ClAL DIRECTORY \STATB. .Lorenzo Orounze nor.T. J. Majors .J. C. Allen .J. 8. Hartley '....George H. Hastings _ ..Eugene Mooro ^cte::°“r.gAHKmcfohud? PATS UNIVERSITY, tncoln: Leavitt Burnham, Ett, Alma; E. P. Hol“e.?’ Ueu, Kearney: M. J. Hull, kE88I0NAL. Manderson, of Omaha: iison. iCIART. I ...Samuel Maxwell (fee Post and T. L. Norval ■ODICLAL DISTRICT. I.M. P- Klnkald, of O Neill I ... J.J. King of O’Neill |. A. L. Bartow of Ohadron 1 A. L. Warrick, of O’Neill I OFFICES. fsilLL, John A. Harmon. .Elmer Williams. fOUNTT. .Geo McCutcheon it Court.John Sklrylng .O. M. Collins .J. P. Mullen .Sam Howard .Bill Bethea .Mike McCarthy .Cbas Hamilton .Chas O'Neill .W. R. Jackson Mrs. W.R. Jackson s,.Dr. Trueblood * M.F. Norton V.H. E. Murphy Sit VMUM3. .Frank M«ore .Wilson Brodle .WUUe Calkins .George Eckley .Fred Schindler .J. 8. Dennis .W. B. Halgh .D. G. Boll .8. Gllllson .H. B. Kelly .K. J. Hayes .B. Slaymaker .E. M.Warlng .8. L. Conger .John Hodge ..J. H. Wilson .John Murphy .George Kennedy .“.John Alts .James Gregg „..F. W. Phillips .Peter Kelly .John Crawford ...L. A. Jllllsou .H. C. Wine . ,T. E. Doolittle . ..J. B. Donoboe .... G. H. Phelps .J. E. White ... D.Trulllnger OP Of NEILL. [Murphy; Justices, E. H. Velton; Constables, John i Brooks. BN—FIRST WARD. _ F.ihn McBride. For one _ND WARD. Ike Pfund. For one year itD WARD. Smer Merrlman. For one ornocRS. Dickson; Clerk, N. Martin; McHugh; City Engineer Police Judge, N. Martin; Charlie Hall; Attorney, Weighmaster, Joe Miller. TAN TO WNSHIP. olin Winn; Trearurer. John H. Cronin; Assessor, Mose Ices, M. Costello and Chas. :es, Perkins Brooks and Will iverseer dist. 12(1, Allen Brown Enright. IELIEF COMNISSION. ng first Monday In Febru , and at suob other times as ary. Kobt. Gallagher, Page, Bowen, O'Neill, secretary; Inson. »8 CATHOLIC CHURCH, y Sabbath at 10:30 o’clock. , Postor. Sabbath school ing services. CHURCH. Sunday reaching 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 9:30 a.m. Class No. 2 (Ep SOP. M. Class No. 3 (Chlld llud-week services—General L'hursday 7:30 P. M. All will , especially strangers. E. E. HOSMAN, Pastor. T, NO. 86. The Gen. John , No. 86, Department of Ne wlll meet the first and third g of each month In Masonic S. J. Smith, Com. VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. very Wednesday evening in 1. Visiting brothers cordially j. o. L. Bright, Sec. CHAPTER, R. A. M t and third Thursday of each lchall. he. J. C. Harhish, H. P HELMET LODGE. U. D. m every Monday at 8 o clock p. lows’ ball. Visiting brethem I. Chas. Davis, C. 0. laohbr, K. of R. and S. NCAMPMENT NO. 80.1. lets every second and fourth i month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Scribe, H. M. Uttlev. GE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS K AH, meets every 1st and Bd month In Odd Fellows' Hall, Jessie A. Rhiqht,N. G. ams. Secretary, > L0DGE,N0.95,F. i Ivory BEST FOR SHIRTS. THE PROCTER k QAMBLE 00, 0IKT1. Dec. 15. HE'D L.ET OO. A Buffalo Man Give, a Pointer to tha Saint. In an art gallery in a town not far from Buffalo there hangs a splendid painting by some Frenchman (name forgotten by deponent) of the temp tation of St Anthony. The painting is one of the show pieces of the gal lery and cost a fabulous amount of money. This artist's version of the tempta tion represents the sorely-tried saint clinging to a small sap ling with one hand, while three scantily-clad and bewitching fe males are tugging on the other hand and trying to pull the saint from his tree. The expression on the saint's face is the crowning glory of the picture. It is marvelously painted. The other day a dignified and well known Buffalonlan was escorting through the gallery his wife and her friend, a charming yrang widow from Washington. They came to this picture and stood before it a long time discussing its beauties. Just as they were about to leave, the young Washington widow glanced archly at the Buffalonlan and said: “Now Mr. B. if you were in St. An thony’s place, what would you do?" The Buffalo man looked perplexed And hesitated for a minute, then said: “Well, if the tree didn’t break, I think I should let go my hold.” HALF BROWN. furious Markings on tbo Body of a Lu lls White Boy. The colored