The Frontier. runUSIlKD I VERT THURSDAY BT THB FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KINO A CRONIN. Editor*. Thia stalely bird of ours, that has done valuable service in many former f,-, campaigns, bobs up again and crows lustily for republicanism from New ' York to Colorado, but he crows in a whisper as yet when Nebraska’s name is mentioned. He la Informed that the situation Is doubtful on governor, and that in all probability it will take an offlolal eount to settle the question. World-Herald bulletins are conced ing the election of Majors and a major ity of the legislature on joint ballot, while the Bee claims the election of Holcomb. While Holt Is still populist, It is by greatly reduced majorities, and the pops ean get no glory out of the result. Crawford only carried the county by 188 as against 800 of two years ago, which is certainly a repudiation of old Honest John. Returns are not in yet from Boyd, Garfield and Wheeler, and Sample has a show of being elected state senator. . Trommerahausser is defeated by about 40, while Griffith is defeated by about if'/- 100. Atklneon, as predicted by us some time ago, cut Griffith. They only gave him 86 votes as against 187 for Trommerahausser. Thii is Blsworth Hack’s cock, proud thing, and he crows because he has a right to. Blsworth is the first republi can supervisor elected from O'Neill (cr years, and he is entitled to a rooster. * Nit York gives Morton about 185, 000 majority. .It was a very chilly day for the democrats in the Empire state. f. Tan burning of his residence has re called the fact of the existence of one J. f‘-, 8. Coxy, at one time a widely advertised '}" ’ man. Sown of the men who have been in the habit of blackguarding the U. 8. senate, do not seem free from the am bition of becoming senators. Ellsworth Hack will look after the Interests of the citizens of O'Neill as supervisor from this city during the next year, and he will make a good and efflci £k, ent officer. - -- The city of O'Neill gave S. C. Sample •>, a majority of seventy. This was forty ^ votes ahead of his ticket, and was a •plendid endorsement from the citizens * of his former home. J. W. Wkrtz, the talented editor of the Btnart Ledger, was elected super visor in Stuart township by a majority of seventy-four, defeating Jillson, the ^ present member, nearly two to one. It came nearly being unanimous. Brother Wertz, it is not often that a member of the profession secures an office, so allow us to congratulate you upon the vote received._ _ Perry Bklhokt, who, when a mem ber of the house, made the serious mis takrof attempting to monkey with the j??-: Blaine buzz saw, is ambitious of wear ing a Senatorial toga, believing that the wealth of himself and family gives him special qualifications therefor. It is not to be denied that Perry would be a de cided improvement upon at least one of the senators from New Nork>-but he has little show of succeeding him. His' suo >cessor will be a republican. 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