Robert Emmet. On March 17, the Academy Dramatic company will present the popular drama "Robert Emmet.” A*, tlic request of a large number of persons this play is being placed upon the boards. Before the play Hcv. D. II. Ilarrington, of Lis towel), county Kerry, Ireland, will de liver an address. Father Ilarrington is an eloquent spenker and it will be n rare treat to all those who shall hear him. George McHugh, of Sioux City, takes the leading part and 8. C. Snraplc, of Butte, takes the laughable part of Ser geant Topfall, Scats can now be pro cured at the usual place. Following is a cast of characters: Robert Emmet, the Irish patriot.. .Geo. McHugh Darby O’Galf, a sprig of tho Emerald Isle.. .Robert Marsh O'Leary, an old soldier.Miles Gibbons Dowdall, friend of Emmet.P. J. McManus Kernan, n traitor.D. H. Cronin Borgount Topfall.Samuel C. Sample Corporal Thomas.Frank Mann Lord Norbury...T. V. Golden Baron George 1 Baron Dely... }-. Connor, Jailor) Marla, Emmet's wife.....Miss L. Carlon Judy O'Dougherty.Mrs. Della Hanley A harpist from the "Ould Sod” will be on hand to furnish music. Court notes* In district court last Friday the coun ty of Holt recovered Judgment rgainst G. C. Hazelet and bis bondsmen for $007. The amount sued for was $3,200. This case was similar to the one brought for his first term and the verdict of the last jury was square against that of the first. The first jury in effect said that the county had the privilege of repudiat ing at pleasure settlements made with county officers; but the last jury said that when a settlement was made in good faith and nothing concealed from tliq board they were bound by It. The judgment rendered in the last case was for the difference between the amount charged for filing sheriff’s certificates and the amount entered on the fee book. Both cases will be appealed. County of Holt vs. Holt County bank and its bondsmen, David Adams, D. L. Darr, John J. McCafferty, M. M. Sulli van, John McBride, Timothy Dwyer, Edward Adams, was an action to recover the amount of county money on deposit at the time of the failure of the bank. The judge instructed the jury to find for the plaintiff in full amount claimed. While a large number of legal matters were disposed of, the above cases are probably all that would interest the public. Judge Kinkaid yesterday announced that court would stand adjourned until next Tuesday. In Kemorlam. Barnabus Welton, .chaplain of Gen. John O'Neill Post No. 88, Grand Army of the Republic, departed this life after a very brief illness at his home February 27,1894, and laid to rest in the cemetery as this place on March 1, in the presence of a large concourse of the comrades* and friends, under the solumn rites of the Grand Army of the Republic, and Whkrkas, In the providence of God, whose ways are not always our ways, though always right; our beloved com rade has been called from this earth and its labors to his eternal reward, there fore be it Resolved, That while we mourn the loss of our beloved comrade and worthy Chaplin, we humbly submit to the will of Him who doeth all things well, but we cannot refrain from expiessing a sense of deep loss we sustain in this .* ruling providence. Retolved, That we hereby tender to the bereaved family and friends our deepest sympathies, with a full assur ance that their loss is our beloved com rades eternal gain. Rooked, ..That a copy of these reso lutions be conveyed to the bereaved family, and be spread upon the minutes of Gen. John O’Neill Post No. 86, G. A. R. and that the city papers be furnished a copy for publication. E. 8. Kinch, ■ i 8. G. Smith. ", Fhkd Pfundkr. - U. • , ' Committee. t*. * *.• ■ nw ana Poetry «f Nebraska. The American Publishers’ Association, 78-80 Dearborn Street, Chicago, are just completing a very fine work entitled, '•Poets and Poetry of Nebraska." II you are a writer of po'etry send to them one or more of your favorite poems and you will be given representation in th< work. It will be profusely illustrated with one hundred full-page engravings, vignettes and life-like portraits. Do noi fail to send poems as the publishers ar< anxious Lto have the work includeval! the looal poets of this state. Tennyson on Spring, We have the word of Alfred Tennysoi for it that in the spring the young man'i fancies lightly turn to thoughts of love It is singular that the great laureati omitted to ment on the fact that it is ii the spring that a considerable portioi of the human race turn to taking Hood’i sarsaparilla. Probably nothing but thi difficulty of finding a good rhyme to that invaluable remedy deterred him Certain it is that the* old-time domesti remedies are generally discarded ii fayor of the standard blood purifier Hood’s sarsaparilla, which has attainei the greatest popularity all over th country as the favorite spring medicine It purifies the blood and gives nerve mental, bodily and digestive strength. Council Meeting. O'Nkim,, Nun., March 5, ’94. Council called to order by the mayor. Present: R. R. Dickson, mayor; N Martin, 'clerk; councilman Wagers, Pfund, Smoot, Stannard, DeYarman and Gat/.. Minutes read and approved. Committee to inquire as to the cost of