The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 19, 1894, Image 8

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    An Imterestlog Letter.
Mr. Kill tor—The KlUliorn Irrigation
Company's ditch* U now a certainty.
The contractor! are at work in earnest
throwing dirt anti in a few weeks time,
nothing now unforeseen preventing,
water will bo running through It. While
too lata to do much good to crops this
season, it will be ready to furnish all
the water necessary for next season's
In order to hiake this ditch the benefit
to our town and county which is hoped
for, it will be necessary to settle up the
now vacant lands along it cnpablc of
bemg irrigated. At present scarce n
tenth of these lands are under cultiva
tion, though a finer body of land ennuot
be found anywhere. One difficulty we
hay# to meet is the fact thut these lauds
are mostly owned by non-residents,
many of whom will be slow to open
them up for cultivation or improvement.
It thus becomos necessary for our
, business men and citizens to assist the
ditch people in every way that they,
consistently can to call attention to
' these lands and endeavor to get settlers
upon them. Borne of these lands can
.now bo bought very cheap and on easy
v' terms with a email payment down. 1
j... believe it is safe to say that they will
double in value Inside of twelve months.
At least this has been the case In all
irrigated countries and why should ours
be an exception. Other* can be leased
at fair rentals. Nearly all of the non.
resident land owners are represented
locally by some one of our several real
estate agents and parties wanting lauds
under the ditch should negotiate with
It ii quite likely that much of the raw
land can he leased tho first* year for the
breaking, and large yellds of some crops
can be raised on the sod. Potatoes do
well on breaking as docs rye, alfalfa,
corn, beans, etc.
Under irrigation 40 to 50 acres makes
a large farm* where the land can all be
•watfred. I would not advise our farmers
to undertake to cultivate more than 80
aores at the outside. Forty acres prop
erly farmed is worth more than a half
section as it is usually farmed in this
country. Some irrigation companies
that own the lands under their ditch
refuse to sell over forty acres to any one
person. In China many irrigated farms
do not exceed one aero in extent and
furnish living for large families. I
would not advise any of our farmers to
undertake to emulate., the heathen
L'lhlnee in this and live oil the proceeds
a •single acre, but this fact illustrates
■ hat can be done with Irrigation on
l.iall tracts of land, and shows the
^mpracticabllty or Inadvisability of try
ing to farm too much.
In a few years, Mr. Editors, I confi
dently believe that the little section of
Qountry under this ditch will be a most
beautiful and productive spot and the
happy homes of some 300 families. A
nicer laying country or more fertile soil
is not to be found anywhere in the state,
and with plenty of water accessible
when needed no locality presents greater
agricultural possibilities or a finer field
tor the exercise of farm effort and art.
H To parties contemplating locating
along this the company will take pleas
ure in giving any information or assist
ance in its power concerning the lands,
manner of Irrigating, crops to raise, etc.
It is what we are here for and we hope
to establish’ profitable and friendly
relations with all parties interested,
f ourg truly, Clarence 8ri,au,
k v? "3 Secretary.
.r Woodman Bssolutions.
B WitERBAs: The inscrutable and wise
BPruvldence has decreed thq removal, by
Kdeath, of our friend and neighbor, John
PE. Planck, and ’
Whereas:.With submission and rev
erence we bow to the decree of the
Great Architect who "doelb all things
well" end of whom it haa'been said that
ndt even n sparrow falls without his
knowledge, and
Wbbbbas: Our community has lost
nn honorable end deserving citizen; his
family, a kind husband, indulgent father
and dutiful son; our camp, an industri
ous and charitable Woodman and
neighbor, therefore be it
Jtetohed, That Holt Camp, No. 1710
Modern Woodmen of America, express
to the family of our deceased neighbor
the earnest sympathy and condolence of
. Its entire membership, and
v : Jfesefcetf, That the charter of the camp
de draped in mourning for thirty days
as nn expression of our Borrow, and
Retohed, That a copy of these reso
lutions be recorded in the minutes of
the camp and a copy be furnished to each
of the local papers and to the Modern
Woodman for publication.
A. H. Coiuibtt,
' % ? . T. V. OOLllttN,
Neil Brennan,
•J *
“T:' A Omt Big Cut.
Owing to the hard times nearly every
commodity has been lessened in price.
The Nebraska State Journal, which has
forged to the -front as the best paper in
the state, realises that the public is en
titled to cheaper state papers, and there
fore reduces its price from #10 to $7.50
per year, including the Bnnday issue, or
*0 per year for six days in the week.
There will be no reduction in quality
but the Increased circulation, even at
the lower price, will permit of larger ex
penditures for telegraphic news, etc.
The Journal is for Nebraska first, last
and all the time, and every effort is put
forth to build up state interests. Pub
lished at the state capita) it is of par
ticular interest to Nebiaskans.
NHBS40U. Sms Journal,
7*-., - ■v **'■: - 7 -. - Lincoln, Neb.
• . *?*;• - * 1
Choice 80 Acres for Suit.
I hereby oiler for sulo Ilia Booth half
of the northwest quarter of Section !>,
in township 29. nortli "f rnngii II, west
of the <ith P. M., 4 mile« from O’Neill.
The above described farm is practi
cally all tillable and ft very desirable
eighty. It is admitted to he worth by
the best judges from $18 to $22 an acre,
and w.ns at one time sold for $2,500. The
undersigned hereby offera this property
for $850 and will take $500 cash and a
mortgage back on Die property at 0 per
cent, for live year*, Address,
52-4 John K. Huhto.n,
lOSMIlwaukoc HI., Milwaukee, VVis.
To John (1. Little non-resident defendant:
You arc hereby not Itled that on the 7th day
of July. Jsli4, lint tin K. Little, piulhlltT, fffc'd
In tbc’olttce of tiic clerk of the district conrt
of Holt county. Nebraska, tier petition duly
veilllcd Hie object and prayer of which la to
secure complete divorce from you and for
the care anil custody of the minor child
Loroy ,1. LIlMoon the grounds of failure to
properly support and euro for the plaintiff
and her mild anil on account of your liuvlug
been sentenced to and cnnllncd in the peni
tentiary for the period of two years. You
are required lo answer said petition on nr
before the ailth day of August, Isti4. or suhl
petition will he taken ns true and the prayer
thereof grunted,
Dated this Till day of July, isin.
1-4 Hattie K. Little.
lty H, M. lilt ley, Her Attorney.
Stiltn of Nebraska. Holt county, ns.
Petition having been filed In the county
court of said county, for the appointment of
administrator of the estate of John E.
Planck late of licit county, Nubruska,
deceased: It Is hereby ouoniiKn by the salu
court Unit Saturday the 25th day of August,.
1SH4, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., lie
appointed for bearing of said petition, ami
tlmt notice of this order be published for
three weeks la Tiie PaoNTiEit weekly news
paper published in said county, and of
general circulation.
