The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BT THB FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KINO & CRONIN. Editors. t ■■ ■ -— THE SKIRVING CASE. Now that tlie testimony is all in the hands of the Jury and It is probable that a verdict will be rendered before this issue will be out, we presume It will not be out of order for The Frontier to express Its views upon this case. Our readers are all familiar with the fact that this paper generally has views upon questions of public moment, and having views, is never backward about coming forward with them. It is generally oifr custom to criticise the action of this board, not because we have anything against the board in par ticular, but because they seldom do any thing for which they are not censurable. In this Instance we think they werewrong for even entertaining this caso for a moment. The charges preferred were not of sufficient magnitude to justify t ouster if they were all proven. And then again the complaining witness should have been required to give a bond for the costs, in case his allegations were npt supported by the facts, as we now find they are not. It is the worst kind of imposition upon the tax payers of this county for the board to set here for a week hearing frivolous charges preferred by a partisan-blind tool who probably never saw the inside of the office he alleges is corruptly admin istered. Of course he is not entirely to ' blame, as be has been urged on by the 'old gang commanded by Boas Harring ton, who last fall said there "would be trouble" if this officer dared defy his mandate and assert his rights as a free born American citizen. This case was not instituted because these populists feared (or cared) that the office was not administered accord ing to Hoyle or law. It is a matter that the county is not interested in to any great extent. The fees do not go to the county and the couuty has nothing to lose or gain by the manner in which it |v is conducted. The people who Save business before the clerk are the ones who should do the kicking and there is not the slightest doubt but that wo would have heard from them long ago if things were not progressing in the proper channel. The fact that this office is held by a republican is what hurts those fellows and they have planned mj|py kinds of schemes to get possession. ‘ Notwithstanding that an army of the faithful are now employed in the court-house, other brothers are still out in the wet and some place must ' be prepared for them, and that quickly, r lest they drown. This is the true cause ', of their proceedings and not the allega tions made in the complaint. Gentlemen, wben a man cannot draw a breath of this glorious Holt county air without first consulting this piratical gang of star-chamberists it is time to pause for just a moment and ask some body In what direction we are drifting. Wn are told that John Trommer ahauaser has again assumed control of the Ewing Democrat. The Jew logically proclaims that be cause it only costs 22 cents to produce a gold dollar therefore is only worth 22 cents. Great head has that man Gutz man. ; — »effie —- . The free traders are getting their breath back and are beginning the hope less task of trying to explain the result in Pennsylvania without condemning free trade. “Whehb,” asks the mush-pated Jew, "has there been any ill-advised and los ing litigation?" Egad! My duke, when i- and where has Holt county, up to the present term of court, ever won a law suit? Ex-Spbakkb Reid summed up the en tire situation in the house when he said: "If the maj ority party here would ac cord to members their constitutional right to transact business in accordance with the constitution we should cease to hare trouble.” Habungton has dubbed Crawford "the watchdog of the treasury.” The title is good and has been well earned. He sleeps beside if with about the same fervor and from the game motives that Wv the common ordinary dog eyes a nice ham joint. He wants it all himself. Gvkzman denies that the supervisor system costs over $50,000 more per year than that ot the commissioner, but he doesn’t produce any figures in support of his denial. The records Bhow that the- first four years of supervisor rule average over $50,000 more per year than the last four years of commis sioner rule. There’s no getting around this statement. Uutzman would have hU readers be lieve that It is necessary to call si grand jury before a man may be arrested for larceny. It may be that the Jew’s readers arc a set of blank chumps, and then again it may not be. That, he has any readers, however, is an indication that they are non compos mentis. The democrats in congress have lately been classified by democrats as jackasses, fools, incompetent demagogues and anarchists. While not endorsing the entire quartet of epithets, truth com pels us to acknowledge that it would not be difficult to produce evidence that would convict on the firs: three counts. .