The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 24, 1894, Image 8

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    hotks room the temple ofle&snini
A very Interesting program has beei
arranged for the closing day of th
school term. Many of the high schoc
pupils will deliver essays and recitations
Excellent music has been secured am
Prof. Morrow’s melodious volge wil
render that beautiful solo, “Will Yoi
Love Me In Vacation?” which is th
latest erase in the musical world. Sbouli
you fail to be present at this gram
literary entertainment and musical yoi
will never cease to regret it.
y.; Hon. Chas. Meals returned to schoo
Friday morning after a rrotractei
absence, having made a tour of tin
most renowned and interesting portion!
of the habitable globe, besides exploring
many unknown and heretofore unheard
of Islands in the Indian ocean. Satur
day evening as he alighted from hit
special Pullman car he was meet bj
Mayor Dickson together with the O’Neill
cornet band and a deputation of oui
most prominent citizens, who escorted
him to the Hotel de Evans where the
honorable gentleman related the most
important episodes of his journey. He
is still filled with stories of mad lions,
wild bears and untamable potato bugs.
Morrow is evidently anxious to “live
on the county" since he persists in man
aging a school, the patrons of which
have deserted his cause to a man. We
are now, and always have been, charit
ably disposed and should he, tiring of
his present mode of llvlihood, apply
to Supervisor Hayes for support from
the township we would be the first to
help him out; but we rather dislike the
manner by which he “scabled” himself
into our schools. Of course the board
was to blame, but they thought that the
hard times would not permit them to
employ a real professor.
Last Monday a discussion of the sub
. ject, “Resolved, That Universal Suffer
age Is Dangers to the Wellbeing of
Society,” resulted in a complete victory
for the negative side, composed of Miss
Norval and Chas. Meals, the affirmative
being handled by Miss Hawk and
Byron Freeland. This is probably the
last of a series of very Interesting and
y instructive debates which were intro
duced into the high school and man
aged by Miss Carlon.
We understand that Mister Morrow
has secured a position in a Chicago
museum at 80 cents per week. We con
gratulate the management.
, The Colored Harbor's Compliment t(
the Yonns Congressman,
j On his way back from Boston Col
onel Hitchcock stopped over a few
• days in Washington, and while there
* he heard a good story. It is seldom
1 that the jovial colonel goes anywhere
l without hearing a good story. This
: one was one of those old colored bar
I bers,so numerous at tno capital—ex*
I slaves who have been there for years
( and claim to hnv6 scraped the faces
of every president and statesman from
George Washington’s time.
One of these old fellows was an
notating the smooth Countenance of
a newly-fledged congressman with
creamy lather which he quietly rubbed
into the skin with his slow hand. Ho
was talkative, like all the barbers of
his race, and anxious to “jolly” the
new arrival, seing in perspective a
fresh and regular patron. So he
gazed admiringly into the counte
nance of the budding statesman,
grinned approvingly, and said:
“Do you know, sah, you remind me
so much of Dan’l Webstah?”
Of course the young congressman
was greatly pleased at the compliment
and he smiled visibly. He would have
straightened up promptly did he not
have his head in a barbarous chan
cery, so to speak.
“Indeed,” he said. “Shape of my
head, I suppose?”
This staggered the aged colored
Ipan somewhat. He had not expected
a question in reply, and had merely
laid the foundation for his compli
mentary bluff, never thinking that
there would be a call for an explana
tory superstructure.
“No, sah,” he stammered in reply,
“Not yo’ head, sah. It’s yo’ breff.”
..To all points In Missouri,
Arkansas and Texas on the
Missouri Pacific and Iron
Mountain railroads.
for the round trip. Tickets
on sale May 20—good 30 days
—stops over at pleasure resorts
going and coming in Arkan
sas and Texas.
..Of fine timber fruit land,
equal to California. Prairie
A land unexcelled any where for
ai sale on easy terms by this
jla company. For rates, maps,
W pamphlets, etc,, .
* ....FREE —
Ghas. If. Odell, District Land and Passenger
Agent, 10,'i 8. Adams 8t.. Peoria, III.
