The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MY TUB FRONTIER PlilNTINO COMPANY KINO A CllONIN. Editors. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATR. For Governor— THOMAS J. MAJORS, Nomaha. For lloutenant govcrnor It. B. MOORE, Lancaster. For secretary of state— J. A. PIPER, Howard. Auditor of public acoounta— BIKIENB MOORE, Madison For treasurer— J. 8. HARTLEY, Holt. Commissioner public lands— C. H. RUSSELL. Colfax. Attorney general— A. 8.CllllHCHILL, Douglas. Buoerln tendon t— H. R. CORRETT, York. OOXdUESRIONAt.. MAT DAUGHERTY, OgalaUa. SENATORIAL. For Senator— S. C. SAMPLE. Boyd. COUNTY. For representatives— W. 8. GRIFFITH, Paddock. J. A. TROMMERSHAUSSER, Ewing. For county attorney— I. L. ROLL, Ewing. It will be rather hard work for Murpby to prosecute the board for following his own advice. .. »■«•»* If Jake Roll were only county attor ney he would not hesitate to prosecute the board boodlert. Mr. Cleveland doubtless finds the ■ wild waves of Buzzards Bay a relief after a long bout with congress. Geoiuob Gould will bring no trophies from England, unless the report that he baa hooked a royal brother-in law turns out to be true. Tnn whiskey trust ought to chip in liberally to tbe democratic campaign fund, in return for tbe ten day* grace given It by Mr. Cleveland. -- Tiierb is one eure way to prevent tbe foreign manufacturer* from realizing the profits they expect tmder tbe new tariff—buy American goodr exclusively. Words ending in "tlon" are the most Important just now to democratic con | gressman. For Inataoce, explanation, nomination, election, indignation and ff' damnation. The board would not accept $10,000 in cash and $40,000 in aecuritiea from Scott and his bondsmen. They would rather pay the whole amount them aelvea. Perhaps they will be given a chance. There U no jealousy between Got. McKinley and big Tom Reed. The former will open the congressional campaign of the latter with a speech that will be heard from the Atlantic to the Pacific. -►»•»-< J Tun democrats have made salt free. The republicans will give them the ben efltoftbls generosity and go them one belter by turnishing the party transpor tation for a trip over the bounding K waves up the creek of that name. |§ Ross Hammond calls the protesting p papers “bushwhackers.” We infer then that no editor but Hammond and no Journal but the Fremont Tribune is en titled to express an . honest conviction. Simply because a paper refuses to think as you think, Ross, is no indication that ; it is a venal vampire or that its heart is not located properly in the great body politio. Thb several smoky days we exper ienced here last week were undoubtedly due to heavy forest fires in Minnesota, where it is estimated that 1,000 persons lost their lives. Whole towns were en tirely consumed and the inhabitants cremated. Such a holocaust has not | been seen in this country sluce the Johnstown flood. - * « Mb. Sample goes into the race with a millstone tied to his neck. D C. S. A. Harrison would defeat the Nazarene I carpenter were he on earth running for ofllce. In order to insure victory at the polls something must be done with that fellow. Republicans can well afford to pay him a salary with the understanding that ho is to keep his person and his voice within the limits of his own flre * side. _ _ Just about one year ago in writing of the case of ouster then before the county board The Frontier, in looking for a way to recover lost funds, said: Can it be done by ousting Scott from office when he has the money in his possession? No. Can it be collected from his bondsmen? No. Why? Be cause the very best legal authority says that the board has juggled with his bond until its validity has been impaired an d therefore its endorsers relieved from responsibility. The trial last week showed that our Statement in regard to the bond was i • correct, but at the time we were jeered at by Harrington,Murphy pud the board. It*is not out of place now to trace the county's lorn from effect to cause. The independent board that vitiated the bond $1 ere the responsible ones and there is not even a sage brush behind which they may hide. ' - ’ ' ■ , 1 s’ ■ . s'. ■ s..'* SENATORIAL CHAIRMAN. At tbe senntoritkl convention last Saturday D. C. S. A. Harrison waa elected chairman of ‘the senatorial central committee in the face of the fact that Tint i'noNTiRR has recently ex posed that unworthy, spread his true character open to the public gaze. It may have been done as a slap at this Journal, it may have been done as a joke or it may have been done to defeat tiic onominoe. Either of these propo I sitioos is open to debate, but of course the true motive rosta in the breast of the man—J. A. llicc—that made the motion for his election. In any event it but strengthens the assertion of this paper that republicanism in this county needs—and that badly—some new leaders. Hut one senatorial election has inter vened since this same D. C. 8. A. llarri son campaigned the district in the in terests of a populist nominee for tin: senate. Is further comment necessary? or does it devolve upon us to say that a premium has been placed upon perfidy, party dishonor and chicanery? Does it remain for us to say that In,the light of his election it stands ambitious republi cans in hand to fight the ticket for a few years and then return to tbe fold with high heads and ask and receive. Tbe questions are not answered by saying that he was elected by but one man voting for him. Even then there were eighteen men that should have voted against him. It he was elected to spite The Fron tier we are free to confess that we can stand it if the party can. We want to say to our readers here and now that we are firm believers in the principles of republicanism, but when such men are named to conduct the campaign we are protesters and consider ourselves under no obligation to the party or the con vention. The principles of our party are too sacred to be for an instant en trusted into the keeping of such unclean hands, and we will have none of it. If this is republicanism we are nut repub licans. If we are expected to applaud such proceedings under tbe cloak of republicanism we will give it out now that the expectants are doomed to disap pointment. When a man without in tegrity, without principle or honesty in politics, without influence at home or abroad is elected to conduct a campaign it might as well be understood that it is at the peril of the party. While we shall woik for tbe success of the con vention nominee because we believe him a good man for the position and a credit to the party, it does not change the fact that this chairman is a political stl nker and our advise to Mr. Sample would be to bind and gag the monster until after election. It