— The Jew is an ignoble pettifogger.' He compares Mr. Bethea's force of clerks to that employed by Mr. Butler in 1802. Why did he not make comparison with tho force employed in ’08? The amount of work in this office grows less with each succeeding year and the amount of help should (and has up to the present administration) decreased in a corres ponding ratio. and now it is wnisperea about toe state that Custer county's pop treasurer has gone wrong: that the dollars in his vault are many thousand less than indi cated upon his balance sheet. Congress man Kem is said to have borrowed some $20,000 from him. Again *we say that the ways of the independents are not in a direction opposite to those accredited to the republicans and democrats. Mr. Cleveland is said to have lett Washington thoroughly disgusted with congress. From the best obtainable in formation'congress has been disgusted with Mr. Cleveland for quite a while, and the people with both. It might be advantageous to the country for Mr. Cleveland to extend that hunting trip indefinitely; maybe congress can do better alone. It cannot do worse than it has done under his manipulation. Mu. Vandbrvoort must have had the Holt county populists in his mind when he said: "One of the greatest obstacles the people’s party has to contend with is not the name, nor the platform, but the band of the eye-rolling Pharisees who stand on the pinnacle of the roof and thank Qod they have been in the move ment lo. those many years. They bar the door to recruits, create dissension, advocate schemes that drive away the masses and soar when their sores will let them from one bobby to another in a wav calculated to paralyze progress.” Why did the Sun withdraw its bid Ifor printing the delinquent tax list? Ho, ho!—Graphic. Gregg Roll says there is a combina tion. A combination between Kautz man and McHugh! My! now birds of a feather will flock together. We are re minded by this that last year The Frontier asked permission to withdraw a bid but met with the reply that any thing once filed with -the board at once became public propei ty and a part of the records of Holt county, and conse quenty could not be withdrawn. And still further: We published four columns of proceedings under an arbitrary ruling of the board, and this year the Sun prints but two. Is it possible that a paper must be a perfect tool to get fair play before this board? In a matter of business why should the sups, have any pets? The county of Holt loses money by this paternalism. It has now leaked out that when the settlement committee asked to count the public funds Treasurer Mullen went down to one of the banks and brought up $11,000. After that had been counted he asked "if that was enough,” and was answered in the negative by the com mittee. to which he replied that he would take the $11,000 back and get some more. In about an hour he in formed the committee that he had some more money, and they went in and counted $11,000 a second time, and again Mullen asked, "Is that enough?” and again received the answer that it was not; and again he took away the $11,000 and againn brought back more money which was again counted, mak ing three different lots of money that they counted, or more likely, making one lot that they counted three times. Shipping tags were hanging about this cash in great profusion, which unusual circumstance was remarked by the com mittee and explained by Mullen, who said that it was shipped in for this pur pose as the banks did not have it on hand. A like circumstance was thought sufficient grounds for impeachment when Barrett Scott was treasurer. Heigh ho! what’s this? A Washington correspondent of the Chicago Record, a journal of cuckooish tendency, and, ex cept to his Hawaiian policy, always lau datory of the administration of President Cleveland, tells sad stories concerning the demoralization of official life. Nor does he deal in generalities; be makes his charges specific. He says, for ex ample, that ,Tosiah Quincy, the eminent ly good Josiab, has secured a govern ment contract for his friends, with a share of the profit for himself. That Secretary Carlisle's coachman, footman and bouse servants are placed on the treasury pay rolls. That the very clothes they wear have been purchased by public money. That the stylish covered landau in which the secretary’s wife drives when on her rounds of fashion in foul weather and the open l victoria in which she rides when it is fair Lave been bought with funds that properly belong to the United, Stutes. That the fine Kentucky steed driven by the secretary’s son has been bonght by the same means and is maintained at the public cost. And Hoke Smith has glued bis colored cook’s husband to the pay rolls while on the other hand he has been chopping off pensioners to even up matters.—Fremont Tribune. INDEPENDENT STEALS. At every meeting of the board of supervisors they steal from the county $186, by charging for the day before the board meets and the. day after it adjourns. • By awarding the printing of the tax list to the Independent ‘they have stolen over $1,500 from, the people of the county. By employing more help in the treas urer’s office than is necessary and more than was employed und'er a republican administration, they are wrongfully spending the people’s money. By employing more help in the clerk’s office than is necessary and more than was employed under a republican administration, they are robbing the taxpayers. By allowing tho sheriff two deputies when he should do all of the work him self, they are heaping additional.burdens upon the public. By recklessly plunging the county into ill-advised and losing litigation that are increasing taxes. Employing John Morrow for a year at $2.50 per day as assistant expert, which was clearly a violation of our statute. By calling a grand jury last fall they heaped thousands of dollars of addi tional debt upon the county, and the benefits derived were absolutely nothing. Being the plurality party they are re sponsible for the continuance of the supervisor system, which costs the county over $50,000 