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Lt McManus is in Chicago this week sng his fall and winter good. ' to the rink tonight and hear some music. 25 cents admission. r. Price’s cream baking powder a grape cream of tarter powder. the IBrutus and Cassius” at the opera' Lse tonight. Come and see them. i great many of Scott's btfndsmen are Be city this week attending court. pod’s Pills are hand made, and per proportion and appearanre. 25c 9X. : Dillworth.of Lincoln,grand clian \ of the E. of P’s., was in the City, »y- ■ fbrney Thornton, of Neligb, was in ty Tuesday and made this office a f call. _ rney Ryan sprained an ankle last and limps around just like a Bg blood. Be delegates to the state conven straggled home all days last week, the meeting. Br flour, corn, bran and all kinds of [go to the O'Neill Flour & Feed Co., t Mack Manager. 38-tf |orge Clark was up from Randolph, lay, on account of the serious ill Df one of the twins. if. McGuire arrived in the city |ay night, to be on hand at the Dg of the hippodrome next Mon ! Biglin will deliver kerosene and Ine at your residence or place of less. His wagon makes the rounds day. 47-tf bs Wiedenfeld, of Randolph, who |een visiting Mrs. D. H. Cronnin for days, returned to her home yester aorning. ^te Superintendent Goudy arrived lie city Sunday evening and deliver lecture before the institute Monday aoon. |nry Murphy returned Monday from along the coast. Henry says he I some fine country but he rathei Nebraska after all. pcoe Coughlin returned last Thurs light from a protracted visit in the He came home looking hale and ly and is as jolly as ever. | M. Uttley returned home Sunday bis trip to California, where he i to take the deposition of Ed. But be used in the Scott case. arlie Odell is in the city this week |ng arrangements for another ex >n to Arkansas. They expect tc labout the 9th of next month. Mathews while south was ap |ed land agent foy the Stuttgart anc nsas railroad. Be will run excur I from here on September 10 and 25 Jctober 9. led and true is the verdict of peopli Juke Hood's Sarsaparilla. The good |s of this medicine are soon felt it nerve strength restored, appetil) I'd and health given. ^timber of noted barristers havi O’Neill their headquarters thii among theip being: John C lin, N. D. Jackson, E. M. Bartlet IJ. Hastings and General Hawley [O'Donnell while out last Sundai la party steeple-chasing a jack rab las unfortunate enough to havi Vrse fall and roll over him. Hi fought to town and Dr. Gilligai lined, who dressed his wounds pnes were fractured but bis fad l *s though be might have been ii p round contest with Corbett. Sanford Parker was made state com mitteeman for this district at tbe state convention. Mr. Parker is of tbe right brand to make a first class committee man, and he will. Harrington to Bartlett—Pat us down 800,000 and we will settle with you right now. Bartlett to Harrington—Oo to. Ye refused it once and now ye shall have naught. _ Odie Biglin has been very sick tbe paBt week but is now on the mend and will soon be again at tbe bat. His trou ble seemed to verge on the typhoid, but Dr. Gilligan came along with bis pill box and knocked it .in the head. Although O'Neill has more secret or ganizations than any town of its size in the world a new order was chartered in last Thursday night. It is a branch of the Independent order of United Workmen and starts in with a life-sized membership._ Tbe band boys’ ball at tbe rink last night was a success socially and finan cially and tbe boys deserve it. O’Neill now bas one of tbe best bands in north western Nebraska and our citizens should give them all tbe encouragement possible. _. Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelet were sur prised last Thursday night by a goodly number of their friends dropping in to spend the evening. The occasion was anniversary number one of Mr. and Mrs. Hazeiet’s marriage, and it was celebrat ed in a way appropriate to the occasion. Mr. Riley of Albion, Nebraska, was in the city Monday. Mr. Riley is the father of the Riley boys who run a stock ranch in the southern part of the coun ty, and is out with his wife for a visit and an outing. Although quite advanc ed in years he still takes great delight with gun and rod. Now “in all fairity" Harrington's attempt to bluff and side track Mr. Bar tlett with that supercilious grin and to see He Murphy rise up in the “inheri tant” dignity of his “Functus offlssyo’’ to reply to an argument of the Hon. J. C. Watson, was surely a scene for a farce and not a court room. A seventeen year old son of John Mo*; ler’s who resides north of O’Neill on the