’L OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATS. nor...Lorenzo Crounae Mirttit Governor...T.J.MiiJprs ;ary of State...... J. C. A|len Treasurer.S'tIBa,r,t1?? joy General.George H. Hast Inga Auditor..Eugene Moore r.ands and BuIlings..Qecfrg'; Humphrey ’ ublio Instruction.A. K. Goudy iEGEMTS STATE UNIVERSITY, i. II. Gere, Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham. L; .1 M. Hiatt, Alma; E. 1*. Bolu s, fc J. T. Mallaiou, Kearney; M. J. Hull, CONGRESSIONAL. ors—Chas. F. Mnnderson, of Omaha; Mien, of Madison. .. . . „ joasss-srasaBha, JUDICIARY. .. Samuel Maxwoll 1 ' ‘'.Judge Post and T. L.Norval tEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. r .M. P. Kinkaid, of O’Neill .J. J. King of O'Neill .... A. L. Bartow of Cliadron _A. L. Warrick, of O'Neill LAND OFFICES. O’NEILL. .W. D. Mathews. ........ ...A. L. Towle. .C. W. Koblnson .W. B. Lambert COUNTY. .Coo McCutclioon the District Court.Johu Bkirving ...0. M. Colllus ■er .'......I. P. Mullen .Sam Howard ....Hill Bethea .Mike McCarthy ’.Cbas Hamilton ' . .CbasO’Nolli Schools...W. K. Jackson lt.Mrs. W.li. Jackson .Dr. Trueblood .*.M. F. Norton iy'... . II. E. Murphy SUPER VISORS. .....Frank Moore .Wilson Brodlo .Willie Calkins i-s..G eorge Ec kley .Fred Schindler .I. S. Dennis " * . W. B. liaigb ...d. g. uoii ...8. Gilllson ■ **.;. .. .U. B. Kelly ...K. J. Hajes illey.....It. Slay maker .E. M. Waring ..8. L. Conner _. .lohn Hodge '.;...,....J. H. Wilson .John Murphy k.George Kennedy tvlew .... ................. .John Alts alls.James Gregg reek.F. W. Phillips .Peter Kelly Jreek . .. . . .. . . . . . ......... John Crawford t .L. A. Jlllison ..u.o. vvine Inn .T. E. Doolittle u J. B. Donolioe rris .G. H. Phelps ..J. E. White rdale.D. Trullinger 011 7'OF VNEILL. ■ervisor, John Murphy; Justices, E. H. ■lot and B. Welton; Constables, John Sn and Perkins Brooks. | COUNCILMEN—FIRST WARD. |rtwo years.—Ben DeYarman. For one ~>avia Stannard. SECOND WARD, two years—Fred Gatz. For one year— *;en. THIRD WARD. o years—J. 0 Smoot. For one year— agers. m CITY OFFICERS, or, R. R. Dickson; Clerk, N. Martin; Brer, David Adams; City Engineer, Iliorrisky; Police Judge, N. Martin; of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, Benedict; Weighmaster, Joe Miller. OR AT TAN TOWNSHIP. irvisor, John Winn; Trearurer. John *; Clerk, D. II. Cronin; Assessor, Mose >eli; Justices, M. Castello and Chas. toll; Justices, Perkins Brooks and Will ;ie; lioad overseer dist. 2tf, Allen Brown o. 4, John Enright. Wilts' RELIEF COMNISSION. ilar meeting first Monday In Febru each year, and at suoh other times as led neoessary. liobt. Gallagher, Pago, inn; Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary; Clark Atkinson. ‘ATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHUKCH. rvlces every Sabbath at 10:30 o'clock. Kov. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school Lately following services. THODIST CHURCH. Sunday services—Preaching 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 Class No. 1 0:30 A. m. Class No. 2 (Ep League) 6:30 p. M. Class No. 3 (Chlld 3:30 p. M. Mind-week services—General r meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. All will ude welcome, especially strangers. E. E. HOSMAN, Pastor. A. K. POST, NO. 86. The Gen. John O’Neill Post, No. 06, Department of Ne tu G. A. K„ will meet the first and third rday evening of oaoh month in Masonic I'Nelll 8. J. Smiih, Com. KHORN VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. Meets every Wednesday evening In Fellows’ hall. Visiting brothers cordially cd to attend. Davidson, N. G. 0. L. Bright, Sec. UtFIELD CHAPTER, R. A. M leets on first and third Thursday of each th in Masonic hall. _ J. Dobrs Sec. J. C. Harnish, H, P OPP.—HELMET LODGE. IT. A Convention every Monday at 8 o clock p. Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethern lally invited. _ _ E. M. Gradt, C. C. E. Evans, K. of R. and S. NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 30. I. O. O. F. meets every second and fourth ays of each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall. Scribe. H. M. Uttley. >EN LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH, meets every 1st and 3d ay of each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall. Lizzie Smith, N. G. pdie Hershiser. Secretary. ARF1ELD LODGE, NO.B5.F.& A.M. Regular communications Thursday nights ir before the full of the moon. . T. Evans, Sec. A. L. Towle, W. M. 1. VAiUl II X • X V. /».» Meets on the ttrst and third Tuesday in i month in the Masonic hall. . PruNDEp, V. C. A. H. Oohbett, clerk. O, XJ. W. NO. 153. Meets second ■ and fourth Tudsday of each month in Masonic lia.ll. 0. McUuKh, Kec. G. W. Meals, M. A, POSTOFFICE DIRCETORY Arrival ofMails F. K. k M. V. B. B.—FROM THE EAST, ry day, Sunday Included at.6:15 pm FROM THE WEST. ry day, Sunday included at.9:45 a m PACIFIC SHORT LINE, senser—leaves 9:35 a.m. Arrives 11:45 p.m. ight—leaves 8:30 p.m. Arrives 4:50p. m. ly except Sunday. O'NEILL AND CHELSEA. iartsMonday, Wed. and Friday at7:00am Ives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at. .1:110pm O’NEILL AND PADDOCK. 