The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 01, 1894, Image 5

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,, ..Lorenso Orounse
.T. J. Majors
.. ..J.C. Allen
..J. 8. Bartley
■in: Leavitt Burnham,
fjdma; E. P- Holmes,
Alultti e. 1 • . u.,11
• Kearney; M. J. xiuiij
Undersoil, of Omaha*
. »r;
.Samuel Maxwell
I Post andT. L.Norval
. P. Klnkald, of O Neill
,.. J. J. King of O’Neill
.. L. Bartow of Ohadron
I. L. Warrlok, of O’Neill
John A. Harmon.
'....Elmer Williams.
. .Geo McOutcheon
Court.John Bkirylng
.O. M. Collins
.I. P. Mullen
.Sam Howard
.BUI Bethea
.Mike McCarthy
.Chas Hamilton
.Chaa O'Neill
..W.K. Jackson
,... .Mrs. W. R. Jaokson
F .Dr. Trueblood
r .M. F. Norton
.H. E. Murphy
....Frank Meore
..Wilson Brodle
.WlUle Calkins
.George Eckley
.Fred Schindler
.J. 8. Dennis
.W. B. Halgh
.D. G. Moll
.S. GlUIson
.U. B. Kelly
.K. J. Hayes
Slay maker
E. M. Waring
i. L. Conger
ohn Hodge
. H. Wilson
.««hn Murphy
.George Kennedy
.John Ain
...James Gregg
.F. W. Phillips
.Peter Kelly
.'.’.'.’.'.’.'.John Crawford
..L. A. Jllllson
.U. O. Wine
.T. E. Doolittle
.J. B. Donohoe
.G. H. Phelps
.J. E. While
.D. Trulllnger
trphy; Justices, B. H.
on; Constables, John
in McBride. For one
i Ffund. For one year
er Merrlman. For one
orrionRS. _ „
[son; Clerk, N. Martin;
cHugh; City Engineer
Uce Judge, N. Martin;
lharlle Hall; Attorney,
ghmaster, Joe MUler.
.Finn: Trearurer. John
Cronin; Assessor, Mose
M. Castello and Chas.
erkins Brooks and Will
er dtst. 20, Allen Brown
_st Monday In Febru
Kt suoh other times as
Robt. Oallagher, Page,
fen, O'Neill, seeretary;
bbath at 10:30 o'clock,
fetor. Sabbath sohool
IUBCH. Sunday
ng 10:30 A. X. and 1:80
I x. Class No. 2 (Bp -
. Class No. 3 (Chlld
eek services—General
ay 7:30 p. X. All will
elallv strangers.
B. HOSMAN, Pastor.
. 88. The Gen, John
I, Department of No
et the first and third
ch month in Masonic
8. J. Sxitb, Com.
f Wednesday evening In
litlng brothers oordlally
O. L. Bbiqht, Sec.
third Thursday of each
j. C. Hashish, H. P
ry Monday at 8 o clook p.
hall. Visiting brethera
Ch as. Davis, C. C.
■b, K. of B. and 8.
MPMENT NO. 80.1.
rery second and fourth
th in Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Scribe, H. M. Uttlbv.
SO. 41, D A U UHTEBa
meets every 1st and 8d
i In Odd Fellows’ Hall.
tDGE, N0.95.F.& A.M.
Ideations Thursday nights
of the moon.
A. L. Towle, w. U.
ro. 1710. M.W. OF A.
Et and third Tuesday In
aaonlc hall.
A. Q. Oohbbtt, clerk.
[O. 1S8, Meets second
Isday of each month In
!■ O. F. Blglln.M. W.
El of Malls
R.—mow THE EAST,
ncluded at.6:15 p
ncluded at.0:30am
W *.a. Arrives 11 :45 p.m.
p. m. Arrives 1:SU p. w.