Witness my hand and seal of office this Istli
day of July, IH04.
0. A. MeOliTiTiBON,
County Judge.
An ordinance known iih tlm annual appro
livlntton ordination and appropriating tlm
necessary funds to defray tlm ox ponses of tlm
city of O'Neill, Nebraska, for Urn fiscal ynar,
hcirlimtng •>» tlm tlrat Tuesday of May, Ihim,
and ending on thn flint Monday of May, lXU.i.
Ho It ordalund by thn mayor and city
i'ou ill'll of tlm i-lty of O’Nulll, Nebraska, that
there shall ho appropriated nut of tlm fund a
of aalil city of O'Neill, Nobraska. for tlm fob
lowlnif purpoaoa and In tbo following
For sBlrloa of officers and employes,...*1500 ou
Building and repairs. . m: I no
Debts.BIM an
Printing and Inoldentala. B io on
Extension of water mains. 11215 ttr»
Fuel and lighting. Has on
a-1 ———r
Attest: N.MAHTitJ.' it. it. Dickson,
Lrrai.1 City Clork. Mayor.
In the county oourtof Holt county, Nebraska
Tlm atato of Nebraska, to Jennie
McElhanoy, Mary Anderson,U. 8. McElhnimy,
Hattie Anderaon, Mlnnlo llaya, Frank
Phillips and Peter Phillips and to any others
Interested In'said matter.
You are hereby notified that an Instrument
purporting to he the last will and testament
of W. V. MoRlhanoy deceased, Is 011 file In
said court, ami also a petition praying for
the probate of said Instrument, and for the
appointment of Jennie McKllinuey and 0. 8.
MoKlhnnoy as administrators. That on Hie
14th day of August, 1SIH, at B o’clock 1*. M.,
said petition und the proot of the execution*
of said Instrument will lie heard, and that If
you do not then appear and contest, said
court may probate and record the same, am)
Brunt administration of the estate to Jennie
MoKlhuncy and!). B. MeElhaney.
This notice shall ho published for three
weeks successively In the O’Neill Frontier
prior to said hearing.
Witness my hand und official seal this 17th
day of July, 181M. O. A. McCIITCHKON,
[he Aid B-8 County Judge.
Wyman Patrldge & Compuuy, plalntltf.
W. P. O'Brien, MeOord, Brady Company, ,1.
Abies & Company, It. L. McDonald Dry
Ooods Company, Dempster Mill Manulaei
urlng Company. Albert Voorhels and
Lewis K. Miller, defendants.
The above named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the Bd day of
June, 1SP4, the above named plaintiffs tiled
their petition In the dlstiiet court of licit
ominty, Nebraska, against, the above named
defendants and each of them, tbo object and
prayer of said petition being to foreclose a
certain mortgago executed by the defendant
W. P. O'llrlen to the plulntitf. upon the fol
lowing described real estate situated in Holt
county. Nebraska1, to-wlt: The east half of
the northwest quarter and the west half of
the northeast quarter of section twenty-two
(SB), township twenty-five (B5), range fifteen
(15), west of the tlth F. M„ which mortgage
was given to scoure the payment of five
promissory notes; four for the sum of #BtXI
each and one for the sum of tlsti.BH, all pus(
due and payable; that there is now due upon
said notes and mortgage the sum of $ 1.51X1,
for which sum, with Interest from this date,
plamtilf pravs for a decree that the defend
ants bo required to nay the same or that said
iiremlses may ha sold to satisfy the Htnount
ound dun. Ana further, that the Interest
of all of said defendants ho decreed to he
subject, junior und inferior to the lien of
plaintiff's said mortgage.
You arc required to answer said petition
on or before the BTth day of August., 1SIM.
Dated at O’Neill, Nob., this Kith day of
July, 1804. H. R. DICKSON,
B-4 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Charles J. Asplund and Eliza Rogers, de
fendants. Take notice. J. L. Moore, trustee,
plaintiff has filed a petition In the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, against gald
defendants, the objeot and prayer of which
are to foreclose a mortgage dated May B2.
1HXS for (300 and Interest, on the east, half of
the southwest quarter and the xvest half of
the southeast quarter of section BD, range 10.
west of the 8th P. M., llolt county, Nebraska,
given by the defendant, Charles J. Asplund,
to tho Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation
and assigned to plaintiff, wlilcb mortgago
was recorded in hook at), nt page 42, or the
mortgage records of suld Holt county, and to
have the same to he decreed a first lien
and tho said land sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the STtb day of August, 18U4.
J. L. MOORE, Trustee, Pltf.
By S. D. Thornton, bis attorney. 2-4
To the present owners,occupants and per
son h In wiiose mimes the land hereinafter
described wan assessed for the year 1891, and
to whom it may cnnceru:
You and each ofyouare hereby notified that
ou the 7lh day of November, A, I>. 1892. T. A.
Thompson purchased at public tax sale from
the treasurer of Holt county, Nebraska, for
the deUoijtieni tales for the year ISM. the
real estate described below, situated in Holt
county, Nebraska, vi/.: The northeast quar
ter ot section ten. towuship 25, range 9, taxed
in name of Hans YUnmpr, and the east half
of Jthe southwest quarter and the north half
of the southeast quarter of auction 14, town
ship 2ft. range#. taxed In iv‘uie of AJex Mo
Carthy, and the sbuthwes,t quarter of tlie
northeast quarter and the sou Ui east.quarter
of the northwest quarter and the west half1
of the northwest quarter of section 31. town
ship 25, range 9, taxed in name01 Security j
Co., and the northeast quarter of section 32,
township 2ft, range 9, taxed in name of U, M. !
Ball, and the west half of the southwest
quarter of section 2, towushlr 2ft, range 9,
taxed in name of G. L. Rutler, and the north
east quarter of northwest quarter of section
11, township 20. range 9. taxed in name of
Geo. Jlutler, and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter and northwest quarter of
the southwest quarter and the south half of
the southwest quarter of section 3. township I
2ft, range », taxed in name of J. R. Arnold.and !
the«aouthw«st quarter of the northwest
quarter and the north half of the southwest j
quarter and the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section lJC township 2ft. ,
range 9, taxed in name of Geo. Graves, and I
the southeast quarter of section 13, township
2ft, range 9. taxed in name of L. A. Johnson, I
jtod the west half of the northwest quarter 1
if section 4. ami the east half of the north
;tkMt quarter of sect to;i &, township 27. fanae
*, taxed in name of (J. W. Turner, and the
iOiilliwoat quarter of eetlon 4. township 'V.
range 0. taxed in narm of W. Chime, in <1
tha northeastquarter-of the southeast qu »*
tor of section UW. tn\ nshlp 27, i ange w. lax* •<
in name of J. i».Oort4 iyou,an«i the northw*- i
num ter of emotion ;;t« town-hip27, range '.
