The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 09, 1894, Image 7

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Dy peboltyd brook that purls atonr,
j Through leafy w od and vra*sy Rica.
[That join* the cascade'* merry son*,
Checrin r tee p in-iive so U of men,
I hear the voice of God.
[l3y sky-kissed stream whose ripples play
I With * olden balls from heaven at nijhCi
[And lightly skip with clou Is t»V day,
TUI these evanish from our sight,
I hear the voice of God
13y restless ccean vast and deep,
■ Whose watery hills bel h angry foam*'
-Vhich laps upon *he steep.
And cnliani ship on nearing homo
I hear the \oice of God
pv torrent swift which early creeps
|With rills along t ho infant shore,
> roaring citar *ct which leans
own. down upon it* lo -U-laid floor,
I hear the voice of God.
^ontb the plint of star pierced bluo,
untesting mildly ni Ill's control,
c liglit of heaven letting through,
u;t!v. yet dearly. in my soul,
I hear the voice of God
—Winfield S. Davis
(•What!” exclaimed Paul Morton,
lo you think I will suffer myself to
• subjected to such a degrading
ipicion—a man of my position in
biety—what advantage could I pos
hly reap from my friend’s death?”
‘Ho was a rich man.” suggested
ies Cromwell, significantly.
'•That is true,” said the merchant,
th self-possession. “He was a
|h man. ”
‘And he may have loft his prop
|y to you.”
•You happen to be mistaken
|re. Ho had left his property to a
a boy of fourteen.”
[•Where is this son?” asked the
rk, a little taken aback by this
eovery, which was new to him.
•He is now in my house.”
“And suppose the boy dies?”
It was now Paul Morton's turn to
•That is not very probable,” he
Id. "He is a strong, vigorous boy.”
("Who is to be his guardian?”
•I am. ”
•Indeed! And if he dies there is
provision made as to the prop
It will go to me if ho dies before
aining his majority.”
The clerk coughed—a little sig
cant cough—which annoyed Mr.
nton not a little. It conveyed an
putation which be couldn’t resent,
ause it was indirect.
§“I hope you are satisfied,” he said
‘O,. certainly; that is, nearly so,”
lid James Cromwell; "but then it is
•t enough that I should be satisfied. ”
Why not?”
My employer may not be.”
•Does your employer know who
de the purchase?”
■No, I have not as yet communi
ted the name to him.”
Don’t tell him. It is none of his
sine ss.”
He will not agree with you there.”
'What matter if he does not?”
“You must remember that I am a
or clerk, dependent on my salary,
id that in my position, it is not
fe to risk offending my employer,
ppose 1 am discharged from my
sition, how am 1 to live?”
••Can you not procure another
“Not if he refuses his recom
jndation, which would probably be
e case. Besides, our business is
Dwded, and under the most favor
le circumstances I might be weeks,
d possibly months without em
Paul Morton leaned his head on
s hand, and considered what was
i be done with this difficult visitor.
was- evident that he expected to
e oought off, and that he must be.
"What wages do you get?” he
sked, looking up;
• Twenty dollars a week,” said
jromwell, promptly.
As the reader knows, this was just
louble what he did receive, and as
dr. Morton was not likely to inquire
>f his employer, he felt that the lie
ras a safe one, and likely to conduce
o his advantage.
“Twenty dollars a weejt! Very
veil, I will tell you what you must
to. In the first place, you must re
use to make your employer any com
nunications respecting this affair.”
“Very well, sir.”
“And if he discharges you I will
pay you twenty dollars a week until
you can get another situation. Per
haps I may find you some other em
ployment, unless you prefer your
present business.”
■■No, sir, I don't like it.’’.
“Do, then, as 1 .teli you, and I will
see that you suffer no loss.”
••Thank you, sir,” said James
Cromwell rising, “I will follow your
directions, and let you know the re
sult to-morrow evening.”
The clerk left the house in a very
contented frame of mind. He de
termined to resign his situation the
next morning, an 1 claim the stipu
lated weekly allowance.
How Matters Were Arranged.
