The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KING A CRONIN. Editors. STATE CONVENTIONS. Republican state convention, Omaha, Aug ust. 32. Democratic froe silver convention, Omaha, Juno 31. Independent state convention, Grand Island, August 15. Prohibition state convention, Lincoln, July 3. — ■ > Now is the time to organize a republi can club. Tiih Chadron Citizen favors 8. M, Dorrington for congress. It’s no use, Bro. Bally. Up to date Mr. Cleveland has neglect ed to endorse the presidential J>oom of "silver dollar” Bland. Every township In Ilolt county should have a well organized republican club, and that at once. O'Neill might set the example. Webster county is attempting to shake township organization. Almost every county but Ilolt knows a badJ thing when they see it. Coxry will, it is said, lecture, and Carl Browne will write a book, but what will become of the poor devils who helped them into notorlet/? Orb of the remarkable things in poli tics is the fact that "republican misrule’, never hurts the country till the demo crats get into power.—Kansas City Journal. If, as the democrats argue, it is right to put a special tax on a man because he earns beyond a given sum of money, it is also right to take care of the man who earns nothing. ' Bno. Wili. Wright in last week’s Journal says all the democrats of this district will vote for Klnkafd, on author* ity of a "prominent democrat," supposed to be Judge Crites.—Chadron Signal. • Ore of the greatest causes of trouble in this country is that so many men witose abilities do not fit them for any thing better than sawing wood are en gaged in building up financial theories. - .§. - Irdia has laborers who get only five cents a day. Congressman Black, of Illinois, said in a speech on the tariff bill that he favored reducing the pay of American laborers to the foreign standard._^_ It is a pleasure to note that somebody still thinks well of Mr. Cleveland. The Brazilian senate proposes to decorate him with a medal. Perhaps the British Parliament will feel under obligations to do likewise, after the tariff bill becomes a law, . _ The county republican central com mittee should be called 'ere long to fix the date of the county convention. This should be done early in order to give the senatorial committee an oppor tunity to call its convention at the proper time. Browhe, the clown of the Coxey show, pertinently said in one of his recent comical orders to the Coxyites: "Our force will always be measured by the fullness of our commissary.” In other words, as long as there is a supply of food there will be men to eat It. The senators on that committee doubtless meant well in deciding to make that investigation a star-chamber affair, but people will talk, and many will say that it was because they feared the effect of making the testimony pub lic concerning tbe relations between the sugar trust and certain democratic senators. ' The republican party of the big Sixth muat pick a winner regardless, of every thing except honesty and capability. No one doubts the eminent fitness'and integrity of Judge Kinkhid, and no one who will look at the situation fairly and squarely can deubt that be is a sure winner.—Chadron Signal. 8ome man other than the editor of the Garfield Enterprise, had a little article in that sheet last week, the substance of which was that The Frontier editors are Kinkaid hirelings. The attack from that insignificant sheet in an insignifi cant section of the sand hills has no effect whatever upon this paper. Democratic primaries and conven tions this year will not be without inter est. Plans are being well laid by the stiver tben^to capture the state, thus endorsing Bryan and rebuking Cleve land, while the administration demo crats are girding up their loins to do battle for the man of destiny and Tobe Castor. - _ Some one of Treasurer Bartley’s numerous customers manage to keep him in the supreme court most of the time on some pretext or other. After arranging matters so that the permanent school fund might be used to pay off general fund warrants and thereby stop accruing interest, along comes a firm of warrant scalpers and demand that he register their warrants, bnt refuse to , ’ accept the cash, because they say the permanent school fund is not available for that purpose, and the supreme court - has been called upon to decide. Abraham Lincoln's first speech on the tariff question was short and to the point. Ho said that he did not pretend to he learned in political economy, but he thought that he knew enough to know that “when an American paid twenty dollars for steel to an English manufacturer, America had the steel and England had the twenty dollars. But when he paid twenty dollars for steel to an American manufacturer, America had both the steel and the twenty dollars.” That was the sum and substance of the tariff question as he viewed it. ir i\ium wuMieu iiu iiniuui uu xiin mini tuan bo lias worked to save the country at $13 a day it is n wonder bow he man aged to live from the proceeds of it. He promised, when first elected, to pull the country out of tbe bole into which it had