The Frontier. FURUHtKD 1TXHT THURSDAY nr THR FRONTIER PRINTINO COMPANY KINO A CRONIN. Eimtohr. Poor Texas li Hill in the tho~*demo erntic column. • Tiianks. tlinnks, don’t mention It, the G. O. P. it nil right. Bovs, it it very, very wicked to bet on an election, and doubly to when you bet on the losing tide. Wonder If ex-Queen LI) will write her "great and good friend,” Grover, a letter commenting on the congressional tlumpf Cheer up, fellows, and bear in mind the words let the Roman tlatetmab: "The voice of the people it the voice of God." So Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, will neither be speaker of the house nor United States senator, after the fourth of next March, ebT Congressman Wilson can now go back to England and tell the members of the Cobden Club how the American people aeoepted hie tariff bill. Mow that the cold north wind doth blow, and there are prospects of early snow, pray, what will the poor stumper who has lost bis occupation dof —-- ■ General Howard was retired be cause he was sixtr-two years of age. The democratic party was retirod be cause—well, we give it up.—St. Paul Globe. Ir it took Secretary Carlile two weeks to And out that a servant employ ed by a private family is a domestic servant, how long will It take him to And out that an election was held last Tuesday!' Among the strange discoveries of this year la a man who has voted the demo cratic ticket for thirty-two years and has never asked to be rewarded with an offlee. He Is a Washington hotel keeper and a voter In Mew Hampshire. General Harrison spoke with pro phetic accuracy when in his great Mew York speeob he likened the democratic party to r grasshoppers, because you never can tell which way it will jump. The title, grasshoppers, should stick. It Ats perfectly. Wr notice with sincere regret that some people are booming Tom Majors ‘for the United States senate. This is a . mistake. He was beaten for governor by the suffrages of a majority of the people of thla great commonwealth and it would hardly be considered the proper thing to make him senator. * Although we ara sorry that Majors was defeated, etill we cannot refrain from saying "we told you so.” Majors' nomination was a mistake, but It was a mistake that had to be made sooner or later and who may say that it Is not well that we are through with It. In some unaccountable way the Memaha statesman seemed to have a hold on the party and he squeesed it for all it was worth. He can no longer claim any thing and the party is stronger and bet ter for It Oh account of filling health Judion Gravea haa decided to dlioontinue the publication of the Nellgh Advocate. For over thirteen yean Jndaon haa atood by the halm and kept the Advocate afloat on the aea of Journallam and the preaa gang of North Nebraaka will unite ita aincere regret that the uncertanity and mutability of mundane affaln guided by the hand of Providence have retired thla vetran into inocuoua deauetude* Bomb of Rosewater's enemlea are pointing with pride to the alleged fact that the republican party la done with him. Thh Khohtibb cannot ace it that way. Roaewater will credit hlmaeif with the defeat of Majon and no one can any him nay, becauae there ia no way to prove or diaprove it. Two yean from thia fall Roaey will urge the nom ination of aome good man like McCall or Cady who will be nominated and elected and then the little joaa will exclaim, “See what I have done I defeated Majon ene elected aomeone elae; great ia my influence." And again there will be none to aay him nay. Roaey holds four acea and there ia no way they can be beaten. I» ah extra session of congress had b«ea called immediately upon the in auguration of President Cleveland and n tariff reform bill speedily passed there might be less gloom in democratic house holds today. If Bnce, Gorman, Murphy and Smith had been republicans instead of nominally democrats there might be fewer -republican heads decked with ahiny new silk hats at democratic ex pense this week. If President Cleve land had written fewer letters to Catch ings and Wilson and sent jnst one to David B. Hill, we might have been happy yet. If Coxey hadn't been kept off the grass; if Carlile had not issued bonds, if Hawaii had been annexed, it sugar bad been left free, and incomes left.untaxed—if, if, if 1—Chicago Times. OFFICIAL VOTE, HOLT COUNTY, 1894. ' i , r:i 11 jrnnrr r , •Ti p ,**10 : 1 Ot T* -* 0»XWCiM».Oi» ** v MO) ^ j (ft Q ~qi — ^mq> 5 pjKjjso v a quioaloii v B *jof*K p j rf 1UWA -gg -apjnw Q ,1 » — . 