After the clerk had left him, Taul
Mor.lon /began to consider what was
best to be done. He had at first
been inclined to despise this man as
insignificant and incapable of mis
chief, bint the interview which he
had just had convinced him that on
Ihis point ho was mistaken. It was
evident that lie was in the clerk’s
power. and jsst as evident that the
latter wanted to be bought off.
“Afte • all, it Is not so bad. ” he
eaid to himself, ‘die has his price;
the only question is, whether that
Price is an exorbitant one or not.
1 m ist make the best possible Unas
with him.”.
There was another question to be
decided, and that related to his
warj —» young Robert Jiaemond.
i-huuld he send him buck to school
<ir not ’ \Y hy should he not 1 ill two
birds with one stone, by p-p bis
* i .. ........ ... .. ,
ward in the charge of James Crom
well, with a liberal allowance, to be
deducted from his ward’s income for
his trouble? -Not that he considered
the clerk, of whom he knew noxt to
nothing, and that little not to his
oredit, a suitable person to have the
charge of a boy. But then, he was
not a conscientious guardian, and
his only desire wus, so to arrange
matters as best to subserve his own
interests. Besides, there wore cer
tain plans and hopes which he cher
ished that could best be subserved
by a man not over scrupulous, and
he judged rightly that James Crom
well would become a pliant tool in
his hands if he were paid well
enough for it.
lie- was not surprised to receive
another visit from the clerk on the
evening succeeding the interview
which wus chronicled in the last
“wen, no sam, wnen tho latter
was ushered into his prosnnco, and
they wore loft alone, “what have
you to tell moP”
•‘I hare lost my situation,” said
Cromwell, briefly.
••Then your employer was offended
at your silenceP”
“Yes; he said he must know who
bought the article.”
••And you refused to tell himP”
'■I did. Upon this he said that he
had no further occasion for my serv
ices, and that under the circum
stances he must refuse me a recom
mendation. So you see I have got
into serious trouble on account of
keeping your secret.”
Paul Morton winced at the last
two words, but he didn’t comment
on them.
"I must see what lean do for you,”
9aid Paul Morton, who was quite
prepared for the communication
which had been made him. “Last
evening 1 did not see any way clear,
but a plan has since then occurred
to me. Put it is necessary that I
shall first know a little more about
you. Have you ever been in the
“Yes, sir. I. was born in Indiana.”
“Then you have some acquaint
ance about there?”
“Yes sir,” said the clerk, wonder
ing what was coming.
“How would you like to buy out a
drug-shop in some prosperous West
ern town? As a proprietor the busi
ness might be more agreeable to you
than as a clerk.”
“Yes sir, it would,” said the clerk,
brightening up. The prospect of a
business oi his own struck him fa
“But I have no mqney,” he added.
“That matter could be arranged,”
said the merchant. “Of course 1
cannot pay except for services ren
dered, but I have a charge to intrust
you with.”
James Cromwell awaited with in
terest and curiosity what should be
said next.
Paul Morton continued:
“I have been thinking,” he said,
“that it will be better for my ward’s
health that he should reside in the
West. My opinion is that the rough
winds of the Atlantic coast may be
injurious for him, but I have been
puzzled to decide upon a competent
man to t&ke charge of him. I am
inclined to think that as you have
nothing to prevent your going out
West, and moreover, are acquainted
with the country, it will suit my
views to give you the general over
sight of Robert He can board at
the same place with you, and go to
school. ”
-What shall I receive for my ser
vices?’ asked James Cromwell, com
ing at once to that part of the busi
ness which was to him of the great
est importance.
“I have been thinking of that,”
said the merchant. --How much will
it cost to buy out a fair druggist’s
“It might b3 managed for $2,030
or $3,000. ”
“Two thousand dollars will be
quite enough, I am sure. Very well,
I am willing to buy you such a busi
ness. and allow you besides, $1,000 a
year for the chargo of the boy. Out
of this you will pay for his board
and clothes, and the balance you can
keep for your trouble.”
“There won’t be much left,”'
grumbled the clerk, though the offer
exceeded what he anticipated. Still
he wished to make the bast bargain
he could.
