The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 06, 1894, Image 7

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    Phcjr Capture Hyenas,
ring mode of tying hyenas in
s practiced in Afghanistan,
Arthur Connolly in his Over
11, in the words of an Afghan
lirkaree Syud Daoud:
t>u have tracked the beast to
I take a rope with two slip
it in your right hand, ana,
tt holding a felt cloak before
boldly but quiotly in. The
‘ iot know the nature of the
erefore retires to the back
iut you may nlways tell
td is by the glare of his
ip on moving gradually
„ your knees, and when
distance throw the cloak
close with him, and take
>t free himself. The beast
d that he cowers back,
may bite the felt, he can'
ck round to hurt you; so
1 for his forelegs, slip the
cm, and then, with one
raw them tight up to the
neck and tie them there,
low your own, and you can
like with him. We ge.ier
Dse we catch home to the
ant them on the plain with
ieir mouths, that our doge
tht not to fear the brutes
leet them wild.”
ire also taken alive by the
Scry similar method, except
a gag is used instead of a
Hie similarity in the mode
two such distant countries
l and Afghanistan, and by
different, is remarkable,
that the Afghans consider
requires great presence of
instance being given of a
ied of a bite received in a
pt, we may infer that the
is more powerful or more
his African congener.
hked lip In Time
jnt a want of lone In the sys
jrnld of approaching disease,
|ds have adopted that certain
!rescue from Impending dan
t’s Stomach Bitters. This ben
(romotes, In n i ordinary do
in and assimilation, through
lood is fertilized and made
ilng. Besides this. Inactivity of
els and kidneys, which Impede
r. Is overcome. Appetite, as
iillty to gratify It without dis
ttlmulated by this thorough
nial, which also has a Iran
■t upon nerves weak and un
it should be remembered, only
fes tlio dyspeptic. By the use
Ats nourishing properties are
fe. For malaria, rheumatism
Gjties of age, use the Bitters.
Not Quite.
of Michigan’s thriving
> a man who is about as re
Jollar or two as a man can
i decent. He is a farmer
lie circumstances, and be
nonest, industrious and a
vas considered quite the
neighborhood, notwith
Jts painful exactness in
lers. He Anally married a
|h in her own right 810,000,
afterward a friend met
»w me,” he said, “to con
gou. That marriage was
»n 810,000 to you. ” ‘ ‘No, ”
[“not quite that much.” “In
Dught there was every cent
[in it.” “Oh, no,” and he
|le. “I had to pay 81 for
jo license.”—Detroit Free
per & Co. of Dorchester,Mass.,
uanufa turers of pure, high
emically treated Cocoas and
i this continent, have just
i highest honors at the Mid
i San Francisco. The printed
Ing the Judges at the Fair,
[One hundred points entitles
[a special award, or Diploma
the scale, however, is placed
Say “that it will be attained
exceptional cases.” All of
' & Co.’s goods received one
nts, entitling them to the
I stated in the rules.
;ORK man was made jealous
dpt of a perfumed letter ad*
[his wife. He tore his hair
*ound until it occurred to
open the missive. This he
overed—a milliner’s bill for
>nnet! Which same he im*
took pains to settle.
tsoit’a fllugie Corn Salve.**
to cure of n.otiey I'cCuuiIeU. Ask your
t. Prici: 13 cents.
5are you swear before me?"'
an of nis son, recently. " How
w you wanted to swear first?”
poiled urchin.
t comfort and improvement and
p personal enjoyment when
iised. The many, who live bet
[others and enjoy life more, with
pcnditure, by moro promptly
r the world’s best products to
Is of physical being, will attest
te to health of the pure liquid
i principles embraced in the
Syrup of Figs.
cellence is due to its presenting
orm most acceptable and pleas
le taste, the refreshing and truly
il properties of a perfect lax
iflectually cleansing the system,
Ig colds, headaches and fevers
[manentiy curing constipation,
ven satisfaction to millions and
It the approval of the medical
n, because it acts on the Kid
per and Bowels without west
ern and it is perfectly free from
jectionable substance,
of Figs is for sale by all drn^
)c and $1 bottles, but it is man
1 by the California Fig Byrup
whose name ig printed on every
also the name, Byrup of Figs,
g well informed, you will not
iy substitute if offered.
Only waiting till too satuon
Arc a Utile longer i rown.
Only watting till tho glimmer
Of tho day s last beum Is flown:
Till the night of earth Is faded
From this heart once full ot day,
TUI the dawn of heaven Is breaking.
