TI!E t BOXTIEK. Tc» hmm~.-mm r — Q*. O'TZTIX. -v — SEBEJSSCX. OVER THE STATE. C«**w Uiuver vtx'im 2 Scr&ik w f£ >er jomA A irr paper j» V» S* *s**'t«4 •s»«o is £« A'dU. 7.« is i-aw»»£a -wisny «oe t>- s amMh Tsns sewf-sc *3i jpft Bsc—r cwan.ty »ar» vac invzlu ic-yaa ana jesuaj tank. T*jt sew r a «o ?*e-Ae -iepaK. as Sd» •** .* 2oa*&ea aad seaady Jor oecaw •feOr’T taier •f liotheawurg went to tto cabbage patch for a leaf for his rabbit, and was ja*t reaching for one when a huge rattlesnake fastened its fangs in his band. iTosspt treatment saved his life. Tax first load of new com has reach ed tto market at Xebraska City and bconght id cents a bushel It was ia fine condition aad was raised on the bottoms on tto Iowa side of tne river, where com will ran fifty bush.-Is to the •ere. A MfoCTK sufferer living near Calia way w»nt to toe city authorities for «i a " nil ecftr. a jut : Tlar-at. He *«t vs & 4i *>" TrT.a J»uf4ia*5r«ea aare j aws ** »-eii sear fMasea Sor nemo-si T»ey race Tr-g-Taer sad race I iw»-e. t fmeo eae par* wards ncrgdar* entered a** ana stole among AdUrr raiaahaes the xxot t - tier ajKdav;-* asm ouwf >gai po eweeiag* tee twines were earned im te toe iswstter S«v»aee *a received re oeatiy from Tee nobler of tae itaea *wa saw: demands -waste jar the* tmy ani, A *r>v* owner -a ? anm.t ha* coo eiaded tin,ay. «uwa can se morea on trauma acre safeiy be padding toe cars. He haa seesml Sort j C neon Pacific stock car*. and tney are imr voe seaeked it Larsm.e, 10: am aa* a fart* of men tarajsil a pa»ld. up tar at -la «ecn aa they are t^oMoed he will lend them w.ta made for to« eastern . •anwft mod "tut o eonsdeaf that n ’ transit to* eatt.e wit act 3* armsed and itw.-aa* ia;mred 10 is aril as -a to* arhmaa-y sara 9Tjk-TM iwtilnimt which formerly had Sara jw>Ma«» to ami are go* 1U •*if teat the wet* pareaaae enoofl to iaat taro tarnasgh toe wav*. . a German Using sooth of Ores ton. staooeri Kart W .iaey. a yooth of Id or 13. Tae j-rong man was sitting with others noon the edge of the side wane waen Uamiing. who teemed to be eraaed with drink, came mailing oot from the sa oon and pro ceeded to cat hss way ap the acre*-. He made a innge at a bystander and then at yonag Whsey. A* the boy turned So get away the knife was Thrust an to ; the handle in his back, just beneath 1 the shoaider blade Ham.mg took ad vintage of toe excitement and left town on foot, and at this writing nan not ieen apprehended. A WiflnthWJ dispatch says: reaar Ior .Mamierson wiii be occupied far some time with matters in the War de partment connected witn the increase of the limits of the fepartment of the Platte, and the amount also by the rea rs. appropriation of the greemment to be expended at Fort Crook, sear fonana. He has succeeded in increas ing the iimit of expenditure for this . fort from f.VXi.ihio to fThh rss) by the pcoviaion* of the sundry ciw.i biil. He a very desirons that contracts shall be made (jttickiy for the entire work and | tne btuldmg hastened to conclusion. * i '' »«* . rs .. /.ug sear Kea Bett engaged to a bare-handed Icnorx. out over toe daughter of a farmer liv ing four miles northeast of tna: town. ; The parties are Sam King and ‘crorge Crawford. A week ago iast Sunday taey met at the Bennett camp meeting and arraaged the preliminaries for a fignt to take place at the Beariorf ' school house on the folow.ny suncay afternoon- At the appointed time the men arrived with their seconds and stripped for the battle. It was agreed they xaould fight until one had enough. After pounding each other for fifteen minutes Crawford veiled enough. Crawford was badly cut aoout the face and head, and King sosta.ned a frac tured finger, besides numerous bruises on toe fare. Eev C. spencer of the A a burn Epis- ' roc a. eharen preached his farewell ser mon