“Half of it will be left,” said the
merchant, “his board in a Western
town won’t cost more than $250 a
year, leaving the same sum for his
clothing and miscellaneous expenses.
That will consume only one half the
money, leaving you $533, besides
what you can make from your busi
! ness. ”
I "nuw houu Liu you wusn me to un
dertake the charge?”
••As soon as you can. Do you
i think of any town or village where
I you think it would suit you to settle
I down?"
j "Yes,” said Jame9 Cromwell, after
| a pause, “I think of one town where
j I heard that the druggist wished to
; seil out. ”
“What is the name of the town?”
“And where is it located?”
“In the south rn part of Indiana.”
"Yes, that will da”
There yras a pause at this point.
James Cromwell was waiting to learn
what farther communication the
merchant might have to make. The
latter hesitate 1 because be wished
to come to an understanding on a
ce tain point which it required some
delicacy to introduce.
“Then again,” said Paul Morton.
i trying to spea'; indifferently, -of
course tbero is the contingency of
' nis early death, which would cut off
i your income arising from tha allow
■ ance I make lor him.”
« “Yes,” said the clerk, “but if I
remember rightly,■ it would be a ben
efit to you. for you woum inherit the
property in his place.”
••Yes; that was the arrangement
his father made without my knowl
edge. Hut that has nothing to da
with you. I will tell you what I
have decided to do in the contin
geney which I have just named. If
the boy dies, you will bo an annual
loser; I will agree to give you out*
right such a sum as will produciv an
equal annual income, say ten thou*
sand dollars.”
••You will give ten thousand dol
lars if the boy dios?”
“Yes; should ho be removed by an
early death, though,of course, this is
not probable, I will make over to you
the sum I havo named. ”
••Ten thousand dollars?"
••Yes; ten thousand dollars, as a
testimonial of my appreciation of
your services in taking charge of
him. That cortainly is a liberal ar
••Yes;" said Jamos Cromwell, in a
low voioe, his face a little patorthan
its wont, for he knew as well as his
employer, that the sum mentioned
was indirectly olforod him as an in
ducement to make way with the boy.
He could not provo it, of course, but
it was oloar to his own mind, and
Paul Morton meant that it should be.
•■Come here to morrow,” he said,
rising as a signal of dismissal, "and
meanwhile I will prepare my ward
for the new plans which we have
been discussing."
• A Villainous Suggestion.
“Tell Robert Raymond that I wish
to spoak to him.” said Paul Morton,
to a servant who answered his bell.
“Yes,, sir.*”
In five minutes Robert entered his
presence. The boy was clad in a
suit of black, and his face was grave
and sad. The death of his father,
his only relation of whom he had any
knowledge, had weighed heavily upon
his feelings, and he moved about the
house in a listless way, with little
appetite or spirit.
"You sent for mo. sir?” ho said, in
terrogatively. as he entered.
“Yes. Robert, take a seat. I wish
to speak to you,” said his guardian.
The boy obeyed, and looked in
quiringly in the face of Paul Morton
to see what he had to communicate.
“It is desirable,” he said, “that
we should speak togother of your fu
ture arrangements. It is for that
purpose I have sent for you this
“I suppose I shall go back to the
school where my father placed me,”
said Robert.
“Ahem!” said his guardian, “that
we can settle presently. I have not
yet decided upon that point.”
“It is a very good school, sir. I
think it was my father's intention
.that I should remain there for at
least two years longer. ”
“He never spoke to me on tnat
subject. He thought it would be
safe to trust to my judgment in the
matter. ”
"Then I am not to go back?” said
Robert, in some disappointment.
“1 do not say that. I only say that
I have not yet decided upon that
point Even if you go back you need
not go at onco.”
“I shall fall behind my class,”
said Robert
"You are young yet and there is
no hurry. For the present I have
another plan in view for you.
“What is it, Mr. Morton?”
“Come here a minute. I want you
to look at some views I have here.”
In some surprise the boy came to
his side; for the remark seemed to
have no connection with the plan
his guardian haa referred to just
now. Mr. Morton drew from a
drawer in his desk a collection of
views of Niagara falls, and spread
them before his ward.
