». V The Frontier PUBLISHED XVEUY THURSDAY BY * HE FRONTIER PRINTING OOMPANI KINO A CRONIN, Editors. HWUBLICAN TICKET, STATE. For Governor— VIIOMAS J. MAJORS, Ncmalia. For lieutenant governor— R, B. MOORE, Lancaster. For secretary of state— J. A. PIPER, Howard. Auditor of publlo aooountH— EUGENE MOORE, Madison. For treasurer 's. BARTLEY. Holt. Oomml^oner public lands— IH. RUSSELL. Colfax, f general— ■. —^H.C'IHIHOIIILL, Douglas. ^MNBndont— Jvj., Mr. CORBETT, York. OONGnEBSIOW AL. rAT DAUGHERTY, Ogalalla. SRSATOHIAT.. •> 0. SAMPLE. Boyd. 4 COUItTT. For representatives— W. S. GRIFFITH, Paddock. J. A. TROMMEUSIIAUSSER, Ewing. For county attornoy— I, L. ROLL, Ewing, CLUB MEETING. The members of the O’Neill republi can club are earnestly requested to meet next Saturday evening at 7:80 o’clock at Neil Brennan’s hardware store for the transaction of important business. It is essential that there be a good attendance. -*~e*e~e CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETING. The members of the county central committee are requested to meet in the McBride building In O'Neill on Saturday, October 20, at 2 o’clock p. m., for the transaction of Important business. Cltdk Kino, Joiiii McBride, Secretary, Chairman. - ISN’T JOHN THE MAN? Vote for John Crawford, whose honor and integrity is unimpeachable; who is bound by no ring or clique; a man who believes that right should triumph over might, and has the courage of his con victions.—Beacon Light. What's that? “Integrity and honor unimpeachable." “Bound by no ring or clique,” “and has the courage of his convictionst" Let us sec; Isn’t John the man who met in secret conclave with other supervisors and, although a stockholder, promised his support to the Beacon Light tax list steal, and voted for tbe steal when the matter came before the board for final adjustment, thus making his shares f worth more money and less liable to further assessment? Isn’t John the man who three or four Tears ago met with the independent central committee in Atkinson and charged and received pay for that day as supervisor of Holt county ? Isn't John the man who went to the extreme southern part of the county to inspect a culvert, the lumber for which bad been donated by the citizens of that looality? And didn’t the people inter ested in the culvert send him word by post that his services and presence would be deemed superfluous? Didn’t he eharge mileage and per diem for goin g on this trip? kv lin t John the nan who haa voted regularly for each and every unnecessary appropriation that haa been made under the head of county litigation, now ap proximating something like 90,000? Isn’t John the man who insisted that the Thompson tax certificates should be cancelled, since which time no man has invested in delinquent taxes, notwith standing that prior to that time about 9M),000 worth had been purchased annually? Isn't John the man who used 910 of county money to defray expenses in securing the nomination for senator? Isn’t John the man who approached X a county judge who was bearing a W “political” case and told him that he most decide it so and so or the independ ent party would have nothing more to do with him? And when the judge told him that he would consult the -I:;'dictates of his own conscience, didn’t " Crawford leave the court room in ahull, ("£ and didn’t the independent party defeat K‘ the judge for a renomination just as \ Crawford had said it would? 'tiffin Isn’t John the man who said that a line should be drawn between the farmer and the business man; that theh interests were diametrically opposed? ■ Isn’t John the man who swore, upon 7,'.. the witness stand, that he owned nc 'stock in he Beacon Light, notwith - smiting that it had been but a few dayi V , \ ' T. iLl- - Jew-, • J since be bad participated in a stock holders' meeting? Isn’t John the man who poked his proboscis into O'Neill dwellings to see if perchance any property bad escaped taxation, while bis own house—than which there is no larger or better in the rural districts of the county—paid not a cent of personal tax upon its contents? Isn’t John the man who charged one day for appraising a piece of land and charged for tho same day as supervisor? Isn’t John the man who advised the board to not settle with Scott’s bonds men when they offered $00,000, and did he not vote against accepting the settlement, and did the county not lose the whole amount, and was not Craw ford the main spring in the machine that caused the bond to be Invalidated? Isn’t'John the man—but why pursue this question further? Uave we not proven him to be a three-cornered hypo crite, unworthy of public trust? But still, in the faco of this record, the Smudge says “he is a man against whose public and private nothing can be said.’’ We have said nothing about his "private," it is his "public” that we desire our readers to scrutinize. The Smudge asserts further that "he is a man above bribery.” The tax list deni was an indirect bribe, because he was interested in the contract. When he attempted to intimidate the court he was guilty of a crime far worse than bribery. A man who will corrupt courts of justice is dangerous. Tub Vanderbilt family own more than half a million dollars worth of lace. Quite enough to keep all the family skeletons covered. * Perhaps Senator Uill accepted that nomination in order that he may have the pleasure of blaming the Cleveland democrats for his defeat. CnEAP sugar before election is the result of a deal between the democratic bosses and the sugar trust. The trust will get even by raising the price after election. The Mormons propose getting ahead of the W. C. T. U. and other temperance organizations by including tea, coffee and tobacco in the list of total absti nence articles. -•_>•*-< The Stuart Ledger came out last week on rose-tinted paper, celebrating the soon-to-be constructed telephone line from Stuart to Boyd county. Brother Wertz has a mild way of painting things red. TnKY are even expecting to elect a republican congressman in Texas, strange as that may sound. This ex pectation may be realized, but we shouldn’t advise anybody to risk any thing on it. Senator Hill never came nearer to speaking the literal truth than when he said: “The democratic party is con fronted with a great crisis, which sub stantially involves its existence as a political organization.” John Crawvord has said—and he dare not deny it—that if elected he would never vote for Bryan for senator. How will this lump of cholera morbus set an the stomachs of free silver dem ocrats who have been thinking of voting for Tax List John? A poll of Custer county, says the Fremont Tribune, the home of Holcomb and Kem, shows a dimunition of the populist vote by 838, a gain of 3 for the republicans and a loss of 20 for the demo crats. Where does pop success appear in the face of that sort of fact? Discussing whether this man or that man would accept the republican presi dential nomination is an absolute waste of time. No man has ever declined the presidential nomination of the republi can party, and no one is ever likely to do so. Such an honor is not declined. Fbar of defeat had more to do with the announcement made by Senator McPherson, of New Jersy, that he would not be a candidate for re-election, than did his health which was given as the reason. Mr. McPherson thinks this is republican year in New Jersy. That’s what’s the matter with him. When Tax List Crawford attended the meeting of the independent central committee in Atkinson in 1891, he also drew pay as supervisor the same day, so it is stated upon authority that he will find it difficult to contradict. If a public official is unfaithful in small things, what are we to expect of him in greater things? -- Don’t over-look the faat that John Crawford was the prime mover in the Beacon Light tax list steal. When he was on the witness stand he swore that he did not own stock in the Beacon Light, but we are told by a gentleman who was present that Tax-List John attended meetings of the stock-holders and exercised the right of suffrage and made promises of aid in consummating the steal, promises that he afterwards fulfilled, as the supervisors’ record will attest. Tax List Crawfobd end Populist Orator Carer went down the road to Page last Saturday evening to hold a populist rally. We are told that they liad no crowd. The independents down there are disgusted with Crawford’s nomination and refuse to break bread with him at his love feasts. What was advertised as a grand rally turned out to be nothing more than a buttonhole cam vass among a very few of the most faith ful. Cld Honest John begins to scent danger, and with a few of his friends, is tearing his hair and gesticulating wildly over the outlook. Ills own party is fast becoming acquainted with his double nature, his hypocrisy. Tub meeting held at the court-house Monday afternoon to discuss the ques tion of how to provide for Holt county’s destitute this winter, was commendable, but we beiieye, according to evidence submitted, that the meeting somewhat over-did the matter in resolving to peti tion the legislature for aid. It was not shown that the soveral townships in the county would be unable to look after their destitute during the coming winter, in fact the supervisors present said that their townships would not ask for out side assistance. It is a bad thing to petition the state for aid. It gives the county a black eye. Old Holt has never before pleaded guilty to not being self supporting, and from the best informa tion we can get it was not necessary to do so at this time. Our crop was an almost total failure, but farmers have disposed of their stock and otherwise prepared themselves to tide over the winter, and unless the situation is far worse than at this time supposed the cases of extreme suffering will be isolated. The time when Holt will need aid, if at all, will be in the spring, at which time there will be a great scarcity of seed grain and feed for work horses. During the cold weather the fual ques tion will be the most absorbing, and if the railroads could be induced to make appreciable reductions on coal freight rates it would be a boon and a blessing. O'NElLLBUSINESS DIRECTORY J| It. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Iteferenee First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQAR8, ETO. JJR. J. P. GILL1GAN, PHYSIC AN AND SUIIGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Office over Blglln's furniture store. O'NEILL, NEB. pn. benedict. LAWYER, Office in the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, | O NEILL, NEB. B. BUTLER, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Agent for Union Trust Co’s laud In Bolt County. Will practice In all the oourts. Speoial at tention given to foreclosures and collections JJH. B. T. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases of ahe Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. I and 2 to5 p. m, Office first door west of Helnerikson’s A. BOYD> BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. GEORGE A. McCUTCHEON, PROPRIETOR OP | - CENTRAL - Livery Barn O’NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES W NEW TEAMS. Everything First-Class. Barn Opposite Oampbe reimplement House A. J HAMMOND ABSRACTgO Successors to R. R. DICKSON & CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstrect Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac eurey guaranteed, for which we hav given a $10,000 bond as require under the law. H Correspondence Soliced O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY NEB. The Greatest Offer Yet Made! LaHt senson TITEI3UB delighted ttaon Haudi of buyers till over the United States with its" llead-to-Foot” Hoy's Outfit at 9&.00 consisting of Coat, Cap, Shoes and only one pair of pants. Wo’fl do better yet this season I The Hub’s Head-to-Foof Boy’s Outfit for the fall season contains as follows: One Double Breasted Coat, One Stanleii ( ap to Match, One Pair of First Class Shoes and Two Pairs of Knee Pa/nUs, and still tho price will remain the same. $5. Remember, the cloth ig all wool, the work manship ana trimmings first-class,everything strictly guaranteed-—and your money back should you want It. Send lor samples of cloth, or better vet, let us send you one of the Head-to-Foot Outfits, all charges prepaid for 85.75 or C. O. D. with privilege of examination before pay ment, provided $1.00 on account is sent With the order. THE HUB, The Largest Clothing Store in the World. N. W. Cor. State and Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. References: Any Bank or Wholesale Firm In Chtcaao. WE HIVE NO BRUCH HOUSES HOTEL ---Jh VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only. First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. PARK ENNYROYAL ILLS the celebrated female regulator are perfectly safe and always reliable. For all Irregular ities, painful menstruations, suppression, etc., they never fail to afford a speedy and certain relief. No experiment, but a scien tific and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price per packagell or six packages for $5, by mail post paid. Every guaranteed. Particulars (sealed) 4c. All correspondence strictly confidential. * PARK REMEDY CO.. Boston, Mass. NEW YORK ... ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honest Sport in America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED BY THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED NEWS, 3 PARK PLACE) NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. female pills. ft= J2E& Sf*!TTibox’or trittl box 81, 8en| pealed la pluin wrapper Send 4n Btamnn fnv nm4u..i «_.r « *9 ooiu Dy Morris & Co. SPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS. FAT PEOPLE No inconvenience. Simple. ABSOLUTELY F2XX c*n eel lWo “convenience. Simple, thii /sure- ABspimLr rail I M fr°m any injurious substance. thliL M _LA10I iBIOlflira EMOTES. T?rnGe«RnXTEE YC“¥ or reh,n3.00 p.r bottle. Send 4c. lor imaflte. .IEMONT MEDICAL CO™ IWfc” , ... i Always Buy the Best. The . . . Best is Cheapest . The Finest and Largest stock of good in the Hardware and .Implement Line in the Elkhorn Valley is foc" Neil Brennan's John Deere plows, Moline wagon Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultir Riding and walking cultivators. Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlerv, G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSEL] JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE ■ STATE ■ BA OB’ OmiLL. CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Colli DO A GENERAL BANKING BUS Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . LUMBER, —COAL and BUILDING :MATERIA The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. Haf 0.0. SNYDER & I IU1Uill JUJU JU Jilt ill ju in ml hi in hi ni in mi hi hi hi mi' EMIL SNI66S PRACTICE HORSESHI And general blacksmithing carried on in connects riage work in either iron or wood executed in the most y e possi e. First-class plow and machine work be relied upon. N0 new experience used in auy' work. AH my men are skilled workmen: ALbO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS— Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, hart cu lvatois of all descriptions. Everything guara beat the best. J T , O NEILL,: the Inter Ocean lar^estmcireuPl?tl’oSr Tl?n,»UhCan N«™M!aPer of the west and »j year* Hniiv /w{«vi u Terms by mail: Dally (without feunday weekly, *l^>er ytearSUAs^<.*8 per ye!lr; semi-weekly.»- P*'\ of the times In a1? r‘e^ne?t=eWTS.paper the Inter Ocean keeps »J. securing all the news^ndthe^t'^ “1,u «•“« uesi oi current literature. The Weekly Inter Ocean any other reason^do mit^b080 ,0’ on account of mail sft be found the y paper. In its coluij1^: of the literar7featurpsWn/^'i.S1litn0 wo.rld condensed am tin western journal. !h.e d“uy- As a family paper lustrated, in colors n/enl?fMlt ciftht pages with a supi’k"'; pages. This auDDle',nentgPp.!,.^it.b)i,“ J,aK??<“ttk.lnf. ,n,i! pages. Tills sumiinnw.n. 11 additional pages,making in • and two ful^pS™ ViifliiSVi,a,n,7* slx P««es of rcHiliuit P illustrations, Is alone worth the prieeeir The Inter Ocean >f a of the Allegheny memo V'e ne*s.and commercial center c the people of that «enV!ta V? a,'d * oetter adapted to the 11 cord with the i»' mnC0 #?i' lhan any paper farther east. I'1 tin. people of the west botli in nniiii^ u.„i Literati ® <§> y beclal arrangement with the publishers of tine Inter Ooeanwei ..offer.. ..... The Fro* Y6e Inter 0ceaa and The Frontier tier One Tew and the Inter Ocean 6 Months, $1 N A Mr (n iVin a. . ■■ Now Is the time to subsorlbe.