The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 05, 1894, Image 8

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tmi moOTin * qamrlk oo.. arm.
July 14.
* Tkt Reporter Wu Asking too Many
Questions to lie Aerooahle.
“What wero tho particulars of the
accident?” inqutrod tho roportor.
‘‘Tha cable car was going at a high
rate of spoed,” replied tho little man
who had rushed breathlessly into the editor’s room for tho purposo of
giving the Daily Bread nn item of
news. ‘‘Just as it turned the corner
a man in a light open buggy ti ied to
drive across the track. Tho grip car
Struck the buggy squarely, knocked
the man out and he fell senseloss on
the pavement. A policeman arrested
the gripman and the injured man was
carried into Van Hunk's drug store,
right on the corner. Ever been in
that drug store? Elegantly fitted up,
open nearly all night, largest soda
fountain in that part of town, and—"
‘‘What was tho extent of the man's
* injuries?"
"He was hurt on the head, I think,
but I didn't wait to see how badly. I
Jumped on another oar and came
right down to give you the story. In
writing it up you can say—"
“What was his name?”
“I didn't ascertain.”
"Who was tho gripman?”
"I didn’t inquire.”
“Do you know the name or number
of the policeman?”
“Then, how do you suppose - can
write the thing up if you don’t give
me any names?”
“Great Soott! Haven’t I told yon he
was carried into Van Plunk's drug
store?' What more do you want?”
“Yes, but—”
^‘Anybody In that part of town can
you who Van Plunfc to* and what
\i of—"
[day I ask your name?”
fes, sir. My name is Van Plunk!”
Couples Just
Tenants Are
/lance some of the most
ncidents of the real estate
said a Now York agen t
rg with families with pets. Be
having a|iv’ ments vacant and
ng objeotior .:e tenants in them
® are often Jr npn the devil and
the deep sea. TRjMT Curious fact that
people wiihoujLsmldren usually have
aome sort fefpet or pets. While it is
desirable to get tenants with no
amaU children, there are children
and children, you know; and so there
pet^ and pets. I have steered
away from the Bcylla of children only
togo/to pieces upon the Charybdis of
/a mockingbird or a terrier. Funny isn’t
C^Maow childless couples will get the
imisiest creatures for pets? To take
the place of children, I presume. Tho
gilt-edged tenant is the couple who
-had children, raised them and married
them off. There is no nonsense about
that sort. Only they are awfully
* cranky about others. Having been
through all that sort of thing, they
have a desire to live the rest of their
days in peace and quietude, and they
naturally object to children and dogs
and birds, and anything that inter
feres with their idea. And they
dreud a piano more than a bulldog or
a seven-year-old boy. The newly
married pair is, as a matter of course,
the most desirable. They have no
pets but each other, and bother no
body and stand anything. My idea of
an earthly paradise is an apartment
house filled up with newly married
An Omlnoua SljitL
One of the most ominous signs in
the eyes oi those who are in favor of
Irish home rule is the fact that the
boycott of the viceroy by the English
and Irish aristocracy, as well as by
the gentry of the Emerald Isle, has
been entirely abandoned since Lord
Roseberry’s accession to the premier
ship, and such bitter opponents of the
measure as Lord Inehiquin, who, up
to the date of the retirement of Mr.
Gladstone would have nothing what
ever to do with the castle at Dublin,
is now a guest of Lord Houghton, who
is beginning to find his job a great
deal pleasanter from a social point of
view. _
...ri One of the Oldest.
Noah Baby, an inmate of the poor
farm of Piscataway township, about
three miles from New Brunswick, N.
J., is probably the old est living in
habitant of New Jersey. He asserts
that he is 133 years old, and .^he
story of his life, Vhich is quite intei*-.
eating,is corroborated in many particu
lars by Henry G. Hummer, overseer
of the poor farm, who has known
Baby for half a century. He firmly
believes the old man is at least 110
*ears of age, if not older.
To the present owners, occupants and per*
sons In whose tmines the land hereinafter
• inscribed was assessed for the year 1801, and
in whom It may concern:
Von and each of vuonre hereby notified that
on t>10 ?tti day of November. A. I>. tMtt2, T. A.
Thompson purchased at public tax sale from
the treasurer of Holt county, Nebraska, for
the delinquent taxes for the year isfti. the
real estate described below, sit dated in Holt
county, Nebraska, \ Iz: The northerns quar
ter of sect, I on ten. township ',‘5, range ft. taxed
in name of Hans Yimiiuy, and t he east half
of the southwest. quarter and the north half
of the southeast quarter of section 14, town
ship 25, range ft. taxed in tiatno of Alex Mc
Carthy, and the southwest quarter of the
northeast uuarter and the southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter and the west half
of the northwest quarter of section in, town
ship 85. range ft, taxed In nameol Security
Uo.. and the uortlieast quarter of section 82,
township 8ft, range It, taxed !u name of C. M.