fallen, but beyond pulling him self out he has done nothing. In fact when he first went to tbe front on an nual passes presented to him by the ( various railroads centering at tbe cap ital, and cashed his first mileage vouch er, the land was remarkably prosperous. It took strategy on the part of profes sional agitators to avoid oilers of work at renumerative wages. Four years of Kemism in congress and we see indus try flat on its back and hunger driving men to strike for higher wages. We see the cormorant and the commqne prey ing vulturelike upon tbe prostrate form of honest industry, while men like Kem and Bryan, elected to champion the cause of labor, are doing their darndest to paralyze the rich by closing the avenues of useful employment to the poor. If this is statesmanship; if the country is to be saved by degrading American labor; if tbe rich are to be crippled by crushing the poor, our re formers are on the right track. The intelligent west does not look at it in that light. The people of Nebraska are sick of this nonsense. The smoke of the factory is a sweet smelling savor to tbe patriotic masses. They are tired of the brand of reform that breeds great armies' ot the unemployed, who swoop down like grasshoppers and eat hard working people out of house and home. It is lime to call a halt. There is a vacancy on Kern’s farm that he is well qualified to fill. The nation has given him a good setting out. He has drawn (16,350 salary and enough mileage to pay his board. He will get 93,750 more at the end of his term. It is time for Nebraska to redeem herself. It is in order to send a full delegation of busi ness men to congress. Oome back then Kem, to your Custer farm, Come back as you know you should: In congress you did us a world of harm And devil a bit of good. 1 —State Journal. Thb Bryan rebellion is taking root I and a call has been issued from Omaha : for a convention of the ‘‘free silver dem ocrats" to meet at that city on the 31st - of June and organize p "Nebraska dem ocratic free coinage league.” The call is signed by nearly 350 gentlemen call ing themselves democrats and who have doubtless voted the democratic ticket ' from time to time with occasional ex ettrsiona to the paradise of the pops, and all tbe gentlemen who signed the call eleoted themselves delegates at large, and will sit on tbe credentials of such others as may pound the door for admission. The names and residences of the callers of this lodge of sorrow are . cleverly mixed up for the better conceal ment of the conspiracy against Grover Cleveland and Sterling Morton, but an analysis shows that Douglas county furnished 87 names of the discontented, Lincoln 33, Falls City 15, Schuyler and Crete 13 each, Fremont 13, Nebraska City and Geneva 11 each, Tilden 10, Atkinson and Central City 0 each, Mad ison, Norfolk, Pierce and Plattsmouth 8 each, Battle Creek 7, Pawnee City and Grand Island 6 each, Auburn and Harri son 5 each, David City 4, and twelve other towns a scattering contingent from 1 to 8 each. This analysis indi cates the central spots of the contagion. The smallness of the list from Lincoln is somewhat surprising. The greatest men in the Lincoln list are by all odds Mr. Tommy Worrall, who holds down a large section of the postofflce, and Tommy Allen, who will on the 1st prox, sign himself assistant postmaster. This is the most unkindest cut of all. If tile revolt is to be headed by the color bear ers of the democratic party, where are we at? Must the federal building be quarantined? The democratic party will feel lonesome at its next convention If such men as Judge Doane, of Omaha, and Judge Broady, of this city. Dr. Eelper, of Pierce and Nat Smails, of 'Fremont, are compelled to send their regrets.That the "committee” means business is evident from the announce ment that Pap Bland of Missouri is ex> pected to speak, though he will not be there,'and also that distinguished free silveritc, William J. Bryan of Nebraska, who will doubtless turn up if he is alive. The party of Jefferson and Jackson and all the rest of ’em is evidently in sore straits and it becomes it to saw wood with great dilligence during the next few weeks. The Philistines are upon Sampson, and it is high time that he felt of his head to see whether hif hair is still there. The responsibility that now weighs upon the sturdy shoulders of our smiling friend, Tobe Castor, is great and pressing and he will doubtless hump himself from this time on, rectify ing his lines and closing up his ranks.