CRANKS AT THE CAPITOL. ) Disturbances Occasionally Take 11>rr la tho Galleries of the Ilona*. The recent appearance of a dement ed negro in the gallery of the house of representatives recalled numeroas nlmilar occurrences to some of the older members. In the forty-llfth con gress, when the 4th' of March came upon Monday, a deadlock over an ap propriation bill led to a session which lasted until Sunday forenoon. While the house was thus in session, contin uing the legislative day of Saturday, an evangelist, who had been in tha habit of holding street meetings near the capitol, arose in the reserved gal lery and in a loud voice invoked the curse of the Almighty upon congress for desecrating Sunday by remaining in session. He was promptly hustled out, but in the midst of the excite ment a member arose and Baid: "Mr. Speaker, I agree with the man who has just been ejected from the gallery. I do not think we ought to be in session on the Lord's day. I move the house adjourn,” The motion immediately carried. Once, in the Forty-eighth congress, while Samuel J. Randall was speak ing, an Irishman in the gallory stood np and said: “Oh, Mr. Randall, what do you talk so much for? Why don’t you do something and stop talking?” This man was also promptly sent out of the building. Bat no one ever gave the capitol officials so much tronble as Dr. Mary Walker. She had an idea that she was entitled to the floor under a vote of thanks, and she would slip in among the members at every oppor tunity. Once, it is said, she took a seat in a chair by the speaker’s desk, and when tho ynvel fell at noon she refused to budge. The only way by which the doorkeeper could get rid of her was to carry her out, chair and all, and this was done with more speed than politeness. FANCIES OF INVALIDS. A' Oeutlemau Who Longed for a Dish of OrtUod Elephant’s Foot. About the manner of serving their food patients sometimes have curious fancies. In one case a woman per sistently refused to take her beef tea unless the bread which accompanied it was out in the shape of diamonds, while in another it was always nec essary to serve the food in a bine /- basin, for out of nothing else what soever would she take nourishment A boy who was attacked with soar let fever showed great disinclination to take food, but finally agreed to swallow what was necessary, pro : vided he was fed in the following way: The beef tea, or whatever was , to be given him, was put into a silver teapot The spout was plaoed in his mouth, and in this manner the food was poured down his throat An elderly gentleman who had passed much of his time hunting in Afrioa, on] being asked if (he fancied any particular dish, replied that he ■L; would like a bit of elephant's foot! ?. Under certain circumstances, we be - lieve this dish is a dainty and nourish ing one, but the price of elephant in this country being prohibitive, this " elderly nimrod was forced to content himself with a beefsteak instead. \ A clergyman with a broken leg had v a great longing to put on a pair of ft stilts, a pastime which he had never ' jet tried; while a man whose leg had been amputated, although admitting ■ the impracticability of the - elared that a passion for skating had ’ no seised upon him, since the loss of „ his limb, that he regretted being ' operated upon chiefly on that account. * IT WAS MATHEMATICAL. 'St Was aa Intellectual Sort of i That He Bad an Interest In. Said a well-known recounter of ■nake stories the other day by way Of a round up of several: “I can’t caH any more to mind Just ■t present. My wife knows a lot of anoke stories, but I forget’em. By the way, though. I’ve got a regular living curiosity down at my place. One day my eldest boy was sitting on a stool in the back yard doing his sums, and he couldn’t get 'em right He felt something against his face, and there was a lit tle snake curled up on his shoulder and ■' looking at the slate. In four minutes he had done all the sums. We’ve tamed him, so he keeps all our f. accounts, and he is the quickest head at figures you ever saw. He’ll run up a oolumn eight