Id. and Friday at7:00 am
lurs.and Sat. at..1:00pm
sd.and Friday at . 7:00 am
lure, and Sat. at. .1:80 p m
--1. and a
lurs. and Sat. at.. .1:00 p
ld.522“ys at. ..11:80p
id Friday at ldMp
. ' ' , . . ; '1 ‘
Awarded Highest Honors at World Fair
% pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
root Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
A Legal Turn—When one Judge over*
rules the decision of another.
Buoklen’s Arnica Balve.
The beat salve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions and pos
itive' y cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 36c.
per box. For sale by P. C. Cor
rigan. _ _ 88-28
New York mugwumps should estab
lish an identification bureau.
There’s Always a Reason.
It is an easy thing to account for the
wonderful growth of the Daily State
Journal recently. Its price has been
reduced to 60 cents per month without
Sunday or 65 cents with Sunday. The
Journal has always been reliable and
honest, printing the news without fear
or favor. The people of Nebraska realize
that they need a paper published at the
capital, and when the price of the Jour
nal was reduced the subscription list
grew at a phenomenal rate. The Jour
nal is a Nebraska paper through and
The pessimist prefers “Looking Back
ward" to any other form of fiction.
For a pain in the side or chest there is
nothing so good as a piece of flannel
dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm and bonnd on over the seat of
pain. It affords prompt and permanent
relief and if used in time will often pre
vent a cold from resulting in pneumonia.
This same treatment is a sure cure for
lame back. For sale by P. C. Corrigan,
Pugilists appear to take as kindly to
the ready letter writer as to the punch
ing bag. _
W. A. McGuire, a well known citizen
of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that
there is nothing as good for children
troubled with coaids or croup as Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy. He has used
it in his family for several years with
the best results and always keeps a bot
tle of it in the house. After having la
grippe he was himself troubled with a
severe cough. He used other remedies
without benefit and then concluded to
try the children’s medicine and to his
delight he soon effected a permanent
cure. 85 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
P. 0. C. Corrigan, druggist.
A Philanthropist—The doctor who
says: "It’s better to be in prison than
have bad health.’’
Henry Wilson, the postmaster at
Welcbton, Florida, says he cured a case
of diarrhoea of long standing In six
hours, with one small bottle of Cham
berlain’s Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea
remedy. What a pleasant surprise that
must have been to the sufferer. Such
cures are not unusual with this remedy.
In many instances only one or two
doses are required to give permanent
relief. It can always be depended upon.
When reduced with water it is pleasant
to take. For sale by P. C. Corrigan,
The leaves continue turning as Senator
Hill pursues his campaign through the
Empire State.
Onarahtsd Cure,
We authorive our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King’s New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds upon
this condition- If jou are affected with
a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or
Chest trouble, and will use this remedy
as directed, giving it a fair trial, and
experience no benefit, you may return
the bottle and have your money re
funded. We could not make this offer
bid we not know that Dr. King’s New
Discovery could be relied on. It never
dissapoints. Trial bottles free at P. C.
Corrigan’s drug store. Large size 50c.
and 81.00.
Chairman Wilson will soon return to
the United States and resume a vigorous
campaign of ezplananation.
Core Tor Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It affects a permanent cure
and the most dreaded hobitual sick head
aches yield to its influence. We urge all
who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and
give this remedy a fair trial. In case of
habitial constipation Electric Bitters
cures by giving the needed tone to the
bowels, and few cases long resist the
use of this medicine. Try it once'.
Large bottles only 50c. at P. C. Corri
gan’s dror store.
“Fortune knocks once at every man’s
door.’’ Unfortunately many appear to
be out when she calls.
Time* Ar» W»ji of Dlilia|taliklB( th<
ProfWulonnl AhM*Aikm
“Say, (rents, can’t you give a poor
fellow a few cents to get something
to eat? Haven’t had a bite all day.
Can't yon give a poor fellow a few
cents to get something to eat?"
He was running alongside of them
repeating his plea over and over
again in a singing voice. One of the
men hesitated and then put his hand
in his pooket/but bis companion took
him by the arm and turned upon the
“Get out of this,” he said in a tone
which seemed almost brutal, and the
beggar turned away abruptly.