Hall, and the west half of t lie soulhwest
quarter of section 2, township 2«. range W,
taxed In name of U. L. Butler, and the north
east quarter of northwest quarter of section
II, township 2ft. range 0, taxed m name of
Geo. Butler, and tlio southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter and northwest quarter of
the southwest quarter and the south half of
the southwest quarter of section ii, township
2ft, range 9, taxed In name of.I. it, Arnold,and
Hudsonthwest quarter of the northwest
quarter and the north half of the southwest
quarter and liie southwest quarter of tlio
southwest quarter of section la, township 2ft,
range 9, taxed in name of Geo. Graves, and
the southeast quarter of sect ion lit, township
2ft, range ft, taxed In name of h. A. Johnson,
and the west half of the northwest, quarter
of section 4. and the east half of the north
east, quarter of sect ion ft. township 27, range
ft. taxed in name of G. W. Turner, and the
south west quarter of section 4, township 27.
range ft. taxed In mime of \V. Chaco, and
1 he uortlieast. quarter of the southeast quar
ter or seetion 2ft, township 27, range ft, taxed
in nainoof .!. G.Gortelyou, and t he northwest
quarter of section ftf, township 27, range ft.
taxi*d in name of K. V. Atwood, and the south
hull'of the southeast, quarter of section is,
and tlio north half of the northeast quarter
of section 1ft, township 2ft, range ft, taxed In
name of John Thompson, and the southwest
quarter of the northwest’quarter and the
northwest quarter of the southwest quarter
of section 2ft, township 2«, range ft, taxed in
name of F. J. Dickey, and the southwest
quarter of section 51, township 2ft, range ft
taxed In name of K B. Mann, and tlio north
west quartor of section 11. township 2ft, range
ft, taxed in name of M. l*\ Harrington, and
the uortlieast quarter of section 20, township
2ft, range ft, taxed in name of Nelson Clark,
and the northwest quarter of section 21. town
ship 20, range ft, taxed in name of E. W
Moftitt, and tho north half of the north half
ui wxiiuii «i, io\vn*mp range taxed in
niitno of .John Cherry, and the northwest
quarter of section In, township 30, range U,
taxed In nunie of L. K. Hlothowor, ana the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter
and tho north half of the southeast quarter i
and the southwest quarter of the southeast i
quarter of section 1, township 31, range 0,
taxed In name of C. II. Gardiner, and the
notth half of the southeast quarter of section
:.\ township 31, range 9, taxed in name of (
II. Gardiner, and the northeast quarter of
section 15, township 32, range l>, taxed in
name of Henry Kugill, und tho southwest
quarter of section 20 township 32, range 0,
taxed in name of E. G. Palmer, and thesouth
east. quarter of section 3, township 25, range
10, t axed In name of F. J. Fitzwilliains. ami
i he east half of the southwest quarter ami
the west half of the southeast quarter o(
section 11, township 25, range lu, taxed in
name of C. A. Hen ton. and the northwest
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
northeast quarter of the northwest quarter
ami tho south half of the nort hwest quarter
of section 14, township 25, range 10, taxed lu
name of F. J. Fit*williams, and the south
half of the southeast quarter of section 4,
fowhship27, range 10, taxed In name of John
Stmhkcl, and tuo northeast quarter of
seettou 2, township 20, range lu, taxed in
name of A. C. Hurnhum, and tho northeast
quarter of section 4, township 20, range 10,
taxed in name of 8. If. Roesman, and tho
northwest quarter of section 10, township 20,
range 10, taxed in name of Peter Williams,
and the northwest quarter of section 1, town
ship 30, range 10, taxed in name of E. W.
Mollitt jr., and tho southeast quarter of
section 1, township 30, range 1U. taxed in
name of .1. V. Mcbowoll, and the southeast
quarter of section 7, township 30, range 10.
taxed In name of John A. Harmon, and the
north half of the northeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of tho uortheast quarter
and tho northeast quarter of tho northwest
quarter of section 1, township 31, range 1«>,
taxed in name of Mary Knight, and the south
half of the northeiest quarter and the west
half of tho southeast quarter of section r>,
township 31, range 10, taxed in name of Hen i.
Saunders, and the southeast quarter of
section 0, township 31, range 30, taxed in
name of John Darr, and the southeast quar
ter of section 19, township 31, range 10, taxed
in name of N. Oberie, and the northwest
quarter of section 20, township 31, range to,
taxed in name of George W. Rhine, and the
southwest quarter of section 2», township 31
range 10, taxed In name of C. W. Tomlinson,
and the southwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of section 23, township 32, range li>,
taxed In name of R. T. Titus, and the north
west quariur of section 25, township 25, range
11, taxed in name of K. H. Whitburn, and the
*»uth half of the southeast quarter of section
23, township 25. range 11. taxed in name of
Win. 11. ]iodgkin,n.iid the northeast quarter
of section 23, township 25, range 11, taxed in
name of J. V. McDowell, and the northwest
quarter of section 7, t-ownshlp 20, range 11,
taxed in name of Agusta E. llrown, and the
southeast quarter of section 7, township 20,
range 11, taxed in name of E. Fisher, ami the
south half of the northeast quarter ami the
north half of t he southeast quarter of section
U, township 20, range 11, taxed in name of
Edward Russell, and tho south half of the
[■Kimnu Nmmiuur H11U Ule KOlllIl tllUI Of me
southeast quarter of section it. township 27,
ruuge 11, taxed in name of 1), K. Corbin, ami
tlio southwest quarter of section IS, township
27, range It, taxed in name ol' Perry Edwin,
and the southeast ocarter of section Is, town
ship 27, range II, taxed in name of Patrick
Mich, and the sout beast quarter bf section it.
township 28, range 11, taxed in name of F. .1.
