The Frontier. ruBUsnxo |txby Thursday jiy THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KINO A CRONIN. Editors. ' STATE CONVENTIONS. Ropubltoau MtRto convention, Omaha, Aug Democratic free silver convention, Omaha, June SI. Independent state convention, Ornnd Itlaud, August 13. ' Prohibition state convention, Lincoln, July a. _ _ REPUBLICAN ^CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The republican electors of the Sixth con gressional district of the state of Nebraska are hereby requested to send delegates from the soveral oountles comprising said district to meet In oonvoutlon In the city of llroken Bow, Thursday, August 2, A. I)., IMU, at ?:'in P. M., tor tlie purpose of placing lu nomin ation a candidate for mombor of congress, and for the transaction of such business ns may come before said convention., llKl'KKSKNTATIOR, .The soveral oountles In said d Is trio t are en titled to representation as follows, being based upon (lie vote cast for lion, I. M. Ray mond for prosldeutlal-xsteotor In 1802, giving one delegate at large to oaoh county and one for each 100 votes and fraction thereof: ■mniiur. ........... .. u Blaine.... Boyd.1 Brown... K Box Butte...’.« Buffalo...... Olieyeune. Cherry..,... Cutter.. Pawet.10 Deuel. 4 Grant... I! Greeley.4 Garfield....a Holt.IS ■ toward. Keya Paha.. Keith. Kimball. Lincoln. I.nyan_... U>iip. MoPheri».ii.. Itock. Seottt Hlult. Sheridan... . Sherman. Sioux.. l'liomua. Valley. Wheeler... . 7 4 4 a n :i . a 2 s 4 H . 8 a 2 . 7 . 3 Total........1«0 It la recommended tbat no proxies bo ad mitted to the convention ana tbat the dole gates present be authorised to cast tho full vote of the delegation. W. W. Barret, M. A. Douohkktv, Secretary. Chairman. SENATORIAL CONVENTION. The republican eleotors of the Thirteenth senatorial district are requostod ’ to Bond delegates from their several counties to : meet In convention at O'Neill, Nob., on tho 1st day of September, IBM, at 3 r. M. for tho / purpose of placing In nomination a candidate . for senator from said district, und for the y transaction of such other business as may 5" come before the convention. The several counties are entitled to rep resentation as follows, being based upon the Vote cast for Benjamin Harrison for pres ident In 1N8: Boyd....81 Holt.11 Barfield.81 Wheeler.a It Is recommended that no proxies be ad t l mttted to the convention and that the absent • votes of a county be cast by the delegates present Clyde Kino, Seoretary. <•*-1 / The chances for Kinkald's nomination arc good. . Forest fires have been raging in the • pinerv regions of Wisconsin the past week and some localities have met with heavy losses. W Force rule will not work any place, much less in Holt county politics. When people do things because they have to . you never see any great amount of en thualaam._ __ The United States senator who hasn’t fhida a personal explanation charging ;thi newepapers with misrepresenting Mae, will soon be rare enough to make a drawing exhibit in a museum of freaks. Dispatches from various portions of ■ th# county Indicate that a furnace-like beat prevails throughout the central States and that on account of the ex osslve hot winds which have swept over tho plains between tho Missouri river pad the Hooky mountains there will be a scarcity of crops in tbat Section. §§§£?&" * — --MM «. It becomes the pleasant duty of The Fbomtier to support for the office of bounty attorney this fall that genial gentleman and bright young attorney, J. L. Roll, of Ewing, who was nomin ated by the republican convention .last Saturday. As a gentleman Mr. Roll is alt that could be desired, and when Vleoted to the office of county attorney will give the people an administration that will not disgrace them. ) 'll the last congressional election the ooto in Utah was democratic 16,811; re publican 18,405 ana liberal 6,089. If tho democrats could do no better than thot in the year of the democratic tidal wave there la every reason to believe that the new state will go republican at Its first election, and that Its two sen ators, with others to be elected in other states, will restore the control of the senate to the republicans in tbe fifty fourth congress. The people of the en > tire country will see to it next Novem ber that the control of the house shall alto be restored, to the republicans, the presidency coming two years later. - * -- »V Wl ate no particular reason why the Jew ahould attempt to make it appear that this paper is unfriendly to Judge Ktnkaid. We have worked for his in terests day and night and whether or not we did him any good, we did our best, in which statement the judge’s enemies will bear us out. It is a fact , that we worked for the defeat of Doc Mathews when he (at no ones request) ran for delegate, and it is a further fact that we would and will work against a man who has used his party as Mathews has. Time has past when this paper will devote