nixed In mime of K. I'. Atwood, and the houih
half of the sout Peast quarter <*f section i*.
iind the iiortkft 11:i!f of t ho norlhoast quarter
of .section III, totvrishlp 2H, range 1», taxed ;n
name of John Thompson, and the southT.e t
quarter of the northwest quarter and tie*
northwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of section 2ti, ioWfishlp 28, range taxed in
name of I’. .1. Dickey, and the southwest
quarter of section J. township 2W, ranged
taxi'd in name of T, II. Mann, and the north- |
west quarter of section 14. township id*, range j
tt. taxed In name of M. I\ Harrington. and
tho northeast quarter of section 2u. township
mi. range !», taxed in mime of Nelson (‘lark,
and the norihwe»i quarter of soot ion 21. town
•hifl ill, range o. taxed in numo of K. W
MolliU, and tiio north half of tin- north half
of section 27, township mi. range 1», taxed in
name of John Cherry, and tin* northwest
quarter of section 1M. township :*0, range ft,
taxed In mono of L. K . Klothowor, ana tho
southeast.quarter of tho southwest quarter
and l ho nort h half of tho southeast quarter
and t ho sout h west quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 1, township hi. range II,
taxed In name of C. II. Gardiner, and tho
notth half of t ho southeast quarter of.section
2, township 111, range it, taxed in name of O.
II. Gardiner, arid tho nort heast quarter of
section 15, township H2, range 1», taxis! In
name of Henry Kugtll, and the southwest
quarter of seetlon 20 towmddp .»•' range 1),
taxed In name of 10. C. Piilmer, and thelouth
east quarter of section JJ, township 2f>, range
M. taxed In name of I’. J. Fitzwllllams. and
the east half of the southwest, quarter and
the west half or the southeast quarter of
section 11. township 2ft, range 10, taxed in
name of C. A. I Ion ton. and the northwest
quarter of tho northeast quarter uud the
northeast quarter of the northwest quarter
and the south half of the northwest quarter
of section 14, township 2ft. range 10, taxed in
name of F. ,1. Flt/willlams, and tho south
half of the southeast, quarter of section 4.
towhshIn 27, range 10, taxed In name of John
Htrulikel. and tuo northeast quarter of
section 2, township 2d, range hi, taxed in
name of A. G. liurnhum, and t he northeast
quarter of sect ion 4, township 20, range it),
taxed In mune of 8. H. Koch man, mid tho
northwest quarter of section 10, township 20,
range 10, taxed in nnine of Peter Williams,
and tho northwest quarter of section 1, town
ship ;k), range 10, taxed In name of E. W.
Mollltt jr., and tho southeast quarter of
section I, township :m>, range lit, taxed In
name of J. V. McDowell, and the southeast
quarter oY section 7, township ;>U, range 10,
taxed in mime of John A. Harmon, and tho
north half of the northeast quarter und the
souUreast quarter of the nort heast quarter
and the northeast quarter of the north west
quarter of section l, township dl, range 10.
taxed lu name of Murv Kntirht. and the south
milt or tho northeast quarter nnu the west
Imlf of flip southeast quarter of section (1,
township III, range 10, taxed In name of IlenJ.
Humidors, and the southeast quarter of
■eution I), township 111, range in, taxed in
nHnie of .lohu Ihirr, ami the southeast qiiar
ter of Mention 19, township 31, range ]«. taxed
In name of N. Olierle, ami the northwest
quarter of section HIl, township 31, range 10,
taxed In naiuo uf fluorite W. Uhlne, and the
southwest quarter of section OH, township 31,
range 10, taxed la name of C. w. Tomlinson,
und the southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of section 22. township 82, range 10,
taxed In name of It. T. Titus, and thu north
west quarter of section 25, township 25, range
11, taxed In name of K. 11. Whltham, and the
south half of the southeast qaartor of section
23, township 25, range II. taxed In name of
Wm, 11. Hodgkin,and thu aorthoast quarter
of section 20, township 25, range 11, taxod la
name of .1. V. Mellowed, and the northwest
quarter of section 7, township 20, range 11,
taxed In iiamo of Agustn L. Drown, anil the
southeast quarter of soetlou 7, township 26,
range 11. taxed in name of E. Fisher, and the
south half of tho northeast quarter and tho
north half of tlio southeast quarter of section
14, township 20, range II, taxed In name of
Edward Kassoll. and tho south half of the
southwest quarter and the south half of the
southeast quarter of section 8, township 27,
range II, taxed in name of 1), E. Oorblu, and
the southwest quarter of section Is, township
27, range 11. taxed la name of Perry Edwin,
and tho sout heast uuarter of section Is, town
ship 27, rniitfo 11. taxed In name of Patrick
Shea, and- tho southeast quarter of suction It,
township 2S, range 11, taxed In name of F. J.
llalllnger, and* tao northwest quarter of
section 20, township 26,rungcll,taxed la name
ofJos.Strausky.uuU the southeast quarter of
spotlon 2H, township 2S. range 11, taxed la
name of A, J. Pea, and the southwest quar
ter of section 31, township 25, range 11, taxed
la name of John Trotli, ami the mtrtheust
quarter of section 32, township 26, range 11,
taxed In mime of Jacob Prlbel, and the north
east quarter of section tl, township 2!l, range
11, taxed .In name of 11. Mullen, and the
southwest, quarter of section 25, township 2a.
range II, taxed In name of F. J. llurnett, und
the northeast quarter of section 5, township
30, range 11, taxed In name of David Adams,
and the norlh half of the southwest quarter
and the southeast quarter of tho southwest
quarter of section 10, and tho northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of section
15, township:Rl, range 11, taxod la name of S.
8. Sears, and the southeast quarter of sect
ion 22, township 31, range II, taxed In name
of Charles Nelson, and the east half of the
northwest quarter and the north half of the
southwest quarter of seotion 4. township 32.
range 11, taxed In name of Ami. Schcro, and
the northwest quarter of section ll), township
32. range 11, taxod la name of Collins (Jline,
and tho west half of the uortlicnst quarter
of section 11, township 32, range 11, taxed In
name of F. M. lihone. and the southeast
quarter of section 11, township 32, range 11.
taxed In name of hi. \V. Hnrrett, and the east
half of the northwest quarter of section 22,
township 32, range 11, taxed in name of E.