Geo.K. Dokkinoton. T. P. A.. Cor. Thirteenth
and Farnam St.s., Omaha, Neb.
■ ■ The Mighty Monarch of ^
. ■ All Tented Exhibitions
.. .Its Record Uuimpeachable, Imperishable, Unblemished, Above the Reach of Jealous Rivals...
New Great Syndicate Show and Paris Hippodrome
Triple Circui, Qre.t Elevated Stages, Five-Continent Menagerie, Spectacular
Pegeent end Grand Aggregation of New Sensational Features, .•
....O’NEILL, Friday, June!. —
- — ONE PAY ONLY o o o
Presenting an unabridged and nnparalled program. Exaulted in aim and I
pure in tone. Four big shows oombined. 100 sensational and startling acts §
The best performing elephant; sta lions, leopards and baby camel; 40 great I
oirous acts; 4 great bands in street parade; oourtly knights and dames; a drove I
of monster camels; zebras, bears and baby monkeys; 20 great leapers; richly S
carved and gilded tableau wagons; myriad cages, dens and lairs. The only flock |
of giant African ostriches, the largest birds on earth and the only show Dossess- I
" » »g such a feature. Bee Wm. Sells, the world’s greatest rider. See 100 other g
Startling and sensational foreign features. Two menageries of wild beasts and I
open dens of savage brutes. Mammoth elephants, lions, tigers, hyenas, bears, |
wolves, leopards and panthers. Zebras trained to drive like horses. Knights in I
' armor, ladies as princesses, male and female jockeys, squadrons of princes, |
nobles and cavalier in royal robes and rich costumes, mounted on spirited horseB |
nays of old. Be sure and ask your station agent for cheap excursion rates. 1
Every railroad gives low rates to this big show. At 10 a. m. a glorious, grand 8
holiday free street parade. One day only—afternoon and night. Doors open |
nt 1 an 7 p. m. By arrangements with the proprietors of the leading shows of |
Amenoa Sells c Bentfrow’s shows are the only exhibition that will visit this K
section this year. kl
f s
July 14.
Our Clubbing Lilt.
The Frontier and the Semi-weekly
State Journal, $1.75 per year.
Tub Frontier and the Chicago
Weekly Inter Ocean, $1.50 per year.
We will give the readers of The
Frontier the benefit of our reduction
on any paper, magazine or periodical
for which they may wish to subscribe.
By subscribing through this office you
can save from 10 cents to $1. This is
the average reduction allowed us as
dealers, tf
A Great Big Cut
Owing to the hard times nearly'every
commodity has been lessened in price.
The Nebraska State Journal, which has
forged to the front as the best paper in
the state, realizes that the public is en
titled to cheaper state papers, and there
fore reduces its price from $10 to $7.50
per yea r, including the Sunday issue, or
$6 per year for six days in the week.
There will be no reduction in quality
but the increased circulation, even at
the lower price, will permit of larger ex
penditures for telegraphic news, etc.
The Journal is for Nebraska first, last
and all the time, and every effort is put
forth to build up state interests. Pub
lished at the state capitol it is of par
ticular interest to Nebiaskans.
Nebraska State Journal,
Lincoln, Neb.
The American Investment Company, of
Emmetsburg, Iowa, a eorporatlan, plaintiff,
vs. Ernest C. Getz, et. ul., defendants.
Ernest C. Getz and wife Mary Getz, David
Adams, David L. Darr and wire. Ella Darr, C.
II. Toncrey, C. W. Lemont, J. H. Henry.
Hellen T. Brownlee, Robert S. Brownlee and
Phoenix Insurance company, of Hartford.
Conn., defendants In the above cause, will
take notice that on ihe 28th day of April. 1804,
the above named plaintiff Hied its petition in
the district court of Holt county. Nebraska,
against you and your co-defendants. The
object and prayer of said petition being to
foreclose a certain contract of extension
made by the defendant, David Adams with
this plaintiff and dated December 1, 1801.