Through the twilight, soft am gray.
Only wa'tlng till tho reapers
Have the ia-t sheaf gathered homo,
For the summer time hath faded
And the autumn tends are come.
Quickly reapers, gather quickly
The last ripe hours of my heart,
For the bloom of life Is withered,
And I hasten to depart.
Only waiting till the angola
Open wide the mystic gate.
At whose feet I long have lin ored
Weary, poor nnd desolate
Even now I bear their footsteps
And their voices far aw ty.
If they call me I am waiting—
Only waittug to obey.
Only waiting till tho shadows
Are n little longer grown.
Only waiting till the glimmer *
Of the day's la-t beam Is flown:
Then from out the folded d irkneis
Holy, deathless stirs sh ill rise.
By whose light my soul will gladly
Wing her passage to the skies.
— Frances L Mace.
CHAPTER XV—Continued.
“I love her, Mr. Manton. Let her
marry me,” exploded Cromwell, ner
••Really, you surprise me,” said
Mr. Manton. “You wish to marry
“I should consider myself the most
fortunate of men if I could win her
as my wife,” said Cromwell, who
talked more freely than usual under
the influence of the tender passion.
“It is an important matter,” said
Mr. Manton. slowly, “giving: away
the hand of an only daughter in mar
“I will do my utmost to make her
happy,” said the enamored lover.
“1 have no doubt of it. To be sure
I have not known you long; but I
have formed quite a favorable opin
ion of you from our brief acquaint
ance. ”
This was hardly true, for Mr. Man
ton had designated James Cromwell
as an awkward booby in familiar
conversation with his daughter, and
she had assented to the justice of
the epithetr.
“Thank you, sir,” said Cromwell;
may I then hopo for your consent to
my suit?”
“Why. you see, Mr. Cromwell,”
said Mr. Manton, throwing one leg
over the other, “there are several
things to be taken into considera
tion besides the personal character
of the husband. For instance—1
hope you won’t think me mercenarv
—but I want to make sure that you
are able to support her in comfort,
so that she need not be compelled to
enduro any of the privations of pov
erty. ”
“I have a good business,” said
Cromwell, “which is sure to bring
me in a good income. ”
“Do you own your shop and stock
up clear of incumbrance? Is it all
paid for?
••Yes. sir.”
“That is well—for a beginning.
Now what property have you be
“Why,” said Cromwell, “I make
about $500 clear from my ward,
Robert Raymond.
“Indeed! That is handsome. Still,
he is likely to be taken from you.”
“I don't think he wilL”
“Still, it is not a certainty. It is
not equal to property producing this
amount of annual income.”
“No, sir, but—”
“Hear ine out. There is nothing
so substantial as property invested
well. A good income is a good
thing, but if it comes from anything
else it is not sure. Now I will tell
you what rny intentions have been
when anyone applied to me for my
daughter’s hand, though I did not
expect the occasion would come so
soon. I meant to say, that is, pro
vided the party was otherwise suit
able, ‘Are you ready to settle $5,0 JO
on my daughter on her wedding day,
and will you still have an equal sum
left?’ . That is the question I meant
to ask. and I will ask it now of you.”
He leaned back in his rocking
chair as he spoke, and fixed a glance
of inquiry on James Cromwell. He
hoped that the young man would be
able to answer in the affirmative, for
if Clara could be well married, he
would have his income entirely to
himself and he had made up his
mind in that case to go to Europe on
a pleasure trip. This he could
do without breaking in upon his
principal if he went alone; but as
long as Clara remained unmarried,
he knew that he should be expected
to take her with him. and this would
involve more expenso than he was
willing to incur.
James Cromwell was taken aback
by this unexpected difficulty.
“I am afraid my means are not
sufficient to admit of my doing this,
just yet,” said Cromwell, reluctantly;
but just as soon as I am able I will
agree to make the settlement you
propose. ”
Mr. Manton shook his head.
‘•I am sorry,” he said, and here he
only told the truth, “that you are
not in a position to comply with my
conditions, for they are indispensa
ble. You must not think me mer
cenary, but I don't believe in love in
a cottage! As for Clara, she is a
dear, unselfish girl, and she would
think me mercenary. She never
thinks of money, (I wish she didn't,
he mentally added,) and would as
soon marry a poor man as a rich
man. But I want to guard her
against the chances of fortune. So
I desire that five thousand dollars
should no settled upon herself, so
that if her husband should fail in
business, and you know such things
happen very often, she will have a
fund to fall back upon. I am sure
you will think I am reasonable in
“My buuress ia a very eafn one,
and the percentage of profit Is largo,"
pleaded from well -other downcast;
••and 1 think there would bo no dan
ger of that.”