Uoe, and tho southwest quarter of sect ion 28,
township 38, range 11, taxod in name of John
Carberry, ami tho east half of the southwest
quarter of section 34, township 32. range 11,
taxed In name of J. It. Berry, and tho north
east quarter of section 31, township 33. range
11, taxed la uame of Joel Y. Young, and the
northwest quarter of section 1(1, township 25,
range 12, taxed In name of P, Spuhler, and
the northwest quarter of section 23. township
25, range 12, taxed In name of U. V. Htlokef,
and the southeast quarter of section 31,
township 25, ruugo 13, taxed in name ot G. H.
llurst, and the northeast quarter of section
35. township 211, range 12, taxed In name of I).
Parrish et al, und the northeast quarter of
section 27, township 26, range i2, taxed la
name of Ernest Judd, and the southeast
quarter of the southwest quurter ami tho
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of section 12, and the west half of the north
east quarter of seelion 13. township 27. range
12, taxed in mime of J. 11. Dimmlck, and the
south half lif the south half of section 15,
township 26, range 12, taxed in name of M.
O’Neill, and the southwest quarter of section
1, township 25, range 12, taxed lu name of
John Renthtll, i and the northwest quurter of
seotion 2. township 26. range 1J, taxed in
name of tl. W. E. Horsey, and tho southeast
quarter of section 6, township 28, range 12,
taxed In name of C. C. Christensen, and the
northwest quarter of section 16, township 28.
range 12, taxed in name of M. A. Bigiln, and
the northeast quurter of seotion 18, township
28, range 12. taxed m name of Alex llovd. and
mi? west, uuu ui mu suuiuwest quarter and
the southeast quarter ofthe southwestquarter
a»d the southwest quarter of southeast
inn PMUi.wiii.-oi quarter Ul suuiueast
quarter of section 1», township 2d, range IS,
taxed til name of Ellen Smythe. ami the
south half or the south half of section si)
township 2ti. range IS, taxed in name of Henry
O’Halloran, and the northwest quarfbr of
section as. township S». range 12, ta\eq In
uame of \\. J. Eva, and the southwest quar
ter of the northeast quarter anti the south
east quarter of the northwest quarter of
section at. township 26, range is, taxed in
uame of Wm. Fallon, and the southeast
uuartor of section 11. township2», range 1"
taxed in name of Wm. Fallon, and the south
east quarter of section SI. township SU. ranee
IS, taxed in name of 1’. H. MeNiohols, ami the
southwest quarter of section an, township at)
range IS. taxed in .tame of Jerry McUraham’
and the northeast, quarter of section 3. town
ship 31,' ■range 12. taxed in mime of John
Molcr. and the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section 6. and the north
half of the northeast quarter and the south
east quarter of the northeast quarter of
section 7, township 31, range 12, taxed in
name or A. E. Livingstone, and the north
half of the southwest, quarter and the south
east quarter of the southwest quarter and
the southwest quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 111. township 31, range IS
taxed in name of p. Wheeler, and the north
""" " *-«• •• lilt* Iiorill
west of section 11, township 31, runire
12, tn\i?d in name of Adam H. (joodseli, und
fluk nrxiat liiitxnf ntiuMlikM . ., .11 ... .si , .
the southeast quarter of section 22. iownsL’in
31, range 12. taxed iu name of Anna Luntls
worth, and tho northeast quarter of ftm
northwest quarter of section ii. township 31
range 12, taxed in uame of Thus. Grant, and
the east half of tiie southeast quarter of
section 26, township 31. range Is. taxed in
name of 1. t ■ Grable. aud liie southwest
quarter of sections.,, township 31, range i>
taxed In name of John K. Hamilton, ami the
northwest quarter, of the southwest quarter
0t section 2. township 32. range Is, taxed in
name of M. M. McManama. and the north
half of toe southeast quarter and the south
east quarter of the northeast quarter of
Motion 3, township p, large 1^. taxVd \u
nuiup of J. II. Carmichael, and the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
notth lytlf of the northwest quarter of
section 14, township 32, range 12, taxed in
Came of Ch«s ilulT, and the west half of the
went halt of section 18, township .'12, runge 12,
taxed in name of Hannah Chambers, and the
north half of the northwest quarter and the
(iouthwest quarter of the northwest quarter
of section 25, and the northeast quarter of
the northeast quarierof section art, township
#4. range 1*2, taxed lu name ofWtn.Noll
katnper. and the east half of the southwest
quarter and the south half of the northwest
quarter of section .*15. township 2, range 12,
taxed in name of Auk* Eppenback, and the
'north half of the smith west quarter of section
34. township H2, ramie 12, taxed in name of
.John Moler, und the west half o', the north
east quarter of section township 33, range
12, taxed Mn name of Ernest Mein, and the
northwest quarter of the nort hcastquurtcr
of section SSI, township 33, range 12. taxed In
name of Tred Slrjohan, and the north half
of the southeast quarter and !lie .southwest
quarter of tin* soul beast quart'*!* of section
lu. township -j, range 13, taxed in name of
L<>rctiu Earl, and the southwest quarter of
nee lion 1H, township 25, range 13, taxed in
r.Hint) of Oren llagley, and the northeast
quarter of section .15, township 25, range 13,
taxed in name of W. K. Yoder, and the north
west quarter of the northwest quarter of
section 27, township 2ft, range 13, taxed In
name of Martha bcott, and the southwest
quarter of section 17, township 27. range 13,
taxed In name of J. A. Uazelot, and the north
half of the south half of section 1ft. township
27, range 13, taxed in name of A. T. Potter,
and the northwest quarter of section 20,
toWPHhlp 27, range 13, taxed in name of A. J.
Pot ter, and the north half of the south half
of section 20, township 27. range 13, taxed In
name of A. T. Potter, and the east half of the
southeast quarter of section 12, township 2ft.
j range 13, taxed In name of P. H. Behrens, and
t he west half of the northeast quarter sind
tin.* east half of the northwest quarter of
j section 17, township 2ft, range I», taxed in
name of Bartley Gafney. and the east half
| of the northeast quarter of section 17, town
! hip 2ft, range 13, taxed| In name of Mary
Gainey, and the southwest quarter of section
j 23, towuship 2ft, range 13, taxed In mime of W.
111. Livingstone, and the northeast quarter of
I section 32, township 29, range 13, taxed In
name of Samuel tillgug, aud the southeast
quarter of section 34, township 2ft. range 13,
taxed In name of It. C. Greer, and the north
west quarter of sect ion 21, township 28. range
13, taxed in name of G. W. K. Dorsey, and the
north half of t he north half of section 23
township 28, range 13, taxed in name of John
Arvenete, and the southwest quarter of
section 11. township 30, range *13, taxed in
name of W. 1). ltlakeway, and the southwest
quarter of section 13, township 30, range 13,
taxed in name of Peter Winn, and the south
west quarter ol section 15, township .tu, range
13, taxed in name of I, C. Knotts, and the
north half ot’ the uorth west quarter of section
17, and thy east half of tho northeast quarter
of section IK, township .'ft), range 18. taxed in
name of J. 0, Dultn. and tho northwest quar
ter of section ‘20, township .*10, range 13, taxed
in name of Portsmouth Savings Rank, and
the west half of the southwest quarter of
section 27, township 30, range 13, taxed in
name of Hoy Nyu, and the southeast quarter
of section 20, township 30, range 13, taxed iu
name of F. (J. Cook, and the west half of the
of the northwest quarter of section 34, town
shin 30, rang© 13. taxed in name of Hoy Nye,
ami the southwost quarter of of section 4,
township 31, range 13, tuxed in name of O. M.
