, , — DISGUISES. 'C *. All wear disguises in life's gama . The true men lurk within; A sago mnv masquerade and claim *C\-y\ To be a harlequin A eynfr's snoer may servo to hide A tender heart of gold. As In the sea warm currents glide Beneath a surface cold. Full many men who to the eye In virtue’s garb appear. Are sepulchers in which there lie But hones and durlcnoss drear. They say that when from death wo walce We ll know as wo are known. Each from his face the mask will take And the true self bo shown. —Inter Ocean. SCARLET FORTUNE. nV H. HICKMAN. CHAPTER VI—Continued. 4,Tho carl of Clevo prosonts his compliments to Lady Evelyne Wyn tor.” ho wrote, "and desires to ex plain a circumstance which,. he is afraid, must have surprised J.ady Kvelyno. Lord Clove is ufllicfe^d with loss of memory, tho result of some wounds in tho head. It was, thoro foro his misfortune, and not his fault, if ho did not recognize Lady Evelyne Wyntor this afternoon. Ho hopes that this apology will bo his excuso, and that Lady Kvelyno Wyn ter will believe that Lord Clove could not possibly have actod towards hor in any spirit of discourtesy.” “It’s jest a bit soapy, ain’t it?” Miss Lucy exclaimed, when tho young gentloman had dotted all his "i’s” and crossed all his "t’s,” "an’ it s a little smeary like maple sugar, when yew get too much of it on yewr spoon. I guess she's a honsum young woman. Waal, it ain’t no matter.” With that she danced away, apparently unburdened by thnughtfulnoas or care. That was all outward show, how ever; all nervous determination not to show to the man sho loved how much she loypd him. If it had been possible for a prying eye to pene trate into Lucy’s chamber that night, it would huvo found her walking up and down the softly-carpeted lloor liko a caged panthor. Her bosom heaved, she wrung her tiny hands with a nervous grip and big tears worj flowing down her cheeks. At last sho flung herself on her knees by the bedsido, and buried her head on the' coverlet, whilst the soft masses of her hair fell like Mass-; It Is with pleasure that I send « concerning what Hood’s Sarsaparm^™'31 lor my daughter, it Is a wonderd ^?°n* and I cannot recommend It too highly .who la fourteen years old, has been ^ Afflicted With Scrofula ever since she was one year old Fnr she has had a running sore on ? 6 years face. We tried every remedv s l^e °f her nothing did her an^g^d uXtif r^n^^* sshfeattSsa Hood s^14 Cures “ ,CUrfd herof dy»PePsla- She ha7been Mo, and It h£ conquered the runuing sTe/6" Only a Scar Remaining M a trace of the dreadful disease. Previous tn taking the medicine her eyesight was afpAnt h but now she can see perfectly in affecJ«d with Hood’s Sarsaparilla we havp^ n^01!^011 Ve(mtable Pills, an® them a™ Mabia Griffin, Xenia, Illinois - , Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headset? Indigestion, blUousness. Sold by all druggist Ber.ua. of th. high speed .t which Circular Saw, «or. power la wuterl io frictmn than ie uKd in uwinif wS •*Skr- “• &*■»• ect ouK',? In th. Aeruotor Saw Frame, the only Stint s,» r„ ever nude, this dilBcult. is absolutely and wh" Ir bee.ue.Tllk BkiKIhGS FOB Tint SHAFT AKS. .intrau >T w Tilt kbits of "lire orSirslw Th.eteeltubinj .ndb.bbitt me then alitted so as to take un wear snth n holt, ft. fr... b .11 .leal, see, rl,l,l?,dXuJ Ess isstrissrys _i.lt* •?“* Jr*K* wl,'ch c,rri« the wood to he tend uid Wan a SSjSif lj*l?e^«r“ i* h“ »*«>»l»*rd to keep* pole off from the fly wheel and yet does net cause it to NMeat very much of an angle to the saw. The use of a loo lb. SOinch fly wheel and 26 inch saw makes this easily possible. It 11 therefore, a very desirable Tole Saw, making it easy to cut «p *ny Jong material quickly and aafely. Another feature of Sine* offer this very superior saw frame with s26 ine). superior taw at* much less price than any cheap imperfect wooden frame can be bought for, we are sure that the rnen'li of the Aar motor will appreciate the fact that we have attain been doing the public a great service and have distinguished ourselves in redesigning an old article and putting it iatu*a infinitely improved shape. For a saw of similar size and quality, and ordinary wooden frame, you would be charged too. If> wake tins all-st-A fi ame and thin superior sato at $40, AKD GIVE l'OV A CHAXf B 111 WET IT AT tl5, for the benefit of our Geared Aerwo^ir. We have sold an enormous number of Power Aermotor •ntftts with which saws are used, and a poor saw that runs hard detracts from their usefulness and their reputation. If we fur nish a very superior saw at a very low price, many geared out fits will be bought to drive them. Wherever one Geared Aer motor goes, others are sure to follow. When we take a well known article, redesign it, and put it in a shape very superior to anything that has appeared before. it widens and enlarges our reputation for doing well etervth.ng to which we put our hands, and this is the thing that has in the past brought so mnch business to our factory, and which m the fnture, we have no doaht, will bring, practically, all tha business in our line. It is this reputation that we are daily working for. We believe that this Aermotor Steel Paw Frame and Saw will confirm and enhance the fame which we have gu:ii*-1 in the manufacture of Steel Windmills and Steel Tow"t\ hence, for the purpose of scattering them so tnat cveryb^iy may know that a good thing can be had for a small price nr. f>> rKK THIS HTEKI, SAW AND FRAME FOR |15 CASH A5I> riVKt'OFIXS OF AUVKKTIKEIKM' So . « of this series as per conditions stated in Ho. 2. In our next advertisement, he. ■*. we shall talk of galvanizing, and make an offer that will bed Wivcnal interest. This is ado. Xo. 9. Ati:Muioi( vO. “COLCHESTER” Spading Booi For *urmei-s,Mintt-Husul* a:•■ ^ othem. The outer or tap noie,,*teu ditching, digging. »e. t>»»» o»eMi THE CREAT SALE OF TROTTING BRED HORSES. At Union Stock Yard* Horse "arK SOUTH OMAHA. NKB' MARCH 20, «1,22, 23, 24. 89^^ 57(1 bend of tbe finest Standard Bred n >j b,„. «lU offered In tho west. Now is >t‘V|W1 jur Send fur catalogue to YV. N. Bai-cot*. ora K. K. Short. Man ger. South fm-di- - TKKKM anti (tier for backs. Ask jour bttrne » linc.iU them. H.W. COOPKK. Mfr ■ “— - MOLINE UMAHA BOMS. HOUSSS. SUTTER RS?£2«S^^pniJ r Fresh Mutter. - BATltk BHOS Can tilt a. _ ss= lest 11.00 a. Zoi? LEED At CA8ET. propnetonu Hotel Dellone lest 11.00 a day house In tho s| 000?A»M££Hra^',': i*”' iu* free Kale or Exchange. 1 (^a ■K.KQEKt 821 s*o. l«tu ***• RIISlSK nUuULUl vhyalstana' ./^‘‘lUl'Karrasi" •dera solicited. Aloe APrufolrtCu ... Ship or wf^ 1 ROBLiUffi **“ Establlsl>*;,l^l1.1 UUHarne)