Ballinger, and the northwest quarter of
section SO. township 28,rangcll,taxed in name
oi.los.Mrmisky.und the southeast quarter of
section SO, township 2S, rungo 11, taxed in
inline of A. J. Pea. and the southwest quar
ter or section 31, township 2S, ranife li, taxed
in name of John Troth, and the northeast
quarter of section 32, township 28, range 11,
tuxed in name of Jacob Prlbel. and the north
east quarter of section 6, township 29, range
11. taxed in name of li. Mullen, and the
southwest quarter of section 25, township 29.
range 11, taxed in name of F. J. Burnett, Bud
the northeast quarter of section 5. township
30, rango 11, taxed in name tif linvld Admits,
and the north half of the southwest quarter
and the southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of section 10, and the northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of section
la. tow ushipJO, range 11, taxed in name of 8.
S. Sears, and the southeast quarter of sect
township3i. range 11, taxed iu name
or Charles Nelson, and the east half of the
northwest quarter and the north half of the
southwest quarter of section 4. township 32.
range 11, taxed In name of And. Soliere, and
tlie northwest quarter of section 19, township
32. range 11, taxed in name of Collins Cline,
and the west hHlf of the northeast quarter
of section 11, township 32, range 11, taxed In
name of F. M. Itlioue. and the southeast
quarter of section 11, township 32, range 11.
taxed iu name of M. W. Barrett, uud tho east
half of the northwest quarter of section 22,
township 32. range 11, taxed in name of E.
Boe. aud the southwest quarter of section 28,
township 32, range 11. taxed in name of John
Curherry, and the east half of the southwest
quarter of section 34, township 32. range 11.
taxed in name of J. B. Berry, und the nortli
i test quarter of section 31, township 33. range
11. taxed in liumeof Joel Y. Young, und tho
northwest quarter of section 10, township 25,
range 12, taxed in name of P, 8pulilor, and
the uortbwest quarter of section 23. tow nship
25. range 12, taxed in name of G. V. Mickef,
and tho southeast quarter of section 31,
township 25, range 12, taxed in name of G. U.
Hurst, aud tho northeast quarter uf section
25. lownship 20, range 12. taxed iu name of D.
Parrish et ul, and t he northeast quarter of
section 27, township 20, range 12, taxed in
name of Ernest Judd, and the southeast
quarter of tho southwest quarter and the
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter
of section 12. and the west half of the north
east quarter of section la. lownship 27, raugo
12, taxed in name of .1. B. Gimmick, and the
south half of the south half of section 15,
township 2M, rango 12, taxed in name of M.
O'Neill, find the southwest quarter of section
1, township 28, range 12, tuxed iu name of
Joint Ucutiml. and the northwest quarter of
section 2, township 28. range 12, taxed in
name of G. \V. E. Dorsey, und the southeast
quarter.of section 8. township28, range 12,
taxed’ in name of I,. C. Christensen, and the
northwest quarter of seotion 111, township 28,
range 13, taxed In name of M. A. Biglitt, and
I lie northeast quarter of section 18. township
28, range 12, taxed iu name of Alex Boyd, ana
the west half ol the southwest quarter and
the southeast quarter ofi ho soutliwestquartor
aud the southwest .quarter of southeast'
quarter of section 19jtownshlp 28, range 12, j
taxed In name of Ellen Smythe,' mid the
south half of the south half of section 20,
township 2H, range 12, taxed in name of Henry
O'llnUorait, and the northwest quarter of
section .‘12, township 2s, range 12, taxed in
inline of W, J. Eva, and the southwest quar
ter of the northeast quarter and the south
east quarter of the northwest quarter of
section :U, township 2«, rnngo 12, taxed In
name of Win, Fallon, and the southeast
uuartor of section II, toxvnshiu29, range 12,
taxed In muno of Win. Fallon, and the south
east quarter of sect ion 21, township 29, rnngo
12. taxed in mime of 1*. II. McNichois, and the
southwest quarter of section T5, township 3M),
range 12, taxed in name of Jerry Me Graham
and the northeast, quarter of section 31. town
shin 31, range 12. taxed in name of John
Holer, and the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of section 8, and tlie north
half of the northeast quarter and t he south"
east, qunrter of the northeast quarter of
section 7, township III, range 12, taxed in
name of A. H, Livingstone, ami tin-north
half of the south west quarter and the south
er s’, quarter of the southwest quarter and
the southwest quarter of the sbiitlieast
quarter of section 10, township hi, range 12,
taxed In name of R. Wheeler, and the north
west quarter of section 14, township 31, range
12, taxed in name of Adam H. Goodsoll* and
the southeast quarter of section 22, township
311, range 12. taxed In name of Anna Lauds
worth, and the northeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 2»j. township 31,
range 12, taxed in name of Tlios. Grant, and
the east half of the southeast quarter of
section 20, township 511, range 12, taxed In
muno of F. L\ Gruble, and t ho southwest
quarter of section 315. township 311, range 12,
taxed In tinnioof John K. Hamilton, and the
northwest quarter, of the southwest quarter
of section 2, township 312. range 12, taxed in
name of Rl. M. McMaimrnu, and the north
half of tho southeast quarter and the south
east. quarter of the northeast quarter of
section 31, township 32, range 12, taxed in
name of J. It. Carmichael, ami Hie northwest,
quarter of tho northeast quarter and the
north half of tho northwest quarter of
section 14, township 32, range 12, taxed in
name of Clins Hu IT, and the west half of the
west half of section is, township 312, range 12,
taxed in name of Hannah ( numbers, and tiie
north half of tho northwest quarter and the
southwest quarter of the northwest quarter
of section 2f>, and the northeast quarter of i
tho northeast quarter of suction 2H, township
312, range 12, taxed in mime of Win. Noll
hamper, and the east half of the southwest
quarter and the south half of the northwest
quarter of Hection 35, township 32, range 12,
taxed In name of Aug. Eppenhack. ami the
north half of tho sout h west ouartcr of sect inn
township 32, range 12, tuxed in name of
John Motor, and the west half of jthe north
east quarter uf section 31, township 33, range
12, taxed In name of Ernest Stein, and the
northwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of section 33, township 33, range 12, taxed in
name of Fred Btrjohan, and the north half
of the southeast quarter and the southwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of sootkm
10, township 25, range 13, taxed in name of
Loreno Earl, and the southwest quarter of
section 18, township *35, range 13, taxed in
name of Uren Bagley, and the northeast
quarter of section 35, township 25, range 13,
taxed In name of \V. E, Yoder, and the north
west, quarter of the northwest quarter of
section 27, township 20, range 13, taxed in
name of Martha boott, and the southwest
quarter of section 17, township 27, range 13,
taxed In name of J. a. Haze let, and the north
half of the south half of section JO, township
27, range 13, taxed in name of A. T. Potter,
and the northwest quarter of section 20,
township 27, range 13, taxed in name of A. J.
