The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 30, 1894, Image 8

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    Fruit, Flowers,
Corn, Cotton,
Land of Sunshine and Plenty
* ■.
v;X. v’
teg. .
>' .1
The Grand Prairie of
Arkansas County, Arkansas,
Offers Great Inducements
» ■yifMimtufir
* i
For Farms and Homes
Offers a climate that compares with the most favored
part of our continent. ::::::::::
Finest fruit country in the world. : : : :
The extreme heat of the south and the intense cold of
the north are never known. :::::::
Good Land
Good Timber
Good Air
Good Water
Good Climate
+r\ ARKANSAS 4* G°°d Heaith
- * Good People
Good Towns
Good Schools
Good Markets
Good Rain Fall
Rich, productive timber and prairie lands at from $3 to $8 per acre, high dry and healthy, on the most favorable terms.
This county otters greater opportunities for the poor man who wants a home where he can grow anything that mother
earth produces than any country in the world. See for yourself. Special excursion on September 10 and 25 and Octo
ber 0. We want some Holt county farmers to go with us on Sept. 10 and will make very low rates. Come in and
talk it over.
Land Com. Stuttgart tfc Arkansas R. R.
Land Com. Missouri Pacific R. R,
v’ y ,
lv. •■
Now is the time to go to
Arkansas to purchase
farms. Two million
acres of fine farming,
fruit and timber land
for sale by this com
pany on easy terms.
Colony now organizing
Go with the
Crowd on...
Maps and pamphlets
furnished free.
** ►
Three Grand Land Excursions
' N[i^ouri pacific Railroad.
Call on or address
Will be in O’Neill till Saturday and will
be pleased to answer all inqniries.
District Eand and Passenger Agent
<v ■<
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And the Telegram Mad* nim * Harry
Horn* oa the Double-Qalok.
Gibbs was a commercial traveler
and had gone on a journey to the
North. A few days afterwards the
Gibbs household was increased by one
—a boy. As the mother was very ill
the doctor was requested to write out
a telegram informing Gibbs of the
addition to his family and also his
wife’s illness, and asking him to re
turn home with as little delay as
This was done and the telegram
was given to the servant to send off.
That Intelligent girl, being unable to
read, put the message in her pocket
and forgot all about it. The next
day Gibbs paid a flying visit home and
was gratified to find his wife and
family going on nicely. After stay
ing at home a few hours he took his
departure without anything having
been said about the telegram, which
his wife naturally supposed he had
A day or two after he had gone the
servant found the message in her
pocket and after consulting her fa
vorite policeman Bhe decided to send
it off at onee without saying a word to
anyone about the delay. That night
Gibbs upon returning to his hotel,
was horrified when the following tele
gram, bearing that day’s date was
placed in his hand: .
“Another addition, a son; your wife
is very ill; return at once.”
“Another!” he gasped. “Great Jup
He rnshed to the station and took
the next train home and dashing into
the honse in a state of frenzy, de
manded to know what had happened.
The servant confessed all. Next day
. t .
If. »
- k::,
there was a vacancy for an intelligent
honest girl at Gibbs’ establishment.
Ever on the Watch tor Trifles Which
They Might pick Up.
“Anyone who has watched the gulls
and other fish-catching birds along
our coast must have discovered how
keen is their sight and how cunning
ly they discover a school of fish long
before a fin has disturbed the surface
of the water,” said Captain E. M.
Bates, of New Bedford. “Oftentimes
when at sea I have tested the vision
of gulls that happened near my ship,
to the great amusement of the passen
gers. I remember one occasion when
the ship was going along at a pretty
rapid rate I noticed a number of gulls
following closely in our wake, appar
ently on the watch for anything that
might be thrown overboard. Going
to the cabin I procured a small biscuit
and returning to the deck prepared to
show the passengers the wonderful
powers of vision possessed by these
birds. Breaking the biscuit into
small pieces, the largest of which was
less than an inch square, I dropped it
into the seething waters just funder
the bow of the vessel. It was of the
same color as the hissing foam into
which it was dropped,and by which it
was, of course, rapidly carried astern.
