haiea of SunBtroks. Record: “A peculiai troke,” said one Phlladel* ninent physician* yestcr bu bject does not sue* attack till some hoars The only explanation Iclence can (fire is that a lists in a disintegration irpuscles, and consider* les before the dlsinte* eaches the little nerve I brain which sots as a the heat system of the »w of the blood finally ieat center, and the heat jng the temperature of a fearful height within >s.” As an Instance of ms, the doctor cited the s British army in India, ,t majority of sunstrokes letween 7 and 0 in the e Caught On. erald: “But you eastern >> m conventional, ’ said the ty to a Boston young man irding her with half fear n. “Your language is so e. Now, I think our slang ; it is most suggestive, >w. You can express ever i than you would dare to ry parlance,” she con tin* My. k slang to me then,”_beg i fatuously. iff the freight,” she res , wite a charming smile, answered quite bewil or yourself,” he cried, at g on,” “1 am on the «x oassenger, do. ” she con f ides what you mean,” espairingly. wanted to say that you she exclaimed wick braska Precedent, icrat: It has been decided »e court of Nebraska that urdered his daughter may property, on the-ground Bence of a law governing e established rule of in t be enforced. Other iver—notably the New appeals—have held dif le better reason that as blic policy, a murderer allowed to inherit the tim. Inge r.dltori Kick. i crop in New Jersey is 1 so it is in other places, i'of the bearded jokes eturning to the ribbon iesperate flirtations at I of the old yarn about ; of the summer girl’s [the theater hat; of the nent. May the hardest i' the head of the peren ind crack it in twain. [Consumption is an especially br Croup.—Mrs. M. R. A vent, % May 5th, 1891. i at Advanced Prices, george have separated, ' t told her one night that out of town he always > he would give $10 for lith her.” i next time he did leave {him to the test by calling [long distance telephone Vim pay the bill.—Chicago |i'i Magic Corn Halva.** are or money refunded. Ask your J rice 15 cents. re apt to be masks to vacant kby is Cutting Teeth. kt old and well-tried remedy, Xu t Syrup for Children Teething. j no fools in the world the [all be out of work. second-hand. For sale t to or address, H. C. Akin, 11 8. 12th St., Omaha, Neb. > with all men, and you will I’s war all your life. ffiOWLEDGE wnfort and improvement and personal enjoyment when a. The many, who live bet ters and enjoy life mare, with tditure, by more promptly the world’s best products to of physical being, will attest to health of the pure liquid mnciples embraced in the rrupof Figs. fence is due to its presenting n most acceptable and pleas tastc, the refreshing and truly properties of a perfect lax sctually cleansing the system, colds, headaches and fevers anently curing constipation, fen satisfaction to millions and ( the approval of the medical I, because it acts on the Kid |er and Bowels without weak tm and it is perfectly free from eetionable substance, bf Figs is for sale by all dru^> rand $1 bottles, but it is man by the California Fig Syrup bvhose name is printed on every also the name, Syrup of Figs, g well informed, you will not r substitute if off IMA NTS WHO their Attorneys Comm i * * toner, w ?U w r i t e to N a'tHa) • } imi J?.r*c,e' *1 l»a* Fine Twist Ran-ela. latest Improved Action, Barrel!andMiovhS \ivivi 'SJSS-i 0r,T\ r,Und Slide. Rubber Hurt Plate. Detachable MSSSSt^Mni8^t®* WJilL R"ntl c* to anv Mnt in the t.nlfed States with prfvlege of examination, on receipt of I3.0U, logua^ntee ejorega rhargei. Send for onr 61TM rATALDtitC, Wo. ««M> ». r. 8CHMELZEK