Said contract being for the extension of a
certain note of *500.00, dated March 18, 1887,
and due December 1, 1801, given bv the
defendant Getz to this plaintiff, and to
secure said note, the said Getz and wife
executed and delivered to this plaintiff
their certain trust deed conveying to
this plaintiff lot fifteen (15) in
block twenty-two (22) in the city
city of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska. That
said contract of extension given by the
defendant, Adams, was for the purpose of
extending said *500.00 note for five yeare from
December 1,1803, and for the further purpose
of scouring his ten promissory notes of *20.00
each, representing the interest on said *500.00
note. Plaintiff alleges that there Is due it,
by reason of the defendant's failure to pay
the extension note of $20.00, which became
due December 1, 1883, tbe sum of *20.00 with
interest at ten per cent, from that date; also
that there Is due tho plaintiff for taxes paid
on said real estate, the sum of *200.00: also
due the plaintiff tho further sum of *18.00.
paid as Insurance by plaintiff, all of which
filaintiff alleges is due and unpaid and is a
len on said premises, for which sums with
interest, from this date, plaintiff prays for a
decree that defendants be required to pay
the same or that said premises may be sold
to satisfy the amount found due, subject
however, to the aforementioned note and
mortgage of *5o0.00. Plaintiff further
prays that tho Interest of each and
all of the defendants be udludged to be
subject and inferior to its saM lion and for
other equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 11th day of June, 1894,
Dated this 28 dav of April. 1894.
48-4 It. it. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Robert U. Dickson, plaintiff. vs. Everett
S. Platt, defendant.
The above named defendants will take
notice that on the auth day of April, 1884,
K. R. Dickson, plaintiff herein, filed his
petition in the distriot court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer
of said petition bolng to obtain a judgment
against you for the sum of *81.88 attorney
fees and costs paid, due him and costs of
sheriff and clerk, assigned to this plaintiff,
all Incurred and due in the case of Everett 8.
Platt vs. William Bollmarr, et. al.. brought
and prosecuted by the plaintiff,in the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska.
Plaintiff claims that there is due him, by
reason thereof, the sum of *81.88 and asks
judgment against the defendant for mat
You are further notified that on the 30th
day of April, 1891, the plaintiff herein, caused
to lie filed in the office of the eleik of the
district, court of Holt county. Nebraska, an
affidavit for a writ of attachment alleging
that you are a non-resident of the state of
Nebraska and now absent therefrom.
.Ajid you are further notified that on the
80th day of April, 1894, the plaintiff caused a
writ of attachment to issue out of the office
of the clerk of the distriot court of Holt
county. Nebraska, against you and on the
2nd day of May. 1894, caused the sheriff of
Holt county. Nebraska, to lew upon the
following described real estate, situated in
Holt county, Nebraska, as you r property.
to-wit: Northwest quartet of section eleven
township twenty-eight, range sixteen west
«tli p. u. You are further notified that un
it»s you pay said sum due the'"plaintiff." that
plaintiff will ask judgment against you for
said amount,and an order of sale on aforesaid
RttllPlian nwmoetn _Al .1_ . « .. ...
aV.rri a ^ Brtic uu i&iurvuaii
found‘dueEerty" 10 8tttlB,y the M"OUn
You are required to answer 6ald petition
Et AW nA rosa Si,., fill. .1 _ a m -m . .
°"or.the 11th daydaynf JuiTeflsair
Jlated this 2nd day ofMay,18H4.
Robert R. Dickson. Plaintiff."
The American Investment Company^ of
Emmetsburg, Iowa, u corporation, plaintiff,
vs. Scott T. Jones, J. M. Shnnon. Tbaddeus
Jllnford, Mrs. Tliaddeus Illnford, Samuel
Mortensen Mrs. Samuel Mortense. M. T.
Woods and Mrs. M. T. Woods, defendants.
The above named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the loth day of
May, 181)4, the above named plaintiff filed Its
petition In the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against you and each of you. The
object and prayer of said petition being to
foreclose certain tax sale certificates, Issued
by the county treasurer of Holt county,
Nebraska, to the plaintiff on the (ith day or
November, lss», for the delinquent taxes on
northwest quarter of section twenty-seven,
township thirty-one, range 16 west 6th p. m.
Maid certificates being for the delinquent
taxes for the year 1888. Also to foreclose
certain tax sale receipts Issued to this plain
tiff on the 21st day OI July, 1800, for the de
linquent taxes on said land for the year 188#.
