustion, owing to coo(eMMa
or to disorder of the special function The
waste products should be quickly got nfl
of, the local source of irritation it hi nd
and the system invigorated with the -
scription.” Do not take the aMaUed'
celery compounds, and nervines skuh.
only put the nerves to sleep, bet get .
lasting cure with Dr. Pierce’s Fs links
Mrs. William Hoover, of Melt pitted
Richland Co.. Ohio.
writes: I bad been
a great sufferer from
‘ female weakness ; ’
I tried three doc
tors ; they did mod
no good ; I, thought”
I was an invalid for
ever. But I heard
of Dr. Pierce’s Fa
vorite Prescription,
and then I wrote to
him and he told me
just how to take it. .
I took eight bottles. I
I now feel entirely'
well, i could stand "*«*•
on my feet only a abort time, and now X Cm
all my work for my family of five.**
Thu Larirent Mmiiifai>MH|.«t
On thii Continent, tnuea
Industrial aid M
In EuroiMJtaiB:.
I'nlikethe Dutch Prtw.n Hli
lira or other fti i in ianfc — Ikjim ■«»
Their dtliciou* BKI'AK FAST COCOA Urn'
pure and eoluble, end eottt lets than me nql m np
Worms in Horses.
The only sure cure for pin worms is
known is Steketoo'8 Hog Cholera Cum \cv«r
fails to destroy worms in horses, hoea.
dogs or cats; an excellent remedy fw.iick UntftaL
Send sixty cents in United Statesp—KaiwAMriH.
will send by mail. Cut this out-take a to
gist and pay him fifty cents. Threw pacfcArfseift •
for 91.SO express puid. ti. Ci. fcTEKKTTKI£L
(I runil Kapida. tfith
Mention name of paper.
Patents. Trade-Marks!
Examination and Advice u* to ratraW^>TJj i
Invention. Send tor " Inventor*’ (iriotc, «r U»u -wiwt
a I'atetit fATSISZ OTAMttLL, VTASgTORg, &. SL
^ When all ala* h*>. ltlea
Cl'KKI) every cam,* taken <m «» yua.
It matter* not how many time* you kk>* «*■*>
pOMHl Upon, we can cure you. Little boutlet end «r*y<
culars tell the story, free. Mgr LlOM M.KVSS
TONIC CO.. Kkumu City. Mu.
alent Att*y. *34 S' M..
e*. rarACnpl re>£u.
againet the Government
_ . will write to NATHAN
BICKFORD, Pension^: l*i«*n
Waahlngtou, D.C.(they w ill re*
n a trowra 7hom?* y 3‘oy»«*. w*vhtast*m_*
I HB I r.ll I X D.O. No At tv’s fee unlit t’aiM4o?
A IBB Alii A ft# tamed. Wirate for loveiUM '*ttariiA%»
[ Bcpt Cough Syrup. Ta*»toa <*«kwA. Bs>|
in ttmo. Sold hr druuvrieti*.
tl' W IT« Omnliti-48 IWH
>• u*u Aiwwariug Adterttoemvuu «7"
httUlbMl lilit k’4|MU*.