Potter, and the north half of the south half
of section 20, township 27. range 13, taxed in
name or A. T. Potter, and the east half of the
southeast quarter of section 12, township 29,
range 13, taxed in name of F. 11. Behrens, and
the west half of the northeast quarter and
the east half of the northwest quarter of
section 17, township 29, range 13, taxed in
name of Bartley Gafney, and the east half
of the northeast quarter of section 17, town
ship 29, range 13, taxed| in name of Mary
Uuliiey, and the southwest quarter of section
23, township 29, range 13, taxed in name of W.
11. Livingstone, and the northeast quarter of
section 32, township 29, rango 13, taxed in
name of bamuol Hllgus, and the southeast
quarter of section 34, township 2y, range 13,
taxed in name of It. O. Greer, and the north
west quarter of sectiou 21, township 28. range
13,taxed in name of (J. W. E. Dorsey, und the
north half of the north half of section 23.
township 28, range 13, taxed in name of John
Arvenete, and the southwest quarter of
section 11, township 30, range 13, taxed In
name of W. I). Blake way, and the southwest
quarter of section 13, township 30, range 13,
taxed in name of Peter Winn, and the s outh
west quarter of section 15, township 30, range
13, taxed in name of J, C. Knotts, and the
north half of the northwestquarter 6f section
17, und the east half of the northeast quarter
of sectiou 18, township 30, range 13, taxed in
name of J. C, Duiin, and the northwest quar
ter of section 20, township 30, range 13, taxed i
in name of Portsmouth Savings Bank, and j
the west half of the southwest quarter of
section 27, township 30, range 13. taxed In
nurne of Roy Nye, and the southeast quarter
of section 29, township 30, range 13, taxed in
name of F. C. Cook, ami the west half of the
or the northwest quarter of sectiou ;i4, town- ■
ship 30, range 13, taxed in name of Roy Nye,
and the southwest quarter of of section 4,
township 31, rauge 13, taxed Jn name of O. M.
Andrus, and the northwest quarter of sectiou
14, township 31, range 13, taxed in name of F.
H. Beckman, and the southeast quarter of
the southwest quarter and the north half of ;
the southeast quarter and the southwest
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
15, township 31, range 13, taxed in name of
L. >V. 1 ulieys, and the southeast quarter of
section 17, township 31, range 13, taxed in
name of Delia M. Stewart, and the south half
of the north half of section 25. township 31,
range 13, taxed in name of Eliza B. Johnson,
and the northwest, quarter of section 28, <
township 31, range 13, taxed in name of Jos,
Roberts, and the east half of the west half of
section 33. township 31, range 13, taxed in
tiaino of W. 11. Dickerson, and the northwest
quarter of the northwestquarter of section 2,
. *1 *■11 me norineasc quarter
aim tho northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of section 3, township 82. range 13,
taxed in name of II. K, Love, and the south
half ot the southwest quarter of section 7,
and the east half of the northwest quarter ot
section 18. township 32, range 13, taxed in
name of Gilbert L. Wiard, and tho north half
of tho_ northeast quarter and the southeast
quarter of tho northeast, quarter and the
northeast quarter of tin* southeast quarter
of section 11, township 32. range 13, taxed in
name of Lillian K. Dodge, and the northwest
quarter of the nort heast quarter of section 17,
township &», range 13. taxed in name of U. N.
1 bourns, and the northeast quarter of section
«0, township 32, range 13 luxod in naire of
George Fox, and lots 1 and 2, in section 24,
township 33, range 13, taxed in name of P. M.