Once dropped it was utterly invisible
to our eyes and we could only guess
as to its whereabouts, but before it
had fallen thirty yards astern a large
gull detected it and with a headlong
dart dipped into the foam and secured
it. With equal dexterity the other
bits were picked up, one by one, the
gulls at last venturing so close to the
vessel that they seemed to be watch
ing our movements with their large,
bright eyes. ”
'Would Give Buna People Freedom.
Another society is to be organized
in New York for the rescue of sane
persons illegally and improperly con
fined in asylums for the insane. The
organization already in existence is
conducted by a number of enthusi
astic persons who are positive that at
least thirty per cent of the inmates of
asylums in the United States are sane
and kept in duress by persons inter
ested in depriving them of their lib
erty. Several members of the exist
ing society have been in asylums as
patients and they are the most vehe
ment in their assertions. They have
succeeded in several instances in se
curing the release of persons from
private asylums, and in one or two
cases the patients had to be returned
because they had not been cured.
Just what the new society expects to
do remains to be seen.
The Kcglmental Dog.
A novel feature at the military
tournament is a collie used for carry
ing despatches. The dog wouid
scarcely have scored anything in, say,
the open class for rough-haired collies
at the Kennel club or Collie club
shows, but it was evidently an ani
mal brimful of intelligence,'a quality
which dogs accustomed to the show
bench may sometimes be rather lack
ing in. Collies, as a matter of fact,
are now used quite extensively for
military purposes, and a number of
foreign regiments have their collies,
just as the Twenty-third lias its goat,
though with much more practical ob
jects in view. The collie may not be
able to find his way home, like the
pigeon, at long range, but for short
messages, and when he knows the
Awarded Highest Honors atWorld Fa r
k pure Grape Cream of Tartar Tju'-Iir. I rc.
tom Ammonia, Alum or any olitu ...iuii.-iant
For The Campaign.
The campaign this fall will be of the
greatest interest to all the citizens of
Nebraska. The Omaha Weekly Bee
will handle all the issues of importance
during the campaign in its usual able
manner ami proposes to make a price of
20 cents for the balance of tJiis year to
all Nebraska subscribers vyljo ipjjy desire
to keep thoroughly posted nu tl|e im
portant issues tba: will be discussed
Send us 20 cents in silver or stamps
for the 12-page Weekly Bee up to Jan
uary 1, 1895. Address, The Omaha Bee,
Omaha, Neb.
The best mutual insurance policy
against attacks of sickness is to be found
iu taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Prevention is better than cure, and
you may prevent that tired feeling by
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which will
keep your blood puie and free from
acid taint and germs of disease.
Hood’s Pills do not weaken, but aid
digestion and tone the stomach.
Hood’s pills are the best after dinner
pills, assist digestion, cure headache.
Try a box, 25c. *
Hood's pills cure all liver ills, bilious
ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick head
ache. ’_
Until After Election.
The present campaign is of unusual
interest to Nebraskans. Not only will a
full set of state officers be elected, but a
legislature will be elected that will
choose a United States senator. The
StRte Journal, located at the capital, can
give you all this news more fully and
more reliably than any other paper. It
comes twice a week and will be sent
until after election for only 25 cents.
Address, State Journal,
Lincoln, Neb.
Land Office at O’Neil], Neb.
July 31, 1894.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of Ills intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
register and receiver at O’Neill Neb., on
September 8.1894, viz: _ _
JOHN L. KUHNS, HE No. 14357
for the SWU See. 25, Twp.31, U. 13 west Oth
P. M,
lie names the following witnesses to prove
Ids continuous residence upou and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: „ ,
William Veal. Wallace Johnson, John Gor
don. of May, Neb.; Peter Winn, of Atkinson,
Neb. 4-0 JOHN A. IIARMON, Register.
Isaac C. Edwards and Mrs. Edwards, ;his
wife, (first and real name unknown), de
fcnaants. will take notice that United Trust,
Limited, a corporation, plaintiff, has filed a
petitition in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against said defendants, im
pleaded witli Orrin C. Smith, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage
dated March 14,1889. for $700 and interest, on
the southeast quarter of section 7, in town
ship 30. north of range 10 west of the (ith P. M.
in Holt county, Nebraska, given by Orrin C.