may be a good thing for the party that this calamity,' along with others, has come at this particular time. It will only tend to add momentum to the whirlwind that is brewing. As ye sow. even so shall ye reap. WHEN WILL THE SCALES DROP? In the light of recent developments we cannot refrain from asking ourselves and our readers how long It will be be fore the scales drop from the eyes of the people, that they may behold that man Harrington, monster and dissembling hypocrite that he is, in his true light. How long must the people be led into losing litigation by his false advice, emenating from ignorance and a desire to prolong litigation in order to suck blood in the shape of retainers? How long will the people in this county con tinue to trust a man who Was branded by Secretary Chandler as a rascal and by Mrs. Marley as a forger? We ask how long they will permit him to urge on useless lawsuits that are bankrupting the county, and receive enormous pay for his devilish work? Is it not about time that the command halt! about face! were given, and a regime of honesty conducted to the front. There is no excuse for the bitter ness of lecliug existing among our peo ple to-day, and it would not exist were it not for this man, who, for the past three years, has profanely used the Lord's cloak in which to serve the devil. He is the wolf that has lain with the lambs and has been eating them while they slept, and by some hypnotic influ ence has made them believe the opera tion painless. It is time to throw the Judas overboard. No one but himself is profited by his presence in the coun cils of the county congress. THE NOMINEE. The action of the senatorial conven tion last Saturday in selecting a stand ard bearer meets the approval of the party. Mr. Sample is a clean man and one that is amply qualified and energetic enough to represent the Thirteenth district as it has not been represented for years. He comes from the bright young county of Boyd that has never had representation. This is a year when republicans should make an extra effort for the legislature. We want no more independent mis management. We want a legislature made up of business men instead of nonentities and dummies. We want some intelligent work done, and when a law is passed we want appropriation made for its enforcement. We want a representative who will not lose sight of the fact that the next United States senator must not be a populist. Mr. Sample embodies these necessary quali ' fications and will be elected. A CHANCE FOR MURPHY. Under our statute it ia the bounden duty of the county attorney to prosecute all law-breakers, to protect the tax payers and uphold the peace aud dignity of the state of Ncbraskn. When an in fraction of the law has been made under his nose and before his eyes there is no excuse for delaying action. It is not necessary to wait for someone to file complaint; go out and ask someone to do it. The present golden opportunity is knocking at Mr. Murphy’s door and an outraged and plundered constituency is on the tiptoe of expectancy. The county has been defrauded out of $70,000 by the ignorance, malice or in tent of the county board, and action should be immediately taken to recover from the supervisors and their bonds men. That they are liable there is scarcely room for argument. Judge Chapman has said so, and Harrington has said that Judge Chapman is one of the most learned, upright and honest jurists on the bench in Nebraska. Murphy has said and said repeatedly, that should he find populist officials do ing that which is considered wrong, he would be among the first to interpose an objection, and now we would like to see liiin do it. It is not right that the county should lose this money, but it is right that the men who are responsible for the loss should make reparation, and if they nre slow about coming forward they should be assisted by the limb of the law. J. H. Kiuos has purchased the Ran dolph Times aud will remove with his family to that city when Grover the Fat relieves him of his postoffice commis sion. When we were in competition with Jim here we said he did not know how to run a paper, but now that he is going away we will take that back and tell the truth: He is well qualified by years of experience to give the people of Randolph a first-class paper and he will do it. O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY R B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Beferonoe First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. J C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQAR8, ETO. JJB. J. P. GILUOAN, PHYSIO AN AND SURGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Office over Blglln’s furniture store. O’NEILL, NEB. BENEDICT, LAWYER, OfBoe in the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, O NEILL, NEB. R. BUTLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Agent for Union Trust Co's land in Bolt county. will praotloe in all the oourts. Special at teutlon given to foreclosures and collections B. T. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases of iUe Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to5 p. m, Office first door weBt of Hcinerlkgon’s A BOYD, BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. GEORGE A, WIcCUTCHEON. PROPRIETOR OF | - CENTRAL- | Livery Barn O'NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES W NEW TEAMS. Everything First-Claps. Barn Opposite Cumpbe l'sllmplement Bouse A,J HAMMOND ABSRACT CQ Successors to R. R. DICKSON A CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstract Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a $10,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Soliced O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY NEB. HOTEL --Jh VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Orson of Honest Sport In America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED RV THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. »* FOR A YEAR, $8 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the SEW MS ILLUSTRATED SEWS, 3 PARK PLACE NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. WHAT PEFFER’S NERVIGOR DID. w-"p “y** •'■haju a>»i iimnnoon; Old men recover youthful vigor. A.b«alutelvOiiar ante«U to cure Im eltl a?w.WrtrOTffi,ata.Ti!s;s; *“JI*** ?.W^ alteffei'ta of eclf abuse or exceiJt-fTanrt Wards off Insanity and consumption. Bn a nro.lkl.^n u.. . . ... nSSefmi1/!™.. 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All corresponcence strictly confi dential PARK REMEDY C0„ Boston Mass. ’Zi? ejQS > cpj:: Aim err ,1 J With rat any internal $&?* Tnuil i/*i %\m iinrna tjif. metiicin*, oureg tet- /e found the week’s news nf«ioK Paper. In Its columns are to of the literary features of'tho'dntw* *rid c,0,'