Eagle, was accidently shot last Sunday and instantly killed. He and another boy were out in a road cart hunting when the gun slipped through between the slabs in the bottom of the cart and was discharged. The charge struck the boy in the side and ranged upwards. The funeral occurred Tuesday. The lectures on electricity deiiyered Monday and Tuesday evenings by Mr. Favour, at the rink, for the benefit of the teachers were well attended and highly appreciated. His lectures are in structive and his experiments and pract ical demonstrations are all of a scientific nature and well worth the price of ad mission to those whose duty it is to train the young idea. Following is the list of petit jurors drawn for the October term of district court: B. H. Johring, E. R. Riley, E. L. Davis, S. W. McCaugheys’, J. M. Hunter, E. H. Thompson, Chas. Barn grover, A. J. Fleming, B. Gray, N. W. Dowd, John Alderson, G. C. Short, O. P. Sheve, A. Barrett, William Bokhoff, Jos. Skudler, Jr., Samuel Beavers, John Snyder, William Veale, A. L. Booth, H. H. Trowbridge, W. Joyce, Barney Hynes, C. Gunther. owing to tne unsettled condition or the markets we do nut expect to place our orders for large fall bills until late in tbe season. Realizing that many will need to buy dress good earlier we have made arrangements witb Marshall Fields dress goods salesman to bring his en tire line here Monday, September 8, at which time, we invite all ladies who wish to avail themselves this splendid opportunity to call and examine this line. Single dress patterns can be had of all goods worth $1 per yard or up ward. . J. P. Mann. Dr. W. p. Wathews of O’Neill, Neb., recently appointed laud commissioner of the Stuttgart & A. U. R. Co., comes with excellent credentials, a number one recommendation from the governor and other high officials. lie has but few equals as a business man and with his 1 wide acquaintance and large influence be will be able to induce many in Ne braska and other western slates to im 1 migrate to Arkansas county. lie will 1 at once commence a vigorous campaign for the purpose of locating hoineseekers in this southern Eldorado. Nebraska farmers are ripe for a move south and they will come by the hundreds this fall and next spring. Associated with Dr . Mathews is that prince of land men, C. H. Odell of Peoria. He has been one nl the old reliables of the Missouri Paciflt system these many years, and is in full accord with his company’s plans in cl*' recting this western stampede into Ar kansas. Many of the emigrants art prairie men and Mr. Odell will direcl them along the line of tbe S. & A. R. R Co.—Gielette (Ark.; Herald. After Stirring Again. Mike Herrington, on behalf of the secretary of the Holt county alliance, who is also candidate for representative on the pop ticket, whose other name is IiobertBon, has started afresh proceed ings of ouster in the Sklrving impeach ment case. That is, a new petition haB been filed with the clerk, although notice of trial has not yet been served upon defendant. The prayer of tho petition is that defendant be compelled by mandamus to vacate his office by virtue of the supervisors' record as amended at their last meeting. Hon. Judge Jackson, of Neligh, was in the city Tuesday looking up the case for the defense. Transfer Switch Case. Geo. H. Hasting, Mr. Dillworth, and J. N. Koontz, of the state board of transportation, arrived in the city Sun day evening to apply in the district court for mandamus to compel the rail roads at this point to comply with the order of the board in regard to connect ing the Short Line and F. E. at this point by a transfer switch. General Hawley, attorney for the F. E., was also in the city for the purpose of resisting issuance ot the mandamus. The case was submitted Tuesday be fore Judge Chapman and agreement made to argue it in Cmaba some time next month. The railroads have attacked the con stitutionality ot the law as they allege that it attempts to do too much under one head. Besides providing for the putting in of switches it also attempts to fix rates for long and short hauls. The question will probably be decided in the supreme court within the next three months. An Editor’s Opinion. We give below an extract from a letter written by the editor of Irrigation Age, Chicago, to James M. Kerr, the New Tork gentleman who has submitted proposition for construction of the ditch. The extract is interesting be cause it comes from one who is author ity on irrigation und really leaves no doubt as to the practicability of the project. I believe the Niobrara River Irriga tion and Power company is a good scheme. Of course it is only on paper