'arts Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00 am ives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at..4:30 p in O'NEILL AND NIOBRARA. iarts Monday. Wed. and Fri. at_7:00 a m Ives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at...4:00 p m O’NEILL AND CCMM1N8VILLE. rives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at.. .11:30 p m iarts Mon., Wed. and Friday at.1:00 pm I Awarded Highest Honors atWorld Fa r MOST PERFECT MADE. x pure Crepe Crc am of Tartar Powder. I re* rom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS TH3 STANDARD. —Mrs. Primrn (putting Willio to bed) But you have forgotten to say, “Give us our daily bread.” Willie—Yes. mamma; but 1 don't want to eat while I'm sleepin. My boy was taken with a disease resembling bloody flux. The first thing I thought of was Chamberlain’s Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two doses of it settled (he matter and cured him sound and well. I heartily recom mend this remedy to all persons suffer ing from a likn complaint. I will awns er any ihquiries regarding it when stamp is inclosed. I refer to any county offi cial as to my reliability Win. Roach, J. P., Primroy, Campbell Co.. Tenn. For sale by P. C. Corrigan Druggist. —When a mans wife comes in and sees him, razor in hand, and his face ail lath er rnd asks him, “Are you shaving?'' it’s a provoking thing in him to awuser, “No, I’m blacking the stove.” “I know an old soldier who had chronic diarrhoea of long standing to have been permanently cured by taking Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy," says Edward Shumpik, a prominent druggist of Minneapolis, Minn. “I have sold the remedy iu this city for over seven years and consider it superior to any other medicine on the market for bowel complaints.” 25 and 50 cent bottles of this remedy for sale by P. C. Corrigan Druggist. Mother (entering parlor suddenly as the lovers turn up the light)—Ethel, you were silting entirely too close to Mr. Getthere when I entered. Ethel— Mother, you know well enough how afraid I am In the dark! Kenneth Bazemore had the good fort une to receive a small bottle of Chamber lain's Colie, Cholera- and Diarrhoea Remedy when three members of his family were sick with dysentery. This one bottle cured them all and he had some left which he gave to Geo. W. Baker, a prominent merchant of the place, LewiBton, N. C., and it cured him of the same complaint. When troubled with dysentery, diarrhoea, colie or cholera morbus, give this remedy a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result. The praise that naturally follows its introduction and use has made it very popular. 25- and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan Drug gist Hood’s Pills . do not weaken, but aid digestion and tone tbe stomach. Four Big Successes. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King’s New Discovery, for Consumption Coughs and Colds, each bottle guaran teed. Electric Bitters, the great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Bnck len’s Arnica Salve the best in the world, and Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just what is claimed them and tbe dealer whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold at P. C. Corrigan’s Drug Store. —“It you have any last wish,” said the clergyman to the convicted man in the electric chair, “tell me and I will try and carry it out.”' “Yes,” replied the poor wretch. “I want to learn to play the piano ” A Million Freinds. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less (ban one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption Coughs, and Colds.—If yotl have never used Ibis Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it lias wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do ell that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at P. C. Corrigan’s Drugstore. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00. Bncklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and pos itive'y cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded Price 25c. per box. For sale by P. C. Cor rigan. '*_ 28-28 —Miss Sbarpe—Are you going to tl e beach Ibis summer, Mr. (jJiulesieigb? Mr. Dudesleigh—I—aw haven’t yet made up my m ii 3 17u .,S^MI'Wkkklv Journal 18 tlie greatest paper in the west, published Tuesday and Friday, giving two complete papers each week, with markets and telegraphic news of the world. Send us your orders at once. , The Frontier, O’Neill. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . «■ LUMBER, COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL ! The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. Yardi-i {ST 0.0. SNYDER & GO. 1 THE COLUMBIAN HOTEL Has recently been remodeled and every room furnished with a new suit of furniture, making it one of the most complete and capable hotels in the northwest. A good sample room in con nection. First door west of Neil Brennan’s hardware store. M ANHOOD RESTORED! SSESftfflfKK suaranUieil to cure si I nervous diseases, sued as Weak Memor j, Loss ofBralo Power, Ileadache. Wakefulness. Lost Manhood, Nightly Kuilstloos, Nervous ness, all drains unit lessor power In Generative Organs of either r-“ br overex ertlon, youthful errors, excessive use of tobacco, opium oretlm ulants, which load to InHrinliy, Consumption or Insanity. Can be carried In ■ vest pocket. *1 per box, e lor *5, by mall prepaid, with a SS order we Iklvsaw rltten Kuarautce to cure or refuaa the utoaey. Sold by all LKHm*. iSU xriLti ISLMU. In plum wrapper. Address K EUV£ SEED CJO.;M^nb?T«mnV7^”£r For sale In O’Neill, Neb., by MOKUIS 3c CO., Druggists. O'CONNOR & GALLAGHER IN Of all kiads. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fail to call on us. P. !). A J. F. MULLEN, PBOpaiKTORa or m RED - FRONT GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. E&fat ot MoCufferto'a. O'NEILL, MSB.