Smith to the Globe Investment company and
assigned to plaintiff, which mortgage was
recorded in book 47 at page 78 ol' mortgage
records of said county, and to have the same
decreed to be a first lien and said land sold
to satisfy the same.
Y'ou are required to answer said petition on
or before the 34th day of September, 1894.
Dated August 15.1894. 0-4
S. D. THORNTON, Atty. for Pltf.
Adolph Kell, Plaintiff,
Michael F. Abitz (widower), Regina Adrians
and husband. Peter Adrians, Julia A.
Hurst and Mr. Hurst, her husband (first
name unknown), Elizabeth K. Ilulln and
husband Mr. Dulin (first and full name un
known), Jerome C. Dulin atid wife, Mrs.
Jerome C. Dulin, Stephen H. Boulles, Wil
liam Bruder, Mrs. William Bruder, defend
,ints’ NOTICE.
The above named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the 17th day of
August, 1894. the above named plaintiff filed
his petition in the district court of Holt
county, Nebreska, against the above named
defendants and eacli of them, the object and
prayer of said petition being to foreclose a
certain trust deed or mortgage executed by
the defendant Michael F. Abilz (a widower)
to .I. H. Keith, trustee for Eugene Wester
velt, upon the following described real
estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska,
The north half of the northwest qunrter
section seventeen (17) and the east half of the
northeast quarter of section eighteen (18),
all in township thirty (B0). range thirteen (13)
west of the (ith P. M.: which trust deed or
mortgage was given to secure the payment
of of a certain bond or note dated January 1,
1887, for the sum of $550 due five years after
date, with Interest at 7 per cent, per ahnum
payable semi-annually. Plaintiff alleges
that there is due him on said note or bond
and trust deed or mortgage the sum of $1,000
by reason of defendants failure to pay said
note and interest when due, together with
the further sum of $50.00 taxes paid by the
plaintiff on the 37th day of July, 1894, with
interest at 10 per cent, from that date. The
plaintiff prays for a decree that the defend
ants be required to pay the same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due, and that the interest of
each ofthe above named defendants bedecreed
be subject, junior and inferior to the lien of
plaintiff's mortgage, and for other equitable
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 1st day of October, 1894.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 20th day of
August, 1894. R. It. DICKSON,
7-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
George W. Morris and Emma S. Morris, dt
fondants, will take notice that J. L. Moore
trustee, plaintiff, has filed a petition in tli
district court of Holt county, Nebraski
against said defendants the object and pray
er of which are to foreclose a mortgag
dated March 16,1888, for $575 and interest an
tax payments, on tlie northwest quarter c.
section 28, in township 38. north or range 1
west of the 6th P. M., in Holt county, Nc
hraska, given by said defendants to th
Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation and as
signed to plaintiff, w hich niortguge was ri
corded in book 36, at page 8i| of mortgag
records of said county, and to have the sum
decreed to ho a first lion and the said lam
sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to Hnswer the same on o
before the 1st day of October, 1894.
Dated August 16,1894, 7-4
_ _ „ „ J- L. Moore, Trustee, Pltf.
By S. D. Thornton, Uis Attorney.
IjUUALj nutiue.
George V. Weaver and Mary E. Weaver,
defendants, will take notice that J. L. Moore
trustee, plaintiff, has filed a petition in the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska
against said desendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a mort
gage dated December 4, 18*8, for $230 and
interest and tax payments, on the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter and the
south west quarter of the northeast quarter
and the northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section thirteen, in
township 3X, north of range 10. wert of the
ftth p. M , in Holt county, Nebraska, given
by George t. Weayer and Mqry E. Weaver to
the Globe Investment Copipaiiy ;*nd assigned
to the plaintiff, whicji wju recorded in'book
mor,tg?ige record* of said
county, and to have the same decreed to be a
same CD said land sold to satisfy the
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 1st day of Ootober, mi.
Dated August !}3. ISSt*. T-4
n„ „ T, J- L. Moon*. Trustee, Plaintiff.
By S. D. Thornton, His Attorney,
Henry Kohler, Anna Dora Kohler, W. C.
Kobinson, Mary Ann Kutlierford, and J. S.
>V Ingate, defendants, will take notice that J.