now. Campbell’s report carries great weight with investors. The supply of water in the Niobrara is large and al most entirely open to appropriation. The country to be watered is on that shadowy line which divides the rain belt from the arid region, and my observa tion istha’.lfarmers are verv murcuriai in Ruch localities and their patronage is not to be depended upon as it is in the real arid region. When it rains they think the climate is changing. How ever my impression of the enterprise is very favorable. If you were to depend upon a colony from Holland, as you suggest, the point I mention would cut no figure. I believe the land and water to be all right. Scott Bond Case. The Scott bond case is at last on the boards and the mills of justioe started. Judge Chapman, of Plattsmouth, pre siding, his son Tom, reporting. Attor neys, Bartlett, of Omaha, Watson, of Nebraska City, and Uttley and Dickson, of this city appearing for the bondsmen, and Harrinton and Murphy, of this city, prosecuting. The case was to have been called up Monday morning, but as somebody had failed to notify the jury, they were not on band and the case went over until Tuesday morning to give the sheriff an opportunity to bring his good and true men from the four corners of the county. It was 2 o’clock Tuesday before a jury was finally selected and the case begun in earnest. The bondsmen seek to escape liability upon negligence of the board in not settling with the treasurer at the time fixed by statute, and for the further reason that the bond was changed by the addition of two names after it had once been approved. The question devolves upon a matter of law and fact, and it would look now that by the time it gets to the jury they will have nothing to consider but the judge’s instructions. It is thought that the case will be finished this week. Lateu—The end of the case came a great deal sooner than was expected, especially by Harrington. It was dis missed yesterday afternoon upon motion of Mr. Bartlett, the vital point being that the board vitiated the bond when it allowed those two additional sureties to be placed upon it after it was approved. We have not the space this week to make exteded mention of the case but will give full particulars^!! our next. Notice. Tl>e democratic central committee are requested to meet at my office, on Wed nesday, September 5, 1894, at one o'clock, p. m. Business of importance to transact. S. M. Wagkrs, Acting chairman. A' , sr . ,5: ARE GETTING IN SHAPE The Irrigation Scheme Coming to A Focue. QUESTION TO BE SUBMITTED Th# People Will Be Given A Chanoe to, lap ' What They Want. Following la a proposition that the irrigation company has prepared to sub mit to the people in the matter of bonds: To the honorable board of supervisors of Holt county, Nebraska: The undersigned, tbe Niobrara River Irrigation and Power Company, a cor poration duly organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska, and doing business at O’Neill in tbe county of Holt, said state, propose to construct a canal for the purpose of furnishing water for irrigation, power, domestic use and consumption, and other valuable uses, the main canal to commence at the Niobrara river, on section nineteen (19), in township thirty (80), north, range forty-three (48), west, in Sheridian county, Nebraska, thence in an easterly direction about thirty miles, to a point on the Snake river about twenty-five miles, thence in a southeasterly and easterly direction to the west end of Pelican lake, in Cherry county, Nebras ka, thence by way of said lake in an essternly direction to a point on tho di vide between the filkhorn and Niobrara rivers in Rock county, Nebraska, there following said divide to a point in town ship twenty-nine (0), north, range eleven (11) west. In Holt county, Ne braska, thence northeasternly and east ernly to or near the east line of Holt county. Such location is subject to revision, and the location of said canal as above stated may at any time be modified or changed, if, after investigation, it iB de termined to be to the best interest of tbe enterprise so to do. The length of said canal will be about two huudred and fifty miles (250) miles, together with about six hundred (600) miles of laterals, with the capacity as estimated of about 180 cubic feet per second at its terminus. Tbe proposed canal will be construct ed in accordance with proposed plans and specifications to be approved and provided by engineers and other experts in the construction of such works. The said canal will be constructed and put'in operation for the purpose of fur nishing water for irrigation, for power