Culbertson, and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 29, and the
south half of the northeast quarter and the
uortheast quarter of the southeast quarter !
of section 30, township 25, range 14, taxed in
name of Albert Dows, and tlie west half of
the northwest quarter of section 2. township
20, range 14, taxed in name of Mary Singleton
turn tho northeast quarter of tho northeast
quarter and the south half of the northeast ;
quarter and the southeast quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 7, township 27, j
range 14, taxed in name of P. E. Lombard, j
and the southwest quarter of the northeast j
quarter and the north half of the northwest I
qharter and the southeast quarter of the 1
northwest quarter of section 15. township 27,
range 14, taxed in name of O. G. Cloud, and
the southwest quarter of section 15, township
27, range 14, taxed in name of C. G. Cloud,and
the southeast quarter of section 27, township
27, range 14, taxed in name of W. D. Transue,
and the northeast quarter of section 1, town
ship 28, range 14, taxed in name of Edward
Crugln, and the north half of the northwest
quarter and the southeast quarter of tho
northwest quarter of section 29, and the
northeast quarter of the northeast quarter
of section 30, township 28, range 14, taxed in
name of G. A. Bundy, and the northwest
quarter of section 14, township 20. range 14.
taxed in name of J. P. Smith, and tho south
west quarter or section 81, township 29, range
14. taxed in name of llenry Moyer, and the
southeast quarter of section 34, township 29,
range 14, taxed In name of John delimit, and
the southwest quarter of section 15, township
•hN range 14, taxed in name of James McKee,
and the northwest quarter of section 18,
township 30, range 14, taxed in name of H. 8.
Davis, and the northwest quarter of section
*>°* range 14. taxed in name of
M. D. Long, and the northeast quarter of
section 21, township 31, range 14. taxed in
name of E. 11. Townsend, and the northeast
quarter of section 30, township 81, range 14
taxed in name of O. E. Pox. and the north
west quarter of section 5. township 31, range
14, taxed in name of J. A. Campbell. and the *
nortowest quarter of section 7. township 31,
range 14, taxed in name of J. P Bradv, and
the souituvest quarter of section 9. township
31, range 14, taxed in name of F. Gifford, and
the northeast quarter of scetiou l>\ township
31, range 34, taxed in name of Gluts. Van
Gorder, and the east half ot the northeast
quarter and the northeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of section 10, township 32,
range 14. taxed in mime of G. L. Wiard, and
the south half of the northeast quarter and
the northwest quarter, of the northwest
quarter and the northeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of section 11, township 32,
rang© 14, taxed in name of G. L. Wiard, amt
the south half of tho northwest quarter and
the north half of tho southwest quarter and
tho northwest quarter of the s.mthoast quar
ter of section 1:;, township 32, ninge 14, taxed
in numo of O. L. Witud. and tho northeast
quarter of section 22. township 32, range 14,
taxed In name of A. A. Low, and the south
west quarter of section 20 township 32. range
14, taxed In name ofJaa. A. Campbell, and
the north half of the southeast quarter of
section 10. and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter and the northwest quarter
of the south west quarter of section 11, town
ship 33, range 14. taxed in name of E. B.
Soper, and the southeast quarter of tho
northeast quarter of section 31, township 34,
range 14, taxed in name of Hanna K. Doty,
and tho south half of the south half of
section 3|. township 34; range 14, taxed in
tittme of J. J. Nachman, and the southwest
quarter of tho northwest quartor of section 2,
township 25. range 15, taxed In name of Jos.
E. Kilf.v, and tho south half of the north half
of section 14, township 25. range lf», taxed In
n«mo of Jefferson Jones, arid the southeast
quarter of section 5, township 27, range 15,
taxed in name of Samuel H. Sage, and the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter
and the northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter and the south half of tho southeast
quarter of section 10, township 27, range 15.
taxed In name of F, B. Johnson, and the
northwest quarter of section 27, township 27.
range 15, taxed In name of Julia Peck, and
the northeast quarter of tho southwest
quarter and tho north half of the southeast
quarter and the southeast quurter of the
southeast quarter of section 85, township 28,
range 15, taxed in name of Geo. Millspaugh,
and tho northwest quarter of section 21),
township 21), range 15, taxed in name of John
/aichradnlcek, and the northwest quarter of
section 11, township 2H, range 15, taxed In
name of ilenry Slaymuker, and tho south
west quarter of section 11, township 29, range
12, taxed in name of Henry Hlay maker, and
t he northwest quarter of section 5, township
21), range 15, taxed In name of H. T. Jonfis, and
the northeast quarter of section 7, township
21), range 15, taxed in name of Thos. Box, and
the northwest quarter of section 26, township
30, range 15, taxed in name of Leopold A.
Soger, and tho northwest quartor of tin*
northeast quarter and the north half of the
northwest quarter and the south west quarter
of the northwest quarter of section 27. town
ship 30. range 15, taxed in name of Donat
hegar. and the northeast quarter of section
7, township ,10, range 15, taxed in name of
(Jims. Kingsbury, and the south half of the
southeast quarter of section 20, township 30,
range 15, taxed in name of John Earner, and
the northeast quarter of section 21, township
31, range 15, tuxed In name of Alary E. Grubb,
and the southeast quarter of section 2, town
ship 31. range 15, taxed In name of.I.A.
Campbell, and the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter and the south half of the
northeast quarter of section 15, township 31,
range 15, taxed in name ot Emma Miller, and
the northwest quarter of section 34,townshii>
•>•>, range in, iiixeu in ntuno or u. Ai. Cleveland
ami tlio southeast quarter of section 111,
township it:, range 15, taxed in name of H. M.