— Slate Journal. A SPOT CASH BANKRUPT SALE ■' •.../ ov;V:*^ i- '>■'.. -: ,'V’’ S8.QOO Worth of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, j Valises, Boots and Shoes to be sold for less than first cost CHICAGO RLOTHING HOUSE Having been placed in the hands of a receiver the entire stock will be sold at once regardless of cost. - to buy clothing cheap and if you do not need it now you can save 50 cents on the dollar for future use. -•^COME EARLY... While you have a chance to get your pick. First come, first served. A word to the wise is sufficient. We mean business. These goods must be sold and if you do not take advantage of this opportunity you will regret it. CHICAGO CLOTHING House ONEILL, Neb. w. A. COONEY, J. w. EWEN, Manager in Charge. Receiver. NOW IS... YOUR TIME )’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW teferenoe First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. | C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIOAR8, ETO. QB. J. P. QIU1GAN, PHYSICAN AND SURGEON. . Day and night calls promptly attended to. Office over Blglln's furniture store. O'NEILL, NEB. P H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Jfilce In the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, ) NEILL, ’ NEB. yy It. BUTLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Agent for Union Trust Co’s land in Bolt sounty. Will practice In all the courts. Special at tentlon given to foreclosures and collections D* B. T. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases of the Eye . and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Offioe hours 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 toft p. m, Offioe first door west of Helnerlkson's BOYD, BUILDERS. E8TIMATE8 FURNISHED. GEORGE A. McCUTCHEON, PROPRIETOR OP | - CENTRAL- ~ Livery Barn O’NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES arnNEW TEAMS. •Everything First-Claw. Barn Opposite Osmpbe l's Implement Bouse JU HAMMOND ABSRACT GO Successors to R. R. DICKSON A CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstrect Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a 910,000 bond as required under the law. * Correspondence Soliced O’NEILL. HOLT COUNTY NEB. HOTEL --Evans Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. IOA dollars ,ftW PER MONTH In Your Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capi tal, during your.spare hours. Any man, woman,boy, or girl can do the work hand. ily, without experience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first liour. You can make a trial without ex pense to yourself. We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the busi ness successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain Instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready money, and want to know all about the best paying business befpre the public, send us your address, and we will mall you a docu ment giving you all the particulars. TRUE A CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. SPEEDY and EASTING RESULTS. SNFAT PEOPLE, No inconvenience, cure. asaoLumr f»ft '■ ■/ from any injurious substance. LAS9I ABI0U2H3 BEEUCIE. In" [ can stay 1 .thin. ■I'SRNTEE a CURE or refund your money. ■; .1-0 p-r bottle. Send 4c. far treatise. .'"I MEMCAI. CO., Boaton, UauI The Hub’s “Head to Foot” (hi* nfl BOY'S OUTFIT tarMS BHU»' CLOTHIERS The Greatest Offer of the cento,! * FULL SUIT OF CLOTHES, ^ 5 to 15 years—every thread ' r d0“bk *«asted coat-pants made with dmiT kwes—aotifcle seats—taped se™ wuf wear 2 pairs of the usual kind)_A siS enp. made Lke illustratk»-to match the Zl and A Pair of Shoes of solid Imh. first-class, strong and neat-the entire^! fit for $5.00. oeni on receipt or price, or C. O. D. with privilege of examination „„ the baited States if $1.00 deposit is sent with order. If not satisfactory we^! * refund the purchase price. Samples of cloth FREE. y 6 ***** *o THE HUB, Chicago, ill — 8t*te«ud JacknoiiRii, 20 years Amon ...Always Buy the ...Best The ...Best is Cheapest. The finest and largest stock of goods In the hardware and implement line in the Elkhorn vallley is found at . . . . Neil Brennan NEIL BRENNAN John Deere plows, riding and walking cultivators; Disc harrows. Moline wagons and buggies of all kinds. David Bradley & Co. famous disc cul tivator—best in the world. Glidden wire. Every spool warranted lull weight. Stoves. Garland stoves and ranges— the world’s best. The grand old Chart er Oak stoves and ranges. Gasoline stores—a world beater—the famous New Process. Boss Churns, Western washer, Planet jr., drills and garden cultivators, rub ber bose. Oils. Gasoline always on hand. Lint seed and machine oils of all kinds. Supplies, blacksmith supplies, iron, steel, spokes and fellows, hard wood lumber. Cuttlery. I keep cnttlery of the very best brands and in endless variety. Guns. Sportsmen’s headquarters. Fish ing tackle, powder, shot, loaded shells guns and revolvers—best made. Tinware and graniteware, a grand sup ply always on hand—prices beyond comparison. Seeds. I keep the best garden seeds in the market. All fresh and new. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE - STATE ■ BANK OF O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. EMIL SNI66S, _PRACTICAL HORSESHOER And general blacksmithing carried on in connection. Cal riage work in either iron or wood executed in the most sku u style possible. First-class plow and machine work that can be relied upon. No new experience used in any branc o work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALSO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS- — Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrows ant cultivators of all descriptions. Everything guarantee 0 beat the best. - o’neill, neb.