“Have you ever visited Niagara.
Robert?’’ he asked.
••No, sir. ”
“Here are soma views of the cata
ract It is a beautiful sight ”
“Oh, yes, sir,” said Robert “I
have heard a great deal of it, and I
have often thought I should like to
see it.”
Peter the t reat l'ulljd Teeth.
Teter the Great particularly de
! lighted in drawing teeth, and he
j strictly enjoined his servants to send
I for him when anything of that sort
| was to be done. One day his favorite
! valet de chambre seemed very melan
! choly; the czar asked him what was
| the matter ‘-Oh. your majosty,”
j said the man, “my wife is suffering
j the greatest agony from toothache.
! and she obstinately refuses to have
j the tooth taken out.” “If that is
I all,” said Peter, “we will soon cure
j it; take me to her at once.” When
I they arrived, the woman declared
i that she was not suffering at all;
| there was nothing the matter with
j her. “That is the way she talks,
! your ma'esty,” said the valet; .“she
j is suffering tortures.” “Hold her
i head and hands,” said the czar; “I
| will have it out in a moment.” And
j he instantly pulled out tho indicated
{ tooth with great dextority, amid
; profuse thanks from tho husband.
I What wa9 Peter’s indignation to dis
: cover a little later that his valet
j had used him as an executioner to
; punish his wife, who had never had
: an unsound tooth in her head.—At*
; gonaut
'i; on ml too Mucli.
! Pale with suppressed indignation
j Algernon MeStab uncrossed fails logs,
: rose stiffly, and turned up his coat
, collar.
; “Glycerine McCurdy.” ho howled,
j "you have . seen fit to sneer at me.
I You have .accused mo of having a
wheel in ray head. ‘ If 1 have, false
I beauty, it is at least a wheel that has
' run true to you!”
I “Ah. yes,” replied the young wo
man with a faraway look in her soul
ful eyes, "and yet I hardly want yon
1 for » hub, you know!”
i *
. V"; "a aa '''
1, ■ :• - •a,
' ' :■ : ' V ■ . a
■ " r;*i, ■ . Va l |; ‘f;
All other powders -1
are cheaper made 41
and inferior, and
leave either acid or
alkali in the food. '
■'V ■ -n
J. MW X U M1
How Myths Originate.
No doubt many legends of the
ancient world, though not really his
I tory, are myths which have arisen by
reasoning on actual events as definite
os that which, some four years ago, was
terrifying the peasant mind in North
Germany, and especially in Posen. The
report hod spread far and wide that all
Cutholio children with black hair and
blue eyes were to be sent out of the
country, some said to Russia, while
others declared it was the King of
Prussia who had been playing cards
with the Sultan of Turkey, and had
Btaked and lost 40,000 fair-haired, blue
eyed children; and there were Moors
traveling about in covered carts to
collect tnem; and the schoolmasters
were helping, for they were to have
95 for every child they handed over.
For a time the popular ex
citement was quite serious; the pa
rents kept, the ohildron away from
school and hid them, and when they
appeared in the street* of the market
town the little ones clung to them with
terrified looks. Dr. Bchwartze, the
well-known mythologist, took the
pain* to trace the rumor to its
source. One thing was quite plain,
that its prime cause was that grave
and learned body, the Anthropological
Society of Berlin, who, without a
thought of the commotion they were
stirring up, had, in order to class the
population as to race, induced the au
thorities to have a census made
throughout the local schools to ascer
tain the color of the children's skin,
hair and eyes. Had it been only the
boys, to the Government inspection of
whom for military conscription the
German peasants are only too well ac
customed, nothing would heve been
thought of it; but why should the offi
cials want to know about the little girls’
hair and eyes 1—Popular Science
nail's Catarrh Cora
Is a Constitutional cure. Price, 75.
A Child’s Rebuke.