Andrus, and the northwest quarter of section
14, township 31, range 13, taxed in name of F.
It. Heckman, and the southeast quarter of
the southwest quarter and the north half of
the southeast quarter and the southwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
15, township 31, range 13, taxed in name of
L. \V. Tulleys, and the southeast quarter of
section 17, township 31, range 13, taxed in
name of Della M. Stewart, and the south half
of the north half of section 25, township 31
range 13, taxed in name of Eliza B. Johnson,
and the northwest quarter of section 28,
township 31, range 13, taxed in name of Jos,
Roberts, and the east half of the west half of
section 33. township 31, range 13, taxed in
name of \V. U. Dickerson, and the northwest
quarter of tho northwest quarter of section 2,
and the north hul( of the northeast quarter
and the northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of section 3, township 32, range 13,
taxed In name of 11. K. Love, and the.south
half of the southwest quarter of section 7,
and the east half of the northwest quarter of
section 18. township 32, range 13, taxed in
name of Gilbert L. Wlard, and the north half
of the uortheusl quarter and the southeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
northeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section 11, township 32. range 13, ttixed in
name of 1 Jlliati 15. Dodg^and the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter of section 17,
township 32, range 13, taxed in name of C. N.
Thomas, and the northeast quarter of section
30. township 32, range 13 taxed in name of
George Fox, and lots 1 and 2, in section 24,
township 33, range 13, taxed in name of P. M.
Culbertson, and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 20, and the
south half of the northeast quarter and tho
•northeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of section 30, township 25, range 14, taxed in
mini© of Albert Dows, and the west half of
the northwest quarter of section 2, township
28, range 14, taxed In name of Mary Singleton
and t he northeast quarter of tho portheast
quarter and tho south half of the northeast
quarter and the southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 7. township 27,
range 14, taxed In name of P. E. Lombard,
| and the southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter and the north half of tho northwest
quarter and tho southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 15, township 27,
range 14. taxed in name of U. G. Cloud, and
the soutlAvest quarter of section 15, township
27, range 14, taxed In name of C. G. Cloud,and
1 he southeast quarter of section 27, township
27, range 14, taxed in numc of W. D. Trausue,
and the northeast quarter of section 1. town
ship 28, range 14, taxed In name of Edward
Cragin, and the north half of the northwest
quarter and the southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 29, and the
northeast quarter of the northeast quarter
of section 30, township 28, range 14, taxed In
name of G. A. llundy, and the northwest
quarter of section 14, township 21), range 14,
taxed in name of J. F. Smith, ami the south
west quarter of section 31, township 29, range
14. taxed in name of Heury Moyer, and the
southeast quarter of section 34, township 29,
range 14, taxed in name of John Schmit. and
the southwost quarter of section 15, township
W, range 14, taxed in name of James McKee,
and the northwest quarter of section 18,
township 3U, range 14, taxed in name of H. S.
Davis, and the northwest quarter of section
3<‘, township 30. range 14. taxed in name of
M. J). Long, and the northeast quarter of
section 21, township 31, range 14. tuxed in
mime of E. H. Townsend, and the northeast i
quarter of section 30, township 31, range 14
taxed in name' of O. E. Fox, and the north
west quarter Of section 5. tow ns h in 31. r:min>
11. taxeo tu name ol J. A. Campbell, and the
northwest quarter of section 7. township 31,
range 14. taxed hi name of J. F. Hracly, and
the southwest quarter of sectlm! !>. towns',,in
:il. range 14, taxed in name of F. Gifford. and
the northeast quarter of section IS, township
31, range 14, taxed in name of Cluis. Van
tlorder. and the east half or the northeast
quarter and the northeast quarter of the I
southeast quarter of section 10, township 32
range 14, taxed in name of G. I,. Wlard, and
t he south half of the northenst quarter am!
tl(0 northwest quarter, of the northwest
quarter aud the northeast .quarter of the
southeast quarter of section 11, township ;r>
range 14, taxed in name of C. L. Wlard, and
the south half of the northwest quarter and
the north half of the southwest quarter and
the northwest quarter of the sjutheast quar
ter of scethiu 12, township 32, range 14, taxed
in name of G. L. Wlard, and the northeast
quarter of section 23, township 33, ran"e 14
taxed In name of A. IV. Low, and the south
west quarter of section 20 townshiprange
}*• taxed in name of Jqs. A. Campbell, and
the north half of the southeast quarter of
section 111, and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter and the northwest quarter
or the southwest quarter of section ll, town
ship .Si, range 14, taxed in name of E. B
holier, und the southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter of section !ti, townshlu 34
range 14, taxed in name of Hanna K. IVitv’
and the south half of the smith half of
section 31, township 34, range 11, taxed in
name of J. J. Nachman, and the southwest
quarter of the uorUiwest quarter of section 2
township 25. range 15, taxed in name of .las
1 Kiley, and the south half of the north half
ol section 14, township 25. range hi. taxed in
name of Jefferson Jones, and the southeast
quarter of sectffin a, township 27, range 15
I taxed In name of Samuel s. Sage und the
| southeast quarter of the southwest quarter
and the northeast quarter of tlie southeast
quarter aud the south half of t lie southeast
quarter of section 10, township 27. range 15
taxed In name of F. B. Johnson, and the
northwest quarter of section 27. townshii. «
i range 15, taxed in name of Julia Feck anil
tiie northeast quarter of tin- southwest
quarter and the north half of the southeast
quarter and the southeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of section 35, t.nviwl in
range 15, taxed in name of Geo M:! snough’
and the northwest quarter tis-.iL a
township 20, range 15. taxed in f '■ ,f j0h.:
Aachradnicek. und t],e iiorthwiA??*F,rter of
section II, Wiwnship 20. ran/Kilftj.ixed in
name of Henry Slavmaker, :i/n cell' south
west quarter of section 11, huf,”'tt' raust
12. taxed iu name of Henr><“ In 1»* rHU**
tlie northwest quarter ol Stains' Ji
23. range 15. taxed in na 1
the northeast quarter
29, range 15, taxed
II,o northwest quarter of section35, township
;» mime ir». taxed in name of Leopold A.
