OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATS. .Lorenxo Croun*e it Governor. itf Htntfl.. .....I. L-. Alien uuiw J- 8. Bartley General.... .. ..George H. Hasting* Utor.Eugene Moore is and Bulling*..George Humphrey iin Instruction.A. K. Goudy Ho Instruction. IF.NTS STATE UNIVERSITY. . Gere. Lincoln: I^eavlttBurnHana, I M. Hiatt, Alma: E. P. Holmes, T. Mallaleu. Kearney: M. J. Hull, CONGRESSIONAL. i—Clias. F. Manderson, of Omaha; of Madison. 1, ()r XUHU1BUM. _ , % ntiitlves—Wm. Bryan. LineolniO. "roken BWW! Wm. McKelffhan. Red JUDICIARY. .in, .Samuel Maxwell . . . Judge Post and T. L. Norral ,1U Ui^trfct Court. ....JohnM8klrvlng K,NTH JUDICIAL mSTHlCT^ ....... J. J. King of O’Neill .. A. L. Bartow of Chadron A. L. Warrick. of O’Neill land offices. 0'KEU.Im ....John A. Hannon. .Elmer William*. COUNTY. .Geo McCutcheon _.J. P. Mullen .. ..Sam Howard .Bill Bethea Mike McCarthy .Ohas Hamilton _Chas O'Neill ..Mr*. W. R. Jackson ..Dr. Trueblood .M. F. Norton '.H. E. Murphy SUPERVISORS. .Frank Meore . Wilson Brodle .Willie Calkin* . '.George Eckley . ..Fred Schindler . J. S. Dennis . W. B. Halgb ...D. G. Roll . .8. Gllllson .'..H. B. Kelly . .R.J. Hayes ..B. Slaymaker . ...E.M.Waring . ...8.L. Conger . John Hodge . .J. H. Wilson .John Murphy George Kennedy luw ..John Aim . . .James Gregg I8,.. ..F. W. Phillips ..””",.Peter Kelly ley • . .John Crawford |. .... H. O. Wine f. . T. E. Doolittle .I.' J. B. Donohoe . .... G. H. Phelps . . ....1. E.While ;ie.. ... d. Trumnger [cut OF O’ NEILL. or. John Murphy; Justices, E. H. and B. Welton; Constables, John id Perkins Brooks. OUNCIIMEN—FIRST WARD. years.—John McBride. For on® DeYarman. SECOND WARD, 'ears—Jake Ffund. For one year THIRD WARD. ears—Elmer Merriman. For one Wagers. CITE OFFICERS. w „ It. Dickson; Clerk, N. Martin; .1 ohn McHugh; City Engineer sky; Police Judge, N. Martin; Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, Hot; Weighmaster, Joe Miller. AT TAN TOWNSHIP. r, John Winn; Trearurer. John rk, D. 11. Cronin: Assessor, Mose Justices, M. Castello and Chas. ustices, Perkins Brooks and Will oud overseer dlst. 2ti, Allen Brown loliu Enright. IS' RELIEF COMNISSION. meeting first Monday In Febru i year, and at suoh other times as lecessary. Boot. Gallagher, Page, Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary; i Atkinson. RICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH. ;s every Sabbath at 10:80 o’clook. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school ly following services. ►DI9T CHURCH. Sunday ees—Preaching 10:80 A. M. and 7:30 s No. 1 9:30 a. m. Class No. 2 (Ep gue) 0:30 P. m. Class No. 3 (Child . m. Mind-week services—General etiug Thursday 7:30 P.M. All will elcome, especially strangers. E. E. HOSMAN, Pastor. .POST, NO. 88. The Gen. John 11 Post, No. 86, Department of Ne A. H., will meet the first and third vening of each month in Masonlo i S. J. Smith, Com. HIM VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. lets eveiy Wednesday evening in rs' hall, visiting brothers cordially mend. .. N. G. O. L. Bright, Sec. KLD CHAPTER, K. A. M m first and third Thursday of eaoh dasonlohall. nits Seo. J. C. Harnish, H, P l*.—HELMET LODGE, 17. D. untlon every Monday at 8 o clook p. 1 Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethem ivited. Ch as. Davis, 0. C, . Gallagher, K. of B. and S. L ENCAMPMENT NO. SO. I. F. meets every second and fourth each month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Scribe, H. M. Uttlev. ,ODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS tllKKAH, meets every 1st and 3d each month In Odd Fellows' Hall, Jessie A. Bright,N. 0. E Adams, Secretary. eld LODGE, NO.05.F.&A.M. ir communications Thursday nights re the full of the moon. ANS, Seo. A. L. Towle, W. M. CAMP NO. 1710. M, W. OP A. on tne first and third Tuesday In h in the Masonic hall. PJEit, v. o. A. H. Corbett, clerk. ls?> Meets second ic hallTUdSday of eaoh monttl In luKh ilec. O. F. Blglln.M. W. OSTOFFICE DIRCBTORV Arrival of Malls - M- V. R. R.—FROM THE EAST. Sunday Included at.6:15 p i FROM THE WEST. Sunday included at... . 9:30 ai l’ACIFIC SHORT LIKE. a.m. Arrives 11:45p.M Sunday*'**’ Arrlves 4:60 p- “ l!'.u,K'kh *NI> CHELSEA. ' .H^’ 'Jed. and Friday at7:00 an r Kalrbunlc Company, au thorise ui to pny TEN DOLLARS BACH for approved drawing* with appropriate read ing 1 or $5.00 each for detlgnior reading mat ter only. Thla offer la open to all. The com petition will oloae Deoomber 1, As soon as possible after that date we will pay for accept ed designs and return the others. Remember, for complete, acceptable advertlsemenU we $10 Each Directions.