Plaintiff alleges that said taxes became, at
the several dates, a lien upon said land and
are still a lien thereon and that there is due
It by reason of said sale, November 6, 188#,
the Bum of 852 and the further sum of $48,
subsequent taxes paid July 21.18B0, together
with the further sum of $10. attorney fees.
Plaintiff prays for a decree declaring said
taxes to be a first lien on said premises und
prays for decree, that the defendants be re
quired to pay the same or that said premises
may bo sold to satisfy the amount found due
It and that the interest of each of the de
fendants may be decreed to be subject to
plaintiff’s Hen.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 18th day of June, 181)4.
Dated this 10th day of May, 1894.
44-4 H, r. Dickson.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Holt county, Neb.:
The American Investment Company of
Emmctsburg, Iowa, a corporation, plaintiff,
vs. Charles M. Klchardson, Mrs. Charles M.
Richardson, George Burke, Mrs. George
Burke, George W. E. Dorsey, Mrs. George VV.
E. Dorsey, Gusta Klwood, Stephen H. Elwood
T. A. Thompson and South Omaha National
Bank, defendants.
The ahovo named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the 10th day of
May, 1894, the above named plaintiff filed Its
petition In the district court of Holt county,
Nobraska. against you and each of you. The
object and prayer of said petition being to
foreclose certain tax sale certificates, Issued
by the county treasurer of Holt county, Ne
braska to W. O. Cady and assignod to this
plaintiff on the 0th day of November, 1888.
for the delinquent taxes on west half of
northeast quarter and west half southeast
quarter of section twenty, township twenty
eight. range thirteen. Said certificates be
ing for the delinquent taxes for the year
1887. Also to foreclose certain tax sale re
ceipts issued to W. O. Cady and assigned to
this plaintiff on the 17th day of May, 1889, for
the delinquent taxes on said land for the
year 1888, Also to foreclose tax receipts is
sued to this plaintiff for the delinquent
taxes on said land for the year 1889, Issued
July 17, 1890. Plaintiff alleges that said
taxes became, at the several dates, a lieu
upon said land and are still a Hen thereon
and that there is due it by reason of said
sule, November 7. 1889, the sum of *37 and the
further sum of *30, subsequent taxes paid
May 17.1889, together with the further sum
of #25, subsequent taxes paid July 17,1800.
with the sum of *9 20 attorney fees. Plaintiff
prays for a decree declaring said taxes to be
a first lien on said premises and prays for
decree and that defendants be required to
pay the same or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due it and
that the Interest of each of the defendants
may bo decreed to be subject to plaintiff’s
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 18th day of June, 1804.
Dated this loth day of May, 1894.
44-4 H. R. DICKSON, Atty. for Pltf.
John G. Watson, plulntlff,
Theodore B. Cox, Mary C. Cox. Charles Lough
ridge and Samuel M. Biddison, defendants.
To each of the above named defendants:
You will take notice that on the 14th day
of April, A. D„ 1804, John G. Watson, the
plaintiff herein filed his petition in the
district court in and for Holt county, state of
Nebraska, against the above named defend
ants. the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the
defendants, Theodore B. Cox and Mary C.
Cox, his wife, to Watson Woir & Company
upon the northwest quarter (NW!4i of section
number ten (10), in township number twenty
seven (27), north of range number nine (9),
west of the (ith principal meridian, situated
in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of a certain bend or promissory note
and coupons, dated the 7th day of November
A. D.. 1880, for the sum of six hundred and
sixty dollars, and due and payable on the 1st
day of November, A. D., 1891, with interest
at the rate of 7 per cent, per annumn till due
and 10 per cent, after due; that there Is now
due upon said bond or promissory note and
coupons and mortgage tho sum of eight
hundred and twenty-nine dollars, and seven
ty-five dollars attorney’s fees stipulated In
the mortgage, for which sum. with Interest
from this date, the plaintiff prays for a de
cree that the defendants, Theodore B. Cox
and Mary C. Cox, be required to pay the
same or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due thereon; and
that the interest of the defendants Charles
Loughridge and Bamuel M. BiddiSon, which
interest accrued subsequently to the inter
est of the said mortgage, may be foreclosed
of any right or equity of redemption In and
to said premises.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 25th day of June, A. D., 1894.