feet long in three seconds I wouldn’t take a prise cow for him.” “What kind of a snake is he?” in quired the listener curiously. “The neighbors call him an adder.” “Oh, yes, yes,” said the other a lit tle disconcerted. “I’ve heard of the - Ikt luk for a Mean Follow. In Geneva, Ala., close to the Florida line, Ed Cowart and Miss Lizzie Lun wood were to have wedded. All ar rangements were made, the preacher and the guests had arrived, the wed ding supper was spread, but the bridegroom was missing. A delega tion was sent after him, but he de clined to come, saying he had changed his mind. The assembled gentlemen provided -* themselves with masks, again, called upon the bridegroom, carried him into the woods, buckled him across a log, and lashed him un mercifully, the blood being made to flow from his back. NoHl BesUtlnic Temptation. “Ain’t that a fine horse Elder Keep along’s drivln’ to church?” exclaimed Sammy. “It 'd make a splendid match for our Pete. If you could trade the chestnut filly to the elder for that—” “Sammy,” said Deacon Ironside, looking resolutely the other way and heaving a deep sigh of mournful resignation, “This is Sun day!” 1..1 . b t -- _— —1 HORSES CRY OMT. When In l'ato ami They Gin Volro to Their Asyutsb. “On Oie wav tothe city I purchased a copy of n ma ;a*lite mi l rea l a very interesting article on the patient way in which animals bear pain without crying out,” said u trayeling man, lately. ••Xoona Statement in the ar ticle I tn!;e exception from personal experience, acquired during the war. The writer says that a horse will ea* dure pain in battle wltnont any out cry. -During the war I rode the same horse for nearly a year, lie was wonndrd two or three times slightly, and always gave vent to so pitiful a cry that I felt ns much sympathy for him as though ho had been a human comrade. One evening I was out with a foraging party in Virginia, when wa were shot upon from ambush by a small detachment of Confederates, My horse was struck and fell, and I escaped by riding double with one of the other boys. We obtained re-en forcoments and soon drove that gray coatod detachment out ear 1891 in the name of S. E. Smith and in the year 1893 in the name of Farmers Loan and Trust Co. Al«o the n«4 of the nw & of sec. 4, twp. 28. rng. 13, assessed in the year 1891 in the name of Munger and T, and in the year 1893 in the name of C. F. Munger. Also the eVi of the neM of sec. 5, twp. 28, rng. 13, assessed in the year 1891 in the name of Munger and T and in the year 1893 in the name of T. Munger.. Also the seU of the swJ4 and the swV4 of the se of sec. 21, and the c*4 of the nwJ4 of sec. 28. twp. 28. rng 13. assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of C. H. Toncray. Alan tlil> 1111' Li /it' »),n nnl.' .. .. rt . w .. * the nwh of sec, 3. twp. 27. rug. 10. assessed in the years 1801 and 1893 in the name of Danial O Donnell. Also the eyt of the ne’i and the e!4 of the S«L* of see. 19, two. 32, range IB, assessed in the year ls«] in the name of James A. c rrT*)-, a.ll? !n the year 1893 in the mime of \\ m. T. Griffith. Also the nw)4 of see. 5, twp. 27 rng 15 assessed in the years 1991 and 1893 In the mime ol C. A. Hotchkiss, Also the s’i of the ne’i and the s'i of the mv’i of sec'., twp. 2T, rug 10. assessed in the year 1891 in the name of W. M. Hu I hert and in theyear 1893 in the name of A. U . Traey Also the swH of the nw‘4 and tlie nwh of theswla of see. 14. and the n‘ J of tile se’i ol *££• J5’, VIP; V' rPK'13- a8si*se r ng. 10. assessed in the years 1991 and 1803 in the name ot J. ^ . Leonard. AlsoI the se’i of the sw‘4 and Ihe w’i of tin se’.i of section 3, twp. 31, rng. 10. assessed in tin; years 1801 and 1803 in the name ot Francis t. uraole. Also the nV£ of the ne’4 and the no’i of the n'v 2 of section 7, twp. 32, rng. to, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of Lewis Jemunirs. Also the ne*4 ol* sec. 22. twp. f/> rng 13 assessed in the years im and "]893 in the name of John est. Aiso the swl4 of section 27. twp. 31, rng 15 assessed in the years 1:01 and 1803 in the name of G. P. \\ eldman. Also the mv‘4 of see. 1. assessed in the years 1891 mime Ilenry I). Smith. Also the ne’4 of sec. 35 assessed iu the years 1891 name of Rockey & Vance. Also lot 5 or 0»o swU of the nc^ of sec. 2. and also lots 5, , assessed iu the year h?91 in the nume of Jntm s E. Khey and in the y^ar 1893 In the name of Swan Lake Improv Co, i Also lot 7 or the swf4 of the nwU oteec. 