MOTHER SONG. ' ®»*» *'.*•'!jm tie earth in moonlit bleu; the Uou h above the nont; v’«r lor.i Ijr *l^pt be» the xvhfnpmrw H l A Bit»AU>A« oaj ti nt note :ini ull Is still. ' «S**P» Jittlo d’tflinst hi ’hi is 1'intj — ■;*<; While I sin; thy audio «on^. |y Abdnt thv drcwi* the drAOp'n? flower > s|y Wow her sweet breath from hour to hour, * Aj»d white tho moon spread* her wtasra, 1 While low, while fart too dear earth awtiwg. j tMsoiK littto tUrltnr all ni jht loti: ^ Tho wiiids shall atnu tht slumber son $. §i< o* the earth and of tho aSr X , Shull lihvs thee in thoir mother cut*“5, A Anil hosts of heaven, together proit. yu; Bou I ov r thvfci* thoir last, thel host „ - t ywy tiU'h Httlo >t&rllnj* from tho deep tffj^llonio murhty wia* sh ill fun thy sl.jep. " BLIND JUSTICE. r.Y lllil.liV n. sjatiii-.i-.h. I • PHAFTER IV~ContM;ki y, ■*‘Fo’ tlinr, roight a facin’ mo war th’ imttlo o' stoopin’ stuff ns 'ud ’ stood all thwm sovon year; I'd kep it t’ mind mo o’ th’ hell I’d lived in w’ Seth, an’ Side o’ tho stuff war tho I milk, an’ tho oup out o’ which Stove ! had drunk that day. J ••Th’ dovil sos •—' “COLCHESTER” Spading Boot For Farmers ,M in era. R.ll. Hands anilLw others. The outer or tap sole ex tends S3 the whole length of the sole down tom' the heel, protecting the shank lnS=——— ditching, digging, Ac. Best quality turuughout. WE WILL MAIL POSTPAID » flno Panel Picture, entitled “MEDITATION " In exchange for 18 Large Lion Heads, cut from Lion Coffee wrappers, and a 2-<*»Qt stamp to pay postage. Write for list of our other fine premiums. Includ ing books, a knife, game, etc. WOOLSON 8PICE CO., 450 Huron Bt., Toledo, Ohio. MYf^WIFF CANNOT SEE HOW TOO DO ro'll Hast Wire IT AND PAY FREI8HT. Clff Boy* our S dnwir nlnol or o*k Vw> proved High An SIsgsrMwfor mutual _ finely tiakhed, nickel plited,adapted to light •nd heavy work*, guaranteed for 10 lean; with in toastie Bobbin Winder, Self-Threading Cylin der BhnUle, Roif-Scttinf Needle and a complete (Set of Slael Attachment*; shipped any where on to r ty’fc Trial. No money required In advance, •Id*--*. 75.000 now (n uh, World* Fair Medal awarded machine and attach meats. But from factory nod save dealer’s and agent’s profits, rnpp Cat This Out and send to-day for machine or larea free ■ nCC catalogue, testimonials amt Glimpses of the World* Fair. OXFORD MEN. 00.312 Wibuli An. CHICABO.ILI. OMAHA nnnoo mill (in Wholesale and Retail CROSS GUN CuWritelo^DriMS.'lies! 15th ROOFING Business Houses. Wholesale and Retail Write lor prices, 1168.15th TAll, GRAVEL, and SLATE. Es timates prom ply fuipljsned Omaha Slate A llooflng Co. bl4 a. Uta Hilliard ami Pool Tabled, CAI OHN Bar Glasswure. Send for OHLwwIi catalogue, t.ate < ity pii/TIlDCC Hilliard Table Co. Omaha rlATUK LO steheS^PLATIBG WORKS, Printer** Lead* nnd Slnga lOc per pound. 1118-1114 Dodge Street. WANTEnSALESMEN linillbU M|i California wines. 8end 10 pos tage slumps fer full particulars. M. el. If AA'l-X. 1310 r nrnan Street, hmnlift, Neb. Millinery OBERFELDER&Co. Wholesale Mall orders promptly filled, special cash dlscounl Cameras™" Heyn Pin tu Supply < o.. Exclusive a « nt«. i w Karan m St.. Omaha. Kv, rything la i fioto supphes for Professionals and __ Omaha, cor. Utb gnd Capitol Ave., w blk from both Council Bluff* St ----- Omaha car lines. Best 98.00 a day house In the state. Fire proof U££D A CAMS IT. Proprietor*. . Hotel Dell one MTIORTHAND AND TYPE-WRITING. Oldest and Best Business Collette In the West. No ration. Thousands of grad mites and old stunenw mtpTlng paring positions. Write lor catalogue. f, r. KOOBJB. Um.iia. Neb. iTall Paper 4c Roll Only *1.01) required to paper walls or iom 15x15, Including border. feml istape nnd pet I HKK, 10,> beautiful . n™ es, mid sulde liow to paper. Ai’ents la'-" tuple book *1.00; fitEE with a *u°o der. Write qutek. HENRY LEHMANN, 110-1524 Doujjlas SU - OMAHA. DR. .... McCREW 18 TUB ONI.Y SPECIALIST WHO TREATS A LI* PRIVATE DISEASES, Weakness and Secret pisordiTSOf MEN ONLY. Erery euro » u irautoid. IN year* exr>oHonr« IlViman-'ntly locate ln Omaha. Book tree. 14th and Farnum ft*. (jUAUAi • >*•**•