GliN’L official directory ■ STATX. Governor..... i jcutenant Governor.. S i-rotary of State.... . .1 lie Treasurer. . Loren so Orouose .T. J. Majors ..J. C. Allen .J. 8, Bartley vt'uwney General.George H. Hastings Mate Auditor „-.. EugeneMoore 1,1m. Lands and Ballings..George Humphrey juMt. Public Instruction.A. K. Goudy REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. ,-tiaM li. Gere-Llncoln; Leavitt Burnham, Omaha; J M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes, 'pierce; J- T. Mallaleu, Kearney; M. J. Hull. Ed car. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—Chas. F. Manderson, of Omaha; 0* Madison. \\ v Allen, of Madison. Representatives—Wm. Bryan. Lincoln: O. M Kom, BiokeaBow; Wm. McKelghan, Bed Cloud. i JUDICIARY. chief Justice. .Samuel Maxwell Associates.Judge Post and T. L.Norval FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. imi,,e .M. P. Klnkald, of O'Neill Reporter.J- J. King of O'Neill 1 tt joe .A.L. BartoW of Chadron Reporter.A. L. Warrick, of O’Neill LAND OFFICES. O'XXILL. Register.. Receiver. ..W. D. Mathews. ..A. L. Towle. KILIOH. Register.. W. Robinson 1 W. B. Lambert Receiver Judge.. COUNTY. ..Geo McCutcheon Clerk of the District Court.John 8kirving Deputy.. .O. M. Collins Treasurer.J- P. Mullen Deputy... .Sam Howard ino tv .Mike McCarthy iifAriff .Chas Hamilton Deputy"...Chas O'Neill Supt. of Schools.. ..W. H. Jackson Assistant.Mrs. W. R. Jaokson Coroner.Dr. Trueblood surveyor.M. F. Norton Attorney .H. E. Murphy SUPERVISORS. Atkinson.ijrank Moore L()I |ey ....Willie Calkins Clittinbers.George Eckley Delolt.Fred Schindler Dustin . .J. S. Dennis Grattan.••• • J. Hayes Green Valley.Bv,8!fWla^er Iowa ..E.M.Wanng Paddock.George Kennedy Ploasantview.. .. •; • • n f9 Scott...~.Peter Kelly Sand Creek.John Crawford Stuart.E. A. Jillison Swan ............ . .H.O. Wine Sheridan.!.T. E. Doolittle Moulds .J. B. Donohoe Wyoming.- ■ ■ J; E. White Willowdale.D. Trulllnger OUT OF VNEILL. Supervisor. John Murphy; Justices, E. H. Benedict and B. Wei ton; Constables, John Lappan and Perkins Brooks. OOURCHJIRN—FIRST WARD. For two years.—Ben DeYarman. For one year—David Stannard. SECOND WARD. For two years—Fred Gats. For one year— B. Mullen. THIRD WARD. For two years—J. C Smoot. For one year— S. M. Wagers. city officers. Mayor, B. B. Dickson; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, David Adams; City Bnsdneer, Jolin Horrlsky; Police Judge, N. Martin; Chief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, K. H. Benedict; Welghmaster, Joe Miller. GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. Supervisor, John Winn; Trearurer. John Dwyer; Clerk, D. H. Cronin; Assessor, Mose Campbell; Justices. M. Castello and Cbas. Ingorsoll; Justices, Perkins Brooks and Will Stanskie; ltoad overseer dlst. 26, Allen Brown dist. No. 4, John Enright. SOLDIERS' RELIEF C0MNI8SI0N. Regular meeting first Monday in Febru ary of each year, and at such other times as is deemed necessary. Bobt. Gallagher, Page, chairman; Wm. Bowen, O'Neill, secretary; H. H. Clark, Atkinson. ST.PATKICK’8 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 o clock. Verv Rev. Cassidy, Poster. Sabbath school immediately following services. \f ETHODIST CHUBCH. Sunday ill. services—Preaching 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Class No. 1 0:30 A. M. Class No. 2 (Ep worth League) 6:30 p. M. Class No. 8 (Child rens) 3:30 p. M. Mind-week services—General prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. All will be made welcome, especially strangers. E/E. HOSMAN, Pastor. G A. R. POST, NO. 86. The Gen. John • O'Neill Poet, No. 06, Department of Ne .. _ i_, . . 11 _111_... ,ka Am* .nil Ihl ml v." • u jxem row, wo. «>» jjvpiwiiiiiiii y.,, . braska G. A. B., will meet the first and third Saturday evening of eaoh month In Masonic hall O'Neill 8. J. Smith, Com. PLKHOBN VALLEY DODGE, I. O. O. U F. Meets every Wednesday evening in Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. _ Owes Davidson, N. G. 0. L. Bbioht, Sec. month In Masonic hall. „ W.J. Dobbs Sec. J. C. Habnisb, H, P KOF P.—HELMET LODGE. V. D. • Convention every Monday at 8 o clook p. m. in Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethem cordially Invited. _ E. M. Gbadt, C. C, E. E. Evans, K. of B. and S. O’NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 80.1. 