lL directory {Tic. .... Lorenzo Promise . .T. J. Majors . .J.C. Alton e. ,J.S. Bartley I" George H. Hustings r " Kugeue Moor© jtB UNIVERSITY. Wn: Leavitt Burnham, 1 Alum; E. Pj Helmes, Kearuey; M. J. null, jptilONAL. ■Rnderson, of Omaha; VIAST. ..Samuel Maxwell 9* Post and T. L. Norval JMCIAL DISTRICT. I. P. Klnkald, of O Neill r . J.J. King of O’Neill i, 1,. Bartow of Ohadron t L. Warrlok. of O’Neill tFFIOXB. SILL. ...John A. Harmon. _Elmer Williams. 7NTT. _Geo McCutchoon (Court.John Sklrvlng 1 0.M. Collins .J. P. Mullen .Sum Howard .BUI Bethea .Mike McCarthy .Chas Hamilton .Chas O'Neill .W. H. Jackson . Mrs. W. R. J aokson t .Dr. Trueblood .M. F. Norton .H. E. Murphy \VIS0R8. _Frank Msore ...Wilson Brodle ..Willie Calkins .George Eckley ..Fred Schindler I .J. S. Donnls ■ ...W. B. Halgh .D. G. Roll .S. Gllllson ....H. B. Kelly .R. J. Hayes .R. Slaymaker ....E.M. Waring ....8. L. Conger ....John Hodge . ..J. H. Wilson .John Murphy .George Kennedy - ' Alfs .John . ..James Gregg F. W. Phillips ...Peter Kelly ...John Crawford _L. A. Jilllson .H. O. Wine ...T. E. Doolittle _J. B. Donohoe .G. H. Phelps .J. E. While .... D.Trullinger m 1 O’NEILL. phy; Justices, B. H. 5n; Constables, John Qks. Bbst ward. McBride. For one SARD. fund. For one year |!WARD. t Merriman. For one .HGERS. bn; Clerk, N. Martin; llugh; City Engineer je Judge, N. Martin; arlle Hall; Attorney, tunas ter, Joe Miller. TOWNSHIP. Finn: Trearurer, John tCronin; Assessor, Mose M. Castello and Chas. Brklns Brooks and Will er dlst. 28, Allen Brown ght. IBP COMNISSION. _st Monday in Febru fat such other times as Robt. Gallagher, Pago, Iren, O'Neill, secretary; CATHODIC CHURCH, abbath at 10:30 o'clock, ostor. Sabbath school [services. ECHURCH. Sunday hlng 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 Fa. M. Class No. 2 (Ep Elc. Class No. 8 (Child*. Pweek services—General day 7:30 P. M. All will sclall V strangers. . E. HOSMAN, Pastor. IO. 80. The Gen. John l 36, Department of Ne [jneet the first and third eaoh month In Masonio S. J. Smith, Com. LLET DODGE, I. O. O. ■ Wednesday evening In Visiting brothers cordially 0. L. Bright, Sec. CHAPTER, R. A. M id third Thursday of eaoh ill. J. C. Rarnish, H, P LMET DODGE, U. D. rery Monday at 8 o dock p. i’ hall. - Visiting brethem Chas. Davis, C. C, her, K. of R. and S. 3AMPMENT NO. 80.1. ©very second and fourth rath In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Scribe. H. M. Uxtlev. NO. 41, DAUC1HTEB8 H, meets every 1st and 3d inth in Odd Fellows’ Hall. Jessie A. Rkiqht.N. Q. i. Secretary. rSl _ DOE. N0.95.F.& A.M. hunlcations Thursday nights nil of the moon. |io. A. L. Towle, W. M. ^ NO. 1710, M.W.OPA. Hirst and third Tuesday In • Masonic hall, f. C. A. H. Gohbett, clerk. kNO. 168, Meets seoond Tudsday of each month In I Rec. O. F. Blglln,M. W. TICK DIRCETORY rrival of Malls R. R.—FROM THE BAST. gr inoluded at.6:15 p a ■Om the west. ly Inoluded at.9:30 am (1C SHORT LIRE. Is 9:3oa.m. Arrives 11:45 p.M. E30 p. M. Arrives 4:60 P. M. May. |LL ANn CHELSEA. Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am Thurs.and Sat. at.,1:00pm M. AND PADDOCK. wed. and Friday at. .7:00 am Thurs. and Sat. at..4:30 p m .AND NIOBRARA. wed.andFrl.at....7:00 a m Cnurs. and Sat. at.. .$:Q0 p m KD CCMMIN8VILLB * I at...11:30 pm (.and Friday at 1:00 pm Awarded Highest Honors at World Fair *X$E&; BAKING POWDtH MOST PERFECT MADE.' k pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret rom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 TEARS THE STANDARD. Bncklen’i Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and pos itive^ cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 35c. per box. For sale by P. C. Cor rigan. __ 38-28 Tramp—Very well, mum; if you’ll send for a regiment of soldiers I’ll begin. I ain’t takin’ any man's job without pro tection these days, mum. There’s Always a Beacon. It is an easy thing to account for the wonderful growth of the Daily State Journal recently. Its price has been reduced to 50 cents per month without Sunday or 65 cents with Sunday. The Journal has always been reliable and honest, printing the news without fear or favor. The people of Nebraska realize tbat they need a paper published at the capital, and when the price of the Jour nal was reduced the subscription list grew at a phenomenal rate. The Jour nal is a Nebraska paper through and through. Mrs. Fogg—'You haue been a naughty boy, and I shall have to tell your father. Johnny—H’ml Just like a woman! Can’t keep a secret. For a pain in the side or chest there is nothing so good as a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bonnd on over the. seat of pain. It affords prompt and permanent relief and if used in time will often pre vent a cold from resulting in pneumonia. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back. For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. _ "I had great luck to-day,” said Mug gles. "How was that?’’ "I went to the races and left all my money in my other trousers.” _ W. A. McGuirs, a well known citizen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that there is nothing as good for children troubled with coaids or croup as Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy. He has used it in his family for several years with the best results and always keeps a bot tle of it in the house. After having la grippe he was himself troubled with a severe cough. He used other remedies without benefit and then concluded to try the children’s medfcine and to his delight he soon effected a permanent cure. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. C. Corrigan, druggist. Yeast —Bacon has gone on the stage. He says he’s going to fill Edwin Booth’s shoes, Critnsonbeak—He ought to give a rattling performance. Henry Wilson, the postmaster at Welchton, Florida, says he cured a case of diarrhoea of long standing in six hours, with one small bottle of Cham* berlain’s Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. What a pleasant surprise that must have been to the sufferer. Such cures are not unusual with this remedy. In many instances only one or two doses are required to give permanent relief. It can always be depended upon. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take. For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. “De blessin’ in disguise,” said Uncle Eben, “am like de man wif an alias. Dey mout be right es kin be, but yoh nebbah gits ober yoh ’spicions." Onarahted Core. We authorive our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds upon this condition. If you are affected with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return tlie bottle and have your money re funded. We could not make this offer bid we not know that Dr. King’s New Discovery could be relied on. It never dissapoints. Trial bottles free at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store. Large size 50c. and 81.00. Mrs. Loyon-Hunter—Do you play the piano, count? Count Huinbuggl—Onla da kind wida da handle. Core For Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It affects a permanent cure and the most dreaded hobitual sick head aches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In case of babitial constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 50c. at P. C. Corri gan's drur store. HE'S AN HEIR. Bat Sergeant ••Billy" Blair Will Stlok to the Faroe. It would be difficult to find s hap pier man on Manhattan island than Police Sergeant “Billy" Blair, who it attached to the city hall station. “Billy," as his companions style him, has fallen heir to a fortune of 930,000, left him by his uncle, Lewis R. Blair, and yet when seen the other evening he yas as assiduously delving into the depths of the Poliee Manual as though nothing unusual had hap pened. “Will I leave the department?” re marked the sergeant. “No, sir. Fifty thousand dollars will make no dif ference in me. I’ll remain right here. I’m too fond of my duties and com panions to permit suoh a trifle as 950, 000 to change my course of life. By the way, that puts me in mind of something. Say, do you know that my uncle, Lewis, was a son of Robert Blair, of Marlborough, Ulster oounty, N. Y., a member of General Washing ton’s life guards and the identical soldier who gave Major Andre his last breakfast on earth. Proud of my genealogical tree? Well, I should say so. And if ever you visit the parlor of my humble abode you will find Robert Blair’s honorable discharge by George Washington framed and given a prominent plaoe in my collection of valuable paintings. “How many years have I been on the force? Well, I guess you may say aa. One of the old volunteer fire laddies? Yes, sir, and proud of the distinction. I haven’t got the 930,000 yet, for I understand that Surrogate Arnold’s decision is to be appealed from. Bat it will make no difference. Nothing but old age will drive me from the department. What’s that? Purchase a racing stud? No sir—but excuse me, I must attend to my duties,’’ and Sergeant Blair proceeded to answer a hurry call on the tele graph instrument. TOLSTOI, And the Challenge He Threw Down to the Cian I dare say that many of my readers will have wondered how it is that the novelist, Count Tolstoi, should be per mitted to profess such very socialistic and revolutionary doctrines in his writings without hindrance on the part of the Muscovite authorities, who have sent many another to the mines of Siberia for utteranoes in speech and print not one hundredth part as inflammatory as those of the count. In the first place several of his rel atives hold high office both at oonrt and in the government administra tion, one of his cousins being minister of the interior, while another is chief of the household to old Grand Duke Michael. When the novelist first com menced to write in his present in cendiary fashion the