Dated May, A. D., 1894. 44-5
By Robert J. Gamble, his attorney.
Henry Fagen, Charlie Ramsey and Carrie
Ramsey defendants will take notice, that .1.
L. Moore, trustee, plaintiff has filed a petition
In the district court of Holt county,‘Ne
braska. against said defendants', Impleaded
with 8. H. El wood, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a mortgage dated May
3, 1888, for 5400.00 and interest,and tax pay
ments on the southwest quarter of the south
west quarter of section nine and the south
half of the southeast quarter and the south
east quarter of the southwest quarter of
section eight, all In township thirty-two
north of range ten, west Of the nth p. m„ in
Holt county, Nobraska, given by Henry
Fagen to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corpor
ation and assigned toplaintlff; which mort
gage was recorded in book 38 at page 533 of
the mortgage records of said county, and to
have the same decreed to be a first lien and
said land sold to satisfy the same.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 18th day of June, 189L
Dated May 4,18114.
44-4 J. L. Monue, Trustee.
By 8. D. Thornton,his Attorney.
Notice to Non-Resident Defendants.
In the District Court of Holt County, Neb.:
T. James Owens, George Ginder, H. W.
Mathews, Viola P. Keeney, Timothy Dwyer,
The County of Holt. Patrick 8. Hughes sin
gle. Mary Dwyer, and Mrs. H. W. Mathews,
George Ginder, Viola P. Keeney. The In
surance Compnny of North America, non
resident defendants.
You are hereby notified that on the 8th day
of May, 181)4, T. James Owens, plaintiff here
in, tiled his petition in the above entitled
cause, in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against George Gendes, H. W.
Mathews, Viola P. Keeney. Timothy Dwyer
and the county of Ilolt, the object and prayer
of which Is to foreclose a real estate mort
gage executed on the llth day of December
1888, by George Ginder to tho Nebraska
Mortgage and Investment Company, upon
tho property described as follows: The
southeast quarter of section fifteen. In town
ship twenty-eight north of range fifteen west
of the 8th p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska,
to secure the paymentof one principal prom
issory note and ten interest notes thereto
attached for the Interest becoming due on
said principal note on June 1st and Decem
ber 1st of each year until the maturity of
said principal note for the sum of *500 due
and payable December 1.1883, with interest
on said sum at the rate of 7 per cent, per an
num until maturity, and at tho rate of 10
per cent, per annum after maturity, that
there is now due and payable on said note
and interest notes and for taxes paid by the
plaintiff the sum of 8748.50 with interest at
the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the
7th day of May, 1884. for which sum with in
terest from May 7th’ 1894, plaintiff prays for
a decree that too defendants pay the same,
and that in default of suen payment said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 18th day of June. 181)4.
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., May 7, 1894.
„ , T. JAMES OWENS, Plaintiff.
By Loomis & Abbott and B. IS. Dickson,
attorneys for plaintiff. 44-4
Robert R. Dickson, Plaintiff, vs. Josephine
M. Perry, defendant.
The above named defendant will take
notice that on the ,10th day of April, 1894, H.
K. Dickson, plaintiff herein, died his petition
in the district court of Holt county,'Ne
braska, against you, the object and prayer
of said petition being to obtain a judgement
against you for the sum of 178.78 attorneys
fees and costs paid due him and costs of
sheriff and clerk, assigned to this plaintiff,
all Incurred and due in the cose of Josephine
M. Perry vs. John P. Bartlett, et. al., brougnt
and prosecuted by the plaintiff,' in the
district court of Holt county. Nebraska.
Plaintiff claims that there Is due him, by
reason thereof, the sum of *78.78 andjisks
Judgment against the defendant for that
You are further notified that on the 80th
day of April, 1894. the plaintiff herein, caused
to be filed in t»e office of the clerk of the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska, an
affidavit for n writ of attachment and alleges"
that you are a non-resident of the state of
Nebraska and now absent therefrom.
