& „ -t - ' ‘ : ■ "■ % ... - ’ . -■ ' 1 - , ".S'. ■ r-f. ' m ■ ’ .■ / -J * i;4. .■■S' $ . v:-;v.;;, V; Frontier ® lilli «wrts; m ’ 3 ..• PUBLISHED BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING CO. •UMORIPTION, tl.SO PER ANNUM. VOLUME XIV. CLYDE KIND AND D. H. CRONIN. EDITOR* «ND MANAOERB. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MARCH 8, 1894. Vi y:jg f-4' NUMBER 35. 7 [fAL NEWS ITEMIZED fte Local News of O’Neill as Caught by the “Kids.” jather interesting NOTES mrcu of General Interest Fnbliehed While News Is Still News. The Fkontibb and New York Trib |De both for $1.50._ P. j. McManus returned from Chieago Wednesday evening. jickson Wiley was in from the north (ountry yesterday and called. W. It. Parker, of Scottville, is think ing of moving to town this spring. The Jew’s last issue was the vilest tiling we ever saw—barring its editor. The Degree of Honor will give a panel ball at the rink on Easter Monday. Hood’s pills cure all liver ills, bllidus iess, jaundice, indigestion, sick head iche. _ Hr. and Mrs. Garrison last Saturday loaning returned to their home in Custer county. Hike Flannigan arrived in O'Neill Tuesday evening from Minneapolis. He went west tonight. Attend the lecture to be given by Father llarrington, in the opera-house, is this city, on March 17. Clian DeLance arrived in the city (May to testify in behalf of the de fendant in the Skirving impeachment trill. _ ; If you want to see fine, pure bred- 8. C. Brown Leghorns, visit pens of J. H. Higgs, south of Checker bard. Eggs, 81 |*r 13. _ 34-8 Hrs. Williams, formerly Mrs. Lamb, kljidg very low at her home east of town, and it is doabtful if she can re cover. __ Next week ws will publish an irri tation article by H. E. Bowden, which las been laid over from time-'to time for tone weeks on account of lack of space. Tried and true is the verdict of people who take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. The good elects of this medicine are soda felt in tie nerve strength restored, appetite Heated and health given. > 6. A. Still, night operator at Hay Springs, was assassinated Sunday nignt Wile on duty, by some unknown shoot ing him through the window, the ball kking effect near the heart. ■ Ewing Democrat: What is the name it the prominent independent who went O’Neill and by all kinds of thieats [ttd intimidations tried to induce Greg •all to vote to rob the taxpayers of ,8,000? The Antelope Tribune botttfs that it hs a subscriber whose subscription is W up to’96. That’s nothing! The jhoNTiKR has on its list a man who Inscribed in ’91 and is paid up to Ihauary 1, ’98. 0il cake $2 00 @ 100. 8bo«s 75 @ 100. CboI> feed 80 @ 100. BrM 65 @ 100. Special prices on ton lots. 35-2 O’Neim, Grocery Co. Miss Teas Dykeman is conducting a M'ate school at her residence in the •erthern part of the city. She has *g|heen pupils. Miss Dykeman is a good ler and we understand is giying good "•“faction. ,ur fresh garden seeds are now all ,e an'l open for inspection. We *r»ntee them to be all strictly new resli, and in onion sets we have the ,est J‘UI ever saw. Try us before ?ln&. Bo-4 O’Neill Grocery Co. J^rsale or rent, on easy terms, a good >160 acres, four miles from O'Neill; tillable land, 115 teres were under 'Plow last year. For terms and fur L^ Pwticulan address, Wilbur Seed ■ Co-> Milwaukee, Wis. 30tf I,corn lands in Charles Mix county, ■ -“"H r'ver county in South Dakota °f the north line of Iowa. For ,culars and for map address 34 3 ClUULKS Mlx Co. Land Co., -Edgerton, South Dakota. foil notice the teams coming and ^jtg from the O’Neill Grocery Co., k &ving from two to twenty sacks kisfiUr ahoard? Why is it? Because l rst-class and at the bottom price. | Us before buying. 85-3 O’Neill Grocery Co. I If K( ^utzinan’s friends relish the rot he ;aeu w«ekly and weakly dishes up, ^ lru|y it may be said their literary 1,. 8 ar,; wonderfully made. His “resUaKC W0U*^ n°t he tolerated iu a I, Jflec,l'lile” bawdy house, therefore it