GF.N1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATE. Governor.Loren to Crounse l.ieutcnant Governor.T. J. Majors Secretary of State.J. C. Allen Mate Treasurer.J. 8. Bartley Unirnex General.George H. Hastings stute Auditor.Eugene Moore Com. Lands and Bulling*..George Humphrey j^upt. Public Instruction.A. K. Goudy REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. i lias. H. Gere, Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham, Omaha; J M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes. Pierce; J.T. Mallaleu, Kearney; M. J. Hull, W‘ar‘ CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—Chas. F. Manderson, of Omaha; tv. V. Allen, of Madison. Representative*—Wm. Bryan, Lincoln; O. M. Kern, Broken Bow; Wm. McKelfthaa, Bed L'lnud. JUDICIARY. Chief Justice.Samuel Maxwell Associates.Judge Post and T. L.Norval FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. judge.M.P. Ktnkald, of O’NeUl Reporter.......... J-J. King of O’Neill luSae .A.L. Bartow of Chadron _ Wa__|nW nflVNolll Keporter.A. L. Warrick, of O'Neill LAND OFFICES. W. D. Mathews. ....A. L. Towle. o'lrsiLL. Register. Receiver...... RUOH. Register.C. W. Robinson Reiver . .W.B. Lambert COUNTY. judge.Geo McCutcheon Cleric of the District Court—John Sklrvlng D. imtv ................. ...........O. M.Collins Treasurer.....J. P. Mullen Deputy.Sam Howard c lerk ..BUI Bethea ‘riff ..Chas Hamilton Deputy:..Chas O’Neill Supt. of Schools.W. K. Jackson Assistant.Mrs. W. H. Jackson Coroner.Dr. Trueblood Attorney.B. E. Murphy SUPERVISORS. Atkinson.i£?u,k Cleveland..Wilson. Brodle Coi ley .Willie Calkins Chambers.George Eckley Delolt.Ered Schindler Dustin.J. 8. Dennis Ewing. ..-.D. G. Roll Falrview. B. B. Kelly Grattan"Sr Bayes Green Valley..Bv.8if?5“a?er McClure.A- H^Wllson Paddock.George Kennedy Pleasantvlew.. .John Airs Rock Falls. -A.Ja,'5? going to boil it down pretty soon.” A NETWORK OP OCEAN CABLES. Mmrlu Wlrm Aroamd Kverjwhtr* la •I* World Except In Antrim IVoton. The world is now so netted with cables, great and small and new ones *ro laid so frequently that there Is much demand for the service of cable laying ships, says the New York Sun. A list of the world's cables, long and short, set down in tabulated form, occupies twenty large and closely printed pages. The liable map of the world prepared by the United States navy department shows that the Mediterranean, is thlokly netted with cables west of Malta. So is the North Atlantic between the thirty eighth and fifty-fifth parallels. The North sea, the Red sea, and the Ara bian sea have many cables. The only great unbridged spaces are the Pacific, .the South Atlantic, and the great stretch of the Indian ocean be tween Madagascar and Australia iHcna iiv i'uusiut*rauio cauie norm of Stockholm or South of N'olaon, New Zealand. The Black »ei la com pletely girdled by land lines and crossed by one cable The gulf of Mexico is crossed, though not at Its widest by several cables, and the waters of tho West Indies are be coming thickly netted with short cables. Coast communications in tho United States and Europe are main tained by land lines, but in Africa, South America, and much of Asia the same thing is maintained by means of long or short cable loops. It thus happens that this country, although more thoroughly equipped with telegraphic lines than any other in the world, has a compara tively small amount of cable within her own waters. This may perhaps account in part for the fact that cable making is only just beginning to be an important industry in the United States. The navy of the United States, however, has done a vast deal for the art of cable laying. Commander Sigsbee has invented a highly effec tive sounding machine for ascertain ing the depth of tho ocean—an abso lutely necessary preliminary to.oable laying. Lieutenant Commander L Tanner of the navy has devised an ingenious case for deep-sea thlr mometers and also imnroved a ther mometer frame invented by an Ital ian naval officer. The naval depart ment has also issued an elaborate treatise on cable laying, and made soundings for the proposed Pacific route. THE SIOUX DINNER POT. It la Not • Private Family Affair, Bat tile Property at tbs T ribs. “There is a very peculiar custom among the Sioux Indians." said Em anual French of Bismarck, S. D. “The Indians take kindly to Europe an cooking utensils and aids to com fort, and it is quite common for an exploring or picnic party to trade off kettles, frying pans and the like for skins or curiosities. A cooking utensil thus acquired becomes prac tically the common property of the tribe, on the general understanding, however, that whosoever borrows it shall pay for its use by leaving in it a portion of the food cooked. As the Indians seldom waste any time in washing or cleaning eating or cooking vessels, this practice has some conveniences from a red man’s point of view, and often a saucepan is returned with quite a large quan tity of meat or potatoes clinging to the bottom, and perhaps covering up some of the remains of a preceding and entirely different preparation. “It is not long since that an ex ploring party I was out with lost its kettle, which had evidently jolted out of the wagon on the bad road. After considerable hesitation, one was borrowed from a friendly squaw, and, after the water had heen boiled in it three or four times and it had been well scoured out‘with sand, it' answered its purpose