pumping water for the years 1894-5. Moved by Stannard, second Wagers, that the mayor appoint a committee of three to consult with Mr. Mcllugh to treat upon the reusability of purchasing or leasing the electric light plant. Mayor, Stannard, Smoot and Qatz with city attorney, committee. Mayor ex tends time to report at regular meeting. Moved by Smoot, second Pfund, that Wagers, DcYurman and Gatz be a com mittee to consider the applications of Benedict and others, Uazelet nnd others, Davidson and others and all other simi lar applications and report from time to time. Petitions were read for the appoint, ment of justice of the peace to fill vacan cy caused by the death of B. Welton. On motion an election was held. On the first ballot there were three ballots cost for 8. M. Wagers and three for John McBride. On the second ballot, the vote being the same, the mayor gave his vote in favor of 8. M. Wagers. Moved by Stannard, second Pfund, that the mayor appoint a committee consisting of the city treasurer, city at torney and the mayor to examine and adjust the accounts of thp late treasurer, David Adams. Moved by Smoot, second Stannard, to abolish the city scales. Yes, not voting, Wagers, absent; DeYarman, no; Smoot, no; Pfund, no; Qatz, no. Moved by DeYarman that a committee be appointed to select a new location for the city scales. Yes, Pfund, Gatz, De Yarman; no, Stannard, Smoot. Carried. N. Martin, Clerk. Notioe. There will be a meeting of the Holt County Irrigation Society at the court house on Friday March 16, at 2 o’clock r. it. Business of importance will come up and a full attendance is requested. J. P. Mdi.lkn, Pres. T. V. Qomjen, Sec. Stock Cattle! I am prepared to furnish stock cattle of all ages, or will buy on contract or commission. Frank Anderson, 3'2tf U. S. Yds., Sioux City, Iowa. Awarded Highest Honors atWorld Fair. •DR; BAKING POWDIR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret font Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Backlen’s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by P. C. Cor rigan. _ _ 28-28 A Present to Everybody. All our readers should send to the publishers of the Home, 141 Milk street, Boston, Mass., and get a set of their beautiful stamping patterns. They can be used for embroidery outlining or painting. All desirable and good size; some 8x10, others 5x8 inches. There are nintey-one different patterns and two alphabets, one a large forget-me-not pattern. With this outfit the publishers send the Home, a 16-page paper contain ing stories, fashions, fancy work, etc, and only ask for 10 cents to cover post age on patterns and paper. Our il lustrated premium list of 200 premiums sent free to any address. Take advant age of tjiis offer now. ‘ . . oar Clubbing LUt. Thk Frontier and the Semi-weekly State Journal, 91.75 per year. The Frontier and the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean, 91.50 per year. We will give the readers ot Tint Frontier the benefit of our reduction on any paper, magazine or periodical for which they may wish to subscribe. 1 By subscribing through this office you can save from 10 cents to 81. This is i the average reduction allowed us as dealers. tf 1 Guaranteed Core. 1 We aulhorive our advertised druggist 1 to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs, and colds, upon , this condition. If you are atiiicted with • a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex • perience no benefit, you may return the I bottle and have your money refunded, j We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Corrigan’s drug store. Large size 50c and $1. THE WRONG MAN. In Her Christian Zeal She Hjid Got Him Into Her Itlbte Class.’ The Christian zeal of a young wo man of Louisville placed her in a most uncomfortable position. She is one of a family of bright girls who are cele brated for their good looks. She is also a teacher in the Sunday school of a fashionable church. Recently she took a class of men over 31 years of age, as she said that, she thought the male generation at that age needed more Christianity than at any other. So earnest was she in her work that she would make the rounds of the back seats of the Sunday school and drag forward the men who had come only to see the girls and be seen by them. This earnest young teacher would then take them in her class and teach them to walk in the straight and narrow path. One Sunday she noticed a chap about 30 years old in the rear of the church. She saw that he was a stranger, and thought there was a de cidedly worldly look about his care fully arranged attire. In a moment the earnest young teacher had made up her mind and invited the young man to become a member of her class. The stranger blushed slightly with surprise and probably with pleasure at the thought of being in the hand some teacher’s class. Soon he had taken a seat, appearing perfectly at home. The teacher was surprised to hear the stranger answer all the diffi cult biblical questions with perfect ease. Finally an amused smile was observed on the new scholar’s face. He began to ask the teacher questions with which she was tolerably un familiar. In desperation the teacher finally