Honor and tl.n norlhwc-t quarter ot the
northeast quarter and the north half ol the
northwest qimrter and tlir southwest quarter
of the north",-t quarter nf section <fT, tain n
slilu 311 ramie tin taxed In name of Don.iif
ffir, and the norlln asi quarter of section
t *«j«riMhln ramie If*- taxed In name ot
Ch«» lilnilsbiirv and Urn south half of the
somln'ast of sent;,.n.90. township 50,
runae ir>. taxed In nameof John harnor. and
the northeast quarter of -'Otlmi:31. township
hi ramie tr>, taxed in nai <; of Mary K. Grubb,
and the southeast qmirler of section 2. town
shin ill ramie i s tax'd In name of J. A.
damtibel!, and the noil l.cwt quarter of t he
nortlieuyt quarter anil the south half of the
liortheitsl quarter or se 'tlon Id. township .11.
ranao l.'> taxed in mini* .r Emma Miller, mid
the north"', si quarter"! section .M.towiiship
■ja ramie la, taxed in mo n of G. M. Cleveland
and the southeast quarter of section 111.
township 32. ramie If., taxed lit name of II. M
tilussner and the northeast quarter of
section ‘i'J. township rattyo 15. taxed in
oan.e of II. I riernl. ami the w est half of the
northwest quarter of s, etion 30. township 32,
range 15, taxed in mime of M. .1. H Haskins,
and tho southwest quarter of section 1H,
township :ct, raintr la. nixed In name ot P. w.
Heffson, and the northwest, tiuarter or
section 21). township :!3. rantte 15, taxed in
name of C. II. Merrill, and the southeast
quarter of aeetlon -I, township 33, ranae 15.
taxed In name of Add. Monroe, and the
northeast quarter o! section I. t.ow!isiii|j >m,
rantfe 15, taxed in name of Isaac Oppen
heirner. and the sent h west quarter of sect ion
10, township range 15, taxed in name of.
M. H. Dustin, and t lie northeast quarter ot
section 20. township range t5. taxed in
name of Win. H. Wei ster. and tI*c northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and tin*
south half of the northeast quarter and Hie
southeast quarter of tho nortftwest quarter
of section 15, township 27. range 10, taxed in
name of llose C\ Wright, and the southwest
quarter of section V. township 29, nyigo 10,
taxed in name of h. Hewet, and the south
west quarter of section 1, township 29,
range 10, taxed in name of J. A. Campbell,
and the west half’nf the southwest quarter
and the sou4heas» quarter of the southwest
quarter of section township 2U, range 10.
taxed in name of K N. Kemp, and the north
east quarter of section 3, township 29. range
10. taxed in name of Albert Ilurnett, and the
southwest quarter of section «I. township 29,
range 10 taxed in name of Samuel McClay.
and the northeast quarter of section 1, town
ship UO, range 10 taxed in name of Ira Lamb,
and tho northwest quarter of section 0.
township «u, range in, iaxea in name oi m. v.
McCartney, and the northeast quarter of
section 13, township IK), range lti, taxed in
mime of L. Johnson, and the west half of the
northwest quarter of section 11), township 30,
range Its, taxed in name of liertha M. Young’,
and the southeast quarter 'of section 24,
township 30. ranvre 16, taxed in name of It.
Johnson, and the southwest quarter of
section :t5, township 30, range 16, taxed in
name of Ancle* sen and JesHCu, and the west
half of the n< i thwest quarter of section 7,
township 31, r nge 16, taxed in name of
Winner and Wn do, and the northeast quar
ter of section it', township 31, range 16, taxed
in name of Lizzie Dayton, and the northeast
quarter of sedtion 6. township 32, range 16,
taxed in name of‘of J. L. Uobiuson, and the
northeast quarter of section 8, township 32,
range 16, taxed in name of Tillie May, and
the northwest quarter of section 20, township
32. range 16, taxed in name of Jas. A.
M4tchell, and the north half of the northeast
quarter of section 25, township 32, range 16,
taxed in name of M. J. N. Haskin, and the
west half of the northwest quarter of section
28, township 82, range 16. taxed in name of
V. It. Weimer, and the south half of the south
half of section 28, township 33, range 16,
taxed in name of Leonard Lincoln, and the
northeast quarter of section 32, township 33,
range 16, taxed in name of A. J. Milliken,
and the east half of the northeast quarter
and the northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter and the northwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section 10, township 25,
range 15, t axed in name of L. G, Dim mock.
All of above described land west of the 6th
P. M., In Holt county, Nebraska, and the time
of redemption of each tract, from saW tax
sales will expire on the 7th day of November,
1801. T. A. Thompson.
To the present;owners, occupants and persons
in whose name the land hereinafter de
j scribed was assessed in the year 1800, and
to whom it may concern:
You ami each of you are hereby noli lied
that on 21st, day of November. A.D., 1802, T.
A. Thompson purchased at private tax sale—
the same having been offered at public sale
and not sold for want of bidders—as provided
by law, frqm the treasurer of Holt county,
Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes for the
year 1800, the real estate described below,
situated in Holt county. Nebraska, viz:
Lot 6 and the •northeast quarter of the
southeast quarter and the south half of the
southeast quarter of section 8, township 33,
range 15, taxed in name of W. H. H. LewnIs;
and the east half of tiie southeast quarter of
section 81, and the west half of the southwest
quarter of section .*12. township 25, range 1),
taxed in name of George Proctor; ana the
southeast quarter of section 34, township 27.
range 14, taxed in name of W. D. Ilhd; ana
the northeast quarter of section 5, township
30, range 13, taxed in name of 0. W. Perkins;
and the southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter and the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section 5, township 31,
range 11, taxed in name of Gusta Martin;
aud the west half of the northeast quarter of
section 8, township 31, range ll, taxed in
narheof Gusta Martin; and the southwest
quarter of section 31, township 32, range 11,
taxed in name of James Jacobs; and the
south half of the northeast quarter and tho
north half of the southeast quarter of sta
tion 31, township 31, range 9, taxed in name
of J. P. Gibson; and the southeast quarter of
section 26. township 31, range 15, taxed in
name of S. McDermott. All of .above de
scribed land west of the 6th P, M. in Holt
county,Nebraska.and the time of redemption
of each tract from said tax sales will expire
on the 21st day of November. 1891.
52-3 T. A. THOMPSON.
You are hereby notified that on tlio 7th
day of November 1892 each of the following
described tracts of real estate situated in
Holt county, Nebraska, was sold for the
delinquent taxes due thereon for the year
18th. to James F. Toy, of Sioux City, Iowa
who received certificates of tax sale therefor
and who is the present owner and holder
Each of said tracts were described and
assessed as follows, to-wit: »
The nw H of sec 5, twp. 32, rug. 16, assessed
in the year 1891 in the name of L. H. Tal
madge, and in the year 181)3 in the name of
L. M. Talniadge.
Also lot one in seo. 27, twp. 34, rng 14
assessed in the year 1891 in the name of S. e’
Smith and in the year 1833 in the name of
I armers Loan and Trust Co.