and na* left for California, having accepted tr.e pastorate of a ecarcfc near j Los Angeles. ; V6 n;‘-f 1 * HrsT was shot and instant- > • 1? silled about ten miies west of Jiio- > ! brara. by Miss Ellen Larson. Hunt 1 was a weil-known and dangerous ha.f- * : breed negro, w..o left his family some time ago About a year ago he set about to ga.a the affections of M>s* Larson, but seems to have failed. On , i h«r return from a trip to California he ! ; renewed hia attentions, and lareatened : ; the iires of ail in ease of refusal, j ’ finally Mias Larson and her brother I started to go away. Hunt followed 1 ■ acd renewed his demands of marriage, | grabbing Miss Larson around the neck : and choking her. She pulled a seif- j ! cocking revolver and shot but care. [ j Willing hia instantly. v: - SAiLSCA- »BX ACJUMST 2Ei Cmr.min VaL 4 — Tin toe a-ai «f toe A ■rr-irf Satie**;- Casas sff.rtoi* Sar «iOSjB*3t «t toe Seders- sasna *•» T~**aa«csl ta-dax. *»—• • •-•-»»■ ex-argrr of to* One*?'* WX-ar-,mwm sad *t ?jm£ md tomu-toi tosi Cam HkA.z- Hn *e*«1 -w as- «ss*» x-.-sato arm~ to* ■» toe* to-4. "tod *r*®d as. to gn. *ul i ffisai- if a* tnM a* akssrssl toad ■•ar yitosai sutoid ae teesr-d if toe itotoa ■wme .«*&. to* sea ■mumid. mtitm. 5a to-* saisae an* sato toad s* *a* toidt toa-d :t j« dtos at* -*a.xe k~« <•* i Tore* Betete—A kow to Hnuaitr A a am her of our great and most itTetrrtte tobacco smokers tad ehrw* cr' atte qa-t the ate of toe fUta-y weed. The ta. jaua.c artic.e taat does the work at so-to- -ac. The re form wao started by Aaron i,urber, wao »a» a confirmed t-a?e for many year* to toe use of tobacco. He tried tr e»l tie dm of ao-to-bac and to a A great surprise mad height it cured a m. hot C W Athccm. wao nad been enwkiaj tor sixty years, tr-ed no-to-oae aod it cure , a.m. Coi. Sam-net i-toutener. wao would eat ay tobacco like a cow eat* hay. trued thA wonderful reme.;-. and e-sen 'aasei. after ail bA year* of s.aeery, lost the desire. 3. C f.obler. Leasing Ecans, Frank Deli. Geo-ge £t May. C. ft SkiUington. Bassos Eoo inett. Frank Her*,-.berger. John Snina and otaer* hare since tried no-to-be and in e-rery ease they resort, not only a cure of the tobacco habit, hut a wonderful improTement in the:.- gen eral phrsical a ad mental condition, all of waieh goes to show tnat the use cf tobacco had been injurious to them in more way* than one —From the Press, E-rereti. Pa TO SOWN BRECKINRIDGE. Kent or Ut Tarfmea CaaMe ta f.n the SUv«r*AlMr*H Ciw^rteaw. I>-irisvTLi.R, Kj., Sept. h. —Special to tl-e Times from Cincinnati. *ars: A movement na.* been organized among the Kentucky tnrfmcn at Lato nia to go against Breckinridge for ail they are worth. On tije night of Sep- , tealer 14 a special train will ieace i the Latonia race track to take the horsemen to tneir homes to rote against Breckinridge, it in said they i hare promised T-'.t.OOO to the campaign i fend to heat Breckiariege should be 1 get the nomination. 1 i- . .* ■ i:L. .'.'' -ii-, - .d,\ . : * iih«ik Kt raasi abates accu^j o«= 3TAZT1MC THS. HJUIE3. csfarsp mi mmm mm St CwscBt. Sn. Seat. is.—There are-scr.ncy at-matforn* I.XK the state .•eaaseean remmrTrr wuich >u for months Vta hrmarirathey ihe fraohs aya-ast t&e state _a ‘^ss enttiay o.y rh» "tim ber perate*' appr lariated atifkms -if dollars wourtfii sf hasaner beitwtymy tea !Be state. bn! that in Tzry.ny aa cores* ip taer sseaiiays they started the Sres waned* s*t« resuised .a tese vrr ble Vwi «f life and property -a Pine. Saanee. 'brs>a >ai other counties a :jc pine belt. Tie chary* hi that The lumbermen bare fired. ine pane remnant* *,» the land* whies They nnaruwriy cleared to renaer measurement if stampaye impassable and taereby sea!. i!f any suit* which xae emamrassan might at tempt te» 'array aya^ast Them. A ~n.ua -mpsor-e! be the amataaia to ferret eras cates of rum her tai.er.ay declares taa! it* has w-mrert - T in ewidenee teas m.iiioos of feet of .am ber hart been st*>«ea tan tea! as soon as. it hart area eat tie .amaercacn sad instructed their employes to para tam* zrerand peer u*.