woman who is turning white in places has a rival in a little white boy who was born brown in places. The color of his brown places is about the same as that of the skin of the average Afro-American. The little boy, George Bussell by name, is the son of a baker in New York. He was born in Omaha two years ago. He is fain-haired and his skin is light, aside from the patchea He is plump and healthy. The boy is mostly white as far down as the waist line, below which he is brown, with the exception of the left leg below the knee. The white portion, including the face, arms and body, is dotted with large patches of varying intensity of color. On the left temple is a very large red birthmark. This is the only approach to deformity in the child. Otherwise he is very well formed. There are fifteen spots on the face, nearly as many more on the scalp, and more are scattered over the should ers, arms and body. The left leg be low the knee is liberally spotted with color down to the foot and on the toes. Palpitations the Heart Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Legs and Feet. “For about four years I was troub led with palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath and swelling or the legs and feet. At times I would faint. I was treated by the best phy sicians in Savannah, 6a., with no re lief. I then tried various Springs without benefit. Finally, I tried Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure also his Nerve and Liver Pills. After beginning to take them J felt later! I continued taking them and I am now In better health than for many years. Since my recovery I have gained fifty pounds in weight, I hope this state ment may be of value to some poor sufferer.” E. B. 8UTTON, Ways Station, Qa. for sale by all druggist*. ! WISE ADVICF USE AND SAVE INE,HONErMB^B lwwerM KKBURBMCOffflWY^ ^gwwhws Headache ,\y akeful new, Lost Manhood, Nightly UmlMloit, hS!?;!!1 drttVlB•ndlo*AofGenerativeOr Jan• <3 either* moaoiii bv over exertion .youthful errora, excessive uwo( tobacco.odIiud P>»'“ wrapper. Aildre.a NIKVISEED V0.7&MMto1iuSa? ruraale In O'Neill, Neb., bj MOltillS * CO., Urugglata. p ' ler we O'CONNOR&GALLAGHER Of all kind*. A specialty mado of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on as. ITCHING PILES SYMNE’S OINTMENT Abpoltttbt/t cubes. TOMS-Mo!«tnrr t Inlonsq iMhfiif gpi rno*t stt instill trnr.o t#y iwriaUhTrtjr. If •lion -u to cor. tin at- minors <»rm nnd yroiruitk Whichi OMO.MgMl »n«IL’ikCCT.Vs. hfoomiiiK very ••w. • wlYNt.'iiOllilTifKN 1 siopslicliliifkBd bIce<*Mi|K,;>b.nro«fthp turn-8oM • . (init-sristNorhy ■util for 00 uu. **r«p«r«U uy uk.uwsru4 DeYarman Bros CHECKER 7PPPPPPFIMW Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the eity. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Have charge of McCaffert’s hearse. P. x>. A J. F. MULLEN, raopBiiTOM or in RED GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. ’ • ■ r ^v- ( ■Mt of MeCnfferto'a. O'NIIUU, *Mk J Freight via the F. H.&M.V.andS. C.&P RAILROADS. ' i TRAINS DEPART! oomoba»t. Passenger eut, 9:85 a. m. Freight east, • 10:45 a. k. - ooino wist. Freight west, - 1:45 f. if Passenger west, ■ 5:15 r. K Freight, 6:44 p. K The Klktaorn Una la now running Reclining : > Obalr Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead* wood, jree to holders of llrst-clasa tranapor tatlon. Feranr information oall on W„ J. DOBBS, Aot. # O'NEILL. NEB. ..tote:.. ELDREDGE FRED C. GATZ f Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all Kindt of Sausages. PATENTS ) Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-1 ent business conducted for modcratc Fees. |Our Orncc is Oppositc U. S. Patiht orncc1 and we can secure patent in leas time than those i remote from Washington, i send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-. itlon. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent ia secured. ! A PARPMLCT, “How to Obtain Patents," with coat of same In the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. ' Off. Patcnt Orncc, WaSHtnovoN, O. C. Machine, po»«eMiug ail modern improvenieitt Guaranteed Equal to the Beat Price* rery rcaeonable. Obtain than* from your local dealer and make comparUon*. ODREDGE MANUFACTURING CO. BEkVIOERC, ILL.