01 M»wqiM MQ» f* *0 1 <•»£>■» C4 M»»W xftMwmnnowo «» *|y § I r;Kfc»»g;^Sc,»a«gttagf;=;5es;»ygaaa£?g^g^g^c , ^ I ££ft5o»*{SH» 8 £ c» mU SItS8o>t?^S?c^ a>S3cwS«« » »v »ic« oo -i >- o »-■>■» c* M».«M{)I^h.»(,) - 4»m> 31 m ~~r> w _ f 1 gsefcSg«aa-%aa»n»5;?i=;5et;^tts«5S8K8?r;»stsa1' 81 ggassastjwgsgsggsiiisssiissBasascifeass* 8 I »MtKlSwHNM>.W»_MIM -iP -I _ ~ -ir> ?■ 8 l» M » U> S ■»■ t-3 (0 ■»» » *11» g»jg MM>«5v nailia 14 isdraoH q uapp»aoK h jsdu V f ojioji j a a 81 sjftsssssKo.£sss^ssass!it s»3»gS8o..»S8»i%i£qBK&~i$~Sq»S?l!£tSa6~itei)»E?»to&%o»£EB _Slj|h4*« — M *3 »- *» i»» Q — Q MW <4 C 8 (*Ww ^9 {j ^ IftLl IA <> ^ u ^ » M •—C" N>tOK>M X t> fc'l SBSBBgatUSBBBBBsSr.B&SBSttSiByigggsaB* xoiw»n a r l«jq]U9P!4U 1 WMlirf t o paoj i a sj»mo(i Hf ? & z g c ■ c era. 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Swd L^i00-<»>■*- »»0Pi^Ui»fcttiC>>Ci»>^Ot.»i hC ■— -——-—* —— — -- -a *-i oo t" cj^ >-* co >-* ►-« g I sasegKiiBBMag8gaaK*-,sa85a8Bg85isr;8SKB>~ _Il.g8BaBfe8a^aiissg^!;8588sgggB£:Bgsaa!g8M -—------ --^^ ^ -V —§-| SBattgggBo.gSBSgSggSgSISgSa.oSgtimtBmS _j »«lf M-f p»g8>MWW*l».>M-» 6? m5» 00 CM jgO -S_>- ..<*>_e.«»ji»_s.Sti«H»M» -- '- ^ 91MHOOO ax 8*9(1 k a UllillJO s M 11UJ0K uqop Iiaunoo.0 Jf Q08ii9qoa v r 'Uinig A 9 mTi — 1 * ' • — -— - —T— 1— r—wvi wr»w WM (J g, -?i BJBJ?B68 BSStS{|8 BggaBftgggaaBa.^ Jlbgga5g»B>8BMBItaB«8Sftgai8,BKiaaB>»gSB J»«SlUil|B -49UIUI0JX v r ueBuqof k H H 0 Xqclaniv a II IK>H ri f ►s |s SS *< 5 O c Cl H K O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY |£ JR. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQARS, ITO. J)B. J. P. GILL1GAN, PBT8ICAN AND SURGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. OOoe over BlgUn's furniture store. O'NBILL, NEB. J^H, BENEDICT. LAWYER, 0»oe in the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard. O NEILL, NBB. Awarded Highest Honors at World Fair "DR; BAKING MOST PERFECT. MADE. % pure Grape Cream cf Tartar Powder. Frr. Ion Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. ■yy. b. butlkh, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. County1 f°r Ual0“ TrUBt °0’* luDd *“ Bolt Will practice In all the courts. Bpeolal at tentlon given to foreclosure* and collections JJR. B. T. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Diseases of she Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Office hours B to 12 a. m. audztoop. m. Office first door west of Belnerlkson's ^ BOYD, BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. JU HAMMOND ABSRACT CO Successors to R. R. -DICKSON & CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete get of Abstract Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a $10,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Soliced O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY NEB FATPEOPLl PARK OBESITY PILLS will reduce your weight permanently from 12 to 15 pounds a “on;1*- No starving sickness or injury- no They t>ui.ld Vp ,he health^ and ™ «UV&?lhe oomulexton leaving no wrinkles £L5,'i!?ldne88' *Jtout abdomens and difficult breathing surely, relieved. No exueriment mdAT.'o nllflC Hn? P«»Hlve relief.Adopted only after years of experience. All orders su nulled direct from our office. Price ft! obt packaira or three packages for B5 by mail host threnii.