* mawe a yooet. clean jou of it." Thus is a possib e expiaoa tfoa of most it the ares ttiat. bare swept tais reyton. Tie .sabemsi ia enttiny tat:r Bafer. ienee yreat piles of "toa pinys ail threrayh tae woods. A torch thrust here and There into the piles of toppiays :n sues a dry season a* pass starts a tremendous are that eats the stamps from which lumber hu been at town to lamps of char coal ami when the yaoyers of the cpm missscn eu» to measure the stntno aye on the rarayert school marts t oer are .eft with absolutely no basis for i-aienuitsny the amount of ’.amber si.oen. The ires bare spread ore- IMS sonare miles of country. hare de stroyed nobodr can tell how mantr bandred of baman .ires, and XSOlVmL ;W,i worth of property. Whether or not it can be prosed that these ires per oat of the little ones kindled by j "timber pirates " there is loan demand all thirrayh the pine country that • manner of entteny timber be severely reyttiated. A Daiaib earner fram the Hai nr river briny* news that the tires on the •.anadian border iast week caused the death of several families, nearly twenty-dee persons altogether. CAROS AND CHIPS BURNED. A Cwriu Evuyniac Caswra Poor fe*ml»lar» and Ontmn Their Aerie ire. Atlanta. Ga.. Sept :a— While Eranyeiist Ml H. WUliams was preaea iny at ioiambia Ala., he concerted four yam .tiers wan were in control of the piaee. Then be ordered them to briny to aim ail their gnmbiiny arti* cies. They did so and before an im mense conyreyation. cards, chins and other irrees were piled upon each other so as to make qo-.te a heap. When the pile bad been completed, and whiie lac reformed ramblers were standiny around it. the nreacher struck a match amlappiyiny it to the pile, soon bad a briyht are burniny. Meanwhile the eonyreyation sany hymns an.l prayed until the 3re died out. *die hundred and serenay-serea joined the eh irch. tae number of oid men la the list be.ny notable. One hundred families in the list premised to estahilsn family altars. ""It Tas the worst hoie [ erer yot into." said E ran relist Williams, "but I now feel that it will be one of the most sanctlded places on the conti nent. htraiyht talk is what anpea.s to the people- ’ TO OPPOSE TILLMAN1TES. Carolina Dmmfa W.II ceor (win t be farrj. CHittisTOT, S. C. Sept, la —Thomas A. Carwine, as chairman of the Demo erat.c conference committee, which recently met in Columbia, has issued an address to the Democrats of Ssouth Caror.na calba? for a convention in all counties September 15. to elect delegates to a state contention to be held September IT for the purpose of reorganizing the Democratic party ia South Carolina, considering the polit ical situation of the state and taking such action as their collective wisdom may sagg-est for the publ.c welfare. This is taken to mean that full state and county tickets will be put out to oppose the Til man faction, which controls the state. MANY DIVORCES ILLECAL. Oklahoma's Supreme Court Derides That Probata Courts Cannot Break Bonds. Gcnrsrt, Ok.. Septlh — In the case of Irwin vs. Irwin to-day. the suorame court of Oklahoma denied the power of probate courts to grant divorces. About 500 divorces granted to peo ple from every state in the union by probate judges in this territory since -March Is93, are thus annulled and all wao have been remarried—fnlly fifty per cent—are in a bad alight- The matter will be carried to the susreme ! court of the Cnited States. It con- ! grns prominent people from the j 0*e Chicago Lawyer Shoots toother. Hicaoo.Sept. .a—In a dispute over »lawsuit Attorney Carl Walle was snot and bad iy wounded by Attorney otieder at ii5 Clark street this afternoon. V\ alle s wound is a danger- 1 ous one. Mi t CUT OF DEATH V A2.LFT P«rkf ■ l Fuj-'1*’'- Sw-trt. X—'■peerni l^nt 3- a. Sartea -k tie X Sited ut Wiaduagt*afi tsh -u-tarst-a f-^~i Dessia Ta.jer. after fesar aai a aaif aanasia' ai»%eaer ife ■r^a; :S t£> do »>si~ >srT^T of *f jK-rate eilit’eas so * pta-^-a <*f ts»e re^toa. Be ’ji-«- asrt' ^azettrt *«se xafie^ 2sr Tear d Tal« -ar roa sad eoaiaet •joe euwatzT !