The Frontier. PUBIJSHKD SVBRY TIlUUDiT BY THB FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KINO A CRONIN. Editor*. A CONTEST. .8. C. Simple lie* decided to contest the election of John Crawfdrd m senator from this district, and John Trommer ehausser will contest the election of John Robertson as reprssentatire. The notice rof contest which Mr. Sample served upon Crawford last Saturday alleges fraud In the election in the preelnots of Spencer, Morton and Basin in Boyd county, and In Shields and Grattan in Bolt, the above-named precincts In Ilolt are also the ones upon which Mr. Tromtqershausser bases his hopes of unseating Robertson. The tak ing of testimony will commence Mon day. Tnn Frontier Is opposed to contests on general principles, but believe* that It !• time that the men who run thing* in *Grattan township on election day were taught a lesion. They have *i things their own way so Ion? nad seem to Imaglne-cn ** * at against exn„r “'sd ' |be«,..elwew proof H-V*-., f^usure or investigation. They vote minors and Idiots without reser valion or the slightest compunction; they allow outsiders to go into the booths with voters, when,the outsider Is known to be of the right political faith, and commit many other irregularities where fraud, intentional or otherwise, might be committed. These are a few of the reasons why we would like to see thle contest carried to a successful termination. We want some people to understand in the future that there is liable to be a hereafter if they [persist in these strange actions on election day. In other words we want a -square deal in every precinct even if the war must be carried to Lincoln. It is Just as easy to be honest as dis honest in eleotlon matters and the sooner some people get Into the former habit the sooner everything will run smoothly. UHAHLBS A. DANA DM St last found out that It «u a cate of wrinkles in the working man’s stomach. OoMORnssMAir Stringer has turned up at WMhington with hit talking apparatus in good condition. Taa principal source of trouble in all co-operative schemes is man’s inherent disposition to get the big head. Thbrh teems to be a disposition in parts of Kentucky to revive the brutal pMtime of fighting bloody street battles. Bombbodv may find those popgun bills loaded, and if they are taken out of the senatorial pigeon-holes somebody may get hurt. It is to Wall street, and not to WMh ington, that you must go, if you wish to ascertain the financial intentions of this administration. Kautsman says that if it were not that Holt county editors are 'protected by the game law he would take a gun and bag the whole Job lot. Thbiub are a lot of newspaper men in Washington who will require corrobora tion before making use of anv more of Secretary Carlisle's positive statements. Alabama will take a long step back ward If its legislature pastes a bill, now before it, for the revival of the Inhuman practice of leMing the state convicts to mine operators. Mr. Clrvelakd may not be loved to the extent he waa a few yean ago, for the enemlea he haa made, but he ia prob ably loved, by a few capitalists, for the *bonds he has Issued. Of course John M. Thunton is a good man to elect United States senator, hut what's the matter with Senator Mander aonT The Frontier is for Mandenon lint and Thunton afterwards. Col. Breckenridgr will try to make a living as a public lecturer, his first subject being “Ten years among tariff reformers ” He would be more likely to make a hit by lecturing on “ten yean of hypocrisy." There is one bad thing about a per manent commission to investigate strikes. Somebody would always be trying to get up a strike, in order to make the members of the commission earn their salaries. When the election returns from the nouth are carefully gone over the claim of the populists, that they, and not the democrats, will be the principal oppo nents of the republicans in ’96, appean altogether probable. The republican gains in live states was as follows: Mew York, 77,740; Pennsylvania, 67,157; Indinia, SI,017; Minnesota, 82,678 and Wisconsin, 16,"77. It ceitainly wasn’t the stay-at-home democrats who licked their party in those states. Tint publication of Longfellow'i "ltesignatlon" by Bryan shortly aftei election wm indeed touching. How over. If Bryan’a eyetem la in lit con dition to abtorb the aentlment of the poem be certainly can comfort bit stricken eoul by it. Tub Neligb Leader bat flopped from a demo-pop to a republican organ. The gntea to the republican told, like those of Caetle Garden, alwaya awing Inward and the great number of pilgrims com ing our way admits of no ruat on the hinges in this year of our Lord. Tub Frontier advocated one winning measure In the recent election anyway; we advised the defeat of the bounty on wolf acalpa and the bounty waa defeated. That our advice waa the immediate cause of the defeat of the question will admit of no doubt and consequently no debate. Herb is an up-to-date lilt of candi date* for election to tbe United State* (enate: Senator Manderion, John M. Thurston. John L. Webster, O. M. Lambertson, Church Howe, Tom Major*, Sid Paddock, L. D. Richard*, L. Cronnse and C. L. Wheejdon. Cord* s>lr r ' mater*'* **' 1 ‘ u good «A*iai there. Tnn gentleman by tbe name of Freese who wa* elected county attorney of Antelope county, by tbe pop*, while under arreit for robbing a bank, wa* discharged upon preliminary hearing. While the evidence in tbe case did not exonerate the prisoner, the Judge held that it was not