itself, body and soul, to a misrepresented principle, simply be cause it sails under the banner of re publicanism. We are republicans and we deem it our privilege to turn a cold shoulder on anybody or anything that seeks to warp the party to his or its selfish ends. WHERE ARE WE AT? • ____ 5i... The republican party ot Ilolt county is in a pretty pickle aotj there is no use of denying It. The divlsioninls who held a conven • . iiW' tion in Atkinson on the 17th of last month also held |t convention in O’Neill last Saturday and the schemes concocted at the former were religiously carried out by the latter, The first Atkinson scheme was to nominate Trommersahauser a ttheir in dependent convention .and then come to an alleged > republican convention and endorse him. When, the democrats meet they are expected to go through the same program with Toilt Doolittle. And gen tlemen ot the republican party of Holt county when they go to the polls next November these republican divlsionists are going to vote the slate. They are going to vote for Trommershaussur and Doolittle, while Mr. Griffith will he knifed to the death. This is the scheme and it stands out so plainly that a man, though blind, can see it. We are sorry for W. S. Griltlth. lie is an honorable mau, a loyal republican and he draws his inspiration from prin ciple. Uo is so honest in his politics and convictions that he imagines every one else to be the same, but we desire to warn him uow while the game is yet in its infancy, that he is being led to the slaughter. Atkinson and Ewing, irre spective of politics, have pledged them selves to support those men and they will do it, and shame on them, We do not believe the republicanism of Tub Fuontibu has ever been ques tioned in tbe past, and we defy anyone to challenge it at the present time. We are republican from A to izznrd and we ate sick. The last convention a was in many places nauseating, overwhelming, prostrating. Judge Kinkaid received the congressional delegation without a fight, and that was all right; John Skirv ing was made chairman of the state delegation, and that'was all right; D. C. Harrison was made chairman of the sen atorial delegation and that was a das tardly outrage and insult to every loyal, true-blue republican in the county, lie is a renegade from thcranks of the pop ulists, and this was the first time he had appeared in a republican convention for years. We say that it was an outrage and insult to place him over men who have stood up to the rack through drouth and famine, and chewed hay when there was a scarcity of grain. And this is not all that, gives us a pain. In the Atkinson Graphic of June 38 we read an account of a meeting held there. It says: ■ J. A. Trommershausser, of Ewing, i stated the object of the meeting to be to make arrangements for calling a dele gate county convention to nominate candidates for the legislatue, irrespective of party affiliation', pledged to urge the repeal of the three-fifths law. Many earnest and Instructiye speeches were made on the subject which repre sented the determined purpose of our people to make the issue of “repeai." PARAMOUNT TO ALL OTHER IS SUES. Geo. McArthur, editor of the Graphic, was secretary of the meeting. He was also secretary of the republican conven tion last Saturday. We desire to call particular attention to our capitals in the last paragraph above. We read in the Graphic, date of July 19: L. 0. Chapman placed in nomination John A. Trommershauser, of Ewing, for. representative, which was unanimously confirmed by the convention. Be it remembered that L. C. Chapman placed John Trommershausser in nomin ation before the republican convention last Saturday. L. C. Chapman was chairman of the committee on resolutions. He was also chairman of the committee on resolu tions last Saturday. A large number of the delegates to the Atkinson convention were delegates to the republican covcntion. They had met in Atkinson in non-partisan convention and pledged themselves to support their nominees, one of.whom was a democrat, and now we would like for someone to tell us what right they had to appear in the convention Saturday and nominate republican candidates. We regret to say that the republican party of Holt county is in a pretty pickle. One thing there is. however, that should be remembered, and that is to place the blame where it properly belongs. Let it rest upon the republi cans who went into the non-partisan convention and then appeared here last Saturday add said they would have an endorsement or bust things to h—1. They have both. We do not say but that in our feeble, way we will support Trommershansser, but wo do say that neither he nor Griffith will be eluctcd. Atkinson and Ewing will cut Griffith for Doolittle, while 400 republicans will cut Trommer shuusser for poking his bill into that Atkinson convention. Mark this pre diction. There is but one salvation for our party in this county