“tltnoolalsana particulars (sealed) deutlal AU °°rre8ponccuoe strictly confi PARK REMEDY CO,. Boston Mass. NOW REALLY, DOESN'T THIS STRIKE YOU AS A Bis Bargain? A BOY’S SUIT, consisting of a double breasted roatj and short pants All Wool, mind you, J lirst-class— good and strong. A PAIR OF EXTRA PANTS to match tho suit. A PRETTY CAP made of the same cloth an the coat J and two pairs of punts arc made from. AND A PAIR OF SHOES, of solid leather—neat, stylish, yet asJ strong as a brick. ALL FOR $5.00 Wo call them tho [HUB’S “HEM-TO-FOOT” [BOY’S OUTFITS. You’ll cull them the greatest bar gain of your life when you see them. LET US SEND YOU ONE. $5.75 will bring one, all charges prepaid to any part of tho U. 8., or we’ll send you ono (!. O. I). with priv ilege of examination before accep tance, If you'll semi us $1.00 on ac count to secure express charges. KAItll'LKS OK CLOTH and 00-page 111 ust rated Catalogue FltEE on ap- j plication. jTHE HUB, N. \V. Cor. State and Jackson St., ] CHICAGO, ILL., j America’s Largest Retail Dealers In Men's! Clothing, Boys's Clothing, Furnishing Goods, j Hals, Shoes (or both Sexes, and Ladies , • Cloaks and Furs In the United States. i | The Hub has no Branch Stores anywhere, j HOTEL -JAVANS t Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. NEW YORK ... ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honest Sport in America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED BY THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the NEW TORE ILLUSTRATES NEWS, 3 PARK PLACES NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DIALERS IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you waut a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on us. s^fatpeoplFults ‘ N° inconvenience. Simnl. b --- » ABCaoillT ’ from any iniurious substance. ^ this priAcgSfflT^EI.i®S?,e0»a5sv,TW *Ra3£OK^MEDICAL Co“ BoitSlVwSS Always Buy the est. The . . . Best is Cheapest The Finest and Largest stock of good in the Hardware and .Implement Line in the Elkhorn Valley is found" WWW I m IMeil Brennan’s John Deere plows, Moline wagons. I - - -—■—L. Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivate Riding and walking cultivators, haj Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery. tin, G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL \ JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE ■ STATE ■ BAI OP O’NEaLL. CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collect DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSIN? Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER, '-’"‘•™ —COAL and BUILDING MATERIA The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. ' (O'Neill, Yards-/ Page, (Allen. 0.0. SNYDER & C II III Ml It I I EMIL SNI66S, PRACTICAI HORSESHO t ■* Waokamithmg carried on in connection riage woik in either iron or wood executed in the most si style possible. First-class plow and machine work tb be relied upon. N0 new experience used in any bra work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALSO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS.— Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrow beatSXt deECripti0D8' ***** __ ' o’neill, The^ Inter Ocean largestc?rcul° tlon* Terms'hv D NnWS^aPer ot fewest and year; daily (with Siinri'i"^ “all; Daily (without Sunday) kP weekly, *1 per year As pur >'oar: semi-weekly, *2 per'?<*■ of the time? in alf resDert?6 TStPapcr the Inter Ocean keeps abre. securing all the news Sn A^eTo?eXPC the Weekly Inter Ocean any other reasoned J n*ot take86 n,“' on account of mail sorvu'fjj be found the weekk "ews Sr ?n 3ally p“?er- ln Its columns«e» of the literary feature«"nf<5».«Iiit*1i0 world condensed and the ere* western journals t75? fhe da‘ly- As a family paper it exoeb*} lustrateti. in colors,ofCelIrht nHrtm,ghS pages wIth a supp^ment pages. This supplement ^ onal pa*es» making in all two full page iiiuhrHH1, u ?R six pa^es ot reading*"*^ p k illustrations, is alone worth the price of PaP** illustrations, i The Inter Ocean of nil,*1 is published in Cliip-K»r, »I Of tho Allegheny ninim'l'-.'iV.o news and commercial center — the people of thkt Son ?? Hnd ls oett<‘r adapted to the u<^ > coru with the By special arrangement with the publSirs of th^ Inter Ocean we are »W‘ __ .offer. The Frontier Inter 0cean ud The Frontier er One Year and the Inter Ocean 6 Months, $150 .. Aowisthe time to subscribe.