sufficient to convict him. The Fremont Herald saya that des pite the recent sweeping republican victories the Iron workers at Munice have struck for higher wages. Is there anything strange in lhatT Are not the Iron worker* still under Wilson tariff, and does the Uerald imagine menu* facturers are going to raise wages with no more substantial«foundation than anticipation? It is authoritatively stated that the election of Holcomb will not be con tested. There can be no doubt but that this conclusion I* a wise one. Holcomb, surrounded by a republican house, sen ate and state officers, can do no harm as governor. While it may give the state a bad name, it is better to let him serve, though possibly elected by fraud, than to be under suspicion of counting him out. According to expert Henery Walter aon, the account stands about thua: Mr. Grover Cleveland, to the democratic party, Dr.: To one election to be sheriff ot Buffalo; to one election to be mayor of Buflalo; to one election to be gover nor of New York; to three nominaliona to be prealdent of the United Slates; to two electiona to be prealdent of tbe United Statea. Cr.: By diaruptlon of tbe party and one crushing defeat. At tbe late election in Dakota county the people girded up their loina and swiped the auperviaor system out of existence ao far as their county is con cerned. It la but a question of time until Holt county voters will awake and realise that Tun Frontier has been telling the truth in regard to the workings of the system in this county, and repeal it. It mystifies us that an intelligent people could harbor the system as long as they have. Tub state senate will consist of twenty-five republicans, seven popa and one democrat. In the house there will be seventy-three republicans out of one hundred members. In tbe face or these figures it will not do for the populists to say that the contests of Sample and Trommershausser are made of necessity. If they are seated as senator and rep resentative respectively, it will be be cause the contest will disclose the fact that their defeat was neither regular nor fair. Rather queer that when tome irrit able editor dedicatee a warm article to the Wandering Jew that he should turn in hie agonizing pain and score the editors of The Frontier. We, surely, are not author of all of bis woes; God forbid. From the way he acts we take it that we have hurt him worse than all of the rest of the boys put together and he intends putting in the balance of bis misdirected life getting even. Let the poor fellow enjoy himself: it is a harm less amusement. Election returns from Nebraska seem to base somewhat soured Sec retary Morton. In reply to an inquiry from a Nebraska newspaper man as to the accuracy of the report that the Omaha postofflce would be taken up and disposed of before congress con vened, Secretary Morton. answered that the postmaster general had been absent from the postofflce department for three weeks because of a severe cold, and that the president is busy on his annual message. “Therefore," said Mr. Morton, “while the postmastership at Omaha is a matter of importance and great concern, I do not see any reason for its being taken up just at this time. The friends of sound eeonomics, the anti-vagarists, anti-lunacy money men ought to be able to select a postmaster without any out (side interference.” This is Thanksgiving day, and for all a great many feel that they have nothing for which to be thankful this year, a careful inventory may reveal some little things that have been spared to us and with which would dislike to get along without, therefore It is meet that we pul on a bright smile today, even though there be an aching void under our rest, and give thanks that we are permitted tc live and partake of the glorious Nebraska wind, which is free. Governor Crounse has penned the following lines upon this subject to the people of the state: "In conformity with the proclamation of the president of the United States, I do hereby aopoint Thursday, November 29, 1894, a day of thanksgiving and prayer throughout the state. Owing to the extraordinary drouth which has pre vailed in some portions within our borders during the year now drawing to a close, we cannot rejoice in the bountl fullnesa of crops with which we bavo usually been blessed. I would, therefore especially urge upon those who have an abundance to contribute generously to the less fortunate and' by bounteous charity lift the clouds of want and dis tress wherever found, thus making glad every heart, so that the day may be in truth as well as in form, a day of tbanW giving.” O’NEl LL BUSINESSDI RECTORY J| it. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Itefercnoe Fint National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. J C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER, DEALER IN OIOARB, ETO. J)«. J. P. GILLIGAN, PHY SIC AN AND 8UHGKON. Day and night call* promptly attended to. Office over Blglln'e furniture (tore. O'NEILL, NEB. H^H. BENEDICT. LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberta building, north of O. O. Snyder'* lumber yard, O NEILL, NEB. w. R. BUTLER, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Agent for Union Truit Co's land in Dolt county. Will practice in all the oourta. Special at tention given to foreoloiuree and oollectloni JJR B. T. TRUKBLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases of the Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Office hour* 0 to 12 a. m. and £ to 6 p. m, Office