The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BT THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KINO A CRONIN. Eiutohs. REPUBLICAN TICKET, BTATK. For Governor— THOMAS J. MAJORS, Nemaha. For lieutenant governor— R. K. MOORE, Lancaster. For secretary of state— J. A. PIPER, Howard. Auditor of public accounts— EUGENE MOORE, Madison. For treasurer— J. 8. HARTLEY. Holt. Commissioner public lands— C. H. RUSSELL. Colfax. Attorney general— A. S. CHURCHILL, Douglas. Superintendent— II. R. CORBETT, York. CONaUESBIONAL. MAT DAUGHERTY, Ogalatla. SENATORIAL. For Senator— S. 0. SAMPLE. Boyd. COUNTY. For representatives— V. B. GRIFFITH, Paddock. J. A. TROMMBKSHAUSSEU, Ewing. For oounty attorney— I. L. ROLL, Ewing. Thbre la one thing that can be placed to Senator Hill’s credit; he doesn't pre tend to he better than hi* party. Tna Inter Ocean says it ia generally believed that it baa coat leading demo crats anywhere from $500 to $1000 to atop Wilson by cable from making any more speeches at English banquets. --►-«*»-, Wn suppose that if Crawford should draw a salary as supervisor while he was attending a meeting of a populist central committee or convention, or something of that kind, that bis follow ers would say it was all right and rise up and call him great. Trb efforts of Ed Fry,6f the Niobrara Pioneer, to defeat Tom Majors may be commendable—in hit own mind—but the end in view does not justify him in crediting to this Journal a lot of rot that never appeared in these columns. Tub Frontier prefers to think that the offense was unintentional, but trusts that It may not occur again. -«-»»►«■-. What conclusion are we to draw from Senator Wilson’s warm reception in England? Are we to conclude that the ' demonstrations were mere outbursts of Joy from the hearts of the Britons at ... what they termed America’s emanci pation from high prices, or are we to ' Conclude that they rejoiced over new fields opened for the finished products of their panper labor? Let the ghost of former prosperity come forth from the stillness of our tomb-like factories and make reply. Mbt, in the World-Herald, affects to think It very strange that Thurston re fused to outline a platform by which he would be governed if elected to the senate. There is nothing strange about it and Metcalf knows it. When a man Is elected by a political party he is in honor bound to carry out the platform Of that party, no matter what his per sonal views may be. If he doesn’t care to do that he has no tight to accept a nomination. There is nothing strange in the fact that Thurston refuses to debate upon any platform other than that of the republican party. The Jew intimates that Scott’s letter, which caused such a flutter among the purified, was wiitten in this office. Cf course the editorial fool doesn’t believe anything of the kind—he simply pre sumes upon the intelligence of his read ers and his ability to dupe them. Time is coming, and swiftly too. when Kautz man can find no man so depraved as to place any confidence in him. There is no editor, no matter how great, or how large his following, that can make a suc cess of lying continually to his readers. Scott wrote the article that appeared in this paper over his signature and no honest man doubts it, and few doubt the truthfulness of his assertions. If Crawford combines business and pleasure during his senatorial canvass, it need surprise no one. Business, as used in this case, means hunting office: That’s his occupation. Pleasure, to him, is inspecting bridges and drawing mile v age and per diem therefor. If the peo ple In the extreme southern part of the county buy lumber and build a little cul vert he goes down to inspect it, even though the donators of the material send him an urgent invitation to remain at home. John is so wonderfully and fear fully made that he can Inspect bridges and appraise land all in the same day and draw pay for services both as super visor and appraiser. Great fellow, that ’ man Crawford. ' Billy Bbyav in his Sunday World Herald treats his readers to quite a flow of words on the income tax and, almost J tragically, exclaims “where are the republicans on this question?” We do not know that we are authorized to speak for the republican party on this question, but we ean speak for ourselves as a unit, and in so doing would say that as a theory the income tax is all right, but put into practice it has never been satisfactory and the democrats them i .1.1* . iLfttitCX selves were tbc first to demand Its repeal In war times. Yes, Billy Boy, your income theory is Rood, but don't over look the fact that the democratic party once declared against it, and if you now want to return to your vomit do it stealthily and in darkness without osten tation. Y’our clause in the hill exempt ing the income from government bonds —the income of those terrible bloated bondholders—should certainly commend itself to the amalgamation of which you are a part. On our local page this week we pub lish a letter from Jake Roll stating that be does not intend to withdraw from the race for county attorney. We are glad that this is so but we fail to exactly grasp his meaning when he says he thinks he should have been consulted before the matter was publicly an nounced. No amount of consultation could have altered the fact that the mat ter was talked of by a few republicans, and we insist that in our article no wrong was done Mr. Roll. Tnis Fhon tier was among the first to urge Mr. Roll’s nomination and has no