"Don’t you think you were pretty
rough to him?" asked the man who
had shown an inclination to give
“No,” answered his friend unsym
pathetically, "he's a professional.”
“How do you know?”
“Just you keep your wits about you
when a beggar approaches you. That
fellow said 'genta* That's profes
sional. He asked for a few cents.
That’s professional. And what’s more
to my point, he kept repeating his
sentences over and over again. He
has learned to sing them over that
way by repeating them a thousand
times. When a man who is not used
to begging asks you for help he
doesn’t do it that way. He just stum
bles along, uttering any appeal that
comes to his lips. He hasn't anything
by heart He doesn’t sing it and it
doesn't slip off his tongue so glibly.
The professional beggar is like an ac
tor. Be has his lines and he, always
reads them in the same way. Don’t
let one of those fellows fool you
again.” __
Ms Blank I* Tortured With a Sleep
Fear That Unmans Him.
Mrs. Blank went shopping. Mr.
Blank went with her. No one can
explain why he went, for she didn’t
positively compel It, and he is still re
garded as sane! He went anyhow.
She wanted buttons. Those at Jenk
ins’ store were too small, much too
small. So she went to Kahn’s and
Posnanski's and the Merchants’ Sup
ply; then to Poznanski's and the Mer
chant’s Supply and Kahn’s. At Jenk
ins’ again they showed her the -same
buttons and she found them too largel
Blank guessed it a case of expansion
caused by the heat; it seemed hot to
himl She got almost to another plaoe
—not quite—for they saw her coming
and looked the door for the night.
She went home.
That night Blank’s hard breathing
woke his tired wife, and she woke
him, in turn.
“What's the matter?" she de
“I—1 had a dreadful dream,” he
gasped; “I thought we were both
dead, that you had gone to heaven,
and that I—I hadn’t!”
“How perfectly awful,” she cried,
graspiqg him convulsively around the
neok, “to be separated and—”
"We—we weren’t separated,”
moaned Blank with a shudder; “I—I
oould have endured that! But no—
no) I dreamt that you were to be
allowed to go shopping forever, and
that I was condemned to go with
you.” _
*• Dufwni Effect* tn the Court 01
tit* Rajah.
An Bayllah doctor, attached to the
oonrt of a rajah, made himself almost
indispensable to his highnesa He
had, fortunately, also made a friend
df hie prime minister. On one occa
sion his highness being slightly indis
posed, had taken, by the doctor’s ad
vioe, a seidlitz powder, with whioh he
expressed himself delighted. Its
tendenoy to “boil and fizz ready to
Mow yonr nose off,” seemed to him to
"soatter coolness;” and he seemed so
much better after taking it that the
doctor felt himself justified in joining
in a hunting-party. Presently a
horseman from the palace, in the con
fidential employment of the grand
viaier, galloped up to him. “My mas
ter bids me tell you,” he said, “that
his highness has broken open your
medicine-chest and taken, first, all
the white powders and then all the
blue.” “Gracious goodness,” cried
the doctor, "there were twenty-three
of each of them!” “My master adds,”
continued the messenger, dropping
his yoioe, “that you had better make
for the frontier without one moment’s
delay.” The doctor put spurs to his
horse and never drew rein till he was
“ont of the jurisdiction of the court. ”
Wire Shaft* for Steamer*.
- Trials that have been made with
the new plan of wire shafts for steam
ships are said to show that when the
shaft is in position and rotating stress
is applied a tensile force is exerted
upon the individual wires and their
several fastenings—each a unit of
strength sustaining its part of the
total amount of stress. The strength
of the individual wires and pf the
fastening being known, the strength
of the shaft as a whole can likewise
be ascertained.
a Larne rroni. i
The walls of Paris are doomed. No
other large city in Europe is sur
rounded by a wall, and as the one
round Paris occupies a spaoe compris
ing no fewer than 12,000,000 square
yards, or one-eighth of the total area
of the oapitat, the state will derive an
Immense profit from its removal and
the sale of the ground which it stands
upon. _
Sacred Spiders.