admirably. When we were through with the kettlo we thoroughly cleaned it again and returned it, and it was not until an Indian guide explained the custom that wo understood the look of supreme contempt which came over the red lady’s faoe when, on looking into the inside of the kettle, she saw that it contained no relio whatever of our evening feast’’ Hood’s pills care all liver ills, billon^ ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick. head ache. A strictly hlgh-crade Family Sewing Machine, possessing all modern improve nie^a.. Guaranteed Equal to the-Best Prices vary reasonable* Obtain them from yonr local dealer and make comparisons. EUREDUE MANUFACTURING GO. BELVIDCRE, ILL. ffiVAHams, Hood’s is Q( it Makes Pure Bf Scrofula Thoroughly Eradicated. "C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell Mass.: “It Is with pleasure that I glre you the details of our little May's sickness and her return to health by the use of Hood’s Sarsaparllhu Bhs was taken down with Fever and a Bad Cough* Following this a sore came on her right Side be tween the two lower ribs. In a short time an other broke on the left side. She would take spells of sore mouth ami when we had succeed ed In overcoming tills she would suffer with at tacks of high fever and expel bloody looking corruption. Her bead was affected and matter oozed from her ears. After each attack the be Hood’sr> Cures came worse and all treatment failed to glee her relief until we began to use Hood's Sarsaparilla. After she had taken ono-half bottle we could see that she was better. We continued until she had token three bottles. Mow she looks like The Bloom of Health and Is tat as a pis. We feel grateful, and cannot say too much In favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mbs. A. M. Adams, Inman, Tennessee. Hood's Pill* net easily, yet promptly and efficiently, on the liver and bowels. 88c. NEW YORK .. . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The brgan of Honast Sport In Amarloa ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAT MCTVase av THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THK COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. *4 FOR A YEAR, *2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the HEW TOES ILLUSTRATED HEWS, 3 PARK PLACE! NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. i«w. ' >*w# ~ n-iw 'ijsse' WHAT PEFFER’S NERVI60R DID. Itacupowerfally and quickly. Cures when all Others fall. Young men regain lost manhood; old men recover youthful vigor. Absolutely Gunr diijfeets 2?.9cl? abu*» or excretes and indiscrrtiqru Words off Insanity and consumption. i ~ ^ ’* * * / VVIIDUIUI'WUII. Don t let druggists Impose a worthless substitute on you hec&u&eityields agreRter pront. Insist on hav. }ng PKFFEB'H NCR VIGOU, or send for It. Can be carried in vest pocket. Prepaid, plain wrap* per. 81 per box, or • for Ma with A Positive WrVUea Onarantee to lure srKefksd the Sold by P. 0. Corrigan. WAYNE'S IOINTMBB VlkJMwt taj internal I ■MdiciiM, earea tet- 3 ter. atwna, itch, nil ^ . >• nuw, BOM, 4e., latrine 4 (Um akin slur, vhitenndhanltbj trisu. t r ml br mail (or SO ct«. gwiW• Mon.rmtaawipais, aw^>r>n((Mw^ FAT PEOPLE PARK OBESITY PILLS will reduce youi weight permanently from 12 to 15 pounds a month. No starving sickness or injury; nc publicity. They build up the health and beautify the complexion leaving no wrinkles or tlabbiness. Stout abdomens and difficult breathing surely relieved. No experiment but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only after vears of experience. All order* supplied direct from our office. Price 92 pei package or three packages for 95 by mail post paid. Testimonials and particulars (sealed j 2 cents. All eorresponcenee strictly confi dential PARK REMEDY CO., Bostos Mass. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway THE SHORT ROUTE sloilx GlTY Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverging lines, landing passengers in NEW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, time tables, or other Information (PACIFIC SHOUT LINE) BETWEEN AND rente or address Hecelver. W. B.McNIDER, Hon'l Pflga A spa: Gen'l Pass. Agent. Matilda.—It *u a food torn you did no whoa you told UM ofBantaCUu. Soy^Itmaho* tho Clothe* whiter than *ay Other, Mauv,—Te*. and it douu not injure tho hands or tho elothao. .' rJ SANTA CLAUS SOAP. Ml b| THE H. K. FAIRBAHK COMPANY, CNu||. ' UNTIL JAN. 1,1895. 25 CENTS. If you are not already a Journal subscriber that is all you will have to pay us for the . . . SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL 3 OhMAMM The Semi-Weekly Journal is the greatest paper in the west, published Tuesday and Friday, giving two complete papers each week, with markets and telegraphic news of the world. Send us your orders at once. The Frontier, O’Neill. unicago Lumoer Yard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Headquarters for . . . LUMBER, «■"— COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. ( O'Neill, Yards < Page, (Alien. 0.0. SNYDER & GO. THE COLUMBIAN HOTEL Has recently been remodeled and every room furnished with a new suit of furniture, making it one of the most complete and capable hotels in the northwest. A good sample room in con nection. First door west of Neil Brennan’s hardware store. The Inter Ocean Ii the-most popular Republican Newspaper of the west and has the largest circulation. Terms by mall: Dally