reason at this time to doubt that its judgment was good. Ue is a clean, capable man and worthy the support of the voters of Holt county. Below we reproduce the article to which Mr. Roll seems to take exceptions, and desire to add that if fair-minded republicans can find any open or hidden meaning in it in any way damaging to Mr. Roll we are ready to stand corrected: A report, winch has the color of authenticity, is afloat to the effect that a move is on foot among certain republi cans to pull Jake ltoll out of the race for county attorney and substitute It. J. Hayes. We confess that we cannot see the advisability of this move, or where anything is to be gained. Mr. ltoll was the unanimous choice of the convention, made up of republicans representing every township in the county, and not withstanding he was not a candidate, it seems to us to be the heightb of imperti nence for anybody to request him to pull out. But in case he should decide to withdraw, which we trust he will not, it is quite probable that the county central committee will have something to say about who is put up to fill the vacancy. This thing of a few men manipulating the machinery to suit their own sweet will is about played out. Votem stood aghast and were amazed when the charge was made that Scott had used county funds for campaign purposes, and the independents used that as their only argument against re publicans in the campaign of one year ago. We desire to ask those voters who took the matter so much to heart, what the difference, if any, would be in Scott using county funds and John Crawford using county funds for the same pur pose? Our readers are all aware that at the time Scott’s bondsmen . with privilege or examination beforo pay ment, provided $1.00 on account is sent with tho order. THE HUB, The Largest Clothing Store in the World. N. W. Cor. State and Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Beferences; Any Bank or Wholesale Firm in Chicago. WE HiVE NO BUNCH HOUSES HOTEL -]h VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. FAT PEOPLE PARK OBESITY PILLS will reduce your weight permanently from 12 to 15 pounds a month. No starving sickness or injury; no publicity. They build up the health and beautify the complexion leaving no wrinkles or ilubbiness. Stout abdomens and difficult breathing surely relieved. No experiment but a scientific arid positive relief, adopted only after vears of experience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price $2 per package or three packages for $5 by mail post paid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed) 2 cents. All corresponcence strictly confi dential PARK REMEDY C0„ Boston Mass. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honest Snort In America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY pictuhcd av thc FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the raw nu nusmiED jets, 3 PARK PLACE! NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. WHAT'1PEFFEi’S ISlGO?DID. SiSS?P=5 JJ rlticn Ouarnntee to Cure «»s» w^fT.nj !ie Sold by Morris & Co. SPEEDY and EASTING RESULTS. PATPEOPLE No inconvenience. Simple, sure. ABSOLUTELY fill from any injurious substance. LASSE ABB0KEH3 BESUCEB. Ton [ can get ] . thin. iou [ cm stay] .thta. Always Buy the Best. The . . . Best is Cheapest The Finest and Largest stock of good in the Hardware and a .Implement Line in the Elkhorn Valley is found'J Neil Brennan’s John Deere plows, Moline wagons, Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivati Riding and walking cultivators, hj Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tin G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE ■ STATE ■ BAI OF O’NEIIiL. • CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collet DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSIlj Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . XMfeati LUMBER, —COAL and BUILDING :MATERIA The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. j O'Neill, 0.0. SNYDER & Cl ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ill m in in in in hi m m in hi in hi mi Yards < Page, (Allen. EMIL SNI66S, PRACTICAI HORSESHO n general blacksmithing carried on in connection, riage work in either iron or wood executed in the mosti style possible. First-class plow and machine work tl| be relied upon. No new experience used in any brai work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALi.0 DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS^__** Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, barren cu tivatois of all descriptions. Everything guaranty The^ Inter Ocean ~«t*Y -V, FD* J ««»r. AH il || or the times in all resnects it B securing all the news Snd theta,?oTSJSSt It spares neither pains nor e.\peu* " lite “ “ luc ««8t or current literature. The Weekly Inter Ocean any otlfifr reusoiiado nottfilre88 i''1,10’ on account of mall servi‘f| be found thl ^eeVs news of an ,1“lly p??er- In Its colunmf »* of the literary features oMi,S1,itu w‘irld condensed and the in western journals It consists of efch^8 “ ,anilly paper 11 lustra ted. in colors, of eight adrihn^.1pilRe8 wltl?BU,PI’1 V pastes. This supplement*enni7,i,,V.J1“? Panes, making In all»' and two full page 11 ustrat V* s,lx Pa*es of read Inn' -L v so “lustrations, Is alone worth the price1“' The Inter Ocean of the Alleghenymountains «V^Vint1 co,nmcrolal center of *]1 the people ofVhatsecUou tT,,, n.1 is oe,,ur "dapted to the eora with the people of the wi® iStcii IH*' . is il* ature