|AL DIRECTORY TATE. .Lorenzo Orounse .T. J. Majors . Allen .J.8. Bartley ..George H. Hastings . Eugene Moore &::^!°.r®AHKm(?ohurdy ITE UNIVERSITY, coin; Leavitt Burnham, Alma; E. P. H.0*"1®,?’ l, Kearney; M. J. Huu, BSIONAL. Anderson, of Omahai Ml Bryan. Llnooln: O. u. McKelghan, Bed Wm. CART. ..Samuel Maxwell e Poet and T. L. Norval dicial district. [. P. Klnkaid, of O Neill ... J. J. King of O'Neill .. L. Bartow of Chadron ,. l. Warrick. of O’Neill OFFICES. BILL. ... John A. Harmon. ....Elmer Williams. UNTT. .. .Geo McCutcheon Court.John Sklrving .O. M. Collins .I. P. Mullen .Sam Howard ' ".BUI Bethea .'.Mike McCarthy .Chas Hamilton .Chus O'Neill .W. H. Jackson .Mrs. W. B. Jackson .Dr. Trueblood .M. F. Norton .. H. E. Murphy VISORS. .Frank Meore .Wilson Brodle .Willie Calkins .George Eckley .Fred Schindler .J. S. Dennis .W. B. Halgh .D. G. Moll ..8. Gllllson ..H. B. Kelly .K. J. Hayes .B. Slay maker .E. M. Waring .8. L. Conger .John Hodge ...J. H. Wilson .John Murphy . George.Kennedjy . John !.James Gregg [ .F. W. Phillips t.Peter Kelly .John Crawford ...L. A. JUllson .H. 0. Wlnre , ,T. E. Doolittle . ..J. B. Donohoe .... G. H. Phelps .J. E. While ... D.Trulllnger NEILL. prphy; Justices, E. H. 4ton; Constables, John Irooks. -FIRST WARD. McBride. For one J WARD. IPfund. For one year . ward. _ sr Merrlman. For one orricxns. tion; Clerk, N. Martin; 4cHugh; City Engineer ■jllce Judge, N. Martin: Charlie Hall; Attorney, elghmaster, Joe Miller. AN TOWNSHIP. Winn: Trearurer, John H. Cronin; Assessor, Mose bs, M. Castello and Chas. I, Perkins Brooks and Will erseer dist. 2d, Allen Brown right. LIEF COMNISSION. first Monday In Febru d at suoh other times as . Bobt. Gallagher, Page, >wen, O'Neill, secretary; on. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Sabbath at 10:80 o’clook. Poster. Sabbath school services. CHURCH. Sunday Idling 10:80 A. M. and 7:80 10 A. M. Class No. 2 (Eu p. M. Class No. 8 (Ohila id-week services—General lirsday 7:80 P. M. All will (specially strangers. E. E. HOSMAN, Pastor. NO. 88. The Gen. John o. 86, Department of Ne 1 meet the first and third >f each month In Masonic S. J. Shi is. Com. LLLET LODGE, I. O. O. ry Wednesday evening In Visiting brothers cordially 0. L. Brigqt, Sec. CHAPTER, R. A. M tnd third Thursday of each hall. J. C. Harnish, H, P clLMET LODGE. U. D. svery Monday at 8 o dock p. rs’ hall. Visiting brethern Chas. Davis, 0. C. lGher, K. of B. and 8. 1AMPMENT NO. 80.1. J every second and fourth lonth In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Scribe, H. M. Uttley. t NO. 41, DAUGHTERS IH, meets every 1st and 3d Dnth In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Jessie A. Bkioht.N. 0. Is, Secretary. LODGE, N0.98,F. tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of]! charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ] > ] A PaMFHiCT, "How to Obtain Patents,” with i ] cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ] sent free. Address, ]i C.A.SNOW&CO. ’ OfP. PATENT OrnCE, WASHINGTON, D. C. P. D’ A J- F. MULLEN, PROPRIBTORS OP TH1 GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. East of MoCufferto’s O-NEILL, NEB. WtfeT fast” lO 1/1 Censign your f i*>|| fit »1.3 fHn l\ K SA1.V amIS.C.is P KAli.KOADS THA1X8 (>t;r !Hl Passenger i ant. Freight H:B.': A. M. I0:4o a. M. OOINO WUHT, Freight went, - 1:45 p. m Passenger west. - 5:15 p. m Freight, 8:44 p. M _The Glkhorn Line ia now running Keclining Chair Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead wcx>d, jree to holders of flrat-clasa transpor tat ion. Fer any information call on W. J. DOBBS, Agt. • O’NEILL. NEB. ..Frt£.. (Igu A strictly high^rade raadly Sowing Machine, po^it sging a!1 iwodera improveioe Guaranteed Equal to the Best Prices very reasonable. Oil tain them from your local dealer ami make comparisons. ELDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDERE, ILL. • . . . .. * .