In June last, at T., Pa., “Children's
Sunday ” was observed, at which time
several children were christened. Little
Johnny was rather pugnacious by tem
perament, but seemed deeply impressed
by the ceremony. At home, during the
previous week, all the feather-beds and
pillows had been renovated by a pere
grinating renovator, which process had
attracted much attention among the
children. On the afternoon after the.
christening Johnny was. quite angered
by one of his sisters. Immediately the
hand was raised, as of old, to strike; but
slowly it was lowered, and, with a seri
ous voice and a look worthy the rebuke
of an apostle, lie said: “On, sister, how
could you?—and you just renovated,
too! ”—Harper's Mai/a:inc.
Were Yon Ever South In Sommer?
It is no hotter in Tennessee, Alabama or
Georgia than here, and it is positively de
jightful on the Gulf Ccost of Mississippi
and West Florida. If you are looking for
a location in the south go down now and
see for yourself. The Louisville & Nash
ville railroad and connections will sell
tickets to all points south for trains of
Aug. 7 at one fare round trip. Ask your
ticket agent about it, and if he cannot sell
you excursion tickets write toC. P. Atmore,
general passenger agent, Louisville, Kr.
Experiments Tilth Opium Smoking.
One Herr Maclay, in the conrse of a
stay at. Hong Kong, made an experiment
upon his own body which would appear
to be pretty conclusive as to the effect of
opinm-smoking. After fasting eighteen
hours, he smoked twenty-seven pipes,
holding in all 107 grains of the opium
used by the Chinese. It is interesting
to know that after the third pipe lie
ceased to feel hungry, and the fifth pipe
left him unable to walk about comforta
bly; the seventh brought his pulse
down from eiglity-six to seventy; the
twelfth caused singing in the ears, and
the thirteenth a heavy fit of laughter.
Twenty-five pipes affected his hearing,
but, within an hour after the trial, which
had only lasted about 160 minutes, lie
was able to go home and go to bed,
where he slept so soundly as to wake up
fairly fresh and hungry the next morn
ing. During the whole experiment, he
had no dreams or hallucinations of any
sort whatever.
The Statue Wept.
Last winter at one of the little hill
side shrines near San Remo the Madon
na was observed to be weeping. This
was not seen by one, but by many, as
great crowds collected and watched the
slowly dripping tears. The people were
puzzled, bewildered, frightened. And
so they called together the wisest men
to find out the cause. After several
days of deliberation and examination,
they announced the cause of the Ma
donna’s tears. There was a hole in the
top of her head. The rain had entered
and filled the cavity, and in time
worked its way through the eyes, the
pupils of which presented the thinnest
portien of marble to work through.—
Rome Letter.
Utah informs forty-four state* that she
fa very glad to te a sister to them.
I • .in*'- ■ ■ f- .«•. '
Wild Animals In Africa.
Although the gradual spread of the
population toward the inferior of Africa
is driving the wild animals further and
further inland, and though they are
consequently difficult to reach in the
more inaccessible hanntH to which they
have retreated, yet the larger wild ani
mals have, with one or two exceptions,
scarcely suffered any diminution from
the advancing tide of civilization. Os
triches have suffered, perhaps, the most,
but only to exchange a wild for a do
mesticated state. Elephants are fre
quently seen within a short distance of
southern and southeastern coasts. Hip
popotami are abundant. Even the
larger beasts of prey are by no meanB
uncommon, and tiger i are especially
depredators. If the reports of diamond
diggers in the Northwest are to bo be
lieved, a new animal has lately mado its
appcaranco as a candidate for the honor
of being chased by an enterprising
sportsman. It is called by the trashmen,
or natives, the “ boar lion,” and ie de
scribed as being about the size of a
lion, but for stronger in make, and with
a tremendous head and neck. Its legs
are much shorter than a lion's, but much
stouter, and it is apparently for more
powerful. Its color is a dark yellow,,
with black spots. It runs or creeps
along the ground, but does not bound
like a lion. It has sometimes been seen
accompanied by a smaller one—probably
a cub—so that the race is apparently
not yet quite extinct, whatever the ani
mal may be.