And you aro further notified that on the
90th day of April, 1894, the plaintiff caused a
writ of attachment to issue out of the office
of the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against you and on the
hid day of May. 1894. caused the sheriff of
Holt county, Nebraska, to levy upon the
following described real estate, situated in
Holt county, Nebraska, as your property,
to-wit: Southeast quarter of section thirty
three, township thirty-two, range fifteen
west 6th p. M. You are further notified that
unless you pay said sum due the"pialntiffi
that plaintiff will ask judgment against you
for said amount and an order of sale on
uforesald attached property, to satisfy the
amount found due him.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 11th day ot June, 1894.
Dated this 2nd day of May, 1894.
43-4 Robert H. Dickson, Plaintiff.
Huiiv/u vr i ivuuaiEi ur »y iulj.
In the county court of Holt county,
The state of Nebraska, to Clara E. Jones and
to any others Interested In said matter:
You are hereby notifled that an instrument
purporting- to be the last will and testament
of H. B. Jones, deceased, Is on file in said
court, and also a petition praying for the
PCPbate of said Instrument, and for the ap
pointment of Clara E. Jones as executrix.
That on the 26th day of May. 18V4, said peti
tion and the proof of the execution of said
instrument will be heard* and that If you do
not then appear and contest, said court may
probate and record the same und grant
administration of the estate to Clara E.
This notice shall be published for three
weeks successively In the O’Neill Frontier
prior to said hearing.
Witness my hand and offiolal seal this 7th
day of May 1804. G. A. McOUTCHEON,
44-8 County Judge.
. United States Land Office,
O'Neili,, Neb., May 20, 1894.
Complaint having been entered at this
office by H. W. McClure jr, against Thompson
Huffman for failure to comply with laws as to
timber-culture entry No. (Mill, dated April 13.
1889, upon the 8E14 NWM section 21. township
28, range 11 west. In Holt county, Nebraska,
with a view to the cancellation of said entry;
contestant alleging that Thompson Huffman
failed to plant any trees, tree seeds or .cut
tings the third year after entry ;also failed to
plant any trees, tree Beeds or cuttings the
fourth year after date of- entry; also has
failed to cultivate or improve said traot in
any manner, exoept to break about two and
one-half aores the first year and plant four
or five rows of cottonwood cuttings across
one side of said breaking the second year
rfter said entry since the date of said entry,
and that the land that was broken is now
wholly neglected and grown up to grass and
weeds; the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this office on the 7th day of July.
1894, at 9 o’clock a. m., to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged failure.
48-1 John A. Harmon, Register.
United States Land Office, I
O’Neill, Neb., May 22,1894. f
Notice Is hereby gived that Freddie Schlm
melpfennlg has filed notice of intention to
make final proof before register and receiver
at his office in O’Neill. Neb , on Saturday, the
7th day of July, 1894, on timber culture ap
plication No. 6625, for the nw quarter of sec
tion No. 23, in township No. 31, range No. 10 w.
He names as witnesses;
James Barnes, John R. Pointer, Charles M.
Roy. of Scottvllle. Neb., and Charles Wrede,
of Leonia, Neb. John A. Harmon,
48-6p Register.
In the district court of Holt county. Neb.
T. F. Bermlngham, plaintiff, vs. James
Meagher and Margaret Meagher, defendants.
The defendant, Margaret Meagher, will
take notice that on the 28th day of April,
1804. the above named plaintiff filed his
petition In the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against you and your co-de
fendant. James Meagher, the object and
prayer of said petition being to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by yourself and
co-defendant, to the plaintiff, upon the north
east quarter of section six (6). township
twenty-eight (28), range twelve (12).in Holt
county, Nebraska. Said mortgage being
given to secure the payment of a certain
promissory note dated May 31,1893, for the
sum of $84.55 and due September 1,1893. That
there is now due upon said mortgage the sum
of $100, for which sum, with interest from this
date, plaintiff prays for decree that the de
fendants be required to pay the same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 25th day of June, 1894.
Dated this 12th dar of May. 1894.