0.0. F. meets every- second and fourth Fridays of eaoh month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Scribe. H. M. Uttlev. DllEN LODGE NO. 41, DAUOHTEBS u OF REBBKAH, meets every 1st and 3d Friday of eaoh month In Odd Fellows’ Hall, Lizzie Smith, N. G. Addis Hebshissb, Secretary. fXABFIBLD LODGE N0.95.F.A A.M. vs Regular communications Thursday nights on or before the full of the moon. W. T. Evans, Seo. A. L. Towle, W. M. HOLT“CAMP NO. IT 10. M. W. OP A. Meets on tne first and third Tuesday In each month In the Masonic hall. J. F. PruNDEB, V. C. A. H. Cohbett, clerk. 4 O, IT. W. NO. 153. Meets second aA- • and fourth Tudsday of each month In the Masonic ball. C. C. McHugh. Bee. G. W. Meals. M. A, POSTOFFICE DIRCETORY Arrival ofMalla I.LtKV.E __FROM THE EAST. Every day, Sunday lnoluded at.5:15 p ni _ THOM THE WEST. Avery day, Sunday Included at.9:45 am PACIFIC SHOBT DINE. lassenger—leaves 9:35 a.m. Arrives 11:43 p.m. f reight—leaves 8:30 p. M. Arrives 4:50 P. M. Daily except Sunday. „ O'NEII.I, AND CHELSEA. poparts Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at. ,1:00pm „ O’NEILL AND PADDOCK, poparts Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at. .4:80 p m .. O’NEILL AND NIOBBABA. departs Monday. Wed. and Frl. at_7:00 a m Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. .4:00 p m O'NEILL AND COMMINSVILLE. Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at. ..11:30 p m Departs Mon., Wed. and Friday at 1:00 p m Awarded Highest Honors atWorld Fair. MOST PERFECT MADE. a pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frw ran Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. “He married such a cold Boston girl.” “Poor fellow. And he is completely wrapped up in her.” All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its valnp and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised druggist and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and adress to H. E. Bucklen & Co. Chicago, and get a sample bojt of Dr. King’s New Life, Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All ot which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing at P. C. Corrigan’s Drugstoae. 41-4 "But, dear, if my fortune should all melt away, would your love be just the same? “Yes,yes,; I couldent love you less if I tried." See The World’s Fair For Fifteen Cents. Upon receipt of* your adress and fifteen cents in postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our souvenir portfolio of the world’s Columbian exposition, the regular price is fifty cents, but as we want you to have one, we maks the price nominal. You will find it a work of art aud a thing to be prized. It contains full page views of the great buildings, with descriptions of same, and is executed in highest style of art. If not satisfied with it, after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Adress H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, III, 41-4 It was a Manitoba high school boy who said there were four zones—frigid, torrid, temperate, and intemperate. Bncklen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money' refunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by P. C. Cor rigan. 28-28 Chicago Girl—Under the circumstan ces, what would you do if you were in my shoes? St.Louis Girl—Get lost. Persons who sympathize with the afflicted will rejoice with D. E. Carr of 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. He is an old sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism, but has not heretofore been troubled in this climate. Last winter he went up into Wisconsin, and in conse quence has had another attack. "It came upon me again very acute and severe,” he said. "My joints swelled and become inflamed; sore to touch or almost to look at. Upon the urgent request of my mother-in law I tried Chamberlain’s Pain Balm to reduce the swelling and ease the pain, and to my agreeable did both. I have used three fifty-cent bottles and believe it to be the finest thing for rheumatism, pains and swell ings extant. For sale by P. C. Corrigan Druggist. _ "Does the Colonel draw well in Wash ington?” “You bet! Gets every cork the first pull.” Dr. S. F. Scott, Blueridge, Harrison Co.. Mo., says: “For whooping cough Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is excel lent.” By using it freely the disease is deprived of all dangerous consequences. There is no danger in giving the Remedy to babies, as it contains nothing injurious. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by P. C. Corrigan Druggist. Many a man fights for his creed who never thinks of carrying an umbrella for his wife. A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick with bilious colic when M. C. Tisler, a prominent merchant of the town gave her a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says she was well in forty minutes after taking the firs* dose. For sale by P. C. Corrigan Druggist. Teacher—Define quartz? Milkman’s Son (who is rather absent-minded)—Pint and a half. fublie Sals. On Saturday, May 19, at 10 o’clock a. m. at the farm of W. J. Gray, five miles southwest of O'Neill, the undersigned will sell at public auction the following described properly to.wit: 29 2-year old steers; 5 steer calves. 5 heifer calves; 9 cows with calf; 23 2 and 8-year-old heifers with calf; 2 bulls; 10 head of horses and colts; 1 feed mill; 1 set double harness; 1 saddle and bridle. Nine months time on all sums over $10, with bankable security. $10 and under cash; 10 per cent, discount for cash. Free lunch at noon. E. J.' Mack and E. M. Gray. NOT AS THBY ARB SPELLED. ■mb* Xtm That An Qanrlj Pro BOBBemi by tlM b(lbk r«oplerors real, or personal name is Tsai-t ien; but. on being placed on the •.hrone in 1875, he was given the title >f Kuang Hsu, which in English sig nifies “illustrious succession,” 1 Iteral Obedience to Orders. , A mistress told her maid Betje that he must not always do things on her wn responsibility, but first ask per aission. The nest day Betje walked nto the parlor and said politely: ‘Mcvrouw, the cat is busy eating up he duck. Must I send her away or •ot?” M. X. CkMvrmt Leonard, Mo. \ In Agony - IB Years WlthBalt Rheum. Hood’s Sarsaparilla oavo a Perfect Cura. "C. I. Hood SCO., Lowell, Mau.: “ Hood's Sarsaparilla Is an exeetlent medicine. I had eczema In my left leg for fifteen years. Part of the time my leg was one mass of scabs, and about every week corruption would gather under the skin and the scabs would slough off. Tho Itching and Burning sensation made me suffer indescribable agonies. I spent a great deal of money for different rem out a year ago, to take Hood’s taken five hot edles but did not get relief. Atx leading physicians advised me Sarsaparilla. I did so and have Hood’s^ Cures ties. Now all tho sores, scabs and pain hare vanished and I am enjoying perfect health. 1 think Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is second to none and gladly recommend It to all suffering humanity.” M. L. CHKUVBONf, Leonard, Missouri. HOOd 9 Pills act easily, yet promptly end tOclantly, on the Ilrer and bowel*, me. Our Clubbing Lift. Thb Frontier and the Semi-weekly State Journal, 11.75 per year. Thb Fbohtikb and the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean, 11.60 per year. We will give the readera of The Fbohtier the benefit of our reduction on any paper, magazine or periodical for which they may wiah to aubacrlcklr-. Cures when all Others fill. Young men regain lost manhood; old men recover youthful rigor. Absolutely Guir* MteeU to cure Nerroaiaeu, Lott Vitality, potency* A IchtlyKmUslons^JLest Power! Memory, Watting Dlt* ****** and allefecta of $ elf abuts or excesses and ,nsan,ty and consumption. IJon t Jet druggists impose a worthies* substitute on ▼on becauscJtjleldB agreaternrouu Insist on har Jng FKFFFK * NEKVIGIIH, orsend for It. Can be carried In vest pocket. Prepaid, plain wrap. Sir JiiaEe£ibox’ or « fPr with A Positive Writteni Guarantee to Core or Rcftand the Bold by P. O. Corrigan. M’CLURE’S jV^AGAZINE ...For 1894... .,.. The best literature ... .The newest knowledge ... .Fully illustrated 15 CENTS A COPY $1.50 A YEAR Some of the features are: The Edge of the Future. ... .The marvels of science and achieve — ment, presented In a popular way. Famous People. —Their llfe-storles told by word and the materials being In all ....cases obtained from sources lntl —mately connected with the subject. Irue JNaratives of Adventuje, Daring and Hardihood. — Leopard hunting* in northern Africa ....Lion hunting in Algeria. Tiger — hunting in India. Elephant hunting Africa. Adventures in the upper — Himalayas. Great Business Institutions. —The longest railroad in the world. —The Hudson Bay Company. The — Bank of Englan. The business of ....the Greatest Merchant (1100,000,000 a ... year.) Human Documents. ....Portraits of famous people from .... childhood to the present day. ...SHORT STORIES hy the best writers Notable Serials by ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON ..and WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS Among contributors for the coming year are: Professor Drummond Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Archdeacon Farrar Bret Harte Bndyard Kipling Octave Thanet m X nH row Lang W. D. Howells Gilbert Parker F. R. Stockton Joel Chandler Harris Conan Doyle B. L. Stevenson Charles A. Dana Archibald Forbes .and many others. (Remit by draft, money order\ or registered tetter. / S. S. McCLURE, Limited 743 4 74S BROADWAY, N. Y. ' I TOLD YOU SO. 'v*UM Mlrady (tasks aid Betfjr Swan, Talked on, and on, and on, and oat •• nirandy, aniwly yon’ro not throngh Your waahlnf, and yoaracrakMaf.taol" 11 Yaa I nra. 5wan, two konn ago, .• And •vorythlnt'a an wfcfta na anowt But then, you «««, it’s ail boaanno I umUm SOAP callad SANTA CLAUS," SANTA CLAUS SOAR ■Mirniiim THE N.K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, CbiUft. UNTIL JAN. L1895, 25 CENTS. If you are not already a Journal subscriber that is all you will . . . have to pay us for the . . . ^ ■ L SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL ■M t Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for mi LUMBER, COAL and 1 BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. Yard*-; 1ST 0.0. SNYDER & GO. i TUUlUiU iMidUUMMiiuuMiuiiiimiitiiimimitMiaiiK F THE COLUMBIAN HOTEL Has recently been remodeled and every room furnished with a new suit of furniture, making it one of the most complete and capable hotels in the northwest. A good sample room in con nection. First door west of Neil Brennan’s hardware store. 1 ■■■ t ;;.'s "I 4 % '-Review-Reviews ;fMNy «IKtfWht is the one magazine which the world has agreed is INDIS ii PEN5ABLE. It will be more \ 1 < ► £ brilliant than ever during 1894. ;; The readers of The Review ' ► * « > VJ of Reviews say that it would !; keep them well informed if it ;; were the only literature printed. It is especially valuable to clergymen, professional men, farmers, and to all those who can take but one monthly. FAMOUS PEOPLE AND OREAT JOURNALS HAVE (EVEN IT THE MOST UNQUALIFIED ENDORSEMENTS EVER RECEIVED BY A PUBLICATION: •MGrcoTBmom NEW YORK.Aslbc Place, Landoa Norts*fcjnwd.=^ Jaaea Bryce, ML P. Author of The Ameri can Commonwealth. “ It Is just what we have wanted.'* Mias PraocesWUlard —“ This magazine has the brightest outlook window in Christen dom for ousy people who want to see what is going on in the great world." Cardinal Gibbons —“To the busy world who have not leisure to peruse the current monthlies. The Review or Reviews will be especially welcome, as it will scrvtf as a mirror, reflecting tbe contemporary thought of Great Britain and America/* Naw York World.—4* The Review of Re views is admirable/* Boston Globe.—“To read a number Ss to resolve to never miss one/* Chicago Tribune.—“ That useful and ahrajrs interesting periodical. The Review of Reviews. Atlanta Constitution.—" Gives as clear an idea of the history of the month as could be obtained from volumes elesewhere.” Springfield Union.—"The Review or Re views is the best publication of the kind extant, and no busy man can affofd to miss its monthly visits." To the best agents we can offer extra* ordinarily liberal terms, which make The Review of Reviews without a peer from the canvasser’s point of view. Review of Reviews, 13 Astor Place, New York Gty, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Per Year, - * Trial Subscription, . 1.00 8 Mentha. Sample Copy, - 10 cents. For this price Thk Renew of Re views gives as much reading matter as is contained in two ordinary magazines.