asked the new scholar who he was. The latter replied with the ut most gravity that he was the Rev. -, who had been invited to come and lecture that evening at the Young Men’s Christian association. RAPIDLY UNITED. How a Jacksonville Official Rushed Through a Marriage. The deputy clerk in the marriage bureau at Jacksonville was very, very busy. Without looking up from his work he knew there was a colored couple looking around timidly near the door and occasionally peering over at the desk where he sat writing. “Well, well, want to get married; why don’t you say so?” he demanded. They grinned at each other, then grinned at the clerk. Then the man faltered: “Ya-as, sir:” “Got a license?” ,. “Ya-as, sir.” ; , “Got any money?” “Ya-as, sir.” •.’3#w f. “How much?” “Two dollars.” “Hand it here.” He slowly, almost painfully,counted out $3 in chicken money. The clerk grabbed it. “Join right hands,” he said. Then faster than a thunder shower can patter on a tin roof he rat tled off the following; “By virchof thoritof state of Florida me vestedinnow declare you manwife. Gitowder here!” and they went, still grinning. Next day, while the bridegroom was laying track for the new electric car line, he was heard to say: “Mr. Charlie Verelst is de smartest white man in Jacksonville—marry you in a minnit! Golly! I specks to git him to marry me every time.” HE WAS ' IRRECLAIMABLE. A Bad Boy Wanted Hl« Good Mature Put to a Practical Test. The parents of a youth who makes things interesting for a Buffalo fami ly were trying to instill into the young man's mind the principles of self sacrifice and generosity and all that sort of thing. ne had been given some candy that afternoon and had refused to divide with a little boy who came to play with him, claiming that there was no more than he could get away with himself. “Now, Reg,” said the mother, “you must not do like that. When Johnny or any of your other little friends ask you for some of your candy you must give them some. You must not be selfish.” Reg couldn’t see things in that light. His mother labored with him for a while longer and succeeded in making no impression whatever. Finally she said; “Suppose you had two bananas and one of them was smaller than the other and not so good. Supposing your little sister was to ask you for one, which banana would you give her, the small and poor one or the best one?” Reg pondered for a minute. Then he said: “Go out and get the bananas and give me a chance.” That ended the lesson. She Had a Fist. The mechanical figure of a woman that taps on the window of a Denver store with her fan to attract * the at tention of the passers-by became an object of curiosity to a laborer in the street, and, leaning on the handle of his pickaxe, he stepped up to have a nearer look. One of his companions called out to him: “Fwat is it yez are flirtin’ wid, Moike?” “Phwist, there, Pat. Bedad, she remoinds me o’ th’ ould ’ooman whin she was that young.” “Away wid yez. Yer ould ’ooman cud niver pound wid her phist on the windy widout breakin’ the glass.” Stopped Payment. In a civil action on money matters the plaintiff had stated that his finan cial position had always been satisfac tory. In the cross-examination he was asked if he had ever been bankrupt. “No,” was the answer. Next question was: “Now be careful; did you ever stop payment?” “Yes,” was the re ply. “Ah,” exclaimed the counsel, “I thought we should get at it at last. When did that happen?” “After I had paid all I owed,” was the answer. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. LBGAL NOTICE. . Itiley O. Cunningham, Minnie M.Cunning ham and David Adams, defendants, will take notice that on the Kith day of February, 1814, Elmore W. llurst, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the ob ject and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defendants Riley O. Cnnnlngham and Minnie M. Cun ningham to plaintiff, upon the north half of the north west quarter or section two, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarte of section three, in township thirty-two, in range fifteen, in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one promissory note dated September 2,1885), for the sum of $TJ0, and in terest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and ten per cent, after maturity; that there is now due upon said note and mortgage, according to the terms therefo. the sum of $1248.11 and inter est at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from February 12, 185)4, and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount duo thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 26th day of March, 1854. Dated February 13,1854. * 32-4 Elmore W. Hurst, Plaintiff. LEGAL, KUHUH. O. H. Tonoray defendant, will take notice thnt on the 31st day of January, 1894, the Commercial Investment Company the plain tiff herein, filed its petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, aguinst said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Manus O’Donnell and Mary O'Donnell to C. H. Toncray and afterwards duly assigned, for a valuable consideration to plaintiff, upon the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the