THE TIRED TOWN. her fll ettr Ilea at rest, for welcome night Hath hushed It Into slumber, 'neath touoh .. , . II lies, soft breathing, on tbs earth s rookod breast. As weary children sloop who suiter much. Its dim lamps gu/.e Into tho silent skies As eves, half-steeped In slumber, wake te dose; . , All burdens laid aside, it peaceful lies Close cradled In God's arms for Its repose —Alice Crary In Ladles' Home Journal* SCARLET FORTUNE. 1IY II. HERMAN. , CHAPTER V1L Tho fashionable surgeon’s resi dence iu Mount street, (irosvenor square, rosembled the rocoption hall of a minister of state, to suoh a de gree was it crowded by more or loss' distinguished patients. Young Clevc’s case had boon sufficiently' heralded in all the papors to have already come to the knowledge of Sir William. The great surgeon was at that time considered the first living authority for wounds in tho head, and especially for those productive of cerebral derangements, and he had. only a few days previously, in private conclavo with some of his confreres, pronounced tho young no bleman’s case a most interesting one. It may have been the remembrance of these circumstances, or it may have been the weight of Herbert’s title—I will not say which—that secured to the young earl the entranco to the great man's consulting rooms in advance of ' those who were, by order of arrival, entitled to priority. A bland distinguished - looking gentleman was Sir William, whose face brimmed with perpetual good humor and kindliness. It would have been difficult to consult Buch a man and not feel confident in his ability to help. He had a manner of ills own of getting on good terms with his patients from the very first moment, and he himself had admitted that that was half the battle of a medical man's success. "I felt sure that you would come and soo me, my lord,” ho said smiling ly, holding out both his hands to the young man. “I have heard a great deal about your case, and I admit that it Is one of exoeeding interest to tho world of science.” "It Is of exceeding interest to me to know whether I can bo cured.” Herbert replied with a slight laugh. “The world of science can take pretty good eare of Itself." “We will take care of you and the world of scienoo as well,” the great, surgeon answered; “and I hope both will be the gainers Sit down there if you please,” he added, pointing to s formidable looking arm-chair, fitted with divers sorts of ingenious appliances, “and let mo have a look •at you." The examination appeared a pro tracted one to L<>r ^co,r* Like a Lump of Lead Distress In the stomach. Wauses, Etc. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured. The following testimonial comes from Mr t f C» «• wh»15 "<«! C. A. Cole, tlie we” wSet“li ***** sundri“ « Wtoterset, la., who because of close confinement ■offered from Indigestion and that tlredS” “C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass • gi “Without any hesitation I can recomm..* Hood’s Sarsaparilla. As I have worked w a Watch maker and Jeweler and have been closelv confined to my business, I was sometime since Troubled With My Stomach. It seemed as If there was a big lump of lead in It, and I was unable to take a lone breath Everything I ate distressed me very much aSi caused me mtnv «noiu i .. u>n “M whatever. I finally tried a bStde ofHwdT Helped Me So Much that I got another, and I have now taken four bottles and feel 0. K. I can sleep well and eat Hood’s^ Cures hearty for which my thanks are due to Hiwi’o Sarsaparilla.” J. 4. Cous, Wiutarset lowa Hood'S Plllo cure all liver Ills, biliousness! Jaundice, Indigestion, sick headache. 26c. BJ’s Gnan Bala WILL CUBE CATARRH fpriee»^cB>n Apply Haim Into each nostril. ■UBBOS.,6d Wants 8UN.Y. Unlike tte Dutch Process No Alkalies -on other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. BASER & CO.’S Ireakfasttoa which ii absolutely pure and soluble. I It bu more than three timet (the strength of Cocoa mixed a with Starch, Arrowroot or 'Sinrar. and in far morn pra nomlcaL ooitlnff less than one cent a cup. It Is delicious, nourishing, and easily digested. _ gold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER ft CO., Dorchecter, San. WELl MACHINERY Illustrated catalogue showing WELL/ AUGERS, BOCK DRILLS, HYDRAULIC £i AND JETTING MACHINERY* etc. Sxirr Fbh. Have been tested and •U warranted. THB PECH npa. CO. Rlmx City. Iowa 1 IS S. Canal St, Chicago. 1 CAPITAL CITY NURSERIES. THKRE la no larger or better selected stock In the Nor. b west, nor one anywhere better adapted to the uses of Prairie Planters. Complete In all depart ments. Fruit Trees, Forest Trees, Small Fruits, Evergreens,' Ornamentals, etc. An honest, reliable Agent wanted In erery county In the Northwest. nil All A Business U w All A Houses. BUTTER CITY HIGHEST CASH price paid for Fresh Hatter. Send for elrvlsr. HAYDEN BHOS.. Omaha. Council Bluffs. Ia, 4 1521 FarnamSt,. Omaha, Neb. TW,M DYE WORKS MDSE Ranches. farms. Live stock v.ntpi torSale or Exchange. Send part.cnlai». • B. F. RINGER, Omaha.__ Tnrpnolln., Fl»a*> etc. WOLF BROS.. MI". 703-5 S. Itlh St. Tel. «H. Ms, Awnings, Billiard and Pool Tables, ft A LOON Bar Glasswu re. Send for catalogue, bate City dVTIlPEfi DUILardTableCo.Omahar IA I UnBJ “ DR. BAILEY, LEADING DENTIST __ m m J Honest WITH at I/J«lSt Fa Eton itlock. Sixteenth anil Kainam eta TEETH OBERFELDER&Go. Wholesale Mall orders promptly filled, spc ccial cash ulscounl^ Importers and job bing grocers. Ase —0-for our i,K'A LEAF” brand of tea. ‘ GATE C1T1T ir»nd v[„S ned Goods. “MEXICAN BLENI) Deye« liner produced. Every paekaaro u tea winner, smoke in aw a daily BEE” cigar'It »s a wm __ Paxton & 6allagher Hotel Dellone Beat a dartaoiue Id thestato JtED Jt CASEY. Proprietors. Omaha, cor1^ anrt Capitol A"; u blk from Council Bluffy Omaha car IW* tate. Fire pr»°r aEED A CAHKIi rroprww**___ forladies ONLY PB. CHET A LI F.RS Fl.M A I.K F - PH- VH £VAIal Min y a - --- p. Solute safeguard against any form < * mj h„t If yon sinner from monthly tori ores 0 o -■ IX JUII BI1UVI IIUUI mo.....■ j send 11.00 to our agents. SHKBMAN «. • yon 1513 Dodge street, Omaha. Neb . wbo jvii nlsh one t ox of ihe genuine Dr. C\w\B^er *{ MU by Female i Ills Don't be deceived. high-priced pills and liquids. G‘*t our Pill» a0 •jrlll be happy. No danger In using-__a Wall Paper 4c Row Only SI .00 required room 15xlS. Including 'Jorj{* „|,.iful postage and set KKKfc. too bcauuru liJUS^s’nd1^ uum uav n,iM i»v» \ rrOlllS 1.1 * — . pies, endjrujde^how^to^apej; a 86.00 sample book St.00; order. Write quick. HENRY LEHMANN 1880-1684 Ueailu SU. flANN, _* ■oSSf* ISTHSO'1' _ 8PECI aL'?,T •private diseases* »~sss:S" JBSSSi iiSwsr fjsssr’Z*