Glussner, and tlio northeast quarter uf
section 20. township 32, rango 15. taxed in
oanio of B. Friend, and the west half of the
northwest quarter of section 30, township 32,
range 15, taxed in name of M. .1. H. Haskins
and the southwest quarter of sootion 18,
township 33, range 15, taxed in name of 1\ W.
Hudson, and the northivest, quarter of
section 20, township 33, range 15, taxed in
name of C. H. Merrill, and the southeast
quarter of section 21, township 33, range 15,
.taxed in name of Add. Monroe, and the
northeast quarter of section 1, township 33,
rango 15, taxed in name of Isaac Oppen
heimer, and the southwest quarter of section
10, township 33, range 15, taxed in name of
M. 11. llustin, and the northeast quarter of
section 2H, township 33, range 15. taxed in
name of Wm. H. Webster, and the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter and the
sou til half of the northeast quarter anti the
southeast quarter of the northwest quarter
of section 15, township 27. range hi, taxed in
name of Hose O. Wright, and the southwest
quarter of section 20, township 29, range ill.
taxed in name of Cl. L. Howot, and the south
west quarter of section 1, township 29,
rnnge 13, taxed in name of J. A. Campbell
and the west half of the southwest quarter
and the southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of section 2, township 211. range hi,
taxed in name of It. N. Kemp, and the north
east quarter of section 3, township 29. range
IB. taxed in name of Albert llurnett, and the
southwest quarter of section 3, township 29,
range 16 taxed in name of Samuel McOlny.
and tlio northeast quarter of section 1, town
ship 30, range 16 taxed in name of Ira Lamb,
and the northwest quarter of section K.
township 30, range 10, taxed in name of M. V.
McCartney, and tlio northeast quarter of
section 13, township 90, range hi, taxed in
name of L. Johnson, and the west half of tlio
northwest quarter of section 19, township so
tango 10, taxed in name of Bertha M. Young,
and the southeast quarter of section 24,
township 30, range 10, taxed in name of ll.
Johnson, and the southwest quarter of
seottou 35. township 30, range 10, taxed in
name of Anderson and .lessen, and the west
half of the northwest quarter of section 7.
township 31, range IB, taxed in name of
Winner and Waldo, and the northeast quar
ter of section 32, township 31, range IB, taxed
in name of Lizzie Dayton, and the nortlionst
quarter of sedtion B. township 32. range 10.
taxed In name of‘of J, I,. Robinson, and tbo
northeast quarter of section 8, township 32.
range IB, taxed in name of Tilde May, fand
the northwest qunrter of section 20, township
32. rango 16, taxed in name of Jas.T A.
Mitchell, and the north half of the northeast
quarter of section 25, township 32, rango 16,
taxed in name of M. J. N. Haskhi, and the
west half of tlio northwest quarter of section
S*. JowMfhtiA 32. range IB. taxed in name of
V.K. Weitner, and tlio south half of the south
half of section 28, township 33, rango IB.
taxed in name of Leonard Lincoln, and the
nortiieast quarter of section 32, township 33
range 16, taxed in linmo of A. ,1. Millikan,
and the east half of the nortiieast. quart,er
and the northeast, quarter of the southeast
quarter and the northwest quarter of t he
southwest quarter of section 10, township 25
range 15. taxed in name of L. G, Dimmook!
All of above described laud west of tlio 6th
e. M„ in Holt county, Nebraska, and tlio time
of redemption of each tract, from said tax
sales will expire on tlio 7th day of November.'
. T. A. Thompson.
To the present owners, occupants and persons
in whose name the land hereinafter de
scribed was assessed in the year 1890, and
to whom it may concern:
i Oil ana encu or you are hereby notified
tliat on 31s,t day of November, A. D., 1892 T
A. Thompson purchased at private tax sale—
the same having been offered at public sale
and not sold forwantof bidildrs—as provided
by law, from the treasurer of Holt county,
Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes for the
year 1890, the real estate, described below,
situated In Holt county. Nebraska, viz:
L«>t 6 and the northeast quarter of the
southeast quarter and the south half of the
southeast quarter of section 8, township :13,
range 15, taxed In name of W. II. H. Hewnls;
and the east half of the southeast quarter of
section 31. and the west half of the southwest
quarter of section 83. township 25, range 9,
taxed In name of George Proctor; and the
southeast quarter of section 84, township 27.
range 14, taxed in name of W. D. Bird; and
the northeast quarter of section 5, township
80, range 18. taxed in name of C. W. Perkins;
and the southeast quarter of the southwest
quarter and the southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter of seetiou 5, township 31,
range 11, taxed in name of Gusta Martin;
and the west half of the northeast quarter of
section 8. township 31, range 11, taxed in
name of Gusta Martin; and the southwest
quarter of section 31, township 32, range 11,
taxed in name of James Jacobs; and the
south half of the northeast quarter and the
north half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion 31, township 31, range 0, taxed in name
of .1. P. Gibson; and the southeast quarter of
section 20, township 31. range 15, taxed in
name of S. McDermott. All of above de
scribed land west of the 6th P. M. in Holt
county,Nebraska,and the time of redemption
of each tract from said tax sales will expire
on the ‘21st day of November. 1801.
