GO SOUTH to the i m nr sunshine and plenty. The Grand Prairie of Arkansas County Offers Great Inducements for Good Land Good Timber Good Air Good Water Good Climate Good Health Good People Good Towns Good Schools Good Markets Good Bain Fall FARMS AND HOMES. NO COLD SNAPS, NO HEATED TERMS, NO CYCLONES, NO BLIZZARDS. Rich, productive timber and prairie lands at from $3 to $8 per acre, high, dry and healthy, on most favorable terms. • This county offers greater inducements for the poor man who wants a home where he can grow anything that mother earth produces than any country in the world. See for yourself. Special excursion on November 6. We want some Holt county farmers to go with us on November 6 and will make very low rates. Come in and talk it over. W. D- MATHEWS, C. H. ODELL, Land Com. Stuttgart '» covering the entire campaign, for.. •^-10 CENTS. I Send Stamps or Silver to THE OMAHA B( OMAHA, NEB. Sioux City, O'Neill Western Railwail (PACIFIC SHORT LINE) THE SHORT ROU| BETWEEN sfoiJx: g1ty| AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolfb\ mond, Plainview, O'A'iH Connects at Sioux City with all M lines, landing passengers in NEW UNION PASSENGER STiT| Homeseekers will find golden opp® ities along this line. Investi?®1 before going elsewhere TIIE CORN BELT OF AMES For rates, time tables, or other inti"1 PC Urfl°LLSgent8 “ addr WS B. McNIC® Receiver. Uen’l P^ss Son dollar PER MONTI In Your Own Locau] made easily and honorably, without^ tal, during your spare hours. AW woman,boy, or girl can do the wort11 by, without experience. Talkie? accessary. Nothing like it for making ever offered before. Our iw »im- No t,me ffastei We teach )■ always prosper. learning the business ft nmhf T— a. _ _ a night how to succeed from You can make a trial wi®o hour. ___ pense to yourself. We start you,1 ‘-juuiscu. ntwj ,; everything needed to carry on tw ness successfully, and gaarfZ, against fhilure if yon but folio* simple, plain instructions. you are in need of ready want to know all about the best P1 ,—; • w ftuuw aii auuub uio --- business before the public, send _X_......_*1 w/\!l ft 1 “ ° iiiie puiHib) dv address, and we will mail you - meut giving you all the particulars’ TRUE & CO., Box 401 Augusta, Mal