—Make drawings with black Ink on heavy white paper, or card board. Do the work In outline. Elaborate shading will not print wolL Spaceln papers will bo four lnohes square. Draw to largcrsoale lfyou prefer, but. have design square. The Idea Is most Impor tant. If that Is good we can have Itredrawn and still give you credit. Avoid poetry. Oct upon ad. that would make you buy the article. PoinU.—Santa Claus Is a pure, high-grade Soap—mode for foundry and general house hold use—a fhvorlto wherever known. MerlU generous praise. Sold by all grocers, whole sulo and retail. Do your best, and send results promptly. Address (only) N. W. AYER & SON, Newspaper Advertising Agents, PHILADELPHIA. MANHOOD RE8TOREDT ::»»»▼■ Buaruuhiod tooureii,liiorvou«dlHOaie*,iuoh na Weak Moinorr "keae oTEndZ Power, Iloitdaoho.Wukofuliioee, Lost Manhood, NliihtlrKniIsrlimiNerim.2 ituaa.all drnloHuiul loaaof iioworliiilonerutlvoOrKnun of either hxo^ihS hv oviirmri>rt.ii„, ar,. —i- .. . ■eaeauiea eieeapdveuao ortnbMco.oniuin^oi^itint fexr %$?r w*ir: is ■Iven written aruurnnten to eurearrenantf the money* Bold brill (IrncrirlNtH. Aelt fuel! tnbn Ul.n,.r„.r_DUII1 Of Rl| 1 T * v , iw vure »r rviunn me money. Ho d bra.ll jlriiKKlntH. A»k for it, take no other. Write for froo Medical Book rant Mated uMUKhAAii AiriBu ubiau* in plum wrapper. AddroaB Xt KK VJS MEED €U., Maaoulo Tempi#" ChicagoI For Bale In O'Neill, Nub., by M«lll«»ftCO.iUru**liu. DR. X»mj)'JB'JUR>B FEMALE PILLS. pruBsoU^xcesHivo^cantj or painful me? •tratlon. Now used by ovor 80.000 Indies monthly. Invigorates thorn orgnna. llewmre of Imitations. Nairn paper. 12. per fou*. or trial bo* •!. Beni iMted fn plain wrapper Bond Jo in icaiea in plain wrapper Bond Jo In •tamps for particular*, laid by Loral Sold by Morris h Co, PARK ENNYROYAL ILLS the celebrated female regulator aro perfectly safe and always reliable. For all Irregular ities, painful menstruations, suppression, etc., they uovor fall to afford a speedy and certain relief. No experiment, but a scien tific and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price per packaged! or six packages for 15, by mull post paid. Every Package guaranteed. Particulars (soaled) 4o. All correspondence strictly confidential. PARK REMEDY CO.. Boston, Mass. \ eaBffiS&fft /Without any liiioMrJ it \nmhcme, carci tot* ->3 A ter, <--ut.eina, itch, all a -^eniptiona on tins ffta•,« - hundi, coco, Ao., L*i»ing ' tno DK in clfcllr, w IlILfl uliu MOOMvU) • ' ^ 1 * hr dniuffiMi*. <>r «*nt l.y mull f»»r M <■•«. Aridr -*- I' . few. ATBS M bun, 1'liUadtlpbia. i‘*» A*i» yuur dnw«i lui iw DeYarman Bros CHECKER ff ffTTfWfUW Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Have charge of McCaffert’s hearse. FRED C. GATZ f Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all Kinds of Sausages. .* .* PATENTS 1 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our office is ORRoetTc tl. a. Patent office and we can secure patent in less lima than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, it patentable or not, free of V charge. Our tee not due till patent is secured. t A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents,” with £ cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries * sent bee. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. |C opr. Patent Office, Washington, D.C. eaaw%aaAM%sea%M«MA«MAAAAdi P. J). A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIKTORB OF Till GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. Bast of MoCufferto’s. O’NEILL, NEB, OB H B 0 (0 Purchase Tickets and Consign your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINB DEPARTt OOIKO BAST. Passenger east, • 9:20 a. k Freight east, • , 10:80 a. k Freight east, • • • 2:10 p. it. 0011(0 WIST. Freight west, - 2:10 p. h Passenger west, • 9:27 p. u Freight, - - 2:10 p. if. _Th® Bighorn Line Is now running Reclining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jreo to holders of first-class transpor tation. Fer any information call on Wi J. DOBBS, Aot. O'NEILL, NEB. * o r , strictly high-grade Family Sewing Machine, possessing »1? modern iiuproveme!. i.. Guaranteed Equal to the Best Prices vory reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer an 1 make comparisons. ELDREDSE FilAHUFAOTiiDSS CO. BELVIDERE, ILL.