more every year than that of the commissioner. Before election Joss Mullen promised that all the help ho would ask would be one deputy and one clerk. Therefore, all the help he employs above that num ber is a steal, according to the words of his own mouth. Awarding the contract for publishing the proceedings to both the Sun and the Independent is a steal that will amount to considerable. The Sioux City Weekly Journal Is a metropolitan newspaper issued in two parts—four pages on Tuesday and eight pages Friday. It is bright, clean and entertaining, and not excelled in point of news service and other special features essential to a first class paper by any other publication in the west. The Journal has a laige circulation throughout the United States, and is popular wherever it goes. One trial we are confident will please you. Once a subscriber always a reader. Subscribe now. Do it to day. Subscription terms $1 per year; 50 cents for 6 months and 25 cents for 3 months, cash to accompany the order. Sample copies free. Address Peiuciks Bnos. Co., Publishers, Sioux City, Iowa. Curs for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. 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DEALER IN OIOAR8, ETO. J)K. J. P. GILL1GAN, PHYSICAN AND SURGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Offloe over Blglin's furniture store. O'NEILL, NEB. E. H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office in the Judge Boberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB. E. W. ADAMS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the courts. Special at tentlon given to foreclosures and collections B. T. TRITEBLOOD PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Diseases of (the Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Office hours 6 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m, Office first door west of Heinerikson's J^JUXLEN BROS., CARPENTERS ft BUILDERS. Estimates taken and material! furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. A..BOYD’ BUILDERS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. GEORGE A. McCUTCHEON. PROPRIETOR OP | - CENTRAL - Livery Barn O’NEILL, NEB. NEW BUGGIES .£! WoNEW TEAMS. Everything Firgt-Clags. Barn Opposite Campbell's Implement House IU HAMMOND ABSRACT CO Successors to R. R. DICKSON & CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstrect Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a $10,000 bon'd as required under the law. Correspondence Sollced . O'NEILL, HOLT COUNTY NEB. HOTEL -p VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. A SALOON Where the best WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Can Always bey Had JLSLGLQBE, PAT GIBBONS, ivW THE COLUMBIAN HOTEL Has recently been remodeled and every room furnished with a new suit of furniture, making it one of the most complete and capable hotels, in the northwest. A good sample room in con nection. First, door west of Neil Brennan’s J ^ hardware store. \ G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL V P '* JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. ’ ' rCS THE ■ STATE ■ BANK OF O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. PIONEER GARLAND STOVES AND RANGES HARDWARE. I carry the largest stock of Hardware, Tinware, Copper and Graniteware In north Nebraska and make a specialty of Eli Barbed Wire. In Implements I carry the Famous John Deere Plows, Cultivators, Flying Dutchman Sulky Plows, Peru City Cultivators. LdISTERS AND DRIIsIsS Call and see me. I can save you money. NEIL BRENNAN, O’Neill. EMIL SNI66S, PRACTICAL HORSESHOER And general blacksmithing carried on in connection. Car riage work in either iron or wood executed in the most skillful style possible. First-class plow and machine work that can be relied upon. No new experience used in any branch of work. All my men are skilled workmen. ALSO DEALER IN FARM INPLEMENTS Plano binders, mowers, rakes, Skandi plows, harrows and cultivators of all descriptions. Everything guaranteed to beat the best. o’neill, neb. The Inter Ocean Ib the most popular Republican Newspaper of the west and h«5 the largest circulation. Terms by mail: Dally (without Sunday) •“)> year; dally (with Sunday) tt) per year; semi-weekly, BP<-rh3£'t weekly, *1 per year. As a newspaper the Inter Ocean keePs,!* ,lB(, in of the times In all respects. It spares neither pains nor c.\pui securing all the news and the best of current literature. [ The Weekly inter Ocean Is edited especially for those who, on account of mail servj any other reason, do not take a daily paper. In Ite columns are be found the week’s uews of all the world condensed and J'1. Hu of the literary features of the daily. As a family paper It -j ire or the cream w tt- exceb western journals. It consists of eight, pages with a supple we*1. *en lustrated, in colors, of eight additional pages, making i» 1®;..tter pages. This supplement, containing six pages of rea, niiner. and two full pago illustrations, is alone worth the price or 1 The Inter Ocean Is published In Chicago, the news and commercial center of all wc8t of the Allegheny mountains and Is oettor adapted to the » the people of that section than any paper farther east. It » m cord with the people of the west both In politics and Litei.u <§) . (§) (§> By special arrangement with the publishers of the Inter Ocean wo are able o ..offer. The Weekly Inter Ocean and The Frontier • Both One. Year for the Sum of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. Now is the time to subscribe. utter >