HOME DEPARTMENT. OEMS OP KNOWLBDQB FORTH! HOU8KWIPB. OMtal tahrmlla About Muooglu* thu BuiMbold—Kuslpoa ond luitruotloufl l» Dm Id thu Kltchau—Who r»dU| 3p ;v-r.« ki: mp m in frti m sf

00 The .Japan ese factories are at Osaka. They have the advantage of cheap coal as well as cheap labor. The average wages at Osaka are 16 1-5 cents a day for male operatives and 8 cents a day for fe males. The question of securing foreign markets for American cotton goods and also of retaining the American market for American manufacturers, under the W ilson bill, rests on the ability of American workers to accept foreign wages,—Seattle Post-Intelli gencer. _ Tariff Kafaraa, Ill VrV I f ‘■E-woov f f Sugar at Hair Price. The sugar planters of Louisiana, must indeed feel proud of the attitude of their representative in the United States senate. These men were re cently elected to congress with spe cific instructions to care for the best interests of the state which they rep resent. Neither Senator Blanchard nor Senator Caffery has done so. Louisiana can and will only be thor oughly protected by the republican party which represents protection. The two southern senators thought otherwise They made a trade; they bartered away the certain prosperity of their state for a vague and and in definite nothingness. They have as the matter stands now, deliberately voted to rob every sugar planter in the state of Louisiana of exactly one half of the amount of protection which was given to them under the McKinley tariff. But cane sugar is not the only sugar, and on the broad lines of national progress- and prosperity something further must be said regarding protec tion to the American sugar producing industry. Those gentlemen of Louis iana, who have their every interest invested, in the sugar business, if not content with the action of Senator Blanchard and of Senator Caffery, should by this-time have decided, that the voice of the Louisiana sugar planter be heard in plain and. vigor ous terms. If the Louisiana sugar in dustry must be subject to democratic barter,, let it not be disposed of at half prica Democratic 8vmpathj for- Labor. / s Basalt*. off Protection , . any great American inventors htfve earned world-wide fames Fitch and* Fulton for steamboats, Whitney for the aottcm gin, Evans for milling machinery, Whittemore and Jemks. for looms, Hoe, Adams and Gordon foir printing- presses, Stuart for- sugar re fining, Baldwin and Winans. for loco motives, Pullman for sleeping cars,. Collins and Soot for ax making, Anes for-shovels, Wood wortn for woodi na ehinory, B’airbanks and Howe for scales, Howe and Crosby for fin mak ing, Knott and Mott for stoves, Terry, lyes and Jerome for docks Wood for plows, Lorillard for tobacco, making ^wards l°r leather making, Blanca wra for lathes for turning irregular form^ Snencer for geometrical lathes, McCormack and ICetchuoa for miners, idt, Spender. Sharp, Smith and \Ves wn^rfirewms, Phillips for matches, Hells for hats, Goodyear for india rubber, Ericsson for naval construc tion and hot air engines Howe, Wil son. Singe,-, Gibbs, Grover and Baker lor sewing machines, Morse for the telegraph. Tatham for lead pipe, Whipple for screws, Checkering and Steinway for pianos Burden for horse shoes ’kale for locks Uoebling for yure cables Corliss for steam engines Disston for saws Stephenson for horse ears and Gatling forquyiTfiring guns—Baltimore Journal cf (t0R5 merce, May 98, 1894. ora k-%. < Big Fees. ErsUne, the leader of the English be in hia time, andoneof the moat hrilliui lawyers Great Britain ever product never received a greater yearly ineom* than $60,000 and more than £5,000 a any one case. Sir James Scarlet, a wards Lord Abinger, a very anoceasigi lawyer, had an income certainly not to exceed Erskine's. The same is true of Garrows, another great English lawvw Ballantyne received from the British Government a very large fee for goiu» to Calmtta to try a murder case, but| large part of it was consumed in ej. peases. America takes the lead in big lawyer fees, and it is only a dozen years or ao that our lawyers have been ao lucky. Pinckney, Webster, Choate or any of onr great lawyers in times past nevet dreamed'of such extravagant bills. Th, first great fee ever known in this con» try was received by Clarkson N. Potts, in. the foreclosure of the Oanandiagu railroad, not many years ago. It u stated that he received $100,000 in that case. It is reported that Charles O’Coi i or received $75,000 in the Jumel will ease and$100,000 in the Parrish will cue, 1 —Troy Frets. A Snperb Display. Talk about energy! Has any om more than the woman who works the beefsteak pounder that wakes you up in the morning?