Winter Rye, 80 Bushels Par Acre,
This yield seems enormous, bnt a Rood
number of farmers believe they can obtuin
It by sowing the uew monster rye. It’s
hnrdy, prolific, laughing at all kinds of
weather! It simply yields big crops every
year, regardless of storms, droughts, or the
like! The World's Fair winter wheat is
Just like it for yields! The John A. Salzor
Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., will send you
their catalogue and samples of above rye
and wheat upon receipt of .4 cents post
age. •_ w
Elephant Leather,
A new industry is being rapidly de
veloped in France, and if you mean to
be in the fashion you had better take
note of it at once. Some years ago it
was the gentle crocodile which mu se
lected as the fittest anitnal for provid
ing you with new purses, bags, ciga
rette cases, boots, shoes and all the rest
of leathery knickknacks. Now it is
the elephant that has to give his hide
for the same purpose.
At Paris even now you can buy a
card or cigar case of crocodile hide
which has been glorified by a six
months’ sojourn in a bath of oak bark
in the tanner's yard. The price of the
little toy is from lli to 20 guineas, and
if you are ambitious enough to wish to
purchase a small crocodile valise “and
no one there to hinder" you may do so
for the sum of from £15 to £100, The
tanned elephant skin is also reported
to make carpets of unrivaled strength
and "of a grand originality.”—Paris
11 Hannon's Magic turn Halve.**
Warranted to rum nr money refunded, Ask your
drugsl&t for it, l-rn-e 15 rent*.
Detroit Free Press: A lover's lies are
the easiest to forgive.
Justiee is blindfolded so she can’t see the
travesties on herself.
There are 57.000 women engaged in farm
ing in the United titates.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends’ to personal enjoyment wlien
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world’s best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Svrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative. ; effectually cleansing the system,
distilling colds, headaches and fevers
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it i3 perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all dru~
gists in 50c ana $1 bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syruj
Co. only, whose name is printed on ever;
package, also the name, Syrup of Figa
and wing well informed,"you will no
accept any anbetitute if offered.
The Climuplon Fish Story, i >/
An Eastern tou*i»t had been spinning
homo inoredilile Ash yarns, when one of
tlio party, turning to an old mountaineer,
said : \
“Bill, that gets away with fishing in .
this country, don’t itV’
" Wal, I don’t know ’bout that,”
11 Do you mean to say that you have
caught more and linger fish ?”
“ No; but I’vo caught some purty big
“ Como, now, tell ns the weight of the
largest trout yon ever caught.
“ Wal, 1 can’t exactly tell as to the
weight, but you folks can Agger on it.
Now, you know it is over 200 miles
around this yer lake. Put that down.
As I said before, I don’t know- the
weight of tlm biggest trout I over
yanked out, but I aid haul one upon
tlio beach, and after I landed him the
lake fell three feet, and you can see by
that water-mark over yonder it haanrt
riz since.”—Nevada Journal.
Karl’a CIot»p Hoot Tea,
The profit Diuorf purlflvriKivM rr<>bhnt*«Nan(lrt*arn«M
th«Com|>i«aiou utiJ curve ComitipaUou.
Hard on tho Doctor*.
The smallpox scare Is about over and
tho harvest for physicians, at 111 per
point, ubout ended for the year. If we {
had a law to compel physicians to vac
cinate all tho members of the families
in which they practice, free of charge,
the days of smallpox scares would be
forever ended.—Iowa State Register.
Coo’s Cough lialsam
U l It oldeat ami bent, H will brook up o Cold aulefc*
>r tboa oiiyuilns ulao. Ill* always rollablo. Try It,
Men's tears effect by their quality; wo
men's by their quantity.
Billiard Tablo, second-hand. For sale
cheap Apply to or address, H. C. Akix,
Ml S. 12th St., Omaha, Men.
The most agreeable of all oompan*
ions is a simple, frank man, without any
high pretensions to an oppressive great
ness; one who loves life, and under
stands the nse of it; obliging alike, at
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sometimes “dried
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that reaaon, Dr. <
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Pellets are sealed
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vials, just the sis*
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They’re the smaller, the pleasantest to
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Headache; obstruction of nose; discharges
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ears; offensive breath; smell and taste im
paired, and general debility—these are soma
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Catarrh Kernedy has cured thousands of
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..baa niuwaruis Auvenirtioiaina taouaif
JUouUut. Uua rayor.
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