“Yes, of course, you think sa
Nobody thinks ho is going to fail.
But disasters como to tho host busi
ness men. ’’
“Then you insist upon your condi
tion, Mr. Manton,” said James Crom
well. in a tone of disappointment.
“I must," said Mr. Manton with
suavity. “Of course, 1 am sorry to
disappoint you, but then the happi
ness of my daughter is the first con
sideration with mo.”
-Then,” said Cromwell, “I may
tell you that, though I am not now
worth tho sum to secure your con
sent, I havo a relative who has mo
down in his will for a legacy of ton
thousand dollars. I don’t think he
will live long. Within a fow months
I may bo worth tho roquired sum.”
“I hope you will, Mr. Cromwell,”
said Mr. Manton; “when that time
comes, come to rao again with your
suit, and I will grant It, that Is,
unless Clara has formed -another at
tachment during that time."
Cromwell winced at this sugges
tion, but he saw that ho could ac
complish nothing more with the
father, and in rather an unsettled
framo of mind he took his leave.
Love and Lucre.
When James Cronvvell alluded to
the possibility of his receiving a leg
acy of ten thousand dollars at no dis
tant date, it will be understood at
once that ho alluded to the sum
promised him by Paul Morton in the
event of the death of his ward. Ho
had endeavored to compass Robert's
death at Niagara Falls, but since his
failure there, he had lot the matter
drop, partly from a timid fear of con
sequences. partly from the thought
that even without this sum he was
sure of a good income. But the un
expected condition proposed by Mr.
Manton again turned his thoughts
,to the question of Robert’s death,
and its pecuniary advantage to him
self, and again our young hero was
menaced by a peril by no means in
But Cromwell’s timid nature
shrank from the audacity of the
crime which suggested itself to his
mind. Besides, though he was fas
cinated by Clara Manton, he was not
clear about settling so large a sum
as five thousand dollars upon her.
He would have done it if in his pow
er, rather than lose her, but if he
could obtain her on any easier terms
he thought that it would be better.
He decided, therefore, to see Clara
herself, to communicate to her her
father's answer, and prevail upon
her, if possible, to marry him with
out her father’s sanction.
Chance, as he thought, favored
him, for only a short distance from
the house he met Clara, herself. She
had left the house considerately, in
order to allow him an opportunity to
call upon her father, aud was now
••Mr. Cromwell?” she said, with
affected surprise. “I supposed you
were in your shop. I fear you are
becoming inattentive to business.”
“I can't attend to my business un
til one matter is decided” said Crom
“What is that?” •,
“How can you ask? Clara, I J>ave
just called upon your father. I ask
ed his permission to marry you. ”
“W’hat did he say?” inquired the
young lady.
“He told me he would consent, on
certain conditions.”
“Certain conditions!” repeated
Clara, innocently. “What could
they be?”
“He said that I must prove to him
that I was worth ten thousand dol
lars, and must consent to settle half
that amount upon you.”
"I hope you .don’t blame papa He
carries prudence to excess.”
“No, I don t blame him. It is
natural that he should wish to make
sure of his daughter’s comfort”
“And what did you say in reply?”
asked Clara, considerably interested.
“I told him that at present my cir
cumstances would not permit me to
comply with his conditions.”
“That’s a pitv. ”
“But that I was expecting1 a leg
acy from a near relative that may
possibly fall to me very soon, which
would remove every difficulty.”
“What did he say then?”
“That when I received the legacy
he would give mo your hand, pro
vided you were still willing.”
The young lady cast her eyes upon
the ground, bhe did not think
much of waiting for dead men’s
shoes, and doubted whether her
lover had any such relative as he
referred to In her own mind she
looked upon the matter as at an end:
and began to consider for whom she
had better angle next.
“What do you say to that, Clara?”
asked Cromwell.
“I suppose it is fair,” she said.
“No; it is not fair,” he said, “to
make me wait so long. I have a
good income; I am careful, and not
extravagant, and I know I can sup
port you comfortably. Do not make
me wait. Tell mo you will marry
me at once?”
“1 cannot disobey my father,”
said tho young lady, who had all at
once become very dutiful.
••But do you think he has a right
to interfere with your happiness?”
“Perhaps not; but I have always
been taught to obey my father. I
suppose he knows better than I what
I ought to do.”
“Surely, you are not afraid that I
should be unable t> support you
comfortably?” said Cromwell, * re
“Oh, no,” answered Clara. “I
never think of money. My father
often tells
more of it
I should *
Is roT:
h that I ought to think
I far as I am concerned,
Nr think ol asking
whether you wore worth 11,000 or
; iIkuwu
••I am aura," ho pleaded, '‘that If
we wore once married your father
would not object. The legacy I spoko
of is sure to corao to me in a year or
two, for my relative is very old and
in very poor health, and there is no
fear of his changing his will.''
“I have no doubt what you say is
true," said Clara, though in hor own
heart sho had vory serious doubts;
"but then it would not bo vory long
to wait a year or two, us tbo monoy
will coinn, to you then."
“A year or . two!" repeated Crom
, well. "It scorns to mo like waiting j
"I am afraid you liavo not the gift
of patience, Mr. Cromwell," said
Clara, smiling archly.
"No; I have not in this ease, for I
do not think there is any occasion
for waiting." |
"But my father thinks so, unfor- ;
tunately. If you can succeed in por- .
suading him to the contra y you will ;
find mo ready to do as you desire. ’’ j
"Then you are determined to abide
by your father’s decision," said
Cromwell, in accents of disappoint
"I must,” suid Clara, mildly,
"however much my own heart suf
fers in consequence," and sho put on
the air of a victim of parental tyran
ny; ‘unless." sho added, "lam able to
make my father regard It in a differ
ent light.”
“Promise mo that you will try,"
said her lover, grasping her hand.
"I will do what I can,” she said.
"But, really, I must go now. My
father will not know what has be
como of me."
With a swoot smile* sho left him,
and returned to the house. Ho
turned, and went back slowly to his
shop. _ '
A Dark Deed.
“There is no other way!" thought
Janies Cromwell, as fresh from his
interview with Clara, he returned to
his shop. “The boy stands in my
way. His doath will bring me money
and then that man will give mo the
hand of the woman I love. There is
no other way, unless Clara prevails
upon her father to recall his condi
But another interview with the
young lady tn the evening.dissipated
any hope of this nature which ho may
have entertained. She reported that
her father was immovable on this
point, and that persuasion and en
treaty hal alike been in vain.
“I may soon be able to comply
with your father's conditions,” said
Cromwell. “I have received a letter
to day which informs mo that the
party from whom I expect a legacy
is in very feeble health.”
••Perhaps there may be something
in his story,” thought Clara, and in
fluenced by the doubt, she smiled
graciously, and said: “Let us wait,
and hope that fortune may favor us.”
“Promise me one thing,” asked
Cromwell, “that you will wait for
me. and will not admit the atten
tions of anyone else?"
But this did not suit the plans of
the astute Clara. She by no means
wished to compromise her matrimon
ial chances by binding herself to an
uncertainty, and accordingly an
“I would willingly do so, Mr.
Cromwell, if papa wore willing, but
he has expressly forbidden me to
bind myself by any engagement, or
make any promises.”
James Cromwell’s countenance fell.
"After all,” she, added with a
smile, “is anv promises necessary in
our ease? Do wo not understand one
These words and the smile that ac
companied them, restored the cheer
fulness of her lover. He thought he
understood Clara Manton, but in this,
as we know, he was egrogiously mis
The next morning he received the
following note from Paul Morton. It
was the first he had received from
the merchant: and was in reply to
one of his own he had written from
House Proceeding*.
Mrs. Jones—John, I
Mr. Jones—I object.
“Object to what, you fool?”
“The deductions are not ger
mane. ”
“But you haven’t heard what 1
was going”
“Object! Object!” (Goes on read
"John, this is important"-.
“Regular order r-r!”
“W hat in the world is the mattei
with you”
“Previous question! Wow-w!”
| “Mr. Jones, can I speak with you,
or are you a regular, driveling
I idiot”
"Let the words bo taken down. I
| demand that the words be taken
| down!”
I “Mr. Jones”
--’Bject! ’Bject prev’s ques'n!
; Wo wo! W’aagh Yee-oop! Owocf! Mr.
Speaker, move ’djourn! Wa-a-gh!
; W hoop!”
John slammed down his paper and
| fled. His good wife glanced at it and
; found the cause of his unusual inter
i est
j LIII Congress—house proceedings
An Absent*Minded tiuest.
j A young husband met an old and
pre occupied friend, whose mind is
; weighted with thoughts of things
extraneous to family affairs, but,
wishing to be agreeable, he asked
after the family, and, of course, the
| baby.
! “Beautiful, beautiful!” was the re
; ply. "wo had the little fellow christ
ened on Sunday.”
“Indeed!” said the preoccupied one
' with an air of interest, and then in
quired, “W'as it on the arm or 00 the
I leg.”—-Boston Home Journal,
SIDE from the fact that the
cheap baking powders contain
alum, which causes indigestion and
other serious ailments, their use is
It takes three pounds of the best
of them to go as far as one pound
of the Royal Baking Powder, be
cause they are deficient in leavening V
There is both health and econ- A;,
omy in the use of the Royal Baking
Honesty Under Trying Circumstances.
During tho war in Hesse in the yonr
1760, ft Captain of dragoons was ordered
out with his troop to forage for provis
ions. They reached a poor cabin and
knocked at tho door. An old man witli
a white board appeared. “ Take mo to
afield,” said tho officer, “where I can
obtain forage for my troops.” “ Imme
diately, Bir, replied tho old man. He
put hunself at their head and UBCondod
the valley. After about holt an. hour's
march a fine field of barley appeared.
“ This will do admirably,” said the olll
cer. “No,” said the old man ; “ wait u
little and all will bo right.” They wont
on again, until they reached another
field of barley. The troops dismounted,
mowed down the grain, and, trussing it
up in bundles, put them on their horses.
“ Friend,” said the officer, “ how iH it
that you havo brought us so far ? The
first field of barley that wo saw was
quite as good as this.” “That is quite
true,” said the poasant, “ but it was not
mine 1 ” _
Manifestly Deranged.
“Gentlemen of the jury," said the
lawyer, who was making his closing
speech, “1 shall deliver no lengthy ad
dress. I shall only call your attention
to the fact that it has been placed in
evidence that the gentleman who is my
client had before the crime been in the
habit of attending 5 o'clock teas volun
And a few minutes later the jury re
turned a verdict finding the murderer
insane.—Chicago Record.
Hall's Catarrh Core
Is a Constitutional cure. Price, 75.
Jamie's Safety Assured.
Distracted Mother—Oh, John, John!
Come quick! Jamie's fallen in the well!
Farmer Tightphiat— Great Scott! I'll
pet him out. It’s the only pood well
on the place!—Chicago Tribune.
The Farmer's Hank.
His best bank is a fine meadow, a big po
tato patch, a forty in World’s Fair winter
wheat, and twenty acres in monster rye.
The best meadow is made by sowing Sal
ter’s extra grass mixtures this fall. It
yields from 8 to 5 tons magnificent hay per
acre. The Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,
who are the largest farm and vegetable
seed growers in the world, will send you a
package of new wheat and rye, and cata
logue upon receipt of 4 cents postage, w
Both In the Cat Family.
“What kind of vessel is that?” asked
the young lady, pointing to a passing
“That is a cat boat,” replied the per
son interrogated
“How funny!” exclaimed the artless
maiden. “And I suppose.” she added,
“the little one behind it is a kitten
boat.”—New York Press.
Waldo says in the Ohio Farmer
(hat he remembers one year making a
very large profit from an acre of land,
managed in this way: He first grew a
crop of Tom Thumb peas, which ma
tured in time for cucumbers, for pick
les, and then he grew 500 bushels of
turnips, sowed broadcast among the
cucumbers. He found that these crops
will mature without crowding each
other, if properly managed.
Three Home Seekers' Kxcnrslons
To all r.-irtg of the West and Northwest via
the Chicago, Millwaukeo & St. Paul Rnil
wsy at i ractical.y half rates. Round trip
tickets, good for return passage within
twenty days from date of sale will be sold
on September 11 and 25 and October 9,
For further information apply to the
nearest coupon ticket agent or address O.
H. Heaford. General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Chicago, III.
Billiard Table, second-hand. For sale
cheap. Apply to or address, II. C. Akin',
511 8. 12th St., Omaha, Neb,
A scientist has said that there are ICO
different kinds of sugar.
Lying Is alw ays an acquired habit.
itching, scaly, crusty Skin
Diseases, such as defy the
ordinary blood medicines,
are cured completely by Dr.
Pierce's Holden Medical Dis
covery. For Scrofula in all
its various forms, the worst
Scrofulous Sores and Swell
ings, great eating Ulcers,
and every blood-taint and
disorder, this is a direct
It thoroughly purifies and
enriches your blood.
A lamnder, N. C.
Da. R. V. Pi Kites: Denrstr
—Your “Golden Medical Dis
covery ” has proved a bless
ing to me. It was recom
mended to mo by Rev. P. A.
nv nunii. a wuc uvvu m
sufferer with old tore* on my
toft* for four yearn. I used throe bottles of It,
and my legs aro souud and well and my
health la better than it has been for some time.
I hod the best doctors of this country treat
my coso and they failed to effect a cure.
Yours respectfully,
Tim Clicnprst Nmircti of I’ulmli,
In tho United tUotes muriate of pot
ash is the cheapest source of potash in
every state except two. These ere Del
aware and New Jersey. In each of
these kuinit is cheaper than the muri
ate. In Maryland the price of potash
in kainit comes very near to the price
in tlie form of muriate. The farther
you go from the coast the more kainit
will cost. In Minnesota, for example,
a pound of potash in the form of kainit
will cost 7.!>3 cents, while in muriate
the cost is only 5.1.1 cents per pound
and in sulphate of potash A cents.
Mntlmra, Saxe Tour Children! Wt
Stekctce's Pin Worm Destroyer is the
only suro cure known thut effectually de
stroys tho pin worm, the most troublesome
worm known. It also destroys all other
kinds of worms. There is no remedy that
can oxpel the worms from the stomach or
rectum ns does Ktckotoo's Pin Worm Do
■ttoyrr. Fur isle by sll druirglitii; real by mall os
rerelpt of Iflo., U. H. puktAifa. Atldrww QEO. (I.
STEKETEE, druml lUpId*. Mich.
Shopkeeper—Yes, madam, I remem
ber very well your buying a stamp.
Lady—Well, l put it on a very im
portant letter and posted it. It has
not been received. I want you to un
derstand that I shall buy my stamps
elsewhere if this occurs again.—Tit
Karl'a Clover Root Tea,
The irreat D loot I purl<lor^(ive« rri^hncmaiiit Hearnm*
lu Complexltm and cur cm CoiulipttUou. 90c. *fiQu.ftb
A Clots Calculator.
Wife—Why are you in such a rush to
get the great Amerlco-European en
cyclopedia as soon as it gets out?
Husband—I want to stlclc it up in
plain view in iny office, so that the sub
scription agents will see it when they
come to sell me one. It will save gOO
worth of time.—New York Weekly.
11 the Dabjr Is Cutting Teeth.
Da tart snd ura that old end well-triad nmtdjr, Hit.
WiKHLow’H Sootuuo Braur for Children TMthtng
The Yoons Idee.
A lady occupied the pulpit in one of
our local churches Sunday. Upon re
turning home from service one of her
auditors remarked to her hnsband,
“We had a woman preacher today.”
The bright little daughter heard the
remark, and with curiosity plainly dis
cernible in her voice shot out the ques
tion, “Does she wear preacher's
clothes, mamma?”—Lowell Citizen.
Coe’s Cough Balaam
It the oldest and beat. It will break up a cold qolsh.
or than anything else. It Is always reliable. Try Ik
The a'phabet was invented about 1500 B.
C. by the Phoenicians.
In Canton, China, 300,000 people live in
Women will take advantage of an oppor
tunity ; man will take the opportunity.
3 Ilomeseekrrs Excursions South via the
Wabash Railroad.
On Sept. 11th, 25tb and Oct. 0th the
Wabash will sell tickets at haK fare plus S3
to a 1 points in Tennessee, (except Memphis)
Mississippi, Alabama and Louisana, (except
Xew Orleans) Arkansas and Texas. For
rates, ti 'kets or a homeseekers’ guide giv
ing full description of lands, climate, etc.,
or for steamship tickets to or from all
parts of Europe, call at Wabash office, 1509
Farnam street, or writq. ;
G. N. Ci.attox,
N. W. P. Agt, Omaha, Neb.
Cupid ran knock a man or woman silly
in one lick.
___viet. They have tollc
top receivers and eject tt tue tide, consequently
they are the nio.*t practical for rough utage.
Pt. Band,
Iron Hoop
▲ Basket You Can Water Yonr Horses With. OoctB
Do Bore Than Any Other Kinds, but Will
Patents. Trade-Marks.
Examination and Advice as to Patentability of
Invention. bond for •• Inventors’ Guide, or Hew to Oei
a Patent” riI3XCI OTAHttL, WASEHWCS, 9. 0.
For Sprlnr Delivery. Pay
Weekly. IVrlie at once_for
terms. THE .IKft ELL. M7B<
W 1% I’, OMHhn-SC, 1«N