purposes, for domestic use and con sumption, and for other useful and beneficial purposes, providing the coun ties of Holt, Itock, and Brown, in the state of Nebraska, will deliver to tbe said Niobrara River Irrigation & Power company, its successors and assigns, the sum of $250,000 of their six per cent coupon negotiable bonds to bo dated November tbe first, 1894, and payable twenty years from the first day of No vember, 1894, with interest payable semi-annually from the first day of No vember, 1894, on the first day of May, and the first day of November in each year thereafter, the principal and interest to be payable at the fiscal agen cy ot the state of Nebraska in the city and state of New York, said bonds to be of the denomination of one thousand dollars each. Holt county’s proportion of these bonds to be 150 bonds of a thousand dollars each, and eacb bond to recite as follows: “This bond is one of a series of 150 bonds of like amount and tenor which are issued by the county of Holt, in the state of Nebraska, to the Niobrara Irri gation & Power company, to aid in tbe construction of a canal from a point on the Niobrara river near to and just above Deer Creek canon, and running in a northernly, southernly, andeastern ly direction about 250 miles to a poiut on tbe Niobrara river or one of its trib utaries near the eastern boundary line of the county of Holt, state of Nebraska and in tbe construction of reservoirs and other work incident to tbe construc tion and operation of such canal as a work of iniernal improvement.” All of said bonds, in case the issuance and de liyery thereof be authorized by the vote of electors of Holt county, Nebraska, to to be executed and registered at the earliest time practicable after the same have been voted, and when registered to be delivered to the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska in tbe city and state of New York, to be held in trust by said fiscal agency tot delivery to tbe said Niobrara River Irrigation & Power company, its successors or assigns, in liiBiuiimeius ns ioiiows; in ainouni as may be required therefor not to exceed ten bonds of $1,000 each, being at par equal to the sum of ten thousand dollar, to be devoted to the payment of the pre liminary expenses occasioned bv a prop er survrv of the proposed enterprise and.the running expenses of the com pany, while said survey is in progress; provided that no money shall be paid out except upon certificates duly signed by the chief engineer in charge of the work, where the money to he paid re lates to the survey, said certificates to be duly attested by the president of the Niobrara Irrigation & Power companv. and the chairman of the board of super visors of Holt county, Nebraska, oi other person or persons duly selected by said board for that purpose; and where the money to be paid is for the expense! of the company, the sura is to be paid only upon certificate from the secretary of the company only attested by the president thereof and the chairman ol the hoard of supervisors of Holt county, Nebraska, or other person or persons duly selected for that purpose, which certificate shall show that a certain amount of work has been done in the survey of the canal and that a certain sum is due to pay the expenses of the company. Upon the receipt of sucl certificate or certificates, the said fisca agent of the state.of Nebraska, acting ai trustee shall turn over ami deliver to the •aid treaiurer of the Niobrara River A Irrigation A Power company, or to the person or penons, company or com panies, corporation or corporations, designated by said company, the amount or amounts of bonds equal at par to the amount of money called for in such cer %iiii>uvv vi i/ui iiuvnivo, nuu iu cnuu iu* stance upon the delivery of the bonds m aforesaid, the trustee shall be roleased from further liability to the extent of the deltveiy authorized; and upon a proper certificate from the engineer In charge showing that sufficient of the main canal and laterals have been con structed, with a sufficient amount of water in said canal and laterals to irri gate 100,000 acres, 60,000 acres of which shall be In the county of Holt and that the same are completed and ready for operation, then said trustee shall be authorized to deliver to the said Nlo drara Ittver Irrigation & Power com pany, or to its successors or assigns, whntever number and amount of bonds of the said issue may be remaining in its hands, and shall thereby be discharged from all further liability. In consideration of receiving the aforesaid bonds, the Niobrara River Ir rigation & Power company agrees to commence the