north half of the southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section three (8) in township (27) rorth of range ten (10) west of sixth Principal Meredlan in Holt count v, Nebraska, to secure the payment of principal bond, with interest coupons attached, said bond dated June 28, 188G, for the sum of *300, due and payable five years from date thereof; said mortgage provided that in case bond or coupons, are not paid when due, or within ten days thereafter, the whole sum1', cured thereby may be declared due and payable: there Is now due on said bond, coupons, and mortgage the sum of 8755 with interest at 10 per cent from Feb ruary 1, 1894, for which sum, with interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants bo required to pay the same, or that sold premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 2nd day of April, 1804. Dated February 15,1894. 83-4 C. C. Ft.ANSnunc, Attorney for Plaintiff. % NOTICE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP HOLT COTNTV, NEB. C. F. Pattergill, Plaintiff. Against John Stoddard, Laura O. Stoddard, Scott T. Jones, Allen Marshall, Eva M, Prugh and James G. Winbtanley, Defendants. To John Stoddard, Laura O. Stoddard, Scott T. Jones, Allen Marshall, Eva M. Prugh and James G. Wlnstanley, non-resident defendants; You are hereby notified that on the llth day of July, 1803, C. F, Pattengill, •plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the above entitled cause, in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against John Stoddard, Laura 6. Stoddard. Scott T. Jones, Allen Marshall, Eva M, Prugh and James G. Winstanley. de fendants. and on January 20, 1894, by leave of court amended said petition, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain real estate mortgage executed on the 7th day of May. 18*7, by John Stoddard and Laura O. Stoddard to Scott T. Jones upon the property described as follows: The northwest quarter of section twenty six, in township thirty-two, north of range sixteen, west of the sixth P. M., In Holt county, Nebraska. Said mortgage was given to secure the payment of one promissory note dated May 7. 1887, and due and payable April 1, 1892, given by John Stoddard to Scott T. Jones for tho sum of six hundred dollars and interest which said note and mortgage were sold, assigned and delivered to the plaintiff for value before the commencement of this action and before said note became due; that there Is now due and payable on said note and mortgage and for taxes on the above described . premises paid by plaintiff the sum of eight huudred thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, with interest at the rate of ton per cent, per annum from tho 15th day of May, 1893, for which sum with interest from May 15,1893, plaintiff prays fora decree that the defendants pay the same and in default of such payment said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found t^ue. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 5th day of March, 1894. Dated at O’Neill, Neb., January 20.1894. 0. F. PATTi NGILL, Plaintiff. By Loomis & Abbott and H. It. Dickson, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 29-4 In the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska. Flora L Gleasman, j Plaintiff, vs Mary J. Cookie,wife and heir at law of Henry C, Oonkle, deceased, and all the unknown heirs at law and legal representatives of Henry G. C'onkle de ceased, Defendants. NOTICE. The above named defendants and each of them will take notioe that on the 20th day of January, 1804, the above named plaintiff filed her petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer being to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Henry C Conkle, during bis lifetime, and his wife,Mary J. Conkle, to the Nebraska Mortgage and In vestment Co., upon the following descriln -i real estate, situated ill Holt county, Nebras ka, to-wlt: Tho southwest quarter of section nine <•» in township thirty-one (31), range ten (10), west of the 8th P. XL, to secure the payment of one certain promissory note for *225, dated August 13, 1889, and duo September 1, 1892, hearing int rest at 7 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually; thatthcre is now due on said note, by reason of the defendant’s failing to pay same when due and by reason of the defendant’s failure to pay the taxes for the year 1891, in the sum or 834.58, which amount plaintiff paid to protect her stcurity, on the 27th day of March, 1893, making in all tho sum of 8298.94, due on said note and mort gage, with Interest thereon from the 28th day of March, 1893, for which sum with Inter est from that date, plaintiff prays for decree that the defendants be required to pay the same, or that the said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. And pray ing that you and each of you be foreclosed of all interest in said land. 1 You are required to answer said petition on or before the 19th day of March, 1894. Dated this 5th day of February, 1894. K. It. Dickson, 3l-4 Attorney for plaintiff We, the undersigned subscribers, hereby associate and Incorporate ourselves under the following articles of Incorporation: ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be the Niobrara Elver Irrigation and Power Com pany. ARTICLE it. The principal plaije of doing business shall be at the city of O'Neill, county of Holt and state of Nebraska. ARTICLE III. The general nature of^the business of this corporation shall be to promoto irrigation and to develop and utilize water power in the state of Nebraska; to locate, construct, develop and improve canals, ditches and watercourses, and to operate the same; to construct watercourses, dams, flumes, races, water-gates and such other improvements as may be necessary from time to time to carry out the general purposes of the corporation; to acquire water rights, powers and privileges as well as such mill sites and other power sites as may be found beneficial and advis able; to utilize and apply suuh waterpower and water for irrigation purposes; to pur chase, construct, own and operate such ma chinery. plants and appliuuocs as may bo deemed beneficial and profitable for the pur pose of furnishiug. applying and utilizing such water; to s .11, convey or lease water rights for irrigation purposes, aud to sell, convey and lease such power in different localities to consumers thereof for uiechani cal and other purposes; to acquire, purchase, hold, encumber and convey such real estate and Interest therein, and other property as may be found neoessary In and about Bald business, as well as such real estate and other property as may be deemed beneficial and profitable to acquire, purchase, hold, en cumber and convey from time to time; to ac quire such rights of way and other rights as it may be found necessary or advisable to acquire from time to time by statutory pro ceedings. ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stock of this cor poration shall be two million five hundred thousand <2,500,000) dollars in shares of one hundred (100) dollars each. Ten thousand dollars of which shall be paid in before the commencement of business. The remainder of the stock shall be issued as ordered by the board of directors. No stock shall be Issued until the same be paid for in full. ARTICLE V. This corporation shall commence.Aprll 2 1894, and shall continue ninety-nine years unless sooner dissolved by voluntaryliqulda tlon or by due proceedings at law. ARTICLE VI. The highest amount of Indebtedness to which this corporation may at any time sub ject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of Its capital stock. AKTiULiE Vir. The business ot the corporation shall be managed by a board of directors, to consist of not less than seven nor more than elven stock holders to be elected by the stock holders prior to the commencement of busi ness, and at each regular meeting thereafter. Each stock holder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock he represents.1 Vacancies shall be filled in the board of directors by the board of directors. article vui. The directors shall choose from their num bers a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. ARTICLE IX. The anuual meeting of the stockholders shall be held In the city of O’Neill, Nebraska, on the first Monday of April of each year. article x. The board of directors shall have general charge and control of the property and busi ness of the corporation and may adopt such by-laws not inconsistent with these articles, as they may deem proper. ARTICLE XI. The corporation shall have a seal, which shall have engraved thereon the words, ‘'The Niobrara Elver Irrigation and Power Com pany. Corporate Seal.” ARTICLE XII. The capital stock of this corporation may be increased from time to time upon the vote ot two-thirds of the stook holders, vot ing by shares. ARTICLE XIII. These articles of incorporation may be altered or amended at any annual meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the stoek holders voting by shares of stock, but notice of the proposed amendment must be given all of the stock holders by mailing same to each of them at their last post office address as shown by the books of the corporation, at least ten days before the meeting, which notice must specify the article to amended and contain the language of the article if amended as proposed. In witness whereof we have caused our names to be hereto affixed on this 10th day of February, 1804 In presence of: A. 0. Morris. A. J. Hammond. J. L. McDonald. ■ H. A. Allen. E. It. Dickson. J.P. Mann. O. F. Riot,in, . T. V. Golden. G. C. IIazelet. Neil Huennan. J.A. Testman. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land office at O’Neill, Neb., March 3, 1884. Notice is liereBy given that the following named settler his filed notice of ills in tention to make final proof in support ot' his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Itegister and Receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska, on April 14,1884, viz: • MOSES GAUG11ENBAUGH, Senior, H. E No. 131147, for the E 14 NE fa section 8, town ship 28, range 13 west. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, viz: T. B. Alaring, J. B. Alaring, Emety Herric k, a*! of, Emmet. Neb., and S. H. Elwood, oi 0 Neill, Nebraska. W. D. Mathews, 'Register. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of o certain chattel mortgage executed by Don ald AIcClellan to David Adams, dated De cember 211,1880, and a copy thereof duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Holl county, Nebraska, to secure the payment oi two promissory notes, one for the sum ol *25!) duo March 29,1891. and one for the sum of $809 duo March i‘9.1891. There is now due on said notes the sum of *904 and interest from April 1, 1893. The undersigned receivei of Holt County Bank has taken possession ol according to the terms of said mortgage, the following described property, to-wit: 1 bay mare. 1 bay horse. 1 dark iron gray horse. 1 bay mare, star in face. 1 black colt. 1 dark red cow. 2 dark red cows under ? years old. 1 dark speckled heifer. 1 dnrk red yearling calf. 1 McCormick reaper and binder. 1 steel mower. 1 Aloline wagon. 1 sulkey attachment. 2stirring plows. 1 steel horse rake. And in accordance with thi conditions of said mortgage will on the 21st day of March. 1S91, at 1 o’clock p. in. of said day, at said Donald McClellan’s farm, section 20, township 31, range il west 6th P. M., offei for sale and sell the same to the highest bld derto satisfy the amount now due and un paid upon said notes and mortgage, and said sale will be continued from day to day until all of said property shall be sold. Dated this 28th day of February, A. D, 1894, _ O. O. Snyder, Receiver Holt County Bank. nwnvii;. Notice is hereby given that by virtuo of a certain chattel mortgage executed by C. W. Lemont, to the Holt County Hank, dated June 7, 1802, and a copy thereof duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Holt county. Nebraska, to secure the payment of a certain prommissorv note for the sum of tl.UOO.OO ami interest, which note became due on the 7th day of September, 1892, and said note still re maining due and unpaid the undersigned receiver of the said Holt County Bank has taken possession of, according to the terms of said mortgage, the following described property, viz: Thirteen head of horses, four head of mules. And in accordance with the conditions of said mortgage will on the 24th day of March, 1891, at 1 o’clock, p. M. of said day. at O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, offer for sale, and sell the same to the highest bidder, to satisfy the amount now due and unpaid upon said note and mortgage and said sale will be continued from day to day until all of said property shall be Bold. Dated this 28th day of February, 1891. 34-3 O. O. SNYDKIt, Receiver of Holt County Bank. LEGAL NOTICE. Ealph A. Bradshaw. Elizabeth M. Brad shaw aud James 11. Clark defendents, will take notice that on the 29th day of February. 1891, the First National Bank, of Ravena, Ohio, plaintiff herein, filed a petition in the district court of Ilolt county, Nebraska, agalnst said defendants, the object ana prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortage executed by defendants Ralph A. Bradshaw aud Elizabeth M. Hrahshaw to James 11. Clark upon the southeast quarter of .section live in township thirty in range nine west in Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of one prommissorv note dated April 1, 1887, for the sum of *880.00 mid inter est at the rate of seven per cent per annum payable semi-annually and ten per cent after maturity'; that there is now due upon said note and mortage according to the terms thereof t he sum of *1,178.51 and interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from February 2n, 1891 and plaintiff prays that said premises may be decreed to be sold to satisfy the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of April. 18D4. Dated Februury 27,1894. Thk Kins'*’ National Bank of IUvknna. Ohio, Pluiutiff. • y4„4 * F. PHOPKIETOR8 Or THE RED - FRQS GOOD TEAMS, NEW R] Prices Reasonable. Kaat ot MoOnfferto’s. O'NEIU, NR DeYarianBro I CHECKER Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. Have charge of McCanert’s hearse. FRED C. GATZ H**Wf«n***i f Fresh, Dried and Salt Meats Sugar-cured Ham, Breakfast Bacon, Spice Roll Bacon, all Kinds of Sausages, O’CONNOR &GALLAGHE DEALERS IN \ Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS If you want a drink of good liquor j do not fail to call on us. H 8 Of 0 s 8 P • 8 Purchase Tickets and Consign > Freight via the F.E.&M.V.andS.CJl RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: GOING BAST. Passenger east, - ' Freight east, . * . ■ GOING WBST, 9:35 A. 10:45 A* Freight west, Passenger west, Freight, The Elkhorn Line is now running 1:45 r. 5:15 p. 6:44 r Keclini Chair Cars daily, between Omaha an ^ wood, tatlon wood, jreo to holders of first-class For any information call on W„ J. DOBBS, AG O’NEILL. NEB. tveats, and Trade-Marks obtain^, ao ^zts_ t business conducted for Modera or,icE in orncc is Opposite I/. S. ^ those d we can secure patent in less iu“ note from Washington. w;th descrip send model, drawing or photo., w^^ ( 0l n. We advise, if patentable or n ECCure,i arge. Our fee not due till patent j’ -t w ;ttl » Kuphlct, “HowMOW‘ft^couatnes st of same in the U. o. auu iu,v „ at bee. Address. J.A.SNOW&CO ipp. FaTBWT OrncE. WasHiNO^^^ytv