45-4 It. R. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
An Ordinance to Amend Section Pour of
Ordinance number 35, relative to occu
Sation tax In tbe City of O’Neill, Nebraska,
e it ordained by the City council of the
olty of O’Neill, Nebraska, that seotlon
number four of Ordinance numberthirty-llve
be and the same is hereby amended by strik
ing therefrom the following words: Fire
and life Insurance companies, non-residents
$2.00; saloons, retailing liquors as a beverage
in addition to such sums as are now, or here
after shall be required under the laws of
Nebraska, 5500X0; and by adding thereto the
following: Fire, lightening, windstorm,
cyclone and life insurance companies, non
residents, 510.00; saloons, retailing liquors as
a beverage In addition to such sums as are
now or hereafer shall be required under the
law of the state of Nebraska. 5300.
This ordinance shall take effect and be In
force from and after its passage.
Approved May 3, 1894.
U. R. Dickson, Mayor.
N. Martin, Clerk.
In the district court of Holt county, Neb.
Orange Memorial Hospital, of the enunty
and state of New York, plaintiff, vs. Emma
C. Allen and Mr. Allen, first name unknown
and husband of Emma O. Allen, defendants.
Emma C. Allen, and Mr. Allen, husband of
Emma C. Allen, defendants, will take notice
that on the lath day of May. 1894, the above
named plaintiff filed its petition In the dis
trict court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, against
you and each of you, the object and prayer
of said petition being to require yuu to
redeem the south half of the southwest
quarter of seotlon eighteen (18), and the uorth
half of the northwest quarter of section nine
teen (19), township thirty (33:, range ten (19),
west of the 6th v. M, In Holt county, Ne
braka, from a decree of foreclosure, order of
sale and sale of said premises. Said decree
having been entered In the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, In the case wherein
this plaintiff was plaintiff and Henry Hokes
and others, were defendants and said decree
having been entered on the 25th day of
September, 1893, against said defondnts
for the sum of 9914.00 and costs. Said decree
ordering that said defendants nay said sum
or that said premises be sold to satisfy the
same and plaintiff alleges that said parties
failed to pay said sum and that an order of
sale Issued and that said premises were duly
sold to this plaintiff. Bald sale confirmed and
sheriff’s deed Issued to this piaintiff for said
land. Plaintiff alleges in sMd petition that
by an oversight, error and mistake, you
were not made defendants lit said cause of
action and prays that you be required to
pay said amount, with Interest anu costs of
suit and If yon-fall to do so. that tho title to
said premises be quieted In this plaintiff and
that you be forever enjoined from claiming
any interest in said premises and that your
Interest, if any you have, in said premises, be
forever barred and that this plaintiff's title be
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 25th day of June, 1894.
Dated this 6th dav of May, 1804.
45-4 H. B. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Priees Reasonable.
Kaat of MoCufforto'g. O'NEILL, Nl£B,
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Finest turnouts in the city.
Good, careful drivers when
wanted. Also run the O’Neill
Omnibus line. Commercial
trade a specialty. Have charge
of McCaffert’s hearse.
f Fresh, Dried, and Salt Meats
Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast
Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all
Kinds of Sausages.
Of all kinds. A specialty made of
If you want a drink of good liquor
do not fall to call on us.
Purchase Tickets and Consign you'
Freight via the
’aasenger east, • 2
■relght east. • - - 10:45 a.m.
height west, -
awenger west, • M
'reight, - - ■ 6:44 r.“.
The Elkhorn Line is now running
hair Cars daily, between Omaha and
ood, jree to holders of first-class tran P
itlon. '
F©t any information call on
V, J. DOBBS, Agt.
avests. and Trade-Marks obtained, anc' «>■■ •
jt business conducted for moderate^ r|CC > t
ue Orrice is ospositeU. S. PAJE'V^tiioseS
id wc can secure patent in less time *“■** $
mote from Washington. ..h descrip- i
Send model, drawing or Ph®ta* tree of J
an w* a/iviM. if natentable of not, * t
__ >d model, drawing or pn»w«* frce o
ion. We advise, if patentable or not,u^
barge. Our fee not due till patent is s«wil.
e not due till patent ilh 4
»i'«»l«ftS0IJ.aS5dto2ia country
I, reeirnwsi ,
Dst of same in 1
t sent free. Address,