One American tribe believed thaii
at death the soul had to pass over to
the other world on floats made of
cobwebs. On this account the spider
was held in high veneration, it being
accounted a highly dangerous act to
kiU or injure one.
- *
Dec. 15.
Aa Odd Tlmeploec Clad by the Old*
Tima Orlantali.
The real Japanese oloek, one of the
kind in use among that brown*
skinned, almond-eyed race of Orien
tals before they oame in aontaot with
timekeepers of European pattern, is
the oddest horologlcal instrument
imaginable. They are of many kinds
and patterns, of course, but are all
alike in one respect, vis., in recording
the flight of time without that seem
ing indispensable adjunot—the point
er rotating on an axis.
In these queer Jap time-keepers
the scale and figures (characters) are
arranged in a manner more re
sembling a Fahrenheit thermometer
than anything else, the pointer or
"hand” being attached to a rod,
which is continually sliding downward
in the “time tube,” thus pointing to
the hour and minute as it slowly but
imperceptibly falls toward the "bulb”
or "weight house.” A square-linked
chain is attached to the upper end of
the rod, to which the time pointer is
affixed, and when the olock is "wound
up” it is simply done by colling the
chain around the toothed wheel. A
heavy weight fastened at the other
end of the rod continually pulls rad
and pointer downward, thus plainly
and simply recording the flight of
Slaves of Custom.
There are no tables in the houses of
the Esquimaux, and the women are,
therefore, in the habit of placing
everything on the floor. A Danish
lady employed several Esquimaux wo
men to do some washing. Entering
the wash-house she saw them all bend
ing over the wash-tubs that stood on
the floor. To make them more com
fortable. she had some stools fetched
and placed the tubs upon them. By
and bye she looked in to see how they
were getting on, and to her astonish
ment discovered the women standing
on the stools and stooping still more
laboriously over the tubs, which still
remained on the floor.
Moat Precious, to Him.
A passenger who escaped uninjured
from a serious railway smash, seeing
a fellow-traveler searching anxiously
among the wreckage with a lantern,
offered to assist in the search, and
thinking the old man had lost his
wife, asked in sympathetic tones:
"What part of the train was she in?”
Raising his lantern and glaring at the
kindly disposed passenger, the old
man shouted with indignant .distinct
ness that triumphed over physical in
firmity: "She, sir! she! J am looking
for my teeth!’’
Shortness of Breath* Swelling
of Legs and Feet.
' "For about four years I was troub
led with palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath and swelling or
the legs and feet. At times I would
faint. I was treated by the best phy
sicians In Savannah, Ga.. with no re
lief. I then tried various Springs
without benefit. Finally, I tried
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. After
beginning to take them I felt better! I
continued taking them and I am now
In better health than for many years.
Since my recovery I have gained fifty
pounds in weight. I hope this state
ment may be of value to some poor
E. B. SUTTON, Ways Station, Ga.
Dr. Miles Heart Care Is sold on a positive
■narantee that the first bottle will Denefit.
All drat.
For sale by all druggists.
Wt no«4 TWENTY op MORE original and
striking ana ton* for Newspaper Advortiuo
raonta of SANTA CLAUS SOAP, Tli« mono
fuotnrors, The N. K. b'ulrbank Company, au
thorise us to pay TGN DOLLARS BACH for
approved drawing* with appropriate read
ing | or $9.00 each tor design* or reading mat
tor only. This offer Is open to all. The com
petition will close Dooember 1. As soon as
possible after that date we will pay tor aooept
ed designs and return the others. Remember,
tor oomplete, aoooptablo advertisements we
$10 Each
Directions.—Make drawings with black Ink
on heavy white paper, or card board. Do the
work In outline. Elaborate shading will not
print woM. Spaceln paporswlll be four Inohos ,
square. Draw to larger soule If you prefer, but ,
have doelgn square. Tho Idea Is most Impor- i
tent. If that fs good we oan have 11 redrawn i
and still give you oredlt Avoid poetry. Qet '
upan ad. that would make you buy theartlcle. '
Pelnts.—Santa Claus is a pare, high-grade 1
Soap—made tor laundry and general house- 1
hold uso-otovorlte wherever known. Merita 1
generous praise. Sold by all grooers, whole- 1
sale and retell.