first door west of Helnerlkson’s 4. BOYD> BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. MERCHANT TAILOR_ D. H. Garhart baa opened up to do a general Mer chant tailoring business in. O’Neill. He will be found in the Mack building 4 doors east of Hotel Evans, where' he will be pleased to show you samples and take orders for new suits. Repairing and cleaning done neatly and promptly. D. H. GARHART. THE OMAHA.. WEEKLY BEE 19 pages a week—Prom now to Nov. 15, coveting the entire campaign, for. *^-IO CENTS. ■and Stamp, or Silv.r to THE OMAHA BEE OMAHA. NEB. A. J HAMMOHO ABSRACT CO Successors to R. R. DICKSON A CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete act of Abstract Books, Terms reasonable, and absolute ac eurcy guaranteed, for which we have given a 910,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Sollced O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY NEB. NOW REALLY, DOESN’T THIS STRIKE YOU AS A Bib BflseaiH ? A BOY’S SUIT, consisting of a double breasted coat and short pants All Wool, mind you, first-class—good and strong. A PAIR OF EXTRA PARTS to match the suit. A PRETTY CAP made of the same cloth as the coat ana two pairs of pauts are made from. ARD A PAIR OF SHOES, of solid leather—neat, stylish, yat as strong as a brick. ' ALL FOR - . * We call them the RUB’S “HEID-T0-F00T”! BOY’S OUTFITS. You’ll call them the greatest bar gain of your life when you see them. LET US SEND YOU ONE. •5,75 will bring one, all charges prepaid to any part of tho U. 8„ or we’ll send you ono C. O. D. with priv ilege of examination before accep tance, If you’ll send us $1.00 on ac t^’^ecu ro express charges. HAMPiBS OF CLOTH and 50-page Illustrated Catalogue FREE on ap plication. |THE HUB, N, W, Cor* State and Jackson St*, CHICAGO, ILL., America’s Urges! Retail Dealers In Man’s Clothing, Boya’s Clothing, Famishing Goods, Halt, Shoes for both Sexes, and Ladies’ • Cloaks and Furs In the United States. | The Hub has no Branch Stores anywhere. HOTEL --Evans Enlarged Refurnished . Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. NEW YORK . . . - ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honoat Sport in Amorioa ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. %* FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send ! your subscription to the nw nu mmm nws, 3 PARK PLACE' N EW YORK CITY. ^ PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DEALERS IN LIQUORS Of all kinds. A specialty made of PINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fail to call on us. SPEEDY sad EASTING RESULTS. /TTVFAT PEOPLE/OS X™*- M from any injurious tulwunea. V1SS* M LA101ABBOHXKS UBOStS. We GUARANTEE a CURE or nlaad roar auat Price M.00 per bottle. SaaddC. Itr IrMOM. 1KKMONT HED1CAL C&TBoatoB, Maas Always Buy the Best The Best is Cheapest The Finest andLargest stock of good in the Hardware and ......... Implement Line in the Elkhom VaUey i8 foUaj Neil Brennan’s John Deere plojfrs, Moline wagons Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivai Riding and walking cultivators, hi Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery. & j. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE - STATE - BAI OF O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collet DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSIN ill III III 11111 Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for LUMBER, COAL and BUILDING MATERIA The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. (O'Neill, Yards ■< Page, (Allen. 0.0. SNYDER & 9 EMIL SNI66S, _PRACTICA1 |horseshc \nd general blacksmi thing carried on in connection 'lage work in either iron or wood executed in the most ityle possible. First-class plow and machine work tl 5e relied upon, ^o new experience used in any bn vork. All my men are skilled workmen. ALbO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS—^ ?lano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrff iultivators of all descriptions. Everything" guarant >eat the best. q’neill, si The Inter Ocean Is the most popular Republican Newspaper of the west and bj largest circulation. Terms by mail: Dally (without Sunday'J year; daily (with Sunday) & per year;«Jmi-weeklv, £ As a newspaper the Inter Ocean aeepj . or the times in all resnects. it. «nnp«a nDi»h<>p naim« nor exp** J ,7 Aa a newspaper tne inter ocean of the times In all respects. It spares neither pains nor e securing all the news and the best of current literature. The Weekly Inter Ocean Is edited especially for those who, on account of mail liny other reason, do not take a daily Tinner. In its column!*; “ C'****5U iop tnose who, on account or in»*» - j any other reason do not take a dally paper. In lts eolun^*; he found the week's news of all the world condensed and toe 1rary ,1eatuTres of the daily. As a family paper it western journals. It consists of eight pages with a suppl. ijg c°l0^9’ of e,Sht additional pages, making jjjjjijtfl P85°?‘. ^«^»8upp*ementi* containing six pages of reB, .PJjftrf and two full page illustrations, is alone worth the pri<-® The Inter Ocean Is published in Chicago, the news and commercial rente'_of^ ?”he Allegheny mountains and is oetter adapted to tne,, j,a thepeople of that section than any paper farther east. * ^ cord with the people of the west both in politics and biter" By special arrangement with the publishers of the Inter Ocean we s* ..offer. The Weekly Inter 0celts and The Frontier * The Frontier One Tear and the Inter Ocean 6 Months, P Now is the time to subscribe.