Also the n'i of the uw f4 of sec. 4, twp. 28,
rng. 13, assessed in the yeur 1891 in the name
of Munger and T, and in the year 1893 in the
name of C. F. Monger.
Also the eVa of the net* of sec. 5, twp. 28,
rng. 13, assessed in tlio year 1391 in the name
of Munger and T and in llie year 1893 in the
name of T. Munger.; ,
Also tlio so1* of tlio swh* und the sw>* of the
se of see. 21, and tiio utj of tlio nw1,* of sec. 28,
,t*b-,2s-,rr‘k 13. assessed in the years 1891 and
1893 in tlie name of C. H, Toncray
Also the nw !* of the net4 and the nbi of
the nwl* Of sec, 3. twp. 27. rng. 10*assessed in
the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of Ilanial
O Donnell.
Also the e'i- of the net* und tl,e o'/, of tlie
“o- 19, twp. 32, range 18. assessed in
18»1 In the name of James A.
Wni T GHtiulT th® year 1883 lu tlle nam0 ot
Also the nw‘4 of seo. 5, twp. 27, rng. 15
assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the
name of C. A. Hotchkiss. 1110
Also the st; of tlie ne1* and the s1/, of the
°twp. 27. rng in. assessed in tlie
year 1891 in the namo.of W. M. Hulbert. and
hi the year 1893 in the name or w. Tracy.
Also the swl* of the nw!* and the uw1, of
the °f se‘V_U' the 114 of the sel* of
1891 and Vk'W Vn Vi'"' 1!‘ ,uw,,**ed in the years
,8Vi J*'91, in the name of Patrick Woods,
in ,he “is of .the no'4 of sec. 30, twp. 25.
Jh!nmn,eo?J.eY!nL™ena>:d'4ral8ttland 181,3 ln
thenars 1891 and 1893 In the name of Fram s
116 It1 ttlc n0't a“d the ne1, of the
nw>/2 Of section 7, twp. 32, rng 19 assessed in
tC.**1 and 1S*‘ in the nanmoV Lewis
Also the ne«* of sec. 22. twp. 32. rng I
name of John l\Vee1|: :irS 1X" and 1888tl,
Also the 8wl4 of section 27, twp. 31, rng r
Sanmof (l.^'weia;;;^.1891 “Ud 1883*“ tl.
Also the nw!4 of sec. 1. twp. 31. rn"-'(
assessed in the years 1891 and lsstj in th
name Henry 1). Smith. "
Also the ne1* of sec. 35. twp. 31, rng li
assessed in tlie years 1891 and 1893 in th
name of Hockey & Vance. 1 1
in the name of Swa|i LakeTmurov
tw J%.‘“rng °I «*e “Wi* of see. 2
«heP nLe of J. 3 Gorton indTn'J!'i881 U
1893 in the name of&ran Lake Improv Cm—
in tin- yuar l«ltt in the name of Janies 11
Harris. .
Also l.he nw'i of section 5. twp. 30. fug u
assessed in the years 1891 and 19031n'thfi
liana1 of Susan K. Link.
Also tht sn'i of sec. 31, twp. 30, mi. il
assessed In tho years 1801 and 1803inth»
name of William Dickerson.
Also the so1, of section 26, twp. 31, rng H
assessed in the yours 1891 and 1893 in the
name of Clias-M. Holies.
Also the w". of the nw!{ jmd the wy, of the
8iv'4 of section 7. twp. -'ll, rng. 13, and the nw
tho unU nr tkti cal: ... »
of the se$4 and the se»4 or the se*4 of sec. i
and tho n% of the se& aud the sel* of tho
BeU of sec. 11, and the ne*4 of the ne?4 and
the swH of sec. 12. twp. 26, rng 13, assessed
in tlie years 181/1 and 1893 in the name of
Can? 11 Graham •
Also the sell of the tie*4 and the el* of the
soli of sec. 12, and the ne*4 of tlie iiel* of sec.
13, twp. 2d, rug. 13. assessed in the years 1891
and 1893 in the name of It. B, Graham.
Also the nel4 of the nwlA Of sec. 13, twp. 2«,
rng. 13, assessed in the years 1891 und 1893 in
the nitme of James Graham. •
Also tho ill* of the neJ4 and the dH of the
nwli of sec. 14, twp. 26, rng. 13 assessed in
tho years 1891 and 1893 in'the name of Carglj
Graham. •
Also the noli of sec. 15,,twp 25, rng. 9,
assessed in tho years 1891 and 1893 in the
name of J. McCarthy jr. •
Also the seli of sec. 1, twp. 26. rng. 9,
assessed in the years 1891 aina 1893* in the
name of T. A. Hugadorn.
Also the nli of the neH of sec. 7, and the
nwJ4 of tho uw}>4 of sec. 8, twp. 26, rug. 9,
assessed In tho years of 1801 anc 1893 in the
name of James Chapman.
Also the n*4 of the ne*4 Of sec. 13, tWp. 26
rng. 9, assessed hr the year 1891 In the «ame
of C. K. Mills, and in tho year 1893 in the
name of A. H. Donaldson.
Also the \\V% of the sw*4 aud the nlA of the
so$4 of section 22, twp. 26, rng 0 assessed in
the year 1891 in the name of Allen Cannadav,
and in the year 1893 in the name of G. W,
Also the noli of sec. 33, twp. 26, rng.
assessed in the year 1891 In the name of It
C. Smith, and in the year 1803 id the name of
1,. C. Burr.
Also the w*4 of sec. 23, twp. 27, rng. 9,
assessed in the year 1891 in the name of S. D.
Poor and in the year 1893 in the name of A!
C. Colledge.
Also the nwJ4 of sec. 24, twp. 27, rng. 9,
assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the
mime of I. Barrick.
Also tue w‘/a or me sej4 oi sec, i, twp. 29,
rug.9. assessed in the year 1891 In the name
of Klioda Walker aud in the year 1893 in the
mime of E. S. Norton.
Also the s\v?4 of sec. 10. twp. 29, rng». 9,
assessed in the years 1891 aud 1893 in fflie
name of N. Dapple.
Als i the e’4 of the set* of sec. 24, twp.. 29,
rng. 0, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in
the name of W. D. Blakeway.
Also the uw4 of the swJ4 of sec. 11. twp. 30.
rng. 9, assessed in the year 1891 in the name
of 8. A. Alderman, and in the year 1893 it wtw
not assessed.