2, twp 2,», rng. 15, assessed in the year V*91 in **• ^orec. 29, twp. 31, rnr. 11, u.-sessed in the year 1ft.-1 In the name ol AV. H. £ul]Iran, and In the year 18151 In the name of James H, Harris. Also the nvr*4 of section 5, twp. SO. rng. 14 assessed in the years 1831 and 1833 in the name of Susan it. Unit, Also tht seli of sec, 31, twp. 30, rag. 14, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of William Dickerson. AUo the seJi of section *-’/», twp. 31, mg 14, assessed in the yeans 1801 and 1803 in tht name of Chas M Holies. Also the tvVt of the nw1* and the w!4 of the bw1* of section 7. two. 26. rng. 12, and the n1 j of the se!i and the sel4 of the se>4 of sec. 1 and the of the «eJ4 and the seh of tin so^4 of see. 11. and tho ne?4 of the ne$4 and the swJ4 of sec. 12, twp. *6, mg 13, assessed in the years IMd and 1893 In the name ol Cargll Graham Also the ©ej* of thene’i and the e‘i of the so*4 of sec. 12. and the ne'*i of the neU of sec, 13, twp. 26, rag. 13. assessed in the years 1891 and 181X1 in the name of It. H. Graham. Also the neHi of the nvv’i of sec. 13. twp. 26, rag. 13, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of James Graham. A Iso the nl» of the ue1* and tho nl/» of the n\v*4ofsec. 14. twp. 26. rng. 13 assessed in the years 1891 arid 1893in the name of Cargil Also the ney or sec. IS, two a>, rag. 9, assessed in the years 1891 mid 1893 In the name of .1. McCarthy jr. Also the get* of sec. 1, twp.' 28. rag. 9, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of T. A. llagadorn. Also the nl* of the nef i of sec. 7. and the nwy of the ntili of sec. 8, twp. 28. rag. 9, assessed in the years of 1891 anfi 1893 in the name of James Chaumun. Also tho ii1 i of the lie1* of sec. 13, twp. 28. rng. 9, asscfi'cd in the year 1891 in the name of C. E. Mills, and in the year 1893 in the name of A. 11. Donaldson. Also the ic 1 of the swy and the ny of the sey of section 21. twp. 28, rag 9 assessed in the year 1891 In the name of Allen Cannaday, and la the year 1893 In the name of G. , W. Hover, Also tho ney of sec. -SB, twp. 28, rng. 9, assessed in the year 1891 In the name of K. Smith, and In the year 1899 in the name of L. C. Hair. Also t iio wA of see. 23, twp. ::T. rng. 9. assessed in the year 1891 in the name of 8. D. 1’oor and In the year 1893 in tho name of A. C. Collcdce. Also tlm nwy of sec. 24, twp. 27, rng. 9, assessed in tho years 1891 and 1893 in the name of I. Herrick. Also tin' wy of tho sey of sec, 1, twp. 29, rng. 9. assessed in the year 1891 in the name of Ithoda Walker and in the year 1893 in the name of E. 8. Norton. i Also the swy of see. 10. twp. 29. rng. 9, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the I name of N. Bapple. Als ) the ey of the sell of sec. 24. twp. 29, rag. 9. n-sensed in the year* 1891 and 1893 jn the name of \V. 1>. Blakeway. “ Also the nwli of the swy of sec. 11. twp. 30. rng. 9. assessed in the year 1891 in tlie name or 8. A. Alderman, and In tho year 1893 it was not assessed. Also t ho nii of the se’i and the sey of the soy of sec. 19, twp. 30. rng. 9, assessed in the year 1891 in the name of C. 11. Toncray and in the year 1893 in the name of H. Russell. Also the nwy of see. If, twp. 31. rng. 9, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 In the name (d' A. W. Baldwin. Also the1 BlJ of the nwy of sec. 17, twp. 32, rng. 9, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 In the name of John Davidson. Also the e!4 of the ney of see. IS, twp. 32, rng. 9, assessed in the year 1891 in the name of J. Davidson and in the year 1883 In tne name of German Sav. Bank. Also thoey of the seli of section 22. twp. 32, rug. 9, assessed in the year 1891 in the name of Jas. Davidson