—Atchison Globe. There are over 500,0)0 telephones in ser vice in the United States. In Hot Weather Something to needed to keep np the appetite, assist dfgestton and give good, healthful sleep. For these purposes Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is pecs JJood’ g Sarsa parilla Cures Harly adapted. As a blood purifier ft has no equal, and It Is chiefly by ^ _ Its power to make pure blood tli at it has won such famo as a cure fa; scrofula, salt rheum and other similar diseases. Hood’S- P LI is euro headache and Indigestion. W. L. Douclas $3 SHOE 13 THE BEST. KOSOUGAKIN& 45. CORDOVAN. rKtNLn&LNAMtuxU UALr. „ fine calf&kansarou 4 3.5PP0LICE.3 Soles. «#££%£** *2JU3 BUYSSCHOOlSHOEl -LADIES* kSEND FOR CATALOGUE W-L-DOUGLAS. BROCKTON, MASS. Ton cniL save money* ftywearlag the W. L. Doofflas 03.00 Shoe. Because, vre are the-largest manufacturers of this grad© of shoes la the world, and guarantee their value by stamping the name and price on tha bottom, which protect you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our- shoes equal custom work In style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no sub stitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, \ve can. COOK BOOK %FREE 1^ 320 P/UihS—ILLUSTRATED. One of the Largest and Best Cook Books publ ished. Mailed in exchsngs fbr 20 Large Lion heads ent from Lion GOffee wrappers* and a 2-cent Rtamp. Write for list of our other fine Pre mluni!A Woolson Spice Co. 450 Huron St Toledo. Ohio. [ELY’S CREAM BALM CURES MifcfffiS CATARRH IPBICE SO CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS Davis' Inter national Cream Separator,. Hand or Power. Every farmer that has cows should have one. It saves half the labor, make-3' one third more but- 4 ter. Separator A Butter; brings one-third; more Ei money.. Send MS for circulars. Ms Davis & Rankin Bldg. & mfg. Co. Agents Wanted. Chicago, 111. Patents. Trade-Marks. Examination and Advice an to Patentability of Invention. Send for “ luventors’Guide, or How to Get a l atent.” PaTKSS O’PAEBSLL, WASHINGTON, D. 5. CLAIMANTS WHO PiAlftinT UCJtD from thei r Attorneys If A Will I IIL fl H r ab a ^mm^sioner.wHl write to n A T H AN ^e/?8ion A Patent Att’y, wi4 F m., Washington, I>.C., they will receive a prompt reply. IF __ educational, ^Uf)DTUANn offldnl court OnUn I IlnllU repones at tlio Omaha College <1 Shorthand and Typewmilng. Omaha, Neb. Bend for caUalague, &01 Boyd *Tln*i ter. Ceiteare, 14th eesMon be gins Oct. 1. For Tata oiU9 tmod to W.O Bridges Sec/ UIIVERSITY OF VOTOE DAME. “ FITUKSDj»y 8EPT. 4! hV °PEH USIm*"?.!" ***** aclence, t»w. Civtl and Mechaakal Engineering Thorough Freparatory and Osamrrttl Courses. Bt. EdwanlM Bali for boys under LSI* unique In the completeness of its equipment. Catalogues sent free on application to. Mas. A>drkw lloBBtfan, C. 8. C., Notre Dame, lnpn®d. Mail your-raaor tegeth* IlHLUnO er*l hSOc thSrarflel<#Aco.. Cut'or* win aB.a ber 8uW'llea. Omiha end tin* win return it nohow ground and tigu-p Wi-vnated. U I VC ®«P“lr«d. Uron h tw a good n A I ^ hat aQd don,t * ■»n* w tarn* * ■■ri ■ kJ new one, send it to t e and bate it put la fl* si -class shape. We n anafac urj whole” **Y« r ta.l all kinds cf hats a, d eap8 n.p ^1 p.»siage and express must b * prepaid. MILLARD HOTEL hat HTOBFi Qmaha» for St EX and BOYS. If 7oa wish to save from 93 to HO.Ot) on _ . . a i nit write for oar now Fall Catalogue tor^alnlnt **®p!es of cloth. NEBRASKA CLOTHING C0.» Cue, i4t& and ii jugiiw git, OoaAt CLOTHING