C. II, Toncray and William P. Hump, de
fendants, will take notice that on the 21st
day of March, 1894, The Commercial Invest
ment Company, the plalntlif herein, filed its
8etition in the district court of Holt county,
ebraska, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose acertaian mortgage executed
by William P. Bump and Emma M. Bump to
O. H. Toncray and which was afterwards
assigned aud transferred, lor a valuable
consideration, to plaintiff, upon the east half
of the northeast quarter of section t wenty
one (21), and the west half of the northwest
quarter of section twenty-two (22), in town
ship thirty-two (32), north of range ton (10),
west of sixth principal merridian in Holt
county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of
a bond with interest coupons attached, said
bond and coupons dated July B, 1S87; said
bond for the sum of $500, due and payable
five years from date thereof: said mortgage
provided that in case said bond or coupons
are not paid when due, or within ten days
thereater, the whole sum secured thereby
may be declared to be due and payable; that
there is now due on said bond, coupons and
mortgage the sum of $6*14.87. for which sum,
with interest from this date, plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendants be required to
PaY fhe same, or that said premises maybe
soul to satisfy the amount found due.
Yoa are required to answer said petition
emov before Monday, the 30th day of July,
Dated June 14,1591. O. C. Flansiuxro,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Francis M, Clark. May A. Clark, bis wife
George W. Lusk, Laura M. Lusk, his wife’
James II. Threw anil ( ) Mrs. James II’
Threw, his wife, defendants will take notice
that on the tilth day of June, IS94, A. Agustus
Low and Seth Low, executors of the will of
Ablel A- Low. deceased, plaintiff herein, tiled
a petition In the district conn of Holt county
j Nebraska, against said defendants. 1 lie object
and prayer of whleli are to foreclose a certain
n , oh! rw«S rvo nvomi tn/I I\«p /Iefe.. A . ts
mortgage executed by defendants Francis
M. Clark and May A. Clark, his wife, to
Scott T. Jones upon the south half of the
southeast quarter aud the east half of the
southwest quarter of section twenty-three
in township thirty-three of range thirteen
west, in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the
payment of their proturmssory note dated
December ill, ISM, ror the sum of $<100.00 and
interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum
payable semi-annually and ten per cent
after maturity; that there Is now due upon
said note nnd mortgage according to tho
terms thereof tho sum of $1,250,00 and Interest
at tho rate of ten per cent, per annum from
Juno 19. 1801, and plaintiffs pray that said
promises may he decreed to be sold to satisfy
the amount due thereon.
you are required to answer said petition on
or before the :10th day of of July. 1804.
Dated June 10,181>4.
A. Aoustus Low and Seth Low.
Executors of tho will of Abiol A. Low.
deceased, plaintiffs,
Uv Henley, Moore and w. n. ntm.En,
50-4_ Their Attorneys.
Anders Naggaard, Joseph Fuller. Ann
Fuller, his wife. L. W. Balmier, Milo W.
Phillips aud Mrs. Milo W. Phillips, his wife,
defendants, will take notice that on the 19th
day of June. 1891, A. Agustus Low and Setli
Low. executors of tho will of Ablel A. Low.
deceasod, plaintiff herein, llled a petition in
the district court of Holt county,. Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
trust deed executed by defendant. Anders
Naggaard to Eugene Westervolt upon the
north half of the northwest quarter of
section twenty-six. end the north half of the
northeast quarter of section twenty-seven
all lu township thirty-two. of range fourteen
west, ill Holt county, Nebraskti, to secure
the payment of his promissory note dated
September 1,1888, for the sum of $90U.OO and
Interest at tho rate of seven per cont. per
**,v * ■**'*-' op t Oil Jlvi Lt'Ii Li
annum payable semi-annually and ten per
cent after maturity; that there is now clue
upon said notes and mortgage according to
tho terms thereof the sum of *1,598.1)0 and In
terest ut the rate of ten per cent per annum
from Juno 19.1894, and plaintiffs pray that
said premises may be decreed to he sold to
satisfy the amount due thereon.
You nre required to answer said petition
on or before the 30th day of July, 1HD4.
Dated June 19.1894.
A. Aoustus Low anp Seth Low,
Executors of tho will of Ablel A. Low,
deceased, plaintiff.
By Henley. Moore and W. ll. Butleh,
50-t Their Attorneys.
In the matter of the estate of Henry B.
Jones, deceased. Notice is hereby given
that the creditors of said deceased will meet
the executrix of said estate before me,
county judge of Holt county, Nebraska, at
the county court room in said county on the
28th day of July, 1894; on the 29 th day of
September, 1894; on the Hist day of October.
1894. at 10 o’clock a. m. each day: for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for the ex
amination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present
their claims and six months for the execu
trix to settle said estate from the 26th day of
May, 1894.
This notice will be published in the Frontier
for four weeks successively to the 28th day
of July, 1894. G. A. McOIJTOIlEON,
[seal] 50-4 County Judge.
Win. Patridge & Company, plaintiff,
vs. ^
W. P. O’Brien, McCord, Brady Company, ,T.
Abies & Company, R. L. McDonald Dry
vuuijjauj, A*. JU. iUCAHJLltUU
Goods Company, Dempster Mill Manufact
uring- Company, Albert V. Vodheis, and
Lewis E. Miller, defendants
The above earned defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the 2nd day of
June, 18W. tho above named plaintiffs tiled
their petition In the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against tho above named
defendants and eneh of them, tile object and
prayer of said petition being to foreclose
a certain mortgage executed by the defend
ant, W.P. O’firieu, to plaintiff, upon tiie fol
lowing described real estate situated in Holt
county. Nebraska, to-wlt: The east lialr of
the northwest quarter and tho west half of
the north east quarter of section twenty-two
(22>, township twenty-five (25), r&uge fifteen
(l;j), west of the 6tl» P. M., whiqli mortgage
was given to secure the payment of five
promissory notes; lour for the ysum of $200
each aud one for tho sum of $180.68. all past
due and payable; that there is now due upon
said notes and mortgage the sum of $1,500, for
which sum, with interest from 'this date,
plaintiff pravs for decree that tho defend
ants he required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due. And further, that the interest
of all of said defendants be decreed to be
subject, junior and inferior to the lieu of
said mortgage.