and in the year t893 in the name of Jas. Davidson. Also the sy ot see. 23, twp. 32, rng. 9, assessed in the year 1891 in the name of Win. Davidson and In the year 1893 In the name of German Savings Hank. Aiso the ney of the neU of section 27, twp. 32, rng. 9, assessed In the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of J Dnvidson. Alsu the nwy of t he noli of sec. 34. twp. '32, rng. 9. assessed in t he year 1891 In ;tho name of I.illlo K. Ueemer and in tho year 1893 In the name of Lillie It. Bouner, Also the nwy of section 26, twp. 29, rng. 19, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 lit tho name of W. G. Dutfy. Also thfi swy of sec. 11, twp. 27. "rng. 10, assessed in the years 1891 und 1893 In the na me pf D. O’Donnell. Also the ney of see. 1, twp. 28, rng. 10, u>—ssed In the year 1891. In tho name of E, N. Dorsey, and In tho year 1193 in the name nf E. 11. Dorsey. Also the sey of sec. 15, twp.' 28, rng. 10, assessed in the years 1891 and ' 1893 in llio name of K. J. Bryan. Also the ny df the neli and the ny of the nw’i of sec. 26. twp. 28. rug.lO, assessed In i he years 1891 and 1893 iu the name of M. J. chapman. Also the swy of sec. 1. twp. 39, rng. 10. and the ny of the ney o'sec. 11, twp. 30, rng. 10. assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in tho name of Thus. Kilpatrick. Also the liey of see. 32. twp. 30. rng. 10. assessed in tho years 1891 and 1893 in tho name of H. II. Bowerman. Also the neU of see. 10. twp. 31, rng. 10, assessed in the year 1891 in the name of Jos. Shaw and in the year 1893 in the name of J. L. Moore. Also the sw'i of see. SO, twp 31. rng 10, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893, in tho name of O. M. l’ackard. Also the east half of the ney of sec. 8. and tho sy of the nwy of see. 9, tw. 28. rng. M, assessed in the year 1891 in the name of J. V. McDowell and in the year 1893 iu the name II. W. Hart. Also the wy of the nwy of sec. 3, and the ey of the ney of sec. 4. twp, 27. rng. 11 assessed in the years 1691 and 1893 in tho name of W. N. Elclielberger. Also the swy of sec. 13. twp. 27, rn" 11 assessed in the year 1891 in the name <>f J. W. Smith and in the year 1893 in the uaino of A. C. Colledgo. Also the swy of see. 12. twp. 28. rng. 11, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 iu tbo name of A. Bradfield. Also the wy ol’the nwy of soo. 2, and the sy of the ney of sec. 8. twp. 29, rng II assessed In the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of John Murphy. Also tho liwy of sec, 32. twp. 32, rng. 11 assessed In the year 1891 in the name of Jos. II. White ct, id. and In the year 1893 in the name of J. H. White. Also the swy of sec. 1. twp. 25. rn"’ assessed In the veur 1891 in the name 8rank I. Smith and In the year 1893 In 1 name of E. W. Wilson. Also the sy of the nwy of see. 26. and 1 sy of the liey ot' sec. 21, twp. 25. rng assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in t name ol 1 liomas Knoll, Also the swy of sec. 39. twp. 26, rng assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 In 1 name of John ilourv. Also tho nwy of sec. 4, twp. 28, rng assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in t name ot G. W. E. Dorsey. Also the ney of sec. '14, twp. 28, rng. assessed in the year 1891 in the name <7f M. bullivan and In the year 1893 in the nai of Mary J. Dwyer. Also the swy of sec. 15. twp. 28. rng ™Sw i1 J nm“ie. y,‘“7lrs 1891 »0 1893 In t name of M, Trowbridge, Also the se1^ of sec. 32, twp. 28, rnsr assessed m the year 1*91 in the name of O. Toncray and in the year In03 in i n«.m« u. >y . a ui it*ys. Also the nou of see. 24, twp. 30. ms. 12 assessed in the years 1801 au5 1810 In the name of Thomas Douohoe. Also the scof the nei* and the ne'.i of the se.4 and the s*2 of tiie sev4 of see. 8. tivn. 31 rng. It assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of U. W. E. Dorsey. Also the Siy'.i Of the nw}j and the w\i of thi swH and the se'y of the swM of sec. *23, Si'“;i,0n?' assessed in the years 1891 and 1 a i n * ie 1,ame of lliotnas Grftnt. fthe nY* of !h? sw,» and the sw!i of the Sw-£ *!l,8ec» tho n*U of the so!