Also the idi of the se}4 and the se^i of the
se^4 of sec. 19. twp. 30, mg. 9, assessed in the
year 1891 in the name of C. H. Toncray and
of H. Russell.
in the year 1893 in the name c
Also the nwl4 of sec. 17, twp. 31, rnfeO,
assessed in the years 1891 anti 1893 in the
name of A. W. Baldwin,
Also the1 sl4 of the nw^ of sec. 17t twp. 32,
rng. 9, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in
the name of John Davidson.
• Also the e*4 of the ne*4 of sec. 18, twp. 32,
rng. 9, assessed in the year 1891 in the name
of J. Davidson and in the year 1883 in the
name of German Sav. Bank.
Also the el/a of the seJ4 of section 22, twp.
32, rng. 9, assessed in the year 1891 in the
name ojf Jus. Davidson and in the year 1893
in the name of Jas. Davidson.
Also the sH of sec. 23, twp, 32, rng, 9,
assessed in the year 1891 in the name of Wm.
Davidson and in the year 1893 in the name of'
German Savings Bank.
Also the ne*4 of the ne*4 of section 27, twp.
32, rng. 9, assessed in the years 1891 and 1893
in the name of J. Davidson.
Also the mvJi of the neJ4 of sec. 34. twp. 32,
rng. 9. assessed in the year 1891 in :the name
of Lillie R. Beemer and in the year 1893 in
the name of Lillie R. Bouner,
Also the mvV4 of section 26, twp. 26, rng. 10, *
assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the
name of W. G. Duffy.
Also the swJ4 of sec. 11, twp. 27, Qrng. 10,
assessed in the years 180l and 1893 in the
name of D. O’Donnell.
Also the ne*4 of see. I,* twp. 28, rng. 10,
assessed in the year 1891, in the name of E.
N- Dorsey, atid in the year 1893 in -the name
of E. 11. Dorsey.
Also the buM of sec. 15, twp. 28, rng. 10,
assessed in the years 1891 aud 1893 In the
name of It. J. Bryan.
Also the n*4 of the ne*4 and the nl4 of the
iw-4 of sec. 26. twp. 28, rng.10, assessed in
the years 1891 and 1893 in the name of M. J.
Also the sw!4 of sec. 1, twp. 30, rng. 10, and
the nJ4 of the neJ4 of sec. 11, twp. 30, rng. 10.
assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 In the
name of Thos. Kilpatrick.
Also the ne^4 of see. 32. twp. Cl, rng. 10,
assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the
name of H. H. Bowerman.
Also the neli of sec. 10, twp. 31, rng. 10,
assessed in the year 1891 in the name of Jos.
haw and in the year 1893 in the name*of
J. L. Moore.
Also t he swt4 of sec. 30, twp 31. rng.10,
assessed in the years 1891 and 1893, in the
name of O. M. Packard.
tJie neH °* seo- 8* and
the si4 of the nw^ of sec. 9, tw, 26, rng.-ll,
assessed n the year 1891 in the name of J. V.
H WHwta 10 the year im in the name
ert W fl? Sf ^
nanie onV%! Eic-SVeT aI,d 1883 *“ *“
A T^r ,lw. . ... 1 ... “
Also the s\(i.k of sec. la. twp. 27, ms. 11,
wS<»n,m, n H"; yr,ilr 18fll ln the »«me of J.
A.’C. Colledsein *° year 1893 ln the a*"1® of
Also the sw1* of see. 13, twp. 28. ms. 11.
A1 y,®,ars 1891 and 1893 lotho
name of A. Iiradfleld.
Also the w'/2 Of the nwJ4 of sec. 2, and the
s,2 of the net. of sec. 3. twp. 29, rmr. 11,
assessed in the years 1891 and 1893 in the
name of John Murphy.
Also the of see. 33, twp. 32, rns. 11.
HSS°Whnin tile y,ear lb?'1,1 the name of Jos.
name of Jt. 11.’ wahlto“d the year 1883 in thc
Also i11? 8w-4 °* seo- 1* twp. «5. rns.12.
Frank*^ vear 1891 in thfnameof
nmno of E \v!wtlsa,m ‘n U'e ye“r 1893 ln the
•H ‘S?
“of Thomas S? 1891 and “the
Also the aw* of seo. 30. twp. 2(1. rntr. 12.
nam?of John'llenry^18 1891‘ ^ 1893 ln «“>
Also the my', of seo, 4, twp. 28. rne. 12.
“of G.V'f. Jersey.1891 ,an§ ,1893 in the
Also the net, of sec. 14, twp. 28. me 12
ossessea in the year 1891 in the name ot M)
Jf'Ma"yV.I,nDwyor“ the y6ar 1893 ln the nanl°
Also the sw% of seo. 15, twp. 28. rue 12
namoof M.nCwb?ldge8, tD 1893 ln thC
assessed mTheyearTtklU2;, the’name of O. Ill
5 W.Tulieys.“ the year1893 ^ the naWe of
Also the noH of sec. 24, twp. 80. me. 12.
ttnS 1893inth0
sot'll0 t8h? ^oASf^o/seeMp11*
u"t'namoSofGdW.K.%™eSy.1891 ^ 18931,1
Also the swJ4 of the nvk and the «u of
twen931^rm?v!'eBe}4 “s*?10 sw'/l of sec.W23.
Si! illrna-li< assessed In the years 1881 and
18!tl in the name of Thomas Grant.
“l7* °f the swH and the sw* of the
S tJ '’p.8?.!’,1' !f"d tho m-j af the sen of seo.
and isaitn fho1^ aa8e?fS? ,ln the years 1891
Ali, .1 the ,n.a,n“ of Gichard O’donnor.
Also the se^ of sec. 10, two 20 rnir 14
assessed in the year 1891 In the name o?‘ h!
Ailo Fa?rohHd,theyearl893in the na“e °f
-•). i assessed in the $ear 1891 in the
Kb,°,LHarry J- Whitesrtland IntheVear
a iLo I,e na™e °f O- w. Traver. • 1.
Also tlie swW of see. 10, twp. 26. rnz. 15
Dowd ° and ( yT.r 1891 ln the name of%. H.
assessed d 11,6 yoaT 189:1 14 was not
Also the uw>4 of sec. 5. twn 30 rnz 15
nuineot .iJ'v.^McDcweU. 1891
Also the ltwV.'of sec. 28 two ‘to rnir 15
S Leopol'd ffl.1891 ™«»
Also thorny'., of seo. 9, twn. 31 rnz. 15.
SSfivltC.1®1 “““ “l"°
set^f* sec8l3 'L&Sr* a,ld “>•» °* U<°
threats 1891 a'nd'lSKl In’the natoiof Ed^td
Si? 5r K& & ^
^meof Fider Hartwlz.1'9 yt‘«. 1893 iu ,h°
cedenjptlon from each of tho
Novcinhe a*!s9|^1U e3tpir® °'j^^day of
13 By H. w. DoLand "Agent.