Do your best, and send result* promptly. !
Address (only) |
N. W. AYER ft SON,
Newspaper Advertising Agents,
PowU ,l o„, Ml,.,,Vy,,kcru|M„M. Lost Manhooit, NlHlitlV Km”««uj£ V«r?m£
no8», nil Ilmltin unit li>»« <if newer in Uanoniioi iriLZJ.Ti
TH<nu AKUAmiltsINU. In plain wrappor. Artnrosa N K 1C V KIEG1I CO.VMaMnloT^pl/^tKiS
Koranic In O’Nolll, Nob., by MOUlim A CO., DrugglaU. V *’U“0A00
,fcii“DW. '>'ii>i5*y
Rna tialckly. Cures when all
r,'K»ln lo«t nianhooili old
men recover youthful vlsur. Absolutely Quai~
•nteed to enre Wrrvouineu, I.n.t Vitality.
Imnotenoy, Nlahtly Kmlsalons, I.ostl'owor!
either sea. Falling Memory, sVusttng Ilia*
ond oli r()Vrf, Kif aim*# or txcettet amt
™ L°.cllrrl®J1 m vest pocket. Prepaid, plain wrap.
Sold by Morris & Co.
PARK OBESITY FILLS will roduoeyour
weight permanently from 12 to 15 pounds a
month. No starving sickness or Injury; no
publicity. They build up the health and
beautify the complexion leaving no wrinkles
or flabbiness. Stout abdomens and dlflloult
breathing surely rollcved. No experiment
but a scientific and positive rollcf. adopted
only after years of experience. All orders
suppllud direct from our ofllee. Prloo 12 per
package or three packages tor 15 by* mall post
paid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed)
2 cents. All correspondence strictly oontt
PARK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass.
r;& 'fu /t* ;> v.)
Trtthnut unjr internal yA
nod Seine, cures tet- Vj®
, ter, ocuma, itch, all"
. eruption* on the feoc.rj_
V-'hann*. none, #c.,U*vinR ™
t»<r drnqftlata. <>r font br lunll f>-r :A* «l*. Artrtr* *« T*f„
4»wat *c A Su«, fbilttlulpbko* I'a. A**. yvur drutffiua ivi U»
DeYarman Bros
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Finest tarnonts in the city.
Good, carefal drivers when
wanted. Also ran the O’Neill
Omnibus line. Gommeroial
trade a specialty. Have charge
of McCaffert’s hearse.
—»Fy s ■»■■!
JR Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats
Iff Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast
ll Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all
Kinds of Sausages.
Carats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat
ent business conducted (or Modcratc Fees.
Our Office ts Oprositc U. S. Patcnt officc
and we an secure patent in leas time than those
remote from Washington.
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
A pamrhlst, "How to Obtain Patents,” with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countria
sent free. Address,
Opp. Patent Omci, Washinoton, O. C.
45'. ■&*$'/'i 'v
pnopniiToni or ibi
Prices Reasonable.
But of MoCufferto'i. O'NEILL, MSB.
For any Information call on
w, J. DOBBS, Aot.
. V:
Purchase Tlokata and Oonalgn • your . j
Freight via the
aono bast.
Passenger east, - 9:85 a. m.
Preighteast. - - . 10:45>. k.
Freight west, .. . 1:45 p. M
Passenger west, • - 3:10 p. k.
Freight, .... 6:44 p.m.
The Blkhorn Line Is now running Reclining
Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead*
wood, Jree to holders of first-class transnor*
A strictly high-grade Family Saving
Machine, po*»e.suing all modern
Guaranteed Equal to the Best
Price* eery reasonable. Obtain them
from your local dealer and make
V ... \