* of sec. *'* *rn*ri! assessed in the years I8tli and 189J in the name ot Biclmrd O’Connor. ANo the se1* of sec. 10. twp. 20. ruir. 14. assessed in the year 1S01 in the name of H. 3no Fa"roS?ld. yearlSW,,n the name oC Also the n'/s of the net* and the swk of ihe ne * and the nw1.* of the se?4 of eec. 25, twn. «>. rng. io. assessed in the year 1891 in the of, Harry J. Whitesell and in the year lfcO-i in the name of G. W. Traver. * Also tlie sw!* of see. 10, twp. 20. rna* 15 assessed in the year 1891 in the name of K. 1L assessed!"^ “ tl10 Jear 1S!,:! U ““ not Also the nw*4 of see. 5. twn, 30. rn" r. assessed In the years 1891 and 1S9.I in the name ol .T. \ . McDowell. Also the m1, of sec. 28, two. 30. rntr 11 assessed in the years 1TO1 and lWBlu'the mime ol Leopold L lrlch. Also the mv'i of see. 9, twp. 31. rn - n assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of Win. L. Marsh. tl,L Also the e!; of the swhl and the s>2 of the seU of sec. 3. twp. 28, rng. PI. assessed In the years 1891 and 18u3 in the name of Edward Lewis. * Also the se’4 of sec. 19. twp. 30 me IB assessed In tho year lsfll in the name ol Josiah w. Flke and in the year 1W3 in the name of Peter Hartwig. The time of redemption from each of the said tax sales will ex pirn on the 8th day of November, 1894. James F.Tov. By II. W. DeLund, Agent. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF Wh In the county court of Holtcoumv The state of Nebraska■ 5( *>'»'« of Nebraska, { McKlhaney, Mary Anderson,C S W„„ Haule_ Anderson^^Mtnnte Phillips and Peter PhllUpe and t!! ,, Interested In said matter/ ’ r You are hereby notified that an i„ Parting to be the last will and 1 off, • v* MoKlhan’oy deceased, i' said court, and also a petition m the probate of said instrument i„‘ appointment of Jennie MoKIhanev •' McEiimney as administrators tI;' 14th day of August, ISM, at a o',-i" said petition and the proot of the n of said instrument will be heard -,,, yon do not then appear and <■/, court m;,y probate and record the / grant administration of the estate'.', McKlhaney andC. 8. McElhancy ' This notice shall be publish,,I . weeks successively In the O’Neill 'i prior to said hearing. Witness hit hand and official sp n , day of July, 1«*4. 0. A. McCtli’i lie [sesj,] 2-3 Couni y ORDER FOR PUBLICATION or x State of Nebraska. Holt county, Petition having been filed inth, court of .said county, for the apnoint, administrator of tbe estate of r' Planck late of Holt county. \, deceased; it is hereby ordered hy, eourt that Saturday the 25th dav ot 18W, at the hour of 10 o’clock appointed for hearing of said pen. that notice of this older be pul/ three weeks in The Frontier wc-ki! paper published In said countv general circulation. Witness my hand and seal of officen day of July, 18M. [skal] G. a. McCltcri ' ' .County,! NOTICE. To John G. Little non-resident dele-. You are hereby notified that cm th, of July. 1804, Hattie E. Little, plmm in the office of the clerk of the distri., of Holt county. Nebraska, her petiti ! veiifled the object and prayer of win, secure complete divorce from you the care and custody of the none Leroy J. Little on the grounds of p. properly support and care for ti, 9:33 j Freight east, • . 10:43 j QOINQ WEST. Freight west, - 1:43 t Passenger west, - - 5:151 Freight, .... 6:44 r The Elkliorn Line Is now running lii'1'" Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and 1' wood, jree to holders of flrstoilass train tation, Fer any Information call on W- J. DOBBS, A< O’NEILL, NEB. i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, aiu*aa 1 ent business conducted for moderate FecsJ |Our Office is Opposite U. 3. patent 0?fJ , and we can secure patent in less time tliau > remote from Washmgtort. | Send model, drawing or photo., with decora ition. We advise, if patentable or not, * charge. Our fee not due till patent is f ecur** ! A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents. ,cost of same in the U. S. and foreign county sent free. Address, :C.A.SNOW&Cq On. Patent Office, Washington, d. cj