preliminary work for the survey and construction of said canal not later than the 15th day of Novem ber, 1894, and that the said canal and laterals shall be completed and contain ing sufficient water therein, to enable the company to put water upon 100,000 acres of land, as herein before stated, at an early a date thereafter as is consis tent with good work; and the said Nlo brara River Irrigation & Power com pany further agrees that the said canal shall be constructed in the manner auth orized as herein before provided, and that it will furnish water for irrigation, water power, and such other power as It may be able to provide to manufactures and other consumers, and for demestlc use and consumption, in reasonable and necessary quantities and upon reasona ble rates, terms and conditions. The Niobrara River Irrigation & Power com pany further agrees that in letting the contract or contracts that the residents of Holt county shall be given employ ment, if they desire it, during the pro gress of the work, at a fair and reasona ble compensation. The Niobrara River Irrigation & Power company requests that this prop osition be ot once submitted for accep tance to a vote of the people of Holt county. Nebraska, at a special election to be dnly called and held for such pur pose, and that at such time in connec tion with such proposition there be sub mitted to the voters of Holt county the question whether or not said bonds shall be issued, registered and delivered, and the proper taxes levied according to law for the payment of the interest and principal of such bonds. If by reason of injunction or other le gal inteiference, or by the acts of Pro vidence, the work is delayed, the time of such delay shall be added to the time herein provided as the time of comple tion. In witness thereof the said Niobrara River Irrigation & Power company has caused these presents to be executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized, this 27th day of August, 1894. Niobrara River Irrigation & Power company. By A. U. Morris, Pres. T. V. Golden, Sec. RESOLUTIONS. Whereas; It is the desire and the intent of the Niobrara River Irrigation and Power company to have the coun ties through which the canal is proposed to run fully protected in the expendi tures to be made out of the proceeds of the bonds proposed to be voted in aid of the prosecution of the said canal enterprise: and Whereas: Many of the citizens have expressed a wish that counties have a voice in the affairs of the canal company and particularly in the expenditure of the money to be appropriated to make the survey, therefore be it Resolved, That the Niobrara River Irrigation and Power company in con sideration of the money to be furnished by the several counties in the prelimin ary work to be done on the said canal, issue to the said counties of Holt,Brown and Rock in the name of trustees to be appointed by the county boards or the respective counties, stock In said Nio brara River Irrigation and Power rampanv in amounts as follows: Holt, $12,000; Brown. $4,800; Rock. $3,200. Said trustees to act for the counties in the management of tbe affairs of the irrigation company and to supervise tbe expenditure of all money voted bv the counties In aid of tbe irrigation enter prise. Attest: A. U- Morris, T. V. Golden, President. Pecretary. The Lut Boll Coll. Jam es Triggs is n» more. He died last Saturday niitlit, after nn illness of but a few davs. at the ripe old sge of 84 years. Deceased was born in London, Eng land, and came to 'bis country with bis wife in 1849. Hu enlist'd in the war at its beginning and received an honorable discharge when it was over. The funeral which occurred Monday at 4 o’clock, from the M. E. church, was perhaps as grand as nny ever given an O’Neill citizen. General John O'Neill post G. A R. had charge of the ceremonies. The Bartley guards at tended in uniform, and with the O’Neill cornet band beading the procession, softly playing a funeral dirge, made a typical soldier's burial. At the grave the comrades of the deceased held short services, after which the funeral escort fired its salute, the bugler sounded taps, the seston did his duty and “Uncle Jim mie” was asleep with the majority, i Peace to his ashes. A letter from Cel. Towle. The following letter from Col. Towle •' wne received lut week by J. L. Meek. ' of (hie city: ,-l PORTLAND, ORE., AUf. 19. Wa arrived here Thursday after din* ner. We have not seen a drop of rain since we left. Our trip wae devoid of any particular event, it being over the drearleet route that could have been aeleoted. We are all well and have Joel returned from Oregon City, one ot the oldeat in the elate. Oregon la a fine atate in many waya. Flrat, there la acarcely any files; aecond, It haa the flneat looking ladiee of any atate I have ever reaided in; third, the climate in aummer la auperb, being not higher than 00 degreea with tine cool nlghta—I have alept with blanketa over me ever night fourth, they never have a failure of oropa; fifth, they do not have high winda. Although the duet la from one to three inchea deep the wind baa never atirred It aince I came. It la not a corn atate nor a hay atate, but la a auoceaa In the way of fruit, alfalfa, hope, aalmon, wheat and amber. Aa far aa I have noticed the potatoes are not flrat-claae. 