■-*• sisrr ar sereatr slides aj tar sosii. Tie? wre at Tm * 3S*a sos >- -T*-i for 1-«aa»e titae sear y sfjfegsL. “sliuntS JW"C" T3ul«??a aiss^t iaslr aa“i 13* heat was :y.iar^M- Par: of the ~:3Ht they ami** moa jet wa:tr.r acta tsey &a*i to twins* :t a s:s£an«e ?>a paeir horses. *^».aar ~ stock f them. Tier? are ais»o many poisoncras scorpions in the railey- Ax a lone! 7 piaee hi Mesquite racier, we f*?Biad aa out ts^hi sett, a tire and se’reraa oki irons. re: ies of the fasooms e.raicrrant train of lsS4 pe-o-pie of wnieii lost their lires" HiS SICULL CRUSHES !N. A Twc; for paper pnip he died at ‘forty cents per cord, out that a reduction of nfteen cents a cord be allowed when the pain wood is to be mann factared in the province.’ *»W Pineree Su* far Damage*. HfETaorr. Mich.. Sept. 13. —Fire Com missioner Goodfeilow. Assistant Chief Elliott and Secretary Tryon brought snit to-day against Mayor Pingree for false imprisonment on account of their arrest for alleged conspiracy to pre rent him from seeing the bc*>ks of the department. Comm ssioner Goodfel sued for *25, »> and Tryon and fOF $1.3. fytjfj U *.,<» Abroad. WaaarrspT. Sept, .xo —Secretary Morton wui .care to-night for Ne« York, where be will sail” for Europe aext Tuesday, ft .th his son. Joy Morton of Chicago, he will make a tour of are or six weeks in England, Germany and probably France. Dr. Dabney will be acting secretary ol agrtca.tnre daring his absence. JT« F e floating her war loan of~ 30 - 000.00} yea. ’ Secretary Carlisle is discharging- all tne Repaoceans in the treasarv de partment. Tamer opera hon.se and adjacent bn..d.n;rs at Monroe City. Mi, were burned. ' The police of Chi.-ato removed ob leetionahie advertisement; fro^ £ The east-bound Toledo passenger train was wreck-d at Staunton, liL I ao men *rer^ kiiied. The eraiser Columbia has been or dere.1 to convey American refuses tne - de? Lim°a whence Governor M veiey of the Chicka naUoa *»»' appointed his eabt net Several repre-en-atives were nase ated because of fraud at the polls. An attacnm *nt was Issued asrain=t LTt3r':* S ljr « tke su.t if .eor_re <_oupe. whoalleges that ^'.r* 1 bj °! **• A a important decision that biis w -h?l^r 'OV°rn nent worit cannot be ithdrawa nas been rendered by At torney General Olney. * If Breckinridge should carry the primaries it !S ,aid Owens will make ent S5UET h‘m ** a“ iaJ^a l The retail butchers of Kansas Cit haye organized for the purpose of figatjnw the packinw house trust It is ac-iin rumored that Mrs. Nellie o £ iTTrtr s wi<1 s°on wed Maior H. hyd Dong! as formerly of General Monewali Jackson s staff. but adjutant genera! of Maryland Sr. PaTX, Ka., Sept. , people were barned to dea*.' eat fine as Marengn, a Jew of Ashland, W5*. Tie v reached that city, bat lr» ■* horsed that necognitjoa j,-J The village of Brace 3e&f Fails. WiSL. was destrar^; .. bet the people all escape;' £ to the ereex aad cowering 1 with aret bisuaketn “ la the et-mebary at Hia this moraia? J1S bodies of the V.ioeaast bad bees har''' a.1 of them ia Soar Jary. roagh botes. It ia kaeTj ethers hare been boried total death list as HineitV Eti pond where aa of persona sought refng been explored, the aai aides being stall a ameuj^^ of fire. I There are oaw Law J«r,a gees from the Hiaek!eT ^ stone ires sow in ♦s-'KlJ has been raised tiers"s relief, and food. eiothjj j^.1 ia being g-.reo liberaiir Jo-r- j One handred people bar. V] to friends in other eities ^ Engineer Ed Berry and c, Harry Powers of an Easts;, sota freight train rani 1;a heroes of the fire. Ther tk* peopie in the box ears of tj. and took them ®ttr ower the 120 foot bridge *. Kettle rrrer, which was trembling ander the a-beti entiy ready to fall, to safsYr~ KANSAS TTmf H» i Ui Sac tm fadon, t »*■* Swty—«flco) EUo Sji.ita. Kao.. Sept * —xa irg of tie Germia-Aaier.eai of Kansas. which has cause.;' tieiaas math anxiety lot weeks, was held her. „ There was s gnat! attend nothing sensational was ae.-j; Populist sad Republicas 3 were irSnental in ore-re;; league from indorsingf the £«" state ticket and tiffe meeting in a vigorous discussion ot»:i tioa introeaeed by Sr. E. J > Kansas City. Kan., and wt adopted. Tae resolution was stance that the league conic pi is is better results throng leagues by working' fortesi of members of the legisisaj spectrre of polities, who n;e able to resubmissioa and cop equal suffrage. New office; chosen as follows: President Etzoid. Independence: first rii hdeni. Phillip Moeser. Topeka; rice president, Oscar Zeitz, secretary, Oscar Bischoff, 1 treasurer, C Slater. Topeka; iter, L:-on Van Lanjan, Topel; JO NES A POPULIST Tba Tends Swatae Kmnnni mace to the BcfeUlcu Fin YVashiwgtov, Sept 6.—Yta furnished a genuine sensatioi litieal circles by the stateaeat Senator John P. Jones o'f Ikuii has represented his state in the I States senate far over tret years, had formally renounce! legiance to the Republican par cast his lot with the Populist! Senator Jones has written 1 to his constituency which will: lished in Nevada and will be a intimation to the people of b that he has doffed the polih ment which he has worn wit distinction for so many yean.: don the garb of the third par:; understood his change of pa based almost entirely upon ta tion of silver. Senator Jones left Washin: New York. His bolt makes: vafda congressional delegatio: Populistic, Senator Stewart left the Republican party so: ago and Representative Xetv’.a ing been elected as a silver;'.. Two thousand New York can are on a strike against the "la or contract system. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE M J Quotations from New York, Chin Louis, Omaha mad Elsenbc-'f OMAHA Butter-Creamery print.. 1* i>uiH‘r -t'hok*e cuuatrr. 1M i Kir-.’s - Fresh... 21* | Hv>iu*y—i er **. 10 * ! 1 oultry-old hens, per M. fij I Chickens—Sprinr. pen*-. * i Uu^e-Neh. & la. full cream H j Lemons... i Oj i s^wtet potatoes, pe~ lb. Keans-Nax y, per bu.....- ?•’ Hay l plant!, per ton ..S> 50 UEions-lVr bu___ Apples Per bfcl .. ~ M Hoars-Mixed packing.3w • Heavy weights.5 71 Beeves—Prime steers....* *• Beeves Mockers and feeders. 1 - Bulks... Calves..... >teers—Fairtopwd .. Cons—Heifers. rbeeo - Lambs. sheep-Pair to rood satires. NEW YORK. Wheat. Na • red winter. Com—No. 2. Mats—Mixed western"I... ... Pork. .... Lard.... .. 1 '-v 2 *• 0 fV 1 S3 .1’ v CHICAGO. vvaeat—No.2. sprier....... Cera—Per bu.......... Cats—, er fcu.. Pork... . .3 Lard.* Hocs—Packers and mixed. C atue - t om. steers to extra. - r beep—Lambs. . ST. LOUIS. Wheat—No 2 red. cash_ Corn—Per on.. Cats—Per fcn . Hors—Mixed packing*. Cattle—Native steers. Kansas city. *' wat—Not 2 rtii. oa< .. ..... forn-Na 2 ^ . Oats—No. 2. ' attie—jtoeliers and feeders. —Mixed packers. Siieep—Cho ce western. 3) I COKE WORKERS STSIK3 S*art7 All the Mr. 1. the CoaJ,,1| IWa Go Oet. Uxtoatowt. Pa., Sept f end of the ConaeUsriUe field men came oat again yesteri**. nearly all the plants *sou:l* place are idle occe more. Aagast Klie of Lexinc^ comma ted suicide by shooting c because of xt nre*1 having' assaulted her for ref-' marry him