, Moore.trustee plalntiff.h.,8 bled a petition
in the district court of Holt county. Ne
braska, against said defendants, the object
mid prayer of which are to foreclose a mort
gage dated March 27. lsss.for $1)25 and Interest
)n lot 4 and the southwest qnartcr of the
northwest quarter of action three, and lot
'me, and the south east quarter of the north
east quarter oi section four In township 25
north of ran ire !l, west of the « 1>. M„ in Holt
■oiinty. Nebraska, given by Henry Kohler
and Anna jtora Kohler, to the Dakota Mort
ft*6'* hci-noratlon. and assigned to the
ilairitiff, which mortgage was recorded in
hook .J5 at page 1107. of mortgage records of
-aid county, and to have the same decreed to
[he turn™1 lk'“ Bnd ‘uld la,,d s,,ld to satisfy
“re required to answer said petition on
rr before the 1st day of October, 1894.
Dated, August 23, 1894.
u-e „ f«. L. Moore, trustee plaintiff.
By S. D. Thornton, his attorney.
Wyman Patridge* Company ,]
vs. ™
W. P. O'Brien. McCord, Brad,
™ • v onen, minora, Briii I
Abies * Company, rf. {.“J
Goods Company. Dempster vl
¥!2"E vl
The above named defendm
them will take notice that on
June, 1804. the above named
tlielr petition In the discin'
county. Nebraska, against the
defendants and each of then, V,
prayer of said petition beh»
certain mortgage executed t,...
W. P. O'Brien to the plaintiff
lowing described real estate sit
county. Nebraska, to-wlt: The'
the northwest quarter andt
the northeast quarter of seen™
(22), township twenty-five rv 1
(15), west of the 8th P. M„ „i',
was given to secure the pHV,
promissory notes; four for ti
each and one for the sum nfi
due and payable; that there is
said notes and mortgage tli,
for which sum, with interest (J
plaintiff pravs for a decree thi'.
ants be required to pay the sum,
premises may be sold to satist1
found due. And further, tine
of all of said defendants
subject, junior and Inferior
plaintiff's said mortgage.
Yon ure required to answer
on or before the 27th day of Aim,
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this
K. B. Dii
July. 1894.
...., 11
Attorney (0i
Charles J. Asplund and Eli-,
fendants. Take notice. J. I, \[ ,
plaintiff has filed a petition |»
court of Holt county, Nebraska
defendants, theobjeotand prat,
are to foreclose a mortgage dit
1888 for *300 and Interest, on the
the southwest quarter and tins .
tlie southeast quarter of section
west of the 6th P. M., Holt count,
given by the defendant, Clmrles
to the Dakota Mortgage Loan
and assigned to plaintiff, whir
was recorded in book 39. at n.
mortgage records of said Holt ra
have tho same to be decreed t»i»
and tho said land sold to satisfy
You are required to answer,
on or before the 27th day of Air
J. L,, MOOKE, j r'ii
By S. D. Thornton, his attorney
Livery, Feed and Sale 8
Finest turnouts in the
Good, careful drivers
wanted. Also run the 0
Omnibus line. Comm
trade a specialty. Have c
of McCaffert’s hearse.
f Fresh, Dried and Salt I
Sugar-cured Ham, Bra
Bacon, Spice Roll Baca
Kinds of Sausages. .
Purchase Tickets and Oonsignl
Freight via the
F. E.& M.V. andS. C.
Passenger east,
Freight east.
Freight west’, - . • 1:4ol
Passenger west, - - 5:15|
Freight, - . ' _ .6:441
The Elkborn Jjlpe is npw gunning Kef
Chair Care dally, between Omaha aw! 1
wood, jree to holders of tlret-class truij
Fer anr information call on
i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, ana -
1 ent business conducted for Modesatc F«!
Oup office is Opposite U. 5. patent O'
anrl Ursa ran ssrnra mi... f_ I _ _ » htiil'
and we can secure patent in less time UW
remote from Washington.
\ SendI model, drawing or photo., with
itlon. We advise, if patentable or not,fff
• charge. Our fee not due till patent is sccuf
! A pAgPHl.PT, “How to Obtain Patents, ]
-cost of same in the U.S,end foreign coud
sent free. Address
^Opp. patent Orriec, Washington, d