1 have met Tremaine and Tom 0‘Day, formerly of Neligh, but have not aeon Hanlon or Billy Merrlman yet aa they live over in Eaat Portland. We ahafl vialt Tacoma and Beattie next week. I do not know yet where we will locate. It la dull here but not ai bad aa the burnt diatricta ot Nebraaka. Nearly all the good cropa we aaw on the road waa the reault of Irrigation. On the aage bruah plaina of Nevada can be aeen fine prune and alfalfa farma with other cropa In a fine atate of cultivation, surrounded with aage bruah, duat and Jack rabita. If the votera of Holt county could see tbeae farma they would vote for irriga tion to a man, Tell the boya of the Green Tree club that I have not forgot* ten them and there are tlmea in the day when my surroundings bring back the Initiation cermony. My trip to Oregon City waa made on an electrio motor. Distance 10 miles; fare 95 cents. Living hore is as cheap aa in Nebraska. At thla hotel I have two large and very fine rooms for which I pay 99 per day. I eat where 1 choose. Our meals on an average coat 95 cents and are aa good aa any one could wish. Give my regards to Slattery and the Tamany Halt club, not forgetting Mr. Horrlgan, also to Bro. Smoot and the Green Tree. Tell Elmer Wllliama that I have seen Rlggen but Erwin haa left for Frisco. Give my kind regards to all the boya and when you pass the canteen at Blattery’a re* member me. Tours in F. C. and L„ A. L. Towle, Obituary. COOK—At his residence In this city on Friday, Auguat 94,1804, of inflame* tlon of the bowels, age 89 years. The deceased waa born in Scranton, Penn., August 11, 1869, and at which place he resided until 18 years of age, when he removed with hla parents to this county where he has aince resided. He was well known in this city and county. On June 1,1886, he was mar ried to Miss Winnie Biglln, who with. three children survive him. He wee sick but ten days and it was not thought that he was dangerously ill, and his many friends were shocked Friday when it was reported that he was dead. The funeral took place from the Catholic church Sunday afternoon and was largely attended. Thb Frontier tenders Its condolence to the family and relatives of deceased. aohool Examinations. Will be held Saturday, September 1, at 9 a. k., for promotion, for admission, and for passing those who failed of j.ro motion. Examination at the high school room. Be prompt. C. L. McGuire, • Principal O’Neill Schools. Assignment of Teachers la O’EeiU 9ehsola. High school, C. L. McGuire, Miss Lowne; grammar schools, MissCarlon, Miss Murphy; intermediate schools, Mrs. Taylor, Miss McManus; primary schools, Miss Gillespie, Mrs. Clark. Notloe. There will be a meeting of the officers and members of the Holt County Agri cultural society at Campbell’s at 9 p. u. Saturday, September 8, 1894. H Hodgkin, President. 4 ■' > m Si 4 4 :Xi ■■ . Vif V'l The Jew doean’t seem to know his own mind seven days at a time. When our militia company was in the throes of organization he wildly denounced every body to leave it severely alone, but now the' he finds it succeeds in spite of his onposition and is regarded with pride by cur citizens, he fails in line and wishes the company G.>d speed. Great trim mer. _ Last June Dick Crawford brought his twelve-months-old child suffering from infantile diarrhoea, to me. It bad been weaned at four months old and had al ways been sickly. I gave it the usual in such cases but without benefit. The child kept growing th'nner untill it weighed but little more than it did when born, or perhaps ten pounds. I then started the father to giving Chamber lain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Before one bottle of the 25 cent size had been used a marked im provement was seen and its continued use cured the child. Its weakness 'and puny constitution disappeared and its father and myself believe the chad’s life was saved by this Remedy. J. T. Mailow. M. D., Tamaroa, III. For sale by P. C. Corrigan Druggist.