You are required to answer sivid petition
on or before the 16th day of July, }«94,
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., tills 4th day of
June, 1894.
It, R. Dickson.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
United States Land Office,
_ , , O’Neill, Neu , May 23, 1894.
Complaint having been enterjd at this
office by H. W. McClure jr, aguiiiHtlrhompson
Huffman tor failure to comply witll laws as to
timber-culture entry No. ('431, dated April 13,
188U, upon the SEkt NW!i section 2ll township
-b, range 11 west, in Ilolt county, Nebraska,
with a view to the cancellation of said entry;
contestant alleging that Thompson! Huffman
iailea to plant any trees, tree seeds or cut
tings the third year after entry ;alsw tailed to
plant any trees, tree seeds or cuttings the
lourth year after date of entry;] also lias
failed to cultivate or improve said .tract in
any manner, except to break about, two and
one-half acres the first year and ptant four
or five rows of cottonwood cuttings across
one side ot said breaking the second year
rfter said entry since the date of sa|d entry,
aii.c ,, ,at fhe land that was broken is now
wholly neglected and grown up to grass and
weeds; the said parties are hereby surtiuoned
to appear at tills office on the 7th day M July.
1894, ut 9 o clock a. m., to respond and furnish
te?„t.10ny’ concerning said alleged failure.
John A. Hahmon, Register.
UN^EDn?T4T^ ^AND OfAcE, 1
»» .. . . O Neill, Neb., May 22,18ft4. f
Notice is hereby given that Freddie Hchirn
melpfenuig has filed notice of intention to
final Proof before register and receiver
^ Neill. Neb , on Saturday, the
InV°'i! tlmbt-r culture ap
plicatiou No. 6b^>, for the nw quarter of sec
tion No. 23, in township No. 31, range No. 10 w.
He names as witnesses; f
James Barnes. John R. Pointer, Ohalles M.
Rov, ot Scottville, Neb., and Charles AVredo,
of Leonia, Neb. John A. Harm4j,
4(>-Up KeELter.
x . _ NEBRASKA. ft
, an an(J Trust Company, of Imaha,
Nebraska, a corporation, plaintiff, T
A. W. Baldwin, and wife, Etna J. Baldwin,
formerly Etna J. Dowell, S. H. Golemijn. c.
(emiants?Cray a“d Mrs' A- B’ Uetts'>de>
To the above named defendants aud eachV^.
them: • of
. You,^i11 tHke notice that on the 9th day fV
ithe above named plaintiff filed \ w
petition in the district court of Holt count
Nebraska, against you and each of you, Oji
object and prayer of said petition being
ioreclose a certain mortgage *oxecut&j
by the defendants, A. W. Baldwin, and wife!
£tr?il £* Ual,lwilb formerly Etna J. Dowell, t6
C. H. Toncray, and assigned to the plaintiff!
upon the following described real estatd
situated in Holt county, Nebraska, towitl
The northeast quarter of section twelve (121
township thirty-one (31), range ten, whiclil
mortgage was given to secure the paymeutj
or a certain promissory note of $500, dated!
August 30,1890, due in three years; interest*'
per cent., given by said defendants]
Baldwin aud wife, to Toneray and assigned
to plaintiff. Plaintiff alleges that there 1#
due it upon said note and mortgage, the sunt
of sl.000, with interest from this dnte, and
prays for a decree that the defendants be,
required to pay the same or that said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found;
due; also prays that the interest of each of,
said defendants he declared to be subject to
the lien of plaintiff’s mortgage.
You are required to answer said petition
on or bef ire the 23rd day of July, 1894.
Dated Juue 11,1894.
49-4 R. r. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Prices Reasonable.
Bast of MoCitffcrto’g. O’NBIU,, NKB
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Finest turnouts in the city.
Good, careful drivers when
wanted. Also run the O’Neill
Omnibus line. Commercial
trade a specialty. Have charge
of McCaffert’s hearse.
Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats
Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast
Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all
Kinds of Sausages.
Of all kinds. A specialty made of
If you want a drink of good liquor
do not fail to call on ns.
Purchase Tickets and Consign your
Freight via the
oonra bast.
Passenger east, - ;
Freight east,
8:35 a. m
10 :45 a. M
Freight 'Sr.est,
1:45 P. m
5:15 p. m
6:44 p. m,
The Elkhorn Line Is OW running Beclhiin
-hair Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead
wood, jree to holders of first-class wewj>or
tatlo“‘ j,er jmy information call on
I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat
ient business conducted for moocratc Feta.
Our Office is Oppositc U. S. patent ORiet; |
and we can secure patent in 1ms tune than those;,
remote from Washington. , >
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- ;
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of j,
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , i
A PAMPHLET, "Howto Obtain Patents," with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent free. Address,
Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C.