and that is for a few Moseses to come out of the bull rushes. We want new leaders. The old dictators have scuttled the ship. We want some young and pure blood and we want a membership based on principle and not one that is willing to make a local issue "paramount to all other is sues,” even the welfare of tho party. Gentlemen, so far as we are concerned, we have spoken. i IF. JT. JJaker North Pembroke, Mass. After the Grip Relief from Hood’s 8arsaparllla Wonderful and'Permanent. “C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: “ I had kidney trouble and severe pains In my back, which was brought about by a cold contracted while In camp at Llnntleld in 1862. I have been troubled more or less since that time and have been unable to do any heavy work, much less any lining, I received only temporary relief from medicines. Last spring 1 had an uttack ol the grip, which left me with A Bad Cough, Very Weak physically, In fact my system was completely run down. I tried a bottle of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and It made me feel so much better that I continued taking It, and have taken six bottles. It lias done wonders for mo. as I have not been so free from ipy old pains and troubles sluce the Hood’s8*;> Cures war. 1 consider Hood’s Sarsaparilla a God-sent blessing to the suffering.” William J. Bakeh, North Pembroke, Mass. Hood’s Pills cure Constipation by restor ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. O'Neill business pi rectory R. It. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIOAR8, ETO. J}R. J. 1*. GILL1GAN, MY9IOAN AND SURGEON. Day and night call3 promptly attended to. Oillce over Blglln's furniture store. O’NEILL, NEB. E. II. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB. w. It. BUTLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Agent for Union Trust Co’s land in Holt county. Will praetlco In all the Courts. Special at tontiou given to foreclosures and collections J^Ii. 1L T. TltUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases of she Eye and Ear and fitting Blasses a specialty. Office hours 8 to 12 a. m. and g to 5 p. ni, Office first door west of Ileinerikson's ^ BOYD, BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. GEORGE A. NIcCUTCHEON, PROPRIETOR OT | - CENTRAL- | Livery Barn O’NEILL. NEB. NEW BUGGIES JEJ CWnNEW TEAMS. saes* Everything Firpt-Clagg. j Barn Opposite Osuipbe l's Implement House Successors to R. R. DICKSON & CO Abstracters of Titles, Complete set of Abstrect Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a $10,000 bond as required uuder the law. Correspondence Soliced O’NEILL, nOLT COUNTY NEB. .■rZTS'X and. LASTING RESULTS. uoit injurious substance. T ASCGHSSE ZZTOSD. iuwt. -.tir.m.T:. .ni.ip'c, sm-c. iscsinst? Fits: S can stay . 1 a ‘ 'jr,E cr re;;ei year men!'*. !v-r'"-'i*!'., r ->!! ■!c far t:e. >r ;t c fart.e HOTEL ■ ■ ■■ . ‘ffi . -—'Evans Enlarged Refurnished ■ 4 Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. NEW YORK. . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honest Snort in America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED ST THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE' COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the hew ran nwsmni) ms, 3 PARK PLACE NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. lST DAT. 9t»DAY ~W*D\Y £7Tmf>AY ' WHAT PEFFER’S HERVSSOR RED. It acts powerfully nnd quickly. Cures when uli others fall. Yoons men resuln lost manhood: old men recover youthful vluur. Absolutely Hun eases, and all etferts of self abuse or excesses and indiscretion. Words off Insanity and consumption. Don tletdrofrclstslmposo a worthless substitute on you heenuse it yields ft tO-enter profit. Insist on hav en! PliPPRii’s KfKK VIGOR, or send fnr it. Can ho carried in vest pocket. Prepaid, plain wrap nor, »1 per hoy, or « for SSS, with A Positive Written nmimiitce to Cure orReflini! tlie JJoney. Pamphlet free, Sold bv druggists. Address PErjFEU MEUICAIs ASS'N, Chicago, III. Sold by P. C. Corrigan. FAT PEOPLE PARK OBESITY PILLS will reduce your I weight permanently from 12 to 15 pounds a 1 month. No starving; sickness or injury; no publicity. They build up the health and beautify the complexion leaving: no wrinkles or flabbiness. Stout abdomens and difficult breathing1 surely relieved. No experiment but a sclentiiic and positive relief.- adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price $2 per package or three packages for $5 by mail post paid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed) 2 cents. All eorresponcenee strictly confi dential PARK REMEDY GO,, Boston Mass. ITCHINS PILES SWAY ITS absolutely curbs. OINTMENT BTMPTOMH-MolRturc j Intense Itching «|4 •tiMfflne: most at worn by scratchf**. I? allowed to continue tumora form and protrudes which bleeding. (ibsorbn the tumors. Sold by druggist*or be muliui ;*U as. Prepared by Dk. Swayms A Soa.rfaHadeiphfo wed to continue tumora form and protrude, sdinn’. nbftorbathetamor*. Sold bv dm.