emperor sent for him and urged him to desist. “Will your majesty,” answered Tol stoi, “doii for an Instant your impe rial mantle and judge my works, not as an Autocrat, but as an ordinary man? If a single word of my writings offends your human sense I will cut off my right hand.” Alexander became thoughtful, did not reply, and affably took leave of the novelist, who, no matter what he has written, has ever since, by his majesty’s orders, been treated with astounding immunity in oonneotlon with his socialistic writings. The osar, however, was unable to prevent him from being exeommunicated for his heresy by the holy synod, of which M. Pobiedonotsoff is the chief. — a«io|iuuuv« au vuurou Supporters of the telephone system in Birmingham can now be placed in communication with Christ church in that city and practloally take part in the services. The telephone wires run straight into the pulpit, and the listeners at the otner end of the sys tem can hear the tolling of the bell, the prayers, the responses, the sing ing, and the sermon. Even casual oonghing among the congregation can be distinguished. There are many classes of persons on whom this new departure confers a great boon. The sick and bedridden, who have long been preyented from attending any place of worship, can now be present, if not in flesh, in the hearing. roo Knoll for Her Pride. A French conjuror, who was per forming in Nantes, announced at a certain stage of the entertainment that his next trick would be to out off the head of some one present, and he invited volunteers to come up and sub mit to the operation. Upon this a young man, “who was known to have quarreled recently with his fiance,” presented himself with the resolu tion of despair, and everything had been made ready for his decapitation, when the lady, who was also present, broke into pieroing screams, rushed onto the platform, seized her intended by the arm and dragged him from the hall. _ Who Made This Meat Fussier We should like to know the name of the author of the following puzzle and anagram: A-old woman with-Intent Put on her-and to market went: '•-," said she, ‘Tire me, I pray, The wherewithal to — this day.’’ Each of the blanks is to be filled with a word of four letters and the same letters occur in each of the five different words. These words are consecutively, “vile,” “evil,” “veil,” “Levi” and “live.” Presumption. Thomas Sheridan, the father 01 Lady Dufferin, once displeased his father, who, remonstrating with him, exclaimed: “Why, Tom, my father would never have permitted me to do such a thing!” “Sir,” said his son, in a tone of the greatest Indignation, “do you presume to compare your father to my father?” BEST TOR SHIRTS. rHB PROCTER A GAMBLE CO. OIHTL Deo. 15. THE JAP’S CLOCK. An Odd Tlmapleoe Used bp tin Old* Tima Or Ian tala. The real Japanese cloak, one of the kind in use among that brown skinned, almond-eyed raoe of Orien tals before they oame in contact with timekeepers of European pattern, is the oddest horological instrument imaginable. They are of many kinds and patterns, of course, but are all alike in one respect, viz., in recording the flight of timo without that seem ing indispensable adjunot— the point er rotating on an axis. In these queer Jap time-keepers the scale and figures (characters) are arranged in a manner more re sembling a Fahrenheit thermometer than anything else, the pointer or “hand” being attached to a rod, which is continually sliding downward in the “timo tube,” thus pointing to the hour and minute as it slowly but imperceptibly falls toward the “bulb" or "weight house.” A square-linked chain is attached to the upper end of the rod, to which the time pointer is affixed, and when the clock is “wound up” it is simply done by coiling the chain around the toothed whool. A heavy weight fastened at the other end of the rod continually pulls rod and pointer downward, thus plainly j and simply recording the flight of time. t slaves or custom* There are no tables in the houses of the Esquimaux, and the women are, therefore, in the habit of placing everything' on the floor. A Danish lady employed several Esquimaux wo men to do some washing. Entering the wash-house she saw them all bend ing over the wash-tubs that sto.od on the floor. To make them more com fortable, she had some stools fetched and placed the tubs up m them. By and bye she looked in to see how they were getting on. and to her astonish ment discovered the women standing on the stools and stooping still more laboriously over the tubs, which still remained on the floor. Most Precious to Him* A passenger who escaped uninjured from a serious railway smash, seeing a fellow-traveler searching anxiously among the wreckage with a lantern, offered to assist in the search, and thinking the old man had lost his wife, asked in sympathetic tones: “What part of the train was she in?" Raising his lantern and glaring at the kindly disposed passenger, the old man shouted with indignant distinct ness that triumphed over physical in firmity: “She, sir! she! I am looking for my teeth!" Chronic Nervousness Could Not Sleep, Nervous Headaches. Gentlemen:—I have been taking your Restorative Nervine for tbe past three months and I cannot say enough In Its praise. It has Saved fly Life, for I had almost given up hope of ever being well again. I was a chronic sufferer from nervousness and could not sleeps I was also troubled with nervous headache, and had tried doctors in vain, until I used your Nervine. Yours truly, MBS. M. WOOD, Ringwood, 111. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Cures. Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell it at |1, 8 bottles for 15, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Mnes' Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. For sale by >11 druggists. We Pay for Ideas ,j;* n**£ TWENTY or MORE original and Striking designs for Newspaper Advortho rnonu of SANTA CLAUS SOAP. TIio many footurem, Tho N. K. Kulrbonlc Company. aa. thorUo US tp pay TUN DOLLARS UACif for approved drawing* with appropriate read Ing; or Sg.oo each for Uqslgns or reading mat ter only. This oflbr la open to alL Tho com petition will close December L An noon aa poeslblo after that dato we will pay for accept* «d designs and return the others. Kcmomher. for complete, aooeptablo advertlaementa we pay $10 Each Directions.—Make drawings with black Ink on heavy white paper, or card board. Do the work in outline. Elaborate shading will not print well. Hpuceln papers will bo Ibur Inches square. Draw to largorscule If you prefer, but have design sqnare. Tho Idea Is most Impor* t*“t that Is good weoan have It redrawn and still give yon credit. Avoid poetry. Got upan ad. that would make pea buy the arMole. Pelats.—Santa Clsus Is a puro. high-grade Soap—made for laundry and general house hold use—a fhvorlte whoreverknown. Merits generous praise. Sold by all grocers, whole sals and retail. Do your best, and aend results promptly. Address (only) N. W. AYER & SON, Newspaper Advertising Agents, PHILADELPHIA. MANHOOD RE8TOREQ! aRSSHMSM^ guaranteed to euro nl I norv’Tum ill r*e uderf nl rtnttdj tower .Uoatl»ch«^V«k8rKffi drnlna no,I lo.aof power In uFneralivotfrgeniVriIff#‘Iv*“"°“5 oicomlvo uaoof tobacco. by ororoxertlon, youthful ulante, which leadto ' :»k«LJH,wer,,,u"n,ri‘.u,,''<,,l»n» «>* cither eexoaiieed ll1t,'1ft,,1*prore oxcomlvo u»e of tobacco, opium or atim! Infirmity, (Nmaiimptlon or lnnanlty. ran tie carried In box, • for#*, by mall prepaid. With a#S nrderwa irentee to cure op rrCund the u„iI"S‘ r.T XX mil pa, nuiuil irnu IU • vent pockot.Nl per dux, «s rorvTMi?w>Ill k'oruilo InO'Nolll.NuU., by MOK111H A VI)., UrmtgUU. 1*“pl#,C,Ua400* SDR. 1'JUJTFJUWO FEMALE PILLS. or painful moR. Mmtiou. Now uuoti by orcr tiOtOOO ladle* monthly. 1 n vigor atoatheso ■■"■w inuHinif, iiiri^d **rgtin% Uownro of Imltattoiif, Kama i11 l^box, or trial box it. Hen| sealed lu plain wrapper Net id «o Ir •ealed lu plain wrapper Rend’ta In •tampi for partloulari*. Hold by Loral duiu uy moms ,, 7 ■ allowed to fwr.tlmu i vm . Wbfeh «IW. hterd nn.l v{«•«.•I fore. HVV4 V\J #>>/< T ' r. ,V'' .•* . 1 Bleeding, :\V .... BtfcUtur buas.rmyttv.:.... DeYarman Bros CHECKER mrnwwtm Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Have charge of McCaffert’s hearse. FRED C. GATZ I Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all Kinds of Sausages. PATENTS | Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- * lent business conducted for moderate Fees. Sous Ornce is Opposite U. S. patent Ornei , and we can secure patent in less time titan those • remote from Washington. { Send mode], drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of » charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ! ! a pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents," with l cost of same in the U. S. and foreign eonntries • sent free. Address, :C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. patent Ornce, Washinoton, O. C. t GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. But of HoCufferto’a. O'NEILL, NBB, * f »•' :VH west EAST Purehaaa Tiokata and ConalRn ■ your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPARTi Passenger east, Freight eut, OOINO BAIT. 9:85 A. X. 10:45Ja. X. OOIBO WIST. Freight west, Passenger west, Freight, 1:45 p. x* 6:15 p. x. 6:44 F. X. The Elkhorn Line la now running Reclining Chair Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead* wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tation. Per any Information oall on Ws J. DOBBS, Aot. O’NEILL. NEB. ..r#le.. LDRED9E “B” ji A . \ A strictly high-grade Family Sowing Machine* possessing all modern improvement*. Guaranteed Equal to the Best Prices very reasonable*. Obtain them from your local dealer anil make comparisons. ODREDGE MAMUFAGTUBIKB GO. BELVIDERE. ILL. '*01 ■ %