)FFICIAL DIRECTORY STATE. ..Lorenzo Crounse Jovcrnor.T. J. Major* s unrtioy .GeorieogouoMoorl pmd Bulling!.".. George Humphrey Instruction.A. K. Uoudy Its state university. Ve. Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, I. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes, Mallaieu, Kearney; M. J. Hull, 'fQRESSIONAL. ib. E. Manderson. of Omaha; V Madison. _ , n, /\ LH_Wni. Bryan, Llnooln. O. iil(iw; Wm. JlcKelKhan. Bed fUDICIARY. ...Samuel Maxwell . ,'j ucige Post and T. L. Norval HI JUDICIAL DISTRICT. M. P- Klnkald, of O Neill " ... J. J. King of O'Neill .. A. L. Bartow of Ohadron .A. L. Warrick, of O’Neill 1ND OFFICES. O'NBILIm .John A. Harmon. ' .Elmer Williams. COUJXTI. .Geo McCutcheon District Court.John Sklrving T .O. M. Colllus .. I. P. Mullen .Sam Howard V .BUI Bethea ..Mike McCarthy .Chits Hamilton ...Chas O’Neill Eji'a..W. H. Jackson v . ..’..Mrs. W. R. Jackson _ ’ ” Dr. Trueblood f. M. F. Norton ■" . . ..H. B. Murphy \UPER VISORS. .Frank Meore .Wilson Brodle .Willie Calkins .George Eckley _ .Fred Schindler I. J.S. Dennis ....W. B. Halgh ” .D. G. Hell .S. Gllllson ..H. B. Kolly ... K. J. Hayes .....'.R. Slaymaker .E. M. Waring .8. L. Conger .John Hodge .J. H. Wilson .John Murphy '.George Kennedy .John Alls ..James Gregg ..F. W. Phillips .Peter Kolly .John Crawford ...L. A. Jilllson ... H. O. Wine T, B. Doolittle .. J. B. Donohoe .... G. H. Phelps .J. E. White ... D.Trulllnger lr OF O’NEILL. lohn Murphy; Justices, B. H. fB. Welton; Constables, John ►kins Brooks. IILMEN—FIRST WARD. -John McBride. For one iarman. SECOND WARD. -Jake Pfund. For one year .‘THIRD WARD. #—Elmer Merrlman. Sgers. For one !' CITY OFFICERS. S. Dickson; Clerk, N. Martin; ohn McHugh; City Engineer ;v; Police Judge, N. Martin; lioe, Charlie Hall; Attorney, t; Welghmaster, Joe Miller. ITTAN TO WNSIIIP. , John Winn; Trearurer. John D. H. Cronin; Assessor, Mose ustices, M. Castello and Chas. stiees, PerklDS Brooks and Will sd overseer dlst. SB, Allen Brown hn Enright. (’ RELIEF COMNISSION. feeting first Monday In Febru lear, and at suoh other times as Kessary. Robt. Gallagher, Page, ■m. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary; Atkinson. 'K’S CATHOLIC CHUKCH. ■very Sabbath at 10:30 o’clock, isidy, Postor. Sabbath aohool illowing services. ST CHURCH. Sunday —Preaching 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 o. 1 0:30 A. H. Class No. 3 (Ep i) 6:30 P.M. Class No. 3 (Chlld Mlnd-week services—General _g Thursday 7:30 P. M. All will ome, especialiv strangers. E. E. HOSMAN, Pastor. OST, NO. 86. The Gen. John ost,No. 38, Department of Ne tt., will meet the first and tftird ming of each month in Masonic S. J. Smith, Com. N IN VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. s every Wednesday evening in ball. Visiting brothers cordially nd. G. O. L. Bright, Sec. _D CHAPTER, R. A. M first and third Thursday of each sonic hall. Sec. J. C. Harnish, H, F —HELMET LODGE, U. D. at Ion every Monday at 8 o’clock p. Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethern ted. Chas. Davis, C. C. a r.T.AOUER, K. of it. and S. ENCAMPMENT NO. 30. I. meets every second and fourth tch month in Odd Fellows' Hall. Scribe, H. M. Uttley. »DGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS EKAH, meets every 1st and 3d h month in Odd Fellows' Hall, Jessie A. bright,N. G. Adams, Secretary. LD LODGE, N0.95,P.e sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. For salajty all druggists. Sept. IS. TENDERER THE COLD SHAKE. Hot the Father-In-Law Refuted to Take It From Ilia Non-In-Law. "I expect,” begun the queer-looking little old man, as ho entered policu headquarters, "I expoct my darter Mary is in this town.” “Do you moan she ran away from homo?” asked the sergeant at the leslc. “Yes. Ran right away from Isabella sounty. Probably married by this time. ” "Do you think she married some one here?” “I'm purty sure of it. She was in love with a feller here.” “If she is married you couldn’t take her home with you.” “I don’t want to.” * 'Rut you want to find her and have s talk?” "Wall, there needn’t bo much talk shout it. I want to find if she’s mar ried. If she is she’ll be keepin’ house. You pint out the house and I’ll knock on the door. When she opens it I’ll ?ay: ‘Howdy do, Mary—I’ve cum down to live with yon.’ ” "Rut wliat is your object?” per sisted the sergeant. “Object? Why, I’m goin’ to make my son-in-law support me, of course! I didn’t cum down to take Mary back, but to live with her—to take per oeshun of the spar’ room, the head of the table and the best in the house. Can’t nobody gin me the cold shake— not if ole Isabella county knows her gaitj Feller as gits Mary gits her ole dad, and now put your bloodhounds on tho scent and find out whar’ they hev snugged themselves away, thinkin’ that tho ole man didn't know that this country was passin’ threw the thoes of a financial hard-upness. Where no Space Is Wasted. In many tropical countries the roof of tho house is a very important part of the building, being put to a variety of uses not dreamt of in colder lands. In the one-storied houses of Peru, for instance, it is not uncommon to find the mules and horses lodged on the first floor, and the family on tho floor above, while on tho great flat roof there may often be seen fowls, pigs, goats and even cows. The cows are taken aloft when they are merely calves, and spend the rest of their lives on the roof. A Costly Amusement. The man in Skowhegan, Maine, who has been amusing himself by poison ing his neighbors’ dogs, is now amus ing his neighbors by settling tho bills, $25 to $50 for each dead dog. That's as remunerative to the owner as get ting the dog’s life insured. Something That Will Average All Right Pegg — Sometimes tho absolute faith my boy has in my wisdom makes me almost ashamed of myself. Potts—’You need not worry. It will average up a! I right. By the time he is 20 ho will think you know nothing at all.—Tid-Bits. A strictly high-grade Family Scirlnj Machine, possessing aP ;uod era iniprovtine- i. Guaranteed Eouai to the Best Prices very reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer and make comparisons. CLDREDGE MANUFACTURING CO, BEUVIDERE, ILL. NoOther 5oap Does Its Work SoWell f Onb Trial Will Prove This. ~*1S“TIIE N.KJAIRBANK COMPANY0*^ Si.fei UNTIL JAN. 1,1895. 25 CENTS. If you are not already a Journal subscriber that is all you will f _. . . have fo pay us for the . . . [ SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL \ 1 The Semi-Weekly Journal is the greatest paper in the west, published Tuesday and Friday, giving two complete papers each week, with markets and telegraphic news of the world. Send us your orders at once. _The Frontier, O’Neill. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER, COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. (O'Neill, Yards < Page, (Allen. 0.0. SNYDER & GO. THE COLUMBIAN HOTEL Has recently been remodeled and every room furnished with a new suit of furniture, making it one of the most complete and capable hotels in the northwest. A good sample room in con nection. First door west of Neil Brennan’s hardware store. I MANHOOD RESTORED! .runtot'd t<»< uren.i nervous fiiseu#c».xueh u8 VVuttk Memory. Lota of Brain *er, lh’juiiic lit*. Wukc fului‘.<4, ijwnt *iu , NUrhliy Kaliiloni, Hw?oa> s,all flruiu.4 uikI loss of in. ner la Generative Urbans of either —r mnil Ijvoverexertion, youthful error*, excessive uaeof tobacco.opium orating uiant*, which load to Infirmity, Comminution or insanity. Can M carried In kve*t pocket. HI per box,« for by mall preoald. WltbaM order we irlvr si wrlllr Ark for It, tuko no other.._. bEIUUfc i\u itaKKlhlvu. in plain wrapper. AUdrees K EK VJS USD uo„ MaibaleifcnrMkCaiaAMi Koreans in O’Neill, Neb., by MOKltlS A (X)., Druggilta. O’CONNOR&GALLAGHER Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on ua. P. D. * J. F. MULLEN, PUOPKHTOKS or TH» RED - FRONT GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Privies Reasonable. Sait of MoCufferto'a. O’NUIX. MSB.