-insts mk* Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN SloUX CiTY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'JVeill. Con'nects at Sioux City with all diverging linos, landing passengers In NEW ITNION PASSENGER STATION Home seek era will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OP AMERICA For rates, time tables, or other information call upon agents or address F.C. 11ILLS, ' W. B. McNlDEIt, _Keeelvcr. Gon'l Pass, Agent. Ian dollars PER MONTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capi tal, during your spare hours. Any man, woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand ily, without experience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without ex pense to yourself. We start you, furnish l everything needed to carry on the bus! ; ness successfully, and guarantee you ! against failure if you but follow our ' simple, plain instructions. Header, if you are in need of ready money, and w ant to know all about the best paying ■ business before the public, send us your | address, and we will mail you a docu meut giving you all the particulars. ' I TRUE & CO., Box 40$, > Augusta, Maine. 1 HOW TrfEY LIKE I* Read what some of those Who’ve received. The Hub's Head-To-Foot>Outf Think of their $5 bargains. ueceiveu me iirau-to-rooc outtlt all right, and am very much lihased with It. It was a lerteet fit even to the shoes. Mrs. L. M. Kkmi-tok, ( laramont.N. H. “Tile suits, Iiead-to-Koot hoy’s outfit, and man's business suit, were, reis'ived O. K — ot only received O. K., hut suitsO K, If bragging of the bargains 1 rue ived will get you more orders you are sure to get them. Mits. Mahokum Nkwbank, Barry. 111. "Most satisfactory. You will receive f, . irders from me from time to tlino. ,r »• W. Ticiik.noh. At’y., Tucson, Aratoi "Tlie boy’s clothes received all risrlit ileased with them. W. J. Ikwix __ Phllsbui'jj, j "Goods received and give good satisfy n every resueet. You may look f„rt , irders. ,f. M. Kiko, Lafayelte . suit »r all >\ ocl clothes, ages 5 to 15 years—a Stan ley cap to match the suit—and a pair of stout and shapely shoes—that’s the Hub’s Head-to-Foot-Outfit for $5. Sent on receipt of price, or C. O. D. with privilege of examination to anv ear the Lnited Statce if 81 deposit is sent with oriel1. If not satisfactory we aere, refund the purchase price. Samples of cloth free. In ordering include 6oc post. TUC UIID Clothiers, Hatters, Furn ISlLilUDf ishers and Shoers. CHICAGO, ILL. s,‘" Jacksot Fw Always Buy the Best. The • • • Bestis Cheapest The Finest and Largest stock of good in the Hardware and. .Implement Line in the Elkhorn Valley is found at • W\ _\\m Neil Brennan’s John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivators... Riding and walking cultivators, harrows, Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pre JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. 1( ; THE - STATE - BANK . OF O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collection! DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS EMIL SNIGGS, PRACTICAL HORSESHOEI And general blacksmithing carried on in connection. Ca riage work in either iron or wood executed in the most skillf style possible. First-class plow and machine work that c: be relied upon. No new experience used in any branch work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALSO DEALER IN FARM* INPLEMENTS^—— Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrows a cultivators of all descriptions. Everything guaranteed beat the best. o’neill, neh. I --TTTTTTTT » I II HUH I f 1TTTTTT-- | The> Inter Ocean The Weekly Inter Ocean t jt :S: Hiui two full page Illustrations Is alouo\vortli the Price of paper The Inter Ocean the con k Its '*» The Weekly Inter Ocean and The Frontier The Frontier One Year and the Inter Ocean 6 Months, $1.50. Now is the time to subscribe. Is the most popular Republican Newspaper of the west and has tin1* i lS5?.a^«cl.roUsUH2,,i Tefms by mail: Hafiy (without Sunday) W p» (w tb Sunday) $H per year; semi-weekly, $2 per year, . wt t k*iy, !?i per year. As a newspaper the Inter Ocean keeps abreast . or the tunes in all respects. It spares neither pains nor expense u» securing all the news and the best of current literature. Is edited especially for those who, on account of mail service «>r any other reason, do not take a daily paper. In its columns arc to oe round the week’s news ot' all the world condensed and the cream «f the literary features of the dally. As a family paper it excels all western journals. It consists of eight pages with a supplement, il lustrated. in colors, of eight; additional pages,making in all sixteen pages. This supplement, containing six puges of reading mat or I* Pu ln Chicago, the news and